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Reality Check

These wadaado, what are their qabiils?

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Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea:

^I get it.However,what exactly are you trying to get out of this?


Do you want to get out of this of whether they belong more into one qabiil,or are you trying to see the good things that they have done?


If you need to know their Qabiil,then most thus far belong into one qabiil.


But if you are being rational individual, you would start seeing all the good things that has been done by the ICU,which suprisingly you seem to not know any of it.


you are in this cyber somali community, I think I and many other's here serve a great example, Red Sea: (Hargeysa), Nayruus:(Hargeysa) Mr.'Me':(Hargeysa),Soo Maal (Sool),Xiinfaniin(Sool)Baashi (Mudug) and more---

The purpose of this thread is to figure out the qabiil breakdown of these "wadaado". Nothing more, nothing less.



By the way, I dont believe in qabiilism. You've listed where these SOL are from. Why do I need know? And if you are going to tell, why don't you also include their qabiils as well. But then again, this is SOL and we don't do that here.

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^Qabiil isn't allowed that is why I didn't include,but I can tell you one thing,I am not the Qabiils in Xamar,neither is Xiinfaniin,Soo Maal and others as well.


The reason,I included,because I thought it address little bit and would have given you an idea the support that the ICU has earned from other regions as well.


May I know exaclty why you putting much care of the ICU'qabiil,when you see that they are doing a good job.If Somalis are obsess with Qabiil,then be differenent,since you no longer live back home,you should also give up that stuff,called Qabiil.I think you know here in the states,those who practice Qabiil are the Native American,thus you know where their role is in the socieity?


So unless, you just dislike certain qabiil,then I wouldn't see why it's neccesary to know what qabiil they belong to.Focus more on the work they have done, and less of their Qabiil.You just dont' need to figure out anything,everything they have done thus far should be enough for you unless you are looking for other excuses to critisie the ICU.



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I like how Gener Duke miss informs people and does not tell the whole story .


Head: Xasan Dahir Aways

Deputy: Sharif Ahmed

Deputy: Suuley

Deputy: A/Raxman Jinagow

Security: Yusuf Inda Cade / Fiannace: Abdulkadir Abukar Cadaan

Foreign affairs chief: Prof Cadow


Head of Al-Shabaab: Adan XashiCayrow



Indha cade security chief of xaamar only


Head of Al-Shabaab: Adan XashiCayrow only in south somalia .


These post are just temperory as soon Uic reach other parts of somalia things will change and it wont be single clan dominate any more but right so far movement has reach kismayo only .



Gener DUke ___


Why dont you break down the power sharing of kismayo , if the Icu was one single dominated organization , why dident Icu add their kinsmen to kismayo administration .

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Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea:


you are in this cyber somali community, I think I and many other's here serve a great example of those who belong into different tribes from those in Xamar,yet support the ICU, Red Sea: (Hargeysa), Nayruus:(Hargeysa) Mr.'Me':(Hargeysa),Soo Maal (Sool),Xiinfaniin(Sool)Baashi (Mudug) and more---

^^I like you adeer :D , but a little correction is inorder lest you mislead people with your guesswork about Xiin's origin. I am not from Sool.


I am hal-xiraale of sort. Case in point: Xoogsade (my good friend) thought that i was from Shillaabo, Allamgan is positive that I have a Bari origin in me, and now good Redka thinks I am form his region!


Bal car igaro :D !


Edit: Redka adeer Reality Check iyo maxkamadaha lays ma tuso ee ha ku daalin.

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^lol.Xiinfaniin, Inadeer, meeshii kastaba ka imaw ee waxaad ogaataa agtayda in aad sharaf iyo karaamo aad ka leedahay, kaba soo qaad in aad katimid Bari iyo Bosaaso oo. :D


but laakin waad isqarxisay hadaad mar tidhi 'hal xidhaale',then you are reer Mudug fowqal Mudug. :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Most of the clan courts is from one clan. The clan of Mogadishu. Outside this you have Turki's clan who are now being brought in slowly, you have Abu Mansoor who is from Bay, but even the Shurra has very few members outside the clan of Mogadishu.


For example if we look at the structure of the courts..,Which is centralised, all the top posts are filled by a single clan. The main courts are, Al-furqan, Ifka Xalin, Si-si, Chircoole, Dayniile... All belong to a single clan.


Head: Xasan Dahir Aways

Deputy: Sharif Ahmed

Deputy: Suuley

Deputy: A/Raxman Jinagow

Security: Yusuf Inda Cade

Fiannace: Abdulkadir Abukar Cadaan

Foreign affairs chief: Prof Cadow


Head of Al-Shabaab: Adan XashiCayrow.


All these posts are filled by the clan of Mogadishu,
they have delegated some power to Turki's clan in the Juba's as if that area is just theirs.

That is why we need Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Kismaayo. A commission that can collect facts of past adminstrative positions , historical events, land and property ownership in the city of Kismayo, as well as, and the input of the elders in that we can resolve the issue of Kismayo, but as long as Colonel Aweeis' clan are using one constituent over the other for their Indirect Rule, Kismayo will maintain its perceived status: A troubled city, part of the Death Triangle regions.

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Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea:

So unless, you just dislike certain qabiil,then I wouldn't see why it's neccesary to know what qabiil they belong to.Focus more on the work they have done, and less of their Qabiil.You just dont' need to figure out anything,everything they have done thus far should be enough for you unless you are looking for other excuses to critisie the ICU.



The first sentence is irrelevant as I don't believe that Qabiil does any good for Somalia. On the other hand, it is important part of the current political climate as it is a major factor and there needs to be analysis of the influence of qabiil on these regimes.

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The feeling is mutual saaxiib. I just wanted to inject a dose of humor in to this thread.


No isqarxis yet :D ! I am from buulo-warbe adeer in case some one is interested. It’s a buitiful town, unfortunately Google Earth has prejudice against it and deprived us all the opportunity to see this gorgeous town.

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^dose of humour as you have had so many times before.Good to have you here mr.Xiinfaniin and good to have you on the rightous wing, more people like you is what this place needs.


on to jokes: Maybe you should declare yourself as a mayor of buulo Werbe(no clue as to where that is),then perhaps google might reconsider their prejudice against your honrable town buddy.


Teeda kale runtii, waxaan islahaa waad saartay ee wali umadhawiba, Wallee nin Mystery ayaad tahay Xiinow saxib, waligay waxaan kuu haystay Cali Dhuux jr. markaad gabayga tirin jirteen adiga iyo Sharmarke aka Salaan Carrabay Jr. as well. Laakin waa khayr iskaga wad, in alla intaad aad meesha aad ka timid ay mad madowga ku jirto, free of critism ayaa tahay, laakin bal eeg Red Sea waxaa kahaysta meesha, markaan idhi Hargeysa ayaan ka imid labada dhinac maxaa kaagalay ayey igala dhamaan la'yihiin.Laakin, anigu kii aan ujoojin ayaan ahay, ee ha noolaado faraskeena daabad.




dabadoo waa inaad duushaayoo,

Daruuraha kacawaynaa--. :D:D


Mr.Reality check,I say best of luck on your voyoug to discover the truth.

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^^Kuwa maxkamadaha laga celin la'yahayna waa hal xiraale kale saaxiib! Mohamed Dheeg of Hargeysa said it well:


Waxa bisadi jiir uga shakiday oo shay kale u mooday :D

Shalayba waa cunaysaye'e waxay maanta uga sheexday

Oo baqaha shuushka ah ku riday sheeg hadaad garato!


And I still find his longing conclusion eternally good.


Sharcigii Islaamkoo la sugay oo lagu shaqaynaayo

Maxkamadahana sheekh caadilihi shubayo aayaadka

Ooy shaadir xiranyiin hablihii shacabka yaacaayeey

Shimmaa la arkayaa lama qarsado shaabad kugu taale


^^I call that a noble wish!

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Sharcigii Islaamkoo la sugay oo lagu shaqaynaayo

Maxkamadaha sheekh caadilihi shubayo aayaadka

Oo shaadir xiranyiin hablihii shacabka yaacaayeey

Shimmaa la arkayaa lama qarsado shaabad kugu taale


^^I call that a noble wish!

I second that buddy, too bad many can't seem to grasp the goodness of this noble cause.


P.S.when was this peom spoken Xiin?

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But on the real tho can you blame those who are skeptics about this? There is no doubt good ppl in the courts who want Islam, but there are also qabyalst peeps in the courts also. I heard one of the leaders in the courts said: why would they want President Yusuf when they got rid of Sayyid Barre (allahu naxristro)Allah Knows best.


I dont get why the leadership is still one qabiil? The unequal powersharing is what makes ppl skeptical.

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dude, I am saying that right now "why you need Abdullahi Yusuf, when you gotten rid of one like him,Ziyad Barre".chew on that buddy. Does that define whether one is a qabilist or not,I dont think so walaal.


Besides,if even you Khalaf want to part of the ICU, they would welcome you and place on some post.So don't be too quick to judge buddy,and dont' rely too of "I heard or I was told",that could mislead you.

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Red according them yes qabilist, it meant why would we want another (insert qabil) as our ruler? And why is there unequal powersharing especially in the leadership...except for Turki?


Dont we all rely on what we "heard" or were "told"? How many of us really know the intentions? People have right to question and be skeptical sxb. Me- all I have been saying is Allah Knows best.

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