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7 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

possible another two federal state coming of what is left of SL

Naah, don’t think so. They are twins joined at the hip sharing vital organs, any attempts of separating the twins would mean the end life of governance. For over 130 years, both sub-clans have been fully part and parcel of the same governing administration (Colonial, Somali State, Somaliland), where one goes the other goes. But one can always oppose or start a rebel, as that is inherent to the nature of Somali politics. 

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12 hours ago, Arafaat said:

Naah, don’t think so. They are twins joined at the hip sharing vital organs, any attempts of separating the twins would mean the end life of governance. For over 130 years, both sub-clans have been fully part and parcel of the same governing administration (Colonial, Somali State, Somaliland), where one goes the other goes. But one can always oppose or start a rebel, as that is inherent to the nature of Somali politics. 

I understand what you are saying, but clearly, one community feels the relationship does not benefit them anymore.

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Why complicate things? Why you want to be bigger than your life constrains?

The idea of Somaliland project is dead. Why spend your meagre resources on arms and keep the old conidial idea. I know succession is the only glue that holds Habro  together and for some abandoning that is difficult. 

If we tried few years ago , you would have accused us of denying Habro their rightful government under the sun. Now, the horses have left the barn and it is waste of time and recourses to keep this huge parliament in Hargeisa and 40 members of parliament. 

Focus more in development, good governance and rule of law after 32 years of uncertainty. We will still be brothers and good neighbors.


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Faysal waraabe said:

" Qabiil Zaylac ma bixin karo, Zaylac waa Soomaaliland, waxaan u sheegaya beesha Isaaq in ay iskugu timaado Baligubadle oo ay ka tashato arrimahan"

You see how delusional the leadership is?

He calls for his Qabiil to convene and stop another clan to negotiate their own ports.

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3 hours ago, galbeedi said:

Faysal waraabe said:

" Qabiil Zaylac ma bixin karo, Zaylac waa Soomaaliland, waxaan u sheegaya beesha Isaaq in ay iskugu timaado Baligubadle oo ay ka tashato arrimahan"

You see how delusional the leadership is?

He calls for his Qabiil to convene and stop another clan to negotiate their own ports.

Listen to the full video. He talked about those two  issues separately. he said the core problem of Somaliland are the Habro’s and they need to solve and come together.

Not saying I take him serieus , nor agree with it or think such a convening would have any purpose. 

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14 hours ago, galbeedi said:


Why complicate things? Why you want to be bigger than your life constrains?

The idea of Somaliland project is dead. Why spend your meagre resources on arms and keep the old conidial idea. I know succession is the only glue that holds Habro  together and for some abandoning that is difficult. 

If we tried few years ago , you would have accused us of denying Habro their rightful government under the sun. Now, the horses have left the barn and it is waste of time and recourses to keep this huge parliament in Hargeisa and 40 members of parliament. 

Focus more in development, good governance and rule of law after 32 years of uncertainty. We will still be brothers and good neighbors.



I am not complicating things, and neither saying that things should or can remain the same. But saying that the political future of those neighborly and brotherly clans is inseparably connected with one another, and wether their future is in joining Somalia’s federalist project, continued search for independence, joining 🇩🇯 🇪🇷  🇪🇹 or whatever other pathway, that its detrimental that they walk that pathway together and going at it separately might lead to a certain demise and trifling outcomes. 

But you are right that current Habro politics is futile and riding out that train would be fatalistic and doesn’t make sense and for local leaders to do something about the current pathways. I agree with you on that, but the question is what can be done, that won’t lead to an even worsen outcome for all. 

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17 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

I understand what you are saying, but clearly, one community feels the relationship does not benefit them anymore.

This current discourse isn’t benefiting anyone, and you are right that one community is more at fault then the other for this. 

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