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Che -Guevara

Does it matter anymore?

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Xaasha, ME defending the current status quo. :eek: never.

The acknowledgement of the nature of Somali conflict

Xiin you want me to congratulate them, or beat the drum for them for pointing out the obvious. No sh*it Sherlock, there is no wisdom in stating the obvious. I want to see him do it, rather than speech, after speech. Yes I get it, he speaks very well, but that alone won't help the millions of Somalis in limbo.


As for everything else you said [minus your point of working with international order, (another way of saying we don’t have the power) and I agree with that] But everything else I agree to differ with you Xiin.


I think before angia lagigu sii taayo, he needs you ASAP and make it happen. Maybe then I'll support him.


Xiin: So how long should we give him to make any progress?? 3months, 4, 8 months, 1year.? :confused:

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In response to the topic title: the answer is simple NO!


the situation in somalia and much of the world in terms of leadership only reminds me of the near end of the world; as i understand it, one of the signs of the nearness of the end is 'when the stu8ip will lead instead of the wise'. correct me if i am wrong but i hardly know of anything resembling good leadership in somalia. from the strongest country in the world 'Ameerika' (judging by influence on the world stage) and the weakest (somalia) are lead by the most stupidiest donkeys the world has ever seen or likely to see.


The quickest (not the best way) but nevertheless the most ruthless way to ensure good leadership in Somalia is to behead all current so called leaders and anyone who aspires to lead the country (the last one would probably mean the near destruction of Somalia, but I am sure after only couple are beheaded for simple wanting to lead the country; no one will step forward again). After this is done people might nominate through committee people who suit the certain criteria as set out in sunnah and sharia and who demonstrated good leadership.

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^^ Behead them? Why just them? Why not those that work them and those that work with those that work with them? In fact, behead everyone that has a whiff of guiltiness about them and then behead some more just to be sure. :D



Originally posted by Che -Guevara:


As for the leadership issue, I don't think we could crop a new leadership over night but we could
(and I'm talking to those diasporo since we have no real influence on the ground) is to hold these so called leaders accountable for words and actions.

I respectfully disagree with this point. In fact, I believe it is people like you, Xiin and myself who are the cause of everything that is taking place in Somalia today.


There is a lot of hand-wringing going around and many people talking about living in the West and not being involved in Somali politics. But, tell me, who collects the 'qaraan' to help adeer hebel or inadeer hebel reach his political goal? How many millions were collected from Diaspora folks when the Courts took over in the Somalia capital? How many people will reach into their pockets again to support the Somaliland or Puntland elections (and their favourite candidate)?


I am with Duke and Juje here. They are far more realistic than anyone else on this thread.

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behead everyone that has a whiff of guiltiness about them and then behead some more just to be sure

Ngonge - i am really serious with this as a solution to the lack of proper leadership in our neck of the woods, whether it be beheading or geed ka soo lallaal we need to find a way of getting rid of the rubbish.


Was there a hadith about the man who seeks power and status as being more harmful to his deen than a wolf eating sheep as in the pain the sheep is feeling being lesser than a power hungery man on his deen. (would someone correct me here if i am wrong, i read this while back and i can't remember the exact wording)


anyway i actually belief that one example is enough for everyone to change their ways, otherwise this beheading will on until the beheader is beheaded, we got to stop somewhere and i think it would be good enough to stop at whoever currently claims to be a leader, icluding that one in mogadishu dalmar or dameer or what ever his name is who goes around the world claiming to be the predident of somalia (i am not refering to yey here rather a business madman, come 'elected'president of somalia)

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^^ But you're not being fair. Why behead ten when there are a hundred guilty men? Why a hundred when there are thousand? Who gives you the right to pick and choose? How can I trust that you will not behead the wrong guys? You're already bloodthirsty and want to kill people (no matter what your motive), why should I believe that you will be fair in your treatement?


I bet you'll only kill people from my clan and make excuses to those from your clan! Away with you, damn terrorist.

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No! and No!


regardless of which clan they are, who ever claims to be a leader of somesort or somewhwere currently as in now today (or the day the beheading is going on)


And you can't blame if one clan has more people claiming to be leaders than others - not my fault, just that clan or clans have bigger ego than anyone else and i shall enjoy crashing it.

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well so far only me it seems, probably unknown1 will join just to do the actually killing.


but i am recruiting at the moment - so are you willing to join? we don't need that much army just couple million $$ or ££ and calling meeting for all the 'Leaders' and then just get on with chopping (even though i prefer the qurac ka lallal, but i know the unknown1 will enjoy the chopping, so if you can't join just send him a sharpe sword otherwise you'll know he be using a blunt tooray)

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^^ Since your plan involves more killing, I am sticking with the principal of better the devil you know. Do you not at all see the irony of your chosen solution?


(I know you are serious and that really worries me).

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Think outside of the box, how, where and when?


How: see Somali conflict for what it’s and try not to bury your head in the sand. Forgo the gloomy details of warring factions and stick to the big picture. Swallow your pride, and come into terms with the painful reality of deep-seated divisions and mistrust among your people. See Ethiopia the external factor it really is, and control the urge to talk bout it in imperial terms. Embrace the notion that no conflict is unmanageable, if not completely resolvable, and Somalis is no different. Make a strong handshake with the glaring fact that there is no political neither military void in Somalia, and formulate your opinions based on that fact.


If you do that, yaa Dakhtarka xoolaha, you will consequently be a passionate follower of good Shariifs School.


Where: where ever you are.

When: now.

I see the Somali conflict for what it is:


a clannish nation where people fight over resources and power. A clannish nation that couldn't agree on working formula on how the major clans to share power or how resources/cities/land will be shared. Somalia is so similar to many other failed states. Neighbours such as Jibouti, Eritrea, Kenya, Ethiopia and Arabs are meddling(openly and secretly) in Somali affairs, thus making the conflict more entrenched.


In the current conflict,A bunch of youths and clerics have sworn to establish(by arms) an Islamic State in Somalia. Some subclans/families will throw their lot in with the "Islamists" and others will seek allaince with the Ethiopian state. On the other hand, some will adourn themselves with a khamess and red cimamad one day, only to buz the latest military gear from Ethiopia the next day. Alliances easily change and people can be brought for little money!



Ethiopia is taking advantage of the SOmali conflict by playing the terror card and labelling Somali groups as Alqaeda linked terrorists( some take pride in that). The Worlds most powerful nation is paranoid about these "clerics" and has air, sea and ground troops on the watchout for these "wanted men".


I don't think Ethiopia is imperial or some scary state that colonize Somalis like the Western powers once tried to, rather she has intelligent leaders who have cleverly made alliances with Western Nations to conquer(spelling) and control neighbouring people; read Meneliks encounter with the Europeans( whilst we were fighting over camels).Ethiopia is the cause of all the problems in Somalia? a strong no! Is the Somali conflict not resolvable? no! SHould somalis talk to each other? yes


One can agree with all that,as it is simple logic and pretty obvious to even the most simplest men/women, but why do you have to be a follower/promoter of a certain Sheikh or faction to understand that? :confused: Why do you have to believe that the Djibouti deal is the greatest discovery since drug users discovered ecstacy?


I think what Che is trying to say is that the current crop of leaders, ie wadaads, suicide bombers, wadad ku sheeg, warlords, clan elders, pirates, politicians, etc, have all miserably failed. He means to say the ICU/ARS have failed, as have the many other factions. That includes Sheikh Shariff- whos group has split into several factions. Therefore, a new dynamic approach is needed, that is: to think outside the box and not promote one Sheikh or one group as having the best camel milk in town. He's telling you too, ya SHeikh, to think outside the box :D

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NG - it is not that it has not been done before and with great success i might add. and yes i am very serious with this at least as one way of ending this never ending cycle of violence.


and what is so ironic about beheading so called leaders. i am not beheading them for just because they killed, but rather that they claimed to be leaders, when they can even lead goat to a grass.



BG- what do you think about these beheadings and geel ka lallal? is it outside the box thinking?

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