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Would you ask your Wife or Husband to be Tested 4 AIDS

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Garab Tuujiye, ha iga Xanaaqin, laakiin markaa wax Qoreysid niyadda waxaan ka masawirtaa inaa Cabaadeesid ee sidee wax u Jiraan Duqa? Just an impression I get when I read your posts. Inaa Qeylineysid lee u maleeyaa :D




By The Way, Shoobaro ma aheenoo Adiga? Maal mahaan waa idinku wareerey. Nuune aka Boolbaro, Qacqaac weli Qacqaciisa lee waaye, Inti kalena waaba illoobey.

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lol xoogsade, I think niiyadada waxaa ku jirto videowgaas kacaanka ahaa :D


heey sxb garab tuujiye ma ahan yaah shoobaro lol, waa qandha duleedka aka feebaro waaye, akhyaartii kale waa la kala tagtagay sey dowlad u dhalatayba smile.gif

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For those who say they will do, pls come back when you get married and let us know if you asked your husband/wife to be to go get tested and the outcome

He got it and so did I!

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Yes stay healthy!!!!I never go for check up and I'm healthy alxamdulilaah..

I'm healthy, but being healthy, working out and eating proper still will not guarantee me 100% health. Only allah will, but atleast I know I made the effort to stay healthy.


Waxa lagugu abuuray anaga hanala imaan ayaa lagu dhahay...

your ceel gaab ways are taking over again. Haddaa kawadi waalidgeyga aa igu abuureen my ways of thinking, you are wrong. All my parents ever did is paved the way, but unlike you, I don't listen to my comrats on the streets of ceel gaab and stay with the mentality of "I'm healthy", without any real proof.


Only allah knows who is healthy, you don't know that, and I don't know that either.



Hadith, Hadith, Hadith. Who said anything about Hadith???


Illaah wuxuu ku yiri taxadir, but Illaah never said anything about being ignorant about it, and avoiding ways to maintaining a healthy living.


Tuujiye, According to a number of researchers and studies done by them concluded that many modern diseases occur because we have abandoned the fiber-rich diet of our ancestors, in other worlds, we no longer are eating the things we use to eat back home.(thats just one of many ways oo lagu jirado)


mise waxaa dhahosaa waxaan ku noolnahay dhul baraf ah oo dhul gaaled ah. Cuntada dhulkaan waa cunto kimakeesan haa iyo cuduro kale wee jiraan laakiin

..Atlast, some sense coming out of you, and thats exactly what I mean, but there is no "BUTS"

there is no "LAAKIN" involved.


Due to the condition of the foods we are eating and the air we breath in itself can cause some common diseases nowadays, yes it can.


Do you realize that Liver Cancer is common among africans???


I had a member of my family die of Liver Cancer , one minute she was healthy, the next she was in comma. Doctors didn't even know prior to her death, and by the time they found out, the cancer had already spread.(she was the most healthiest person I've ever known, alllah u naxariisto)


If the mentality of "I'm healthy" will make you think you are healthy, because cabdi and farrah hate doctors and check-ups and therefore you hate it too, then good luck.


There are many suspected cases of cancer, but the most common suspect cause is eating no or low fiber foods, that simply causes cancer.


This is a quote from the curry health center library..


Dr. Burkitt's suspicions were aroused when he observed that colon-rectal cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. and the second most common cancer for both sexes, is almost unknown among black Africans who eat the traditional banana and millet diet. Among Westerners living in Africa and Africans who assume Western ways, however, colon-rectal cancer is common. Dr. Burkitt and others theorize that the slower "transit time" of low-fiber diets may allow intestinal bacteria more time to multiply and keep them in longer contact with the intestinal walls; the prolonged exposure may produce cancer-causing substances or create an environment in which such substances flourish."


and it goes on, and on and on.


let me briefly touch on the subject of diabetes, very common, and known even by you, yes?


Children between the ages of 2-8 yrs old are being diagnosed with type two diabetes, thats very common among somali children as well, since your concern is with somalis. It has become epidemic among young children, at first they thought it was pretty much common among young people asia and europe, but more and more children in north america are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, what do you think causes it???


Speaking of women, I'm a woman, breast cancer is a top priority, do you realize more women need to get checked for it, or you still feel you shouldn't be getting annual check-ups?


I can go on and on about reasons why you should have annual check-ups, but I will only bore you with it, since you won't be able to get it through your thick skull, therefore I will leave it as is.

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For those of u who are anti-test, might that be cause maybe U got something to hide/got a skeleton in ur closet ud rather not reveal? or if its just a personal choice, be smart about it.


Think of ur partner and ur future kids, dont look at it as a trust issue because too often, ppl who have certain diseases do not know about it themselves and contrary to popular belief, u dont need to be sexually active to have certain diseases.


Example..lets say i went for a physical and the doctor ordered a blood test..and the needle that was used happened to have been one already used on an HIV person, then here innocent me, become positive w/o knowing...then i meet wonderful farax, have a few kids and what do the test reveal? i have passed down an std to my child, husband...not being my fault, not because i was promiscuous prior to marriage, etc...when all i had to do, for the sake of my future kids and hubby and most importantly for my own health, was getting myself tested before i can potentially put someone's life at risk....comprende amigos? Gracias...


Moral of the example was, get urself tested, wont hurt, and if ur a chicken like me and hate needles, ask for a baby needle ;) ....the person ur marrying could A-lie to u about their past...B-not know if for some reason they were infected w/o knowing....C-not wanna find out b/c they are afraid of the answers...but ask urselves this...would ur rather die in moderally good health, or breathing through a ventilator cause ur pride got in the way of testin urself?


p.s.-didnt know coming from a good family made one immune's system reject STDS...then im all set then....wooohoo!!! thxs for that tip :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by x_quizit:

For those of u who are anti-test, might that be cause maybe U got something to hide/got a skeleton in ur closet ud rather not reveal? or if its just a personal choice, be smart about it.


Still as emotional as ever I see. Heh. ;)


You know; you could have worded your piece much better if you left out all the assumptions and just highlighted the importance of getting oneself tested (regardless of impending marriages). That way, you would have got your point across clearly without having to employ your flawed guesses and reduce other people’s opinions into one where they have something to hide! This impulsive habit of yours discredits any sound arguments you’re making, try to curb it a little so I (and any others if at all bothered) can enjoy reading your strong opinions. :D



Still, fascinating opinions everyone. Keep going. :cool:

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Thxs Ng, for once again blowing things outa proportion and insinuating ur own backward and highly emotional thoughts, i see that i hit a nerve and if u dont wanna get tested, thats on u, dont hide behind me dear boy...u seem to have missed the whole point and the word "might"...therefore not generalizing but giving a possible answer as to why some ppl shy away from it....


p.s.-dont let fasting get to ur due time u might regain what few brain cells u had to begin with....ciao icon_razz.gif

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Meeshaan waa la is neceb yahay lee maxaa waaye?...


Xoogsade, horta waxaam ahay ina baqti lagde oo ku magac dheer FEEBARO, garab tuujiye waqtigiisa baa hada lagu jiraa..Sxb Ani markaan aqrinaayo waxa aad qortid, waxaan u arkaa sidii qof suuronaayo oo yaanan isla yaabin bina aadan lee nahay.


Lazie my sweety, did you miss me :D kaalay ceyda ka daa nooh magaladan oo aa dharka ka bilalaqeysatay...

your ceel gaab ways are taking over again

Ceel oo gaaban abidkee ma maqlin..ceelna ma laheyn anaga..Ceel aan arkona waxaa iigu horeeyey kismaayo. Mise ceelgaabo magaalo waaye oo geel laga raaco. Ani i cey nooh iska daa ceelkaan aa iga daba wadi..Riyo xitaa wiligey kuma maqlin..waa iska qeelinee sidii gabar nuunoow masasadiisa waayey reerbadiyad waaxid...


Yarta maanta dhan marka aa kusoo cel celineysid caafimaadka ilaah aa haayo, Ani waxaan nahayey dhagaha makaa galin oo afke ee kaa galeen aan u maleynaa maxaa yeelay dhah, ani aa saas koow kugu dhahay nooh oo markaas aa igu soo celine..kalkalyooni waaxid...

ok gabarta reer magaasha ah ii baashaal laakiin not in ramadan..aaaaaaaaa...jaaw


wareer badanaa!!!

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Originally posted by x_quizit:

Thxs Ng, for once again blowing things outa proportion and insinuating ur own backward and highly emotional thoughts, i see that i hit a nerve and if u dont wanna get tested, thats on u, dont hide behind me dear boy...u seem to have missed the whole point and the word "might"...therefore not generalizing but giving a possible answer as to why some ppl shy away from it....


p.s.-dont let fasting get to ur due time u might regain what few brain cells u had to begin with....ciao

Should have known how pointless it is to spit against the wind :(


Carry on. smile.gif

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"REER BAADIYAD" must be your new cayd, innit?


It must be sad being you, if all you had to come up with is the two words above to sum up your jaahilnimo, over N over again.


So little time, so much caqli being wasted on one person.



PS:X_quizit, congratulations, you have loyalist, a very dedicated one at that.(sharp, but a little edgy.)

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