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there confused nomads that i wish to correct. if the people of Puntland decide to break into mini regions is their choice. Somaliland did not station its troops in Sool, Sanaag and Cayn to help them create autonomous regions within federal Somalia but, as their minister of defense says, to close their "border" given to them by the some colonial land givers in London nearly fifty years Ago. The cynic in me me believes that all along, these border wars are being used by the Reyale administration for political end, why, if there were no Puntland solders did they refuse to enter LA. I don't by that nonsense about sparing the people of La from for War because simply bringing their army into Sool has cost peoples lives. it could only be that they either fear the people or for political ends. I have said long ago that these was Xaabsade dividing rer SSC but i honestly did not believe that he would be any were as successful as he was now. I hear that people came out of their house with knifes and all kind of weapons. I hear that people are arming them selfs every where between Buhoodle and Ceerigaabo. I hear that the elders agreed that above all concerns, the defense of the regions has become priority. I also hear that Puntland has made its priority. I see that its Diaspora its doing all it monetarily can to this war effort. As much as i hate to see all this effort go into war rather then development in the world's poorest region but the times has come to send those boys back to Hargeisa and borame and to throw the trash out among the people of SSC.

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Its getting quite ammusing. The secessionists in Hargaaysa after another defeat and claims of "capturing" LA are now claiming to be friends of the unity supporting blue flag waving population of SOOL,SANAAG, CAYN.


Its rediculous to keep making silly statements based on nothing more than clan feeling and te fiction that is Somaliland.


In reality Puntland has yet to make war or offensive againts the secessionists, it is defending the major towns and cities of SOOL,SANAAG, CAYN as it would any other part of the state.


SSC is part of Puntland, maybe some confused folks would argue otherwise. Also no one wnats war in any part of Puntland weither in Sool, Mudug, Bari or Sanaag. What choice is given to us when Hargaysa's clan militias are alwys sending their secessionist militias in these regions?


Regardless of any individual action if war breaks out it will be the fault of hargaysa. It will not be confined to LA, and will be grave.


So secessionists calm down and think, before you start this war.

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Afhayeenka M/weyne kuxigeenka puntland oo maanta ka hadalay Dagaalkii ka dh News/Articles


Idaacada caalamiga ah ee lagu maga caabo VOA. Ayaa waxay manta waraysi dhinacyo badan taabanaya layeelatay Afhayeenka M/weyne kuxigeenka puntland. waxaana ugu horeentii wax laga waydiiyay bal inuu noo sharaxo guud ahaanba xaalada gobolka sool ee magaalada lascaanood oo ay baryahan danbe isku herdinayaan labada mamaulka ee Somaliland iyo puntland.


Su.aal.Marka hore inooga waran mudane Afhayeen guud ahaanba gobolka sool ama magaalada laascaanood oo ay in dhawed isku herdinayeen labada mamulka ee Somaliland iyo puntland gacan ku haynta magaalada?


Jawaab. Gobolku waa uu wanaag san yahay wax dhibaato ah majiraan oo waxaa gacanta ku hayay mamaulka puntland oo awalna gacantiisa ku hayay markaa majiraan walaale cid isku herdinayso gobolka iyo nawaxigiisaba.


Su.aal.mudane Afhayeen waxaa jirta ayaan dhawayd inuu gobolka ay dagaal ku dhex mareen ciidamada somalilan iyo puntland halkasina looga idiil roonaaday ciidamada puntland lagana qabsaday magaalada laascaanood ee gobolka sool sa maxaa ka jira arinkaasi?


Jawaab.Waa ay jirtaa inuu dhawaan dagaal ka dhacay magaalada lascaanood ee gobolka sool lakiin waxaan kuu sheegayaa inaysan jirin ciidan taabac san ama ka socda mamaulkaa isku maga caabay Somaliland oo gacanta ku haya magaalada laascaanood magaaladana waxaa gacanta ku haya ciidamada daraawishta puntland oo halkaasi awalba gacanta ku hayay.


Waa ay jiraan ciidama maleeshiyaad ah oo ka soo jeeda gobolka oo soo galay magaalada lakiin wax dhibaato ah oo ay u gaysteen haba yaraatee majiraan tan kale waxaan kuu sheegayaa mamaulkaa isku maga caabay Somaliland had iyo jeer waxaay doonayaan inay dhibaato ka aburaan gobolka sool ee magaalada laascaanood lakiin marnaba ma surta galay mana ka yteeli doono inay soo galaan ciidamada Somaliland gudaha laascaanood.


Su.aal.Mudane ahmed cabdi samed cali shire warar ayaa sheegaya dhibaatada manta ka taagan gobolka sool inuu ku lugleeyahay wasiirkii hore ee amniga ahmed cabdi xaabsade kadib markii uu cade muuse ka qaday xilka wasiir nimo.


Jawaab.Majiraan waxaasi waana beel aan sal iyo raad toona lahayn xilkuna waa meerato ee maaha wax shaqsi iska leeyahay tan kale xaabsade waa nin masuul ah misina siyaasi ka soo jeeda gobolada haatan ay ku soo duleen mamaulkaasi daahir riyaale kaahin markaa ma garan karo sababo uu ugu soo wado cadow gurigiisa mana umalaynayo inay sidaa tahayn ama uu ka danbeeyo xaabsade haatanna maba joogo waxuuna jiraa magaalada garoowe ee caasimada



Su.aal.Mudane ahmed cabdi samed waxaa jirta ciidamo maleeshiyaad ah kana soo jeeda gobolka taabacsanna mamulka Somaliland ayna gacanta ku hayeen guud ahaanba magaalada laascaanood.


Jawaab.majiraan ciidamo gobolka kazoo jeeda misina taabacsan mamaulka daahir riyaale kaahin ciidamada lasheegayo waa 30.wiil oo maskaxda laga xaday kuwaasina waa ay iska kala tageen kadib markii ay arkeen inay ku socdaa wado qaldan oo aan wanaag saneen .


Su.aal.Ma waxaad I leedahay haatan wa ay iska kala tageen ciidamadaasi sheegtay inay gacanta ku hayaan dhamaan goobaha muhiimka ah ee mamaulka puntland ku leeyahay magaalada lascaanood.


Jawaab.Adeer waxaa weeye waa iska kala tageen ayaan ku idhi dhaliin yaradaasi waxayna ahayeen inamo laga soo mara habaabiyay xarunta daahir riyaale kaahin markaa majiraan wax ka socda mamaulka daahir riyaale oo jooga magaalada lascaanood ee nawaxigeedaba.



kale waxaan u mahad celinayaa dhamaan isimada gobolka sool oo dadaal dheeraad ah ugu jira sidii dagaal looga baajin lahaa gobolka xal waartana laagu heli lahaa .


Su.aal. Mudane ahmed cabdi samed waxaad jirta inuu manta waraysi siiyay idaacada BBC.da.wasiirka gaashaan dhiga Somaliland uuna shegay inay ciidamadooda gacanta ku hayaan dhamaan gobolka iyo nawaxigiisaba markaa ma waxaad leedahay waxba kama jiraan hadalka wasiirka.


Jawaab.Horta waxaan jeclahay inaaysan wanag saneen nin isku sheegaya wasiir gaashaandhig hadana shacabka kula dhex jira been iyo boro bogaando taasina waa nasiib daro ayaan oran karaa mida kale waxaa waaye waa iska xaqiiqo cida gacanta ku haysa magaalada laascaanood kana talisa hadii ay noqon lahayd xafisyo ama xabsiyo lakiin waxaan oran lahaa wasiir isku sheega inuu ka waan toobo beenta uu ka sii daynayo warbaahinta ama saxaafada.


Su.aal.Mudane Afhayeen ahmed cabdi samed cali shire waxaan doonayaa inaan ku waydiiyo su aasha ugu danbaysay waraysigeena aad manta nasiisay.haatan maxay tahay go aanka maamulka puntland ama laga leeyahay ciidamada isku horfadhiya magaalada duleed keeda.


Jawaab.horta waxaa waaye majiraan ciidamo isku hor fadhiya deleedka magaalada lascaanood ciidamada soo duuley ee maamulka riyaale waxaa uu fadhiyaa meeshii hore uu fadhinm jiray lakiin talaaba ugu horayso oo ay qadayso mamaulka puntland waxaa waaye sida loohga sari lahaa cadowga soo duulay kuna soo jeeda dhul uusan lahayn oo doonaya inuu gacanta ku dhigo mana suurta galayso arinkaasi.



Waxaana isku af garanay anaga iyo shacabka isimada gobolka deganba inan la iska kaashado sida looga saari lahaa cadowga soo duulay donaya inuu si sharci Daro ah ku gumado shacabka mana aqbalid oono



Shacabku waxaa waaye xabad laguma kasbado ee waxaa lagu soo jitaa siyaasad iyo dad nimo lakiin wa ay ka dhamaatay siyaasad iyo wax la mid ah mamaulka daahir riyaale kaahin markaa waxaan u sheegayaa inay gacmaha kala baxaan fara galinta qaawan ay ku hayaan gobolka iyo shacabkaba maamulka riyaale hadii kale waxaa uu kala kulmi donaa cawaaqib xumo iyo shraf dhac taarikhdana waa ay xusi doontaa hadii rabi idmo insha allah.



Gaba gabadii ayaa Afhayeenka M/weyne kuxigeenka puntland Mudane ahmed cabdi samed cali shire waxaa uu ku soo gunaanaday hadalkiisi inay shaqo ka qaban donaan ciidamada daraawishta puntland ciidamada lasoo mara habaabiyay ee xirfad aqoon aan u lahayn dagaalka waxaa wanaag san inay iskala jogaan hoyooyinkooda waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye Afhayeenka.


Fardowsa cabdi sheikh

Nairobi Kenya.

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Walaahi these ppl are funny ....... now we have some uncovered their hiden faces and calling for a war. We have others arguing for nothing.


Now, after the Garowe militia is chased away with a major defeat then it is the responsibility of the local residents (reer Sool) to decide their destiny. .... Meetings are going on now in the city. I'm confident that a peace agreement will be reached soon and the region will be developed under the JNA projects.

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Adeer, you must be joking, defeat if so why are the puntland troops still stationed in LA?


If you won how come none of your ministers ever set foot in LA?


War is coming if you do not respect the lands of these population who's very fathers died for unity fighting the British.


You forget adeer that SOOL was home to the Sayid who fought the British.


You forget that SANAAG was the home of Suldan Ali Shire who was exiled by the british.


You also forget adeer that Hargaysa was the home to those who welcomed the British.


Thus keep to your Hargaysa and stay of SSC.

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That was really one outlaud cry sxb ...... LA is for its residents not a militia from Garowe looking for a domination and charcoles ,, they suffered enough and it is time they go free from Garowe dictation and decide for their rights and future.


I know it hurts a lot but iska samir .... one can fool certain people certain time but cannot fool all the people all the time :D

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^^^Adeer you have not got a clue have you, do you know the clan of LA also reside in Garowe?

Garowe-LA are the two closest regional capitals in Somalia.

Your lack of knowledge is appauling.

The people of Puntland are the same sub-sub clan, they share the same ideology from the dawn of Somali history, they fought the colonials and were the last part of Somalia to be colonised in the mid 1920s.


Adeer you can live in denail, I am sorry to see you ahve been reduced to this. Dhahar defeat, then 5 years of humiliation at the hands of the brave dervishes of LA.

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I can see the sense of defeat sxb ,,, we were this and we were that ,, no need for all that sxb.


Don't worry we'll be good neighbors and reer sool will still travel to Garowe when they want :D

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A secessionist from Hargaysa says

Don't worry we'll be good neighbors and reer sool will still travel to Garowe when they want

What arrogance, who are you to dictate to the people of SOOL where they can travel to?

lool. Its the case of the coward making another silly threat..


Remmeber the words of your sacked defence chief at Dhahar "even those we paid started shooting at us".. When the bullets starts flying you know who will support who.

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I can see u want to change the topic to talk about Dhahar ...... nice try sxb.


Just to let you know (if you don't already know) that Dhahar, BAdhan, Hadaaftimo, Xiingalool and others have made their mind and decided to be their own.


Sool is heading to the same status ..... just few days and let's all hear the news.



Watch out ! ! ,,, u don't have to dictate reer Sool anymore. They are humans not Animals and they can lead their region.

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^^LOOL. Adeer, Puntland has proved it controls LA. While the new war chief is talking from HARGAYSA.


Also the people of LA HAVE COME OUT in huge numbers to demonstrate against the secessionist clan groups.


Thus you lost the battle to capture the city, nor do you have the support of even a percent of the public.


Also how dare you claim you have the interest of my own brother? :D Adeer the people of SSC despise everything "Somaliland" stands for, its history, its clanistic make up everything.


Whats your point?

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Walahi you're crying too much today ....... Just like bugland cannot claim Maakhir then Sool is gone whateva allpuntland reports for you. We all know what the demonstration was about sxb.



Now chill and watch the movie with me ..... things have started to change from now on.

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^^^LOOL. Thus Makhir or SOOL if they leave puntland state they will join you?

Thus is you have war with the TFG are not PUNTLAND, MAKHIR, SOOL, CAYN and all the clans who reside there part of Somalia and anti secessionist?


Wallahi you sound confused, you parade Makhir as if its a secessionist entity.


Thus I must congradulate you in revealing the sheer desperation of the secessionist. We knew they supported the defeated courts and Asmara. Now they place their hopes on MAKHIR/XABSADE and others as a way to get at Puntland, forget about it adeer.


When the bullets start flying even those you paid will shoot with puntland/makhir/ssc=TFG/SOMALIWEYN ;)

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