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Somaliland Authorities Handed Ms. Bisharo Wa’di to Ethiopian Security Services.

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Human rights instruments provide protection against refoulement. The UN Convention against Torture, in Sub-article (l and 2) of Article 3 states that:


1. “1. No State Party shall expel, return (refouler) or extradite a person to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to



2. For the purpose of determining whether there are such grounds, the competent authorities

shall take into account all relevant considerations including, where applicable, the existence

in the State concerned of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violations of human



Reports has reached African Rights Monitor-ARM, that Ms. Bisharo Wa’adi, an O'gaden Women Democratic Association activist, who fled from Ethiopia to the neighboring province, Somaliland, as a refugee has been captured and detained by Somaliland authorities and handed to the Ethiopian Security Services (ESS) on February 10, 2010. Ms. Wa’adi lived in Hargaisa for the past two years as a refugee under the alias Shamsa Abdulahi Hirsi to disguise her identity from ESS after she escaped from JigJiga prison where she was unlawfully detained from October 2006 to January 2007. Prior to this latest arrest, Ms. Wa’adi was arrested and jailed multiple times where she was severely tortured psychologically, mentally and physically. Ms. Wa’adi’s body bears injuries that made her physically disabled and her mental anguish prevented her from leading a productive life.


Article 14 (1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) states that:

“Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution”


ARM urgently appeals to the international human right agencies, the United Nations, and governing bodies, to condemn Ethiopia and Somaliland for these unlawful acts against innocent civilians that flee a country that does not respect nor protects the rights of its citizens. This is not the first reported renditions by ESS and the Somaliland forces against innocent Somali refugees and this violation of basic rights must be stopped and prisoners freed.





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Rendition of O'gaden Civilians Continues Unabated


Monday, 15 February 2010 18:18 O'gaden Online




Bishaaro Wacdi/File Photo


Reports reaching the O'gaden Online service desk confirm the recent rendition of yet an O'gaden civilian from the North Western Somali fiefdom that calls itself self-autonomous to the Woyane led regime in Addis Ababa.


The rendered civilian is a mother by the name of Bishaaro Wacdi. It is reported that Mrs. Bishaaro lived peacefully in Hargeisa for two years after she was released from a Woyane torture center in JigJiga on January 31st 2007.


Eyewitnesses and individuals who knew Mrs. Bishaaro confirm that she was first detained in Qabri Dahar in 2005. She was said to have been severely tortured in the year plus she spent in the Qabri Dahar torture center. Upon release from this detention center, Mrs. Bishaaro left Qabri Dahar and moved to Jig Jiga in early 2006.



Bisharo's both arms were broken by Ethiopian security Forces



In the early hours of October 20th, 2006, it is reported that Mrs. Bishaaro was taken from her home by Woyane Militias in JigJiga. It is said that after being tortured in a militia run torture center in the outskirts of the city, she was later brought to the main jail in JigJiga.


Individuals who were at the time present in the jail confirm that Mrs. Bishaaro was in terrible pain when brought back to the jail. She was reported to have been bleeding from the mouth and ears. She was reported to have had her two arms broken during the torture she was subjected to by the Woyane militias in Jig Jiga.


After a yearlong sojourn in this notorious prison in JigJiga, Mrs. Bishaaro was released without charge at the end of the year 2006. In an effort to escape the Woyane militias, Mrs. Bishaaro relocated to Hargeisa where she had relatives.


As is usual for the Woyane militias and their proxy militias in many parts of the Somali republic, they have tracked Mrs. Bishaaro in Hargeisa where she lived peacefully for two years. The local authorities in the North Western Somali fiefdom picked her up and rendered her to the Woyane militias in Addis Ababa.

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Maamulka Hargeysa oo Itoobiya u gacan galiyey Hooyo lagu magacaabo Bishaaro Wacdi Shaqlane


Maamul ku sheega Hargeysa aaa bishan Feb 10, 2010 waxay Ciidamda sirdoonka Itoobya u gacangeliyeen Hooyo lagu Magacaabo Bishaaro Wacdi oo ka soo jeeda Wadanka Ogadeeniya. Marwo Bishaaro ayaa waxay ku nooleyd magaalada Hargeysa qiyaastii laba sano, kadib markii ay ka soo baxdey Xabsi ku yaala magakaada Jigjiga Jan 31, 2007.


Marwo Bishaaro ayaa waxay Ciidamada Itoobiya ugu xidhnaan jirtey Magaalada Qabridahare sanadii 2005. Jeelkaas oo laga soo daayey sanad kadib. Marwo Bishaaro waxay u soo guurtey Magaalada Jigjiga. Balse Oct 20, 2006 xiliga waaberiga ayey Ciidamada Itoobiya gurigeeda kala baxeen oo ay dhigeen xabsi ku yaala Magaalada Jigjiga. Xabsigaas ayey Ciidamada Itooboya kala baxeen Marwo Bishaaro Oct 28, 2006 iyada oo dadkii la xidhnaa filayeen in la sii dayn doono ayaa waxa xabsiga lagu soo celiyey iyada oo sanka iyo afka dhiig ka da’ayo labada gacmoodna laga soo jabiyey.


Marwo Bishaaro ayaa nasiib u heshay in ay xabsigaas adag ka soo baxdo Jan 31, 2007, waxayna si nabad ah ugu nooleyd magaalada Hargeysa, balse Maamula Dabadhoonka ee Hargeysa oo caan ku ah raali gelinta xukumada Itoobiya iyo ku tumashada xuquul insaanka dadka ka soo jeeda Ogadeeniya ayaa Marwo Bishaaro mar kale u gacan geliyey xukumada dhiigyacabka ah ee Itoobiya.


Ma’aha marii ugu horeysay ee Maamulka Hargeysa ku kaco falala noocan oo kale ah, laakiin waxaa hada ku cusub dhiibitaanka Dumarka Hooyooyinka ah ee nabadgelyada u soo raadsadey deegaankooda.


Xabsiyada Maagalooyinka Ogadeeniya iyo xeryaha Cidmaada Itoobiya ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in ay buux dhaafeen, halkaas oo ay ku xiran yihiin dad shacab ah oo taradoodu kor u dhaaftey kumanaan qof. Dadkaas ayaa lagu eedeynayaa in ay taageerayaal u yihiin Jabhada ONLF, balse ma jirto wax cadeymo ah oo lagu hayo, lamana saaro wax Maxkamad ah dadka xabsiyada ku xiran.


Gobolada Ogadeeniya ayaa waxaa ka jira xukun ka duwan Itoobiya inteeda kale, taas askariga Itoobiyaanka ah siineysa awood ka weyn mida Maamul ku sheega ka jirta Gobolada *******

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Maamulka SomaliLand oo Bishaaro Wacdi u gacangaliya Sirdoonka Itobiya


Ururka African Rights Monitor bayaanka uu ka soo sarey Bishaaro Wacdi oo ah gabadh u dhalatay S. Ogadeenya oo maamulka SoamliLand uu u gacan galiyey sirdoonka Itobiya ayay ku tilmaameen falkaasi inuu yahay mid ku xadgudbaya xeerarka Xuquuqda Addanaha ee qeexay in qof baniaadam ah aan si qasab ah loogu gacan galinin cadawgiisa.


African Rights Monitor ayaa in mucaahadada caalamiga ah ee diidaya Jiddilka (torture) qaybahiisa hoose ee (1 iyo 2) bandigiisa 3aad uu sheeagayo in;


1. Dawladna aanay ka caydhin, ama si qasab ah ku celinin ama u eryin dawlad kale qof baniaadam ah oo la hubo hadii loo gacangaliyo dawladaasi inuu la kulmayo Jidhdil.


2. Si loo hubsado inay arintaasi dhici doontana waa inuu maamulkaasi tixgaliyaa dawladda uu u gacangalinayo qofkan inay ka jirto cadaadin iyo ku xadgudub xuquuqda aadanaha ah oon aabayeel lahayn.


Ururka ARM ayaa sheegay in warbixinada soo gaaray ay sheegayaan in gabadha Bishaaro Wacdi oo ka ahayd xubin firfircoon ururka - O'gaden Women Democratic Assiciation ( Ururka Dimoqraadiga ee Haweenka Ogadeenya) – ay ka soo carartay cadaadiska Itobiya soona gashay dalka dariska ah ee SomaliLand, iyadoo ku ahayd qaxooti halkaana ay qabteen maamulka Somalland una gacan galiyeen Sirdoonka Itobiya Ethiopian Security Service (ESS) taariikhdu marakay ahayd 10kiiFeberaayo, 2010.


Wuxuu ururka ARK sheegay in Bishharo Wcadi ay qaxooti ku ahayd labadii sanee ugu dambaysay magaca Shamsa CabduLaahi Xirsi si ay isaga qariso Sirdoonka Itobiya ESS ka dib markii ay ka soo baxsatay xabsiga Jigjiga halkaasoo si sharci darro ah loog haystay laga bilaabo Oktoobar 2006dii ilaa Janaayo 2007. xabsigaa ka horna in dhow jeer la qabtay iyadoo si aad ah loo jidhdilay xagga badanka iyo xagga nafsaddaba. Waxaa ku yaala jidhka Bishaaro oo ka muuqda nabaro badan oo loo gaystay oo ka dhigay hawlgab waxayna maskaxdana ka noqotay qof aan waxba qabsan karin.


Qodobka 14 (1) ee Xeerka Xuquuql Insaanka - Unversal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) wuxuu qorayaa inuu;


“ Qof kasta oo ka soo carara meel naftiisa khatar ku ah uu xaq u leeyahay inuu ka helo dalka uu ku soo cararay nabadgalyo iyo amaan.”


Ururka xuquuqul Insaanka ee African Rights Monitor (ARM) wuxuu ururada caalamiga ah ee xuquuqda aadanaha u dooda ka codsanayaa inay cambaareeyaan dawladda Itobiya iyo maamulka SomaliLand falkan sharcidarada ahee ay kula dhaqmaan dadka shacabka ah ee ka soo cararaya Itobiya oo ah dal aan ixtiraamin oo aan badbaadinin shacabkiisa.


Wuxuu sheegay ururka African Rights Monitor in aanay ahayn markii ugu horeysay ee booliiska SomaliLand ay u dhiibeen sirdoonka Itobiya ESS qaxooti Somaliyeed, sidaa darteed waa in arimahan xadgudubka ah xuquuqda aadanaha la joojiyaa oo la soo daayaa maxaabiista sharcidarada lagu qabtay.


FG. Nuqulka Rasmiga ah ka akhriso qaybta af-ingriisiga.



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Its sad because this is about an old woman had it been some men it wouldn’t be that bad but this is an old lady , i don’t see how she is a treat to Ethiopia or somaliland. But then again we have the udub administration , those people hardly use their brains.

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The Zack   

Sheekadu sey ku socoto baan arkaayo waxaan ka baqayaa iney ONLF-tu Xabashida la heshiiso because of this so called somali entities that cheer-lead for her day and night.

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In badan ayey horey u xidhnayd, xabsigana way ka baxsatay ka dib markii lagu rafaadiyey. Hadda inay JB iyo reerkoodu soo qabtaan ma aheyn.


Waa saaxiibkay sodohdii.

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There is no option left now. The ONLF must shelve the struggle for now and postpone the dream of freedom. It is a matter of survival. A position paper by Ogad,den intellectuals will be submitted to ONLF leadership next week.


With your own brothers as the enemy, it is impossible to think you can win this. Until such time the lost ideal of Somalinimo comes back, the ONLF must not allow for the total annihilation of the section of the society that supports it.

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Aside from the authenticity of this news, ******Online has half a dozen ridiculous names for Somaliland and never uses its name,but lets just ignore this and treat this as factual news.



Since ONLF declared Somaliland as its enemy, they target SL nomads, they target their cars, by making their owners burn them with their hands at gun point, that makes them criminals that criminal law applies to, now since we share security agreements with Ethiopia, then there is no need to be apologetic.

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