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Reality Check

These wadaado, what are their qabiils?

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Though wadaada ku sheega are rightly against the formula 4.5, whom the majority Soomaalis agree, unfortunately, theirs is only the talk, not the walk.


One clan predominates the this so-called movement; there is no seat or represention from unarmed people and forget about women.


This is where the wadaad ku sheega's power lie [there are two groups, "golaha" (legislative) and fulinta (executive)]:


Golaha ama Baarlamaankooda [last known figure's members consisted 93 men and no woman]:


Korneel Xasan Daahir Aweys [Guddoomiyaha Golaha, aka Speaker of Baarlamaanka]

Cumar Iimaan Abuukar [Guddoomiye Kuxigeenka Golaha]

Cabdillaahi Afrax Aasbaro [Guddoomiye Kuxigeenka Labaad ee Golaha]




Shariif Sheekh Axmed [Guddoomiyaha Fulinta, aka Ra'iisul Wasaaraha]

C/raxmaan Jiniqoow [Guddoomiye Kuxigeenka Koowaad]

C/qaadir Cali Cumar [Guddoomiye Kuxigeenka Labaad]




Maxamuud Cumar Caddaani [secretary of Treasurer, aka Minister of Finance]

Yuusuf Siyaad Indhamadoowe [Minister of Interior]

Ibraahin Caddoow [secretary of International Affairs, aka Foreign Minister]

Aadan Xaashi Ceyroow [Commander of Special Forces known as Shabaab or Dhalinyarada]

Cabdillaahi Macalin Cali Naxar ["General Executioner of Condemned" and Minister of Internal Security Forces]

C/raxiin Cali Muudeey [information Minister]


All above belong one large respective clan.


The only men who hold high position not being that clan is three men by the name of Suuleey, Rooboow and Turki.


Max'uud Sheekh Ibraahim Suuleey is the "house leader of the parliament" or Golaha Shuurada.


Mukhtaar Rooboow is deputy minister of the interior, also a commander.


Korneel Xasan C/llaahi Xirsi [Turki] is a commander or abaanduulo.

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The list will totally change when bay/bakol, Gedo, Puntland, Somaliland join, as for now its representative because almost 90% of the land they control now belongs to one clan.

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Somaliland Puntland waddaads try to communicate with Mogadishu and they get thrown in jailes


flights are banned


they are threatened


communication is banned by these corrupt clan entities ruling the before mentioned regions


these same administrations do not throw foreign rapists in jail


they do not bann the flights of these foreign rapists


they do not bann communication with this foreign dictatorship wich is torturing our people


yet a movement wich has called for a national forum composing of somalis from all backgrounds is put in a box


a movement wich recognised a warlord government untill it brought in cowardazz foreign rapists is put in a box


a movement that tries to change it's make up but is hampered by the before mentioned entities is then at the same time blamed for consisting of one clan and therefore again put in a box


it could bring in puntland and somaliland wadaads right now but what's the point of that when these same respective wadaads are cut off from communication put in jails or get their flights banned in their home regions?

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Originally posted by Abdi2005:

The list will totally change when bay/bakol, Gedo, Puntland, Somaliland join, as for now its representative because
almost 90% of the land they control now belongs to one clan

Discrimination in the UICs

OK Abdi2005, forget about Jubooyinka (the 10%), so are you saying Gobolka Banaadir, Shabeelada dhexe, Hiiraan, shabeelada hoose solely belongs to that 1-clan you mentioned? and others like the somali Banadiri, somali bantus, other non H-clans that we all know live there have no say maahinoo?

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Originally posted by Allamagan:

quote:Originally posted by Abdi2005:

The list will totally change when bay/bakol, Gedo, Puntland, Somaliland join, as for now its representative because
almost 90% of the land they control now belongs to one clan.

Discrimination in the UICs

OK Abdi2005, forget about Jubooyinka (the 10%), so are you saying Gobolka Banaadir, Shabeelada dhexe, Hiiraan, shabeelada hoose
belongs to that
you mentioned? and others like the somali Banadiri, somali bantus, other non H-clans that we all know live there have no say maahinoo?
Dont put words in my mouth, i did not say it belongs solely to them i said they make the overwhelming majority.

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^^^ ma dhahdidoo waan qaldamay maxay tahay indha-adaygaadan! Abdi2005, walaal sidii aad tiri miyeesan ahayn sidan, and I quote:

almost 90% of the land they control now belongs to one clan.

haddana waxaad u badshay sidan:

.....i said they make the overwhelming majority.

What a self-contradictory!


They , maxaakiimta really lack of transparency here, we cant see any somali Banadiri or somali bantus or other non H-clans in top leadership of this UIC.

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Originally posted by Reality Check:

I'm curious to know how many qabiils are represented in this ICU/UCI/USC?


I guess since qabiil names are CENSORED, maybe we can count. Like 1 qabiil, 2, etc.


Please enlighten those who don't know.



Icu has 1 and 2 but ½ of 3 and 1/3 of 3


UCI has 2 and 3 but no 1 ( I guess they didnt want the usual #1 to lead ~~damn # 1)


Usc has Noting all warabooos and diadhadn ( I think )


U welcome smile.gif

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Originally posted by Allamagan:

^^^ ma dhahdidoo waan qaldamay maxay tahay indha-adaygaadan! Abdi2005, walaal sidii aad tiri miyeesan ahayn sidan, and I quote:


almost 90% of the land they control now belongs to one clan.

haddana waxaad u badshay sidan:

.....i said they make the overwhelming majority.

What a self-contradictory!
Lool, sxb labaduba wa isku mid ee maxaa ka qaldan?


They , maxaakiimta really lack of transparency here, we cant see any somali Banadiri or somali bantus or other non H-clans in top leadership of this UIC.

You cant see becouse you dont want to see, there are non H in the top leadership take for example Sh Maxamuud Sh Ibraahim Suuley and Sh Mukhtar Roobow(Abu Mansuur).

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Originally posted by Khalaf:

Red according them yes qabilist, it meant why would we want another (insert qabil) as our ruler? And why is there unequal powersharing especially in the leadership...except for Turki?

I don't think,it meant to be interpeted like that brother,however, Siyad Barre and Abdullahi Yusuf have something in common,which is to rule with Iron fist and that more than anything was probably what was meant for that statement to state.


FACT:Col.Sh.Turki isnt the only one from that Qabiil,there are alot more my dear brother and I want you to find that out as a homework.


Dont we all rely on what we "heard" or were "told"? How many of us really know the intentions? People have right to question and be skeptical sxb. Me- all I have been saying is Allah Knows best.

Mr.Khalaf or should I say Sh.Khalaf, my dear brother,I really admire you alot, and I totally agree that everyone has the right to question the credibility of the ICU.However, in what terms ?


Does it has to be critise first, then seek answers,or first seek information,then decide from thereon on whether or not you want to critise the structure of the ICU,preassuming you agree with their agenda,which is to rule in accordance with the Islamic rule of law.I would expect option B,meaning one has to know 'em before he/she decides to even critise their work.


Secondly, let me respectably, explain to you why exactly the ICU is predominately one tribe.The reason is,with all my honesty put on top of,that the ICU's members hail from one qabiil,because of the area they are currently functioning.


Let me give you really good example,let say you are from Galkcayo which you are, let us also say, that Galkacayo was war torn city ruled by thugs in every corner of its streets, looting,robbing,killing,and doing all the bad things in the world that your mind could put together. If you were a decent person(which you are in my view)who is bothered by these continuous problems that are being mounted by the warlords on the city and its residents,and then one day you decided it was time for change.So you set up a court,and understandibly, the members of that newly assembled court happened to be from the residents,including wadaads and ordinary civilians who have had enough of the warlords, and decided to fight against the injust,ruthlessness and inhumane actions of the warlords which has been taking place for quite sometime.


When you have succeeded reaching that goal,then you extend that goodness over to Bosaaso,then onto Gorowe.


Now, let us also think about the same thing that Somaliland was also experiencing the same situation as in Galkacayo,Bosaaso, and Gorowe,and I was decent person who was also sick and tired of the siutation in the region.In that case, what I would do is,I would join you, in helping cleaning the warlords off of the region,then in turn, you would help me do the same for my region,Somaliland.


Now think about that very closely there and remember,the members of the court which was your idea to begin with consist mostly from folks from Galkacayo,which are your kinsmen and not mine.However, it may be, it still doesnt' mean that you are a qabilist minded,hence by giving all the important position to your kinsmen,however,by nature of the geographical location in which the movement evolved from happens to be inhabited by those who have the same clan lineage as the leader of the court,Sheikh Khalaf. :D


However, as the movement gets more popular and moves into other regions such as Somaliland,we begin to have many more supporters from my region Somaliland,thus the court begins to shape itself from one clan dominated movement into more multi clan movement, and as time goes by, it will end up as the ruling body of governement for the whole region.Also realize this,while we are at it and while we are doing this great job,which was to deal away the real terrorist who terrorised the civilians for many years,we still end up being critised for being tribilst,offcourse their only evidence of that is that Shiekh Khalaf only recruited members of his clan,when in reality you haven't as mentioned above,but by nature of where you started setting up the court,those who joined it were members and residents of the same city and region.


To Mr.MMA, my dear brother, yaa kaa haysta in aad wax ku darsato, ama yaa kaa haysta in ay beesha aad kasoo jeedo in ay wax ku darsadaan ICU.Maalintay ICU diido cid aan "qabiilkeeda" ahayn,maalintaa waxaad ku andacoon kartaa in ay ICU tahay mid kaliya ka samaysan doonayana in kaligood utaliyaan.Taasi wax dhacay maaha, wayna rabaan in Allah intii aan udhalan meelaha ay ka hawlwadaan in ay kusoo biiraan,wayna kusoo biirayaan as I speak hadda.


Markaa saaxibayaal, noo sheega oo waxba ha isku qarinina qiiqa hadaad leedihiin qabiilkaa isaga ah nacayb ayaa naga dhexeeya,markaa haday wadaadoda noqoto iyo hadii kale ba anagu waanu diidanynaa,haduu ra'yigiinu kaa yahay, wax loogali karo maaha.


Ilaa hada,tan aad kusheegto Dawlada ee layidhaah TFG ilaa hada wax lagu farxo way ukeeni kari la'day meesha ay kataliso,in ay dad masakiin ah iska laayaan mooyee,sida Odayga Guardkiisu ay udileen dad kabacdina aanay laba iswaydiin.Markaa anigu waan garan la'ahay sida qof caqli saliim ah uu ku jiro, sida uu tan iyo maanta uu aaminsan yahay in ay Amxaaro daba dhilif wanaag usoo wadaan.


Markaa Sheekhanaa,naga daa heesta,iyo durbaan tunkan beenta,oo garo cidii wanaag kuu wada.


Hadii aad kasoo horjeedo ICU, oo aad leeday waxay haan jireen warlords,ha ilaabin kii sida xun ogalay Baydhabo iyo shacbigeeda in uu ahaa Caydiid Sr.iyo Jr. maantana Caydiid Jr. uu kamid yahay madaxda meesha.


Taa ha ilaabin marnaba.


Dadka noocaaso kale ahna waxaan u arkaa doqon aan kala aqoon cadowgeeda iyo wixii wanaag uwada.Markaa qiiqa ka kaca sida doqontii daamanka ha meermeerinee.



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Movements have to start somewhere. Somalia has been segregated by qabiil for 15 years, so even if the UIC has pan-Somali support the nucleus will be limited in geography, at least initially. That said, whether the lack of qabiil diversity (especially in leadership roles) is accident or intention will become clear in time.


What is clear is the tragedy looming for us if the UIC abandons what worked for them (social services, local enforcement of law within a willling and desperate population) for grandiose expansionist "Jihad" on fellow Somalis.

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Originally posted by Cara:

What is clear is the tragedy looming for us if the UIC abandons what worked for them (social services, local enforcement of law within a willling and desperate population) for grandiose expansionist "Jihad" on fellow Somalis.

fellow somalis! Do you mean that the ethiopians had become our own fellow Somalis?


You hatred for the concept/practise of Jihad against the aggressors had really shocked me, indeed.


May you die in the Jihad against the Melez Regime, Aameen!

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^There are Ethiopian troops in the country, and yet the ICU is unwilling to fight them knowing that those who will die will be Somalis,however,it might be neccesary in the long term and thus will be the only option left to dealing with these Ethios, if they continuo so to exist in a territory that isn't their own.


Our fellow Somalis? they are the ones who have held the hand of the Ethiopian troops whom potentially might do harm to the population and broutht that harm into the country, in my view I don't consider them as fellow Somalis,rather they are Ethiopia's servants.

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