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Somaliland Authorities Handed Ms. Bisharo Wa’di to Ethiopian Security Services.

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Originally posted by Cyber_Nomad:

now since we share security agreements with Ethiopia, then there is no need to be apologetic.

Qudhinland inay Ethiopia u adeegto maysan dooran, waa lagu khasbay.


Foorarka aanu diidnay uunbaad ogalateen!

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:



There is no option left now. The ONLF must shelve the struggle for now and postpone the dream of freedom. It is a matter of survival. A position paper by Ogad,den intellectuals will be submitted to ONLF leadership next week.


With your own brothers as the enemy, it is impossible to think you can win this. Until such time the lost ideal of Somalinimo comes back, the ONLF must not allow for the total annihilation of the section of the society that supports it.


Ood dhacmeed sey ukala koreysaa loo kala qaadaa, at this point the option of negotiation has to be re-visited. A lot of letters need to be written to the ONLF. Ethiopia has too many cheerleaders in Somalia. The ONLF can fight against this entities but they don't want to do so, they are looking at the bigger picture. They also don't want the Xabashis to take advantage of Somalis fighting against other Somalis. The only option the ONLF has at this time is to agree with Ethiopia. I heard that Meles Zenawi postponed the Somali region elections because he is waiting for the ONLF to join the elections. He has actually called the ONLF and offered them to talk to him, this time.


The ONLF should join Ethiopia, if they do so they will come back to Garowe and Hargeisa as Ethiopian officials and those guys who are arresting them now will start licking their boots.


This handover thing is turning to be disgusting, Women are being handed over!

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Originally posted by The Zack:

The ONLF should join Ethiopia, if they do so they will come back to Garowe and Hargeisa as Ethiopian officials and those guys who are arresting them now will start licking their boots.


This handover thing is turning to be disgusting, Women are being handed over!

Waryaa Xabshida dulmi baan uga cararaynay. Hadii dulmigii mid kadaran meesha yimid waa choose the lesser evil. Adeer, diinta iyo somalinimada ninna kama xigno and it is dawning on us gradually that we really do not have to pay for upholding an identity many are happy to discard.


Xabashida waa in aan wada hadalaa and they will be counting their lucky stars to get this lottery. And from there, cid kale ma ahe aniga A&T ah ayaa guriga martida ee Hargeisa iyo Garowe false-lands'kan madaxdooda ugu yeedhi doona.


Hadii kale meel fog ma jirtee Da'ud iyo Ina-iley unbaynu endorse gareyn. They are a call away!

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The Zack   

Hadii kale meel fog ma jirtee Da'ud iyo Ina-iley unbaynu endorse gareyn. They are a call away!



Waa runtaa Somalinimadan sii dhimaneyso dadka kale kama xigno. Agaraajin itoobiya naw baaki.

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Sometimes I really wonder waxan soomalinimo u daba ordo. These morning Woizero Tsega (waa islaan canjeero xabashi samaysa) kolkaa la hadlay si aan Thursday mid saaxib aan nahay ugu casuumo gurigeeda oo on order ay Ethiopian dishes ku sameyso, iyadoo Church ku jirta yay talafankii banaanka ula soo baxday ooy tidhi 'jigir yelem. Soo kexee intaad rabtid.' Ixtiraamka aan ku haysto dad ahaan axmaarada ee waxa kaliya ee ay iga baryayaan yahay "Ethiopian" baan ahayn dheh uun, iyo sida soomalida qaarkeed yeelayso waa kaaf iyo kala dheeri.


For me, I will always see myself as what I am: A somali. But, given that it seems that notion has become something that is not to work for us now, I think it is only fair if I call myself " Qolla- Ethiopiawi" (ethiopian from the lowlands.) :D:D


Diridhabe xabshibaa qaadatay. There is a plan to bring Jigjiga under the Federal government very soon. Council baa laga dhigayaa. Dadkii deggana ee lahaana waxaad moodaa dhibaato weynba inayna ku hayn. Kolkaa ONLF'teenu dee waa inay iska miyirsataa oo anagana ayna noo xaasidin inaanu Addis tayadii iyo dhulkii aanu naqiinay Doro-wat'ganigii ka cunaa. Wixii Somali ah ee aan af-xabshi garanyena ilaa Sheikh Shariifkeeda aan axmaarada uga turjunnaa Ghion Hotel iyo Shertaon. :D:D


The Zack, on a serious note, Somali bay nu nahay aakhirka, waxaana inala gudboon in aynaan ku go'aan qaadan waxa ay samaynayaan dad adeegayaal ah oo maamul sheeganaya. Adeegayaashu runtii qabiil ma leh oo markuu Maxamed Saqadhi Dubad (Somaliland) soo dhiibo gabadha ka ka qabanaya ee xabsiga sii gaynaya waa Abdi Iley iyo Abdi foolaw (the head of prisons).


Incidentally, you will be surprised to know how much propaganda Abdi iley and Da'ud dish out to the uninitiated as saviours of the O' clan. Horta maanta dad boqolaal gaadhaya oo Jamiil iyo ku jiraan ayaa la siidaynayaa baa la yidhi. Intaasi waa war.

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Abtigiisa iyo Tusbax and the rest of you;


Some of your statements lately are exactly what the enemies of somalis want; qeybiyo xukun. You should never abandon somalinimo because a clan entity called Puntland or somaliland, warlords and calooshooda u shaqeeystayaal have become modern day Judas.


The struggle of the people of Western somalia (by the way, the term O-gaden is not an inclusive one)is one which almost every somali except those willing to sacrifice their honour have participated in and will continue to do so.


Bisharo is not an O-gaden. She is a somali woman one and reducing her to a tribal affiliate or for a tribal cause rather than a somali(a people's) shows that the enemy has succeeded!


There are hundreds/perhaps thousands that share her plight. Handing over somalis to Ethiopia is the corporate idea of Puntland, somaliland, warlords.

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Bisharo is not an O-gaden. She is a somali woman one and reducing her to a tribal affiliate or for a tribal cause rather than a somali(a people's) shows that the enemy has succeeded!

Clan is everything, saaxib. Away with you and your sweet talk. Or as A&T would say..AGAH.

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Outrageous indeed.. .Alle ha u gargaaro maamadaa.. Very very shocking news and even the worst is many SL clan cheer-leaders in here shamelessly denying the existing of this story.

Unless one of your clan based sites writes, it's fake in your hearts and minds. Will see if any of your clan die-heart carries on this horrific ordeal of this poor hooyo who went through lot already. Tragic indeed by going this low of lowest where you even hand the old women to Wayaano. "Waa la doogiye yaan la dacaroon"..

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Reer-baadiyo:

Abtigiisa iyo Tusbax and the rest of you;


Some of your statements lately are exactly what the enemies of somalis want; qeybiyo xukun. You should never abandon somalinimo because a clan entity called Puntland or somaliland, warlords and calooshooda u shaqeeystayaal have become modern day Judas.


The struggle of the people of Western somalia (by the way, the term O-gaden is not an inclusive one)is one which almost every somali except those willing to sacrifice their honour have participated in and will continue to do so.


Bisharo is not an O-gaden. She is a somali woman one and reducing her to a tribal affiliate or for a tribal cause rather than a somali(a people's) shows that the enemy has succeeded!


There are hundreds/perhaps thousands that share her plight. Handing over somalis to Ethiopia is the corporate idea of Puntland, somaliland, warlords.

You stated good points but this handing over thing is getting too much that we can't take it any more.

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Horta maanta dad boqolaal gaadhaya oo Jamiil iyo ku jiraan ayaa la siidaynayaa baa la yidhi. Intaasi waa war.


A&T, Just yesterday, 6 young students (my college student brother included) were captured from Diridhabo. Many more were recently captured from Adis Ababa.


Hadii boqol lasiidaayo, baqolkale ayaa lasoo xidhi....sheekadu waa Cabdi siidaa oo Cali soo xidh.

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The Zack   



Becoming Ethiopians is the way to go, at least for the time being. The people of Ethiopia are not enemy to our people, the enemy is the regime that we are fighting against but if the somali admins decided to work for this regime then what good does "dadka soomaaliyeed wey fiican yahiin" will do for us? It is the admins that matter at the present time. Aynu la heshiino xabashida inta dadku somali quman kawada noqon..

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