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Audio: Goobaale talks about Shabaab destroying his militia.

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^^^lool. Adeer you shall see that in a year or two you will still be leading the "Jihad" from a village in no where land.


These clowns will turn on each other before they achive anything. Its the nature of the dark side.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^lool. Adeer you shall see that in a year or two you will still be leading the "Jihad" from a village in no where land.


These clowns will turn on each other before they achive anything. Its the nature of the dark side.

Sh Hassan Dahir Aweys has already been ordered by Al Shabab to turn over Indo Cade's weapons to the Al Shabab.


Welcome to heartbreak :D

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This is what I was referring to:



Maxamed Cusmaan Dhagaxtuur ayaa warfidiyeenada iyo dhagaystayaasha kaga qosliyey kadib markii uu sedexda walaahi u maray in uusan yeeleynin in dad uu sheegey in ay gobolo kale oo nabad ka jirta ka yimaadeen aysan dagaalo ka wadaynin Xamar.


“Wallaahi Billaahi Tallaahi, ma yeeleyno in Dadka ku nool Gobolka Banaadir ay dhibaateeyaan dad ka yimid Gobollo kale oo nabadgelyo ka jirto, arrintaasna maamulka go’aan ayuu ka qaadan doonaa” ayuu yiri Dhagaxtuur oo indhaha kabbo dhiig ah yihiin

Waxa lagu qosley ma ahayn nuxurka hadalkiisa oo aysan dadka xiiso u qabin maadaamaa aysan ka duwanayn wixii uu hogaamiye kooxeed ku hadaaqi lahaa, ee waxaa lagu qosley dhaarta uu baalaha jarayo iyo hanfariirka ka muuqda indhihiisa oo ah kuwa aanan ka badalneyn nin godkiisa biyo ugu soo galeen.

Caadi ahaan dhaarta sedexan ee la’is daba dhigo waxaa caan ku ah isbaariistayaasha marka ay doonayaan in si dhab ah hadalkooda loo aamino xiliga ay baadayaan dadka ama wax maagayaan, laakiin qof mas’uul ah ma ahan wax u dabeecad ah ama anshax ah.

The latest TFG official after Janaqow, Maxamed Caamey, and Ahmed Diriye that is threatining the 'foriegners' from other gobols for 'disturbing the peace of our peaceful Ugandan brothers'. Being defeated men already, the only hope they have is to turn this into a clan conflict of Anaka(so-called locals) vs Ayaka (the foriegn hordes from foriegn gobols).


Don't forget that SOL's own peaceniks picked up that very same talking point. It wasn't too long ago when Theirry reassured you(after you criticised the TFG) that everything was going to be OK because the government is in 'local' hands.


Ha is dhago tirin, abti. TFG'da waxay isku darsatay not only being beholden to Ethiopia and the West, but also to stirring up clan strife by labelling some Somalis as 'locals' and others as 'foriegners'.


Again, a ugly strategy from a besieged desperate puppet government.

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Pray to Eritrea that Dhagaxtuur is merely bluffing.


He is the same guy that eradicated the Al Shabab and Hizb-ul-Islam when they encroached into North Mogadishu following the Ethiopian departure.

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The war in Fagax and Yaqshiid has been solved based on clan agreement engineered by the clan elders of North Mogadishu. Still think this war ain't about clan? :D


Dagaaladii ka dhacay Isgoyska Fagax iyo Saldhiga Yaaqshiid oo qaab beeleed lagu xaliyay.


Odayaal iyo waxgarad ayaa manta ku guuleystay inay heshiis ay u soo mareen qaab beeleed ku xaliyay dagaaladii maalmihii u dambeeyay ka dhacay Nawaaxiga Isgoyska Fagax iyo Saldhiga Yaaqshiid.


Wararka ayaa sheegaya in heshiis is faham ah laga gaaray xiisada dagaal ee ka oogneyd qeybo ka mid ah Degmada Yaaqshiid, waxaana manta lagu guuleystay in la kala qaado Ciidamadii isku hor fadhiyay.


Labada dhinac ee ku dagaalamay halkaas ayaa si qaab beeleed lagu heshiiyay, iyadoona labada dhinac oo kala ahaa Maxkamadaha Islaamka iyo Xisbul Islaam.


Xiisadaha dagaal ayaa salka ku haayay gacan ku heynta Saldhiga Yaaqshiid, waxaana Odayaasha ay labada dhinac u fidiyeen googol, inkastoo mar dambe lagu balamay.


Odayaal iyo waxgarad ka soo jeeda Waqooyiga Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in labada dhinac ay Ciidamadoodii kala qaadeen, isla markaana ay dib ugu laabteen fariisimahoodii hore.


Tallaabadan ayaa noqon karta mid yididiilo nabadeed gelineysa dadka ku dhaqan Degmada Yaaqshiid, kuwaasoo maalmahan la daalaa dhacayay dagaalo saf ballaaran oo ka socday halkaas. m/main/news.php?read more=2700

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Recovering-Romantics ,


The Imaam of Muqdisho may succeed in resolving the clan conflict in those districts but be aware that the Alshabab have foreign fighters (Afgani/Paki/Arab etc) that will distrubt any conflict resolution measures.


The Imaam of Muqdisho should instruct his clansmen to secure their districts and fight any foreign soldier (whether AMISOM or Afgani/Arab/Paki) when they set foot in their districts.


He should do more, and insha allah we hope he does more to prevent more massacre and displacements.

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Originally posted by Meiji:

Recovering-Romantics ,


The Imaam of Muqdisho may succeed in resolving the clan conflict in those districts but be aware that the Alshabab have foreign fighters (Afgani/Paki/Arab etc) that will distrubt any conflict resolution measures.


The Imaam of Muqdisho should instruct his clansmen to secure their districts and fight any foreign soldier (whether AMISOM or Afgani/Arab/Paki) when they set foot in their districts.


He should do more, and insha allah we hope he does more to prevent more massacre and displacements.



Meydad Ajaanib ah iyo kuwo kale oo islaamiyiin Somali ah oo laga helay deg. Yaaqshiid


Tiro meydad ajaanib ah oo ka garab dagaalamayay kooxaha Islaamiyiinta ee kasoo horjeeda dowladda ayaa waxaa ey saakay ka heleen ciidamada maleteriga dowladda agagaarka saldhigga degmada Yaaqshiid oo ey ilaa shalay oo dhan ka soconayeen dagaalo qaraar.


Ciidamada dowladda oo xalay maqribkii la wareegay gacan ku haynta guud ahaan degmadaasi ayaa saakay meydadkaasi ajaanibta ah oo lagu sheegay ilaa 7-nin kusoo qaatay gawaari si ey baaritaan ugu sameeyaan, sida uu inoo xaqiijiyay sarkaal ka tirsan ciidamada xoogga oo lagu magacaabo Aadan Shig-shigow.


Sidoo kale meydad kale oo Islaamiyiin Somali ah ayaa inaya ciidamadu ka heleen goobihii lagu dagaalamay ee degmada Yaaqshiid oo ey iminka gacanta ku hayaan, waxaana meydadkaasi maleeshiyaadka Somalida ah la isugu geeyay saldhigga degmada Yaaqshiid.


Isugeynta meydadka maanta ey heleen ciidamada dowladda ayaa tiradooda lagu sheegay 17, waxaana todobo ka mid ah ey ahaayeen ajaanib isugu jirta caran iyo Afrikan kale.


Dhanka kale masuulka u qaabilsan Al-Shabaab dhinaca gobolka Banaadir Cali Fiidow oo maanta shir jaraa`id khadka taleefanka qabtay ayaa sheegay in uu uga digayo Somalida in ragga usoo gurmaday ee garabka siinaya ey ku sheegaan Ajaanib islamarkaana gogeeyaan, waxa uuna sheegay in raggan ey kasoo hayaameen qoysaskooda oo ey soo dayaceen si ey "cadowga" uga xoreeyaan Somaliya.


Hadal haynta ajaanibta ka dagaalameysa safka hore ee dagaalada Muqdisho ayaa si weyn usoo shaac baxeysa, waxaana ka hadlay dhamaan waxgaradka, masuuliyiinta dowladda iyo culumada.



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Originally posted by General Duke:

Goobanle & IndaCade swtiched side to support their uncle Xasan Dahir nothing religious about it its all in the clan.

I think Indhacadde himself admitted that what he called a brother borrowed his weapons and will take care of it...dadka muu xoolo u maleeyey?...

Unlike you Duke runta lama qarinyo, balse you have issues aad ummadda Muqdisho deggan oo dhan aad cadow u aragtid just because adeerkaa oo caddaaladda ka fogaa rabeyna inuu Soomaali sii kala qayqabiyo aan rabitaan Soomaaliyeedna ku imaan xukunkiisa ayay diideenna aad u buunbuuninaysid whatever news you see or most of the times CREATE one.


Muqdisho Soomaali tiro badan oo degaanno kala duwan ka soo jeeda ayaa ku nool mana u malaynayo in nacaybka shakhsi amase koox gaar ahi uu wax u dhimayo.

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Is ABWAN talking to himself again. A man who supported Aydeed and his clan wars has nothing to say to anyone.


Adeer your political positioning is that of a child. Go plagarise other peoples work on silly websites like the clanist Somalidoon.. :D

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My main man the Hip Hop Jihadi


Adeer your group has forced the President into a corner, just don’t yell foul play at the consequences of your groups actions.

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Originally posted by MoonLight1:

Critical point: war maxaa ku helay? ma hurdo iyo matag baad isku

Ma hurdee wuxuu ka wadaa, waxa meejatan raga qaar kood ku soo qorayaan ayaa wax aan la fahmayn ah.


Ragow inta xaaladu kala degayso ha la yara nasto.


Yaan la isku karaamo seeegin!

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