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Alla war hadii uu Abdullahi Yusuf idinka dhex baxay weli miyaad ku riyooneysaan. Iska daaya odeyga waxba waa uu idiin qaban kari waayo,bal si isu dhaamo oo sheekeysta bal,dilka uun baad ku fiicantahiin. ka soco meesha

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Originally posted by Nephissa:

Is anyone surprised? and why is YEEY still a free man? Isn't he supposed to be in jail for the
"madness, massacre and displacement of civilians, almost a million refugee, turning Mogadishu into a slaughter house?"


Since 1988, Somalia has been in a de facto state of civil war. Anarchy, violence and an insurgency has killed thousands of civilians and sent more than 3 millions fleeing for their lives. Overwhelming physical need sits like a dark cloud on the people of Somalia; they are among the poorest in the Africa region. Decades of poverty, famine, genocide, war, corruption, and warfare have destroyed our nation. In fact Somalia is now has been compared to hell on earth. After seeing all these things, shouldn’t we all feel guilt and bad about this bloody endless war? Do you really think one individual person is responsible for the war crimes committed against the innocent Somali civilians? In my point of view, former president Abdullah Yusuf, former Prime Minster Geedi, the current government, Nur Hussein as well as their tribal house of representatives (4.5), are all equally responsible for the grand crime of approving the occupation of Somalia by Ethiopia since December 25, 2006- absolutely no doubt. Having said that, hadii maxkmada la is gaaynayo waa in laga bilabaa wixii Somalia ka dhacay in 1988, 1991-1992, 2006-2008 and even ka hor.


Innocent Somali people were systematically victims of massive mistreatment, beatings, rape and torture, and many of the victims were quickly killed as part of the overall genocide. Many of them have lost their properties and have never looked back. Marka don’t tell me only A yusuf oo yemen bashooloyo kali maxkamad ha la soo taago where other criminals and warlords having fun. There is no difference, the killing of innocent people in any context is inhumane and most of all is prohibited in Islam. Doesn't matter really who did it and why he/she did it. Everyone must be held responsible for their own actions.


Honestly sis, we should stop blaming each others because blaming and/or pointing fingers others solve nothing instead creates anger, chaos, destroys creativity and build wall. We harden our hearts against others, making our world more antagonistic and combative. There’s not a chance we’ll reach our full potential until we stop finger pointing each other and start practicing personal accountability. We really need to work harder to uncover and overcome the reasons behind the marginalization of this awful endless -conflict. For us to solve our problems we need to co-operate and learn to find solutions. We need to unite. We should not hide or avoid real issues affecting our beloved country, like poverty, political and tribal conflict .Instead it must be every Somali citizens responsibility to change the dark image of our country. For certain, no one is going to solve our domestic problem for us and apparently, we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

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Nephissa comes out of hypernation when Yey is mentioned. The question is what is her stand on the mayham caused by her beloved shabaab. Ethiopia and Yey are gone but the guns of shabaab and their sucide bombing continues unabated.

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Ismahan, excellent post! I'm for bringing all the Somalia's war criminals, not just Yeey, to justice. Don't read me wrong.


PA, it doesn't matter if Yeey is out. There are carbon copies, other willing puppets to take his place. My political stance maaha suurat Qur'an oo aan ku dheg-nahay. icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics :

You only have to read Emperor's posts to know where they are coming from

lol...malla yaabtay qaraar baa haya. Soomaali waxay la degi la'dahay haddii adeerkay la raaci waayo gaw iyo gash laga siin maayo.

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^Loon you never seize to amaze wallee... Saaxib, anigu xataa hadaan gaw iyo gash maleh hadaan iraahdo waxaygu waa iska afka intaan qori qaatay Mogadishu matagin oo wax maqarxinaayo, laakiin adiga waxaan kuwaydiiyay maxaa dadnimo xumada, baaba'a iyo dagaalka aan dhamaadka lahayn ee kasocoda Mogadishu ugu eedaynaysaan Oday YEY oo Yemen iskaa baashaalayaa iyo supporter-kiisa oo aan waxaba shuqul kulahayn meeshana joogin...


"Alaysa minkum Rajulun Rashiid"

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lol...haddii aad tabar leedahay waxba ma reebateen malaha...haddana waxba ma kala yaraysato haddii aad af kadirirtid, gacan ka dirirtid amaba uur ka dirirtid + I don't agree with killing period but don't like hypocracy.

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Originally posted by Nephissa:

Ismahan, excellent post! I'm for bringing all the Somalia's war criminals, not just Yeey, to justice. Don't read me wrong.


PA, it doesn't matter if Yeey is out. There are carbon copies, other willing puppets to take his place. My political stance maaha suurat Qur'an oo aan ku dheg-nahay.

Ragga ayunbaa kala baddalane, Raadku waa Raadkii ayey dhaheen... :D

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I dont know if they are fueling the insurgency,but,one thing i have noticed is, ALL the Pro Yey supporters have so far shown their disdain for Sharif.


I have even seen(quotes pending verification,hehe), a few Pro Yeysters actually giving kudos to ALSHABAB. I could understand this of course,he,the sharif,made yey go away. I guess your enemy's enemy is your pal eh.

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^^ I don't blame them really. Their LION was replaced with a *****cat that is doing exactly what the LION used to do (but badly of course). These guys were attacked and criticised for a number of years and told that they supported the devil himself only for the supposed prophet their opponents championed to finally reveal himself as Lucifer's illegitimate child!


They are not fuelling any insurgency but we really can not begrudge them their moment of schudenfreude, saaxib.

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