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Would you ask your Wife or Husband to be Tested 4 AIDS

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me, i tested my wife~ she didnt know, i told her to go to my doctor and hes gonna give her injections for booty diet!lol..


me, i dont need no testing!! i was a good boy!! never no kind of std stuff... so if i get sick...guess who is gonna get sued!!

dhuq dhaayda no!! who else!!

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Qac Qaac   

what a jerk?.... was that outloud.



Mombase Queen... Ok. if u decide to take the test go ahead, i won't stop u. I just don't think, it is a good idea... I know the world is innocent anymore... but still u have no right of suspecting everone u see... but u might be right.. no believes values, and manners anymore.


Besbaaso I like the way u wrote my name, but is not qac x 2. is one qac and one qaac... add them and u get qac qaac.. hope u got the difference.. so u saying u can't know a person fully, he or she might does something when u r not looking, or u r not there.. if u believe this the u just like mombasa queen go ahead with the test.. ilaahey khayr hakaaga dhigo.. but u 2 are right ppl lie nowadays.. a lot.. so how would u know... well my frist advice is horta, ka badasha meelaha aa ka qaraabataan, if u r usually looking for 60% good guy, then yeah u should doubt the other 40% what he done. but make ur aim higher go to 90% ball park.. the really good guys... these guys are always boring.. most of the time.. because good is boring nowadays...

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Good is boring? Not to me. Good is very alluring.


Back to the subject- get tested. Not many people will confess to their sexual encounters and they certainly would have no definite knowledge that they hadn't picked something up. Both the individuals should get tested and exchange the results.

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Originally posted by sheherazade:

Back to the subject- get tested. Not many people will confess to their sexual encounters and they certainly would have no definite knowledge that they hadn't picked something up. Both the individuals should get tested and exchange the results.

I second that.

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Without Question definitely big YES...Not because i don't trust them but there can always be the sitution where they contracted something and didn't know themselves...But more in my case is i wanted not only test for Aids i want to do a completely genetic history, since as somali individuals there are no records of our medical history, there are a lot of things to consider such as birth defect or anything else...Blood test is a must in your days and times now...Without taking it seriously one is a setting duck for anything..



I know of a mother who had Hepatitis B, but didnt realize it until she was pregnant.Alhamdulillah, the baby boy was negative, but these are one of those instances where you werent even suspicious abt carrying a disease. You got those saying "well if he was around the block"...come on now :rolleyes: ...we all know that those arent the only ways to contract diseases.


And word of mouth doesn't hold as much water as does testing....

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LoL@Marry someone you know....


Do you think it makes a difference if you marry Adeerkaas's daughter??? (even gabadha or wiilka dariskaa)


Remember, the close ones are always the freakiest.


It doesn't matter hadduuu abtigaa yaqaano or eedadaa....bottom line is, you should be getting a physical check-up every 6 months, thats twice a year. (no excuses)


A complete physical is a must when you are about get locked on marriage, this shouldn't be open for discussion.


Some of you were just right on the money, and some of you are plain naive.(talk about marry someone familka yaqaano)


Do you think your family knows he/she's sexual history???


Those of you that think you might not have a nerve to ask your significant other to get tested, it doesn't have to be just HIV testing, because you are not just searching for HIV alone, get a complete check-up and it isn't up for debate.(let it be known pple)

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QacQaac, I am with you on this one bro...


Easier said than done, is the first thing that came to mind...


If you "REALLY" love someone, the last thing in your mind will be having him/her tested for HIV...


For those who say they will do, pls come back when you get married and let us know if you asked your husband/wife to be to go get tested and the outcome... ;)

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Qac Qaac   

Kool kat well said sister.. that was what i was saying all this time.. but u know most of the ppl here see with one eye, and if that eye focusses on something, it is really hard to tell that there is something better on the other side, unless u turn that whole person...


Lazygirl i wanna see what kind of relationship u get.. test him every 6 months... u should have a house near cleanic then.. where u could take ur blood every 6 months.. and as kook kat said, can u bring me that husband of yours that would say yes to this hell relationship.

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Remember, the close ones are always the freakiest.

Speak for yourself dear..anaga waxaas ma qabno..


It doesn't matter hadduuu abtigaa yaqaano or eedadaa....bottom line is, you should be getting a physical check-up every 6 months, thats twice a year. (no excuses)


Do you think waxaas ee aduunka meelaha kale ka you know dadka aduunka u health fiican in eesan waxaan oo kale wiligood sameyn..6month..waxaas waxaa la imaday taqaatiirta iyo dentistiyaasho oo raba in ee dadka lacagta ka gurtaan..reerbaadiyo waaxid caqli isticmaal..


A complete physical is a must when you are about get locked on marriage, this shouldn't be open for discussion.

Halahaan waan kugu raacsanahay nooh..Yee gabar cagaarshoow qabto usoo eedis qabto iska dhaaf, too make-upka si aan loo marsan taqaan xitaa ma isoo iga dheh wiji giir


layzie rabshada joojinooh ramadaan waaye..Booto caato ah aa meel kaste la tagaantahay sidii islaamihii canaha suuqa ku gad gadi jiray...


wareer badanaa!!!!

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Do you think waxaas ee aduunka meelaha kale ka you know dadka aduunka u health fiican in eesan waxaan oo kale wiligood sameyn..6month..waxaas waxaa la imaday taqaatiirta iyo dentistiyaasho oo raba in ee dadka lacagta ka gurtaan..reerbaadiyo waaxid caqli isticmaal..

Marka aan kudhahaayo go get check up twice a year, doesn't mean go get tested for AIDS twice a year, it means, your heart, kidneys, get tested for diabetes, get tested for high blood pressure...Do you realize what could happen to you within a 6 months span, in this day and time???


TAlk about aniga aa reer baadiyo eh, aniga atleast I am healthy, adiga oo iska dhigaayo nin aduunka yaqoono, oo nin reer magaal ah. Which is worse, reer baadiyo oo healthy, or reer magaal oo cudur qabo like yourself???


talk about dhaqaatiir lagac kaa cunaayo??


Dhaqaatiir see lagac usameeyaan, oo lawyer see lagac usameeyaan, ooo adiga see lagac usameysaaa???


Caafimaadka is priceless, and no one is ripping you off, doctors are making a living, just like you, if you have a 9-5 job, they have a 9-5 job, are you telling me that your line of work, you are ripping people off???


Nin yahow, wax macquul ah kuhadal, but waa leeska hadlaa war ma aha, qof walba wuu hadli karaa, but aqli aa lagu hadlaa, and I don't see any aqli in you.


Maxaa u shaqeysaa?? inaad nolol caafimaad ah aa ku noolaatid soo maahaa??


If you don't believe in getting check-ups twice, or even once every 3 years in your case, then adiga ee kuutaalaa, but don't come up with nonsense about doctors ripping you off, thats waxaa aa ceel gaab kusoo maqashay, don't repeat he said/she said to me.


If you have a job, you should also have health benefits, take advantage of it, god knows they are taking a percentage of your cheque out of your hard earn dollar, now tell me who is getting ripped off.


What kind of caqli do you have when your employer is taking out a chunk of percentage for your health benefits, yet you don't take advantage of it, because you think "SOMALI" pple are healthy???


"ANAGA WAXAAS MANAQAANO" hahaha, you should go back and re-read waxaa ooo qortid, maba umaleynaayo inaad adiga aa aqrisid waxa aa qortid.

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Do you realize what could happen to you within a 6 months span, in this day and time???

Yes stay healthy!!!!I never go for check up and I'm healthy alxamdulilaah..Waxa lagugu abuuray anaga hanala imaan ayaa lagu dhahay...caafimadkaada ilaaheey baa haye not some taqtar..Wax 6 bilood kaste la aadayo hadee jirto xadiith ayaa naloogu sheegi lahaa..not xadiith kaada raqiiska ah..mise waxaa dhahosaa waxaan ku noolnahay dhul baraf ah oo dhul gaaled ah. Cuntada dhulkaan waa cunto kimakeesan haa iyo cuduro kale wee jiraan laakiin africa wax ka cudur badan majirto dadkana barwaaqo ee ku nool yihiin with 6month of taqtar booqasho..


"ANAGA WAXAAS MANAQAANO" hahaha, you should go back and re-read waxaa ooo qortid, maba umaleynaayo inaad adiga aa aqrisid waxa aa qortid.


makuu biisaa gabarta caqliga should be the other way around yariisay..


lol...yaree ha igu oyn i'm just joking with you..I know in aad caqli caruur leedahy so raali noqo..


wareer badanaa!!!

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