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Ameena;900902 wrote:
Bal hada halkan eega dad baa Af Somaligii qaldayaa


waxay rabaan inay Af Somaligii Af Oromo u ee kaysiiyaan, aduunyo...waa yaab.

markacadey email baan u diray, waxan Af Somali maaha ee waa inay meesha ka saaran.


There are no Somali words that include double letters words like rr dd bb gg ll mm yy, ect, Af Somaligii bay qaldayaan..

Yes there is.

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Haatu;900997 wrote:
Yes there is.



I am assuming you are illiterate moron, there are no Somali words that include double letters words like rr dd bb gg ll mm yy, Don't try to mislead Somalis kids!!

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Wadankii Soomaliya la odhan jiray siduu u dumay buu Af Somaligiina u dumay, hada Internet ka waxaa ka buuxa dad jaahiliina oo Af Somaligiiba qaldaaya!!!



Bal ilaah baan idinku dhaarshee eega qof kani wuxuu qoraayo? Af Somaligii buu ogaan u qaldayaa, Soomaliya iyo Af Somaligiiba way u dhamaatay, Somalidu markoogii hore ba dad xoolo ah ayaay ahayeen, imikana wayba ka sii daraan,


hada ka dib qabiil kastaa oo Somali ahi, Af Somali gaar iyaga u ah ha qortaan, dad iyo wadan Soomaliya la yidhaahdo way u dhamaatay.



B: Kubbad, shibbane, Eebbe, aabbe, Cubbe, Cabbane, Cabban, Caabbi, Dubbe, cabbudh, abbaar, xabbad, dabbaal….


D: Caddaawe, caddaan, guddoo,n geeddi, waddan, maddane, addin, shiddo, xiddig, addoon,caddaalad, guddi, dheddig, cuddoon, gooddi, waddo, toddoba, siddeed, saddex, Caddib, giddi, geddis, eeddo, ciddi……..


R: Carrab, jirrid, cirro, carro, curri, qorrax, berri, cirrid, Hurre, Barre, farriin, xarriiq, dhiirri, arrin, shirrabaad, jirri, marriin, xirribo, harraad, irrid……


G: Higgaad, hoggaan, higgo, hoggaamiye……….


L: Sallaan, kalluun, ballan, loollan, dillaal, cillaan, illin, falliidh, raalli, faallo, dheelli, heello, dulli, duullimaad, gallad, qallad, ballaadh, shillal, Alle, hallow, balli, fallaadh, kelli, ballac, sallax, doolli, qoolley, qallayl, dhallin, dhalliil, dhallaan, dhiillo, kallahaad, xilli, jillab, Cabdalle, Cabdillaahi,


M: Dhammaan, ammaan-darro, ummad, qummaati, lammaane, hummaag, ammaano……


N:Bannaan, hannaan, janno, jinni, shinni, Xinnif, gunno, xinne, xannaano, cunnaabi, sannad, doonni, sinnaan, sunne, iwm.

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Qofka article kaa qoray waa Somalida noloshoodii intay ilaaween ku waashay Ancient Egypt civilization, Somali qurbihii ku wareeray oo wada waashay baa Internet ka buuxa.

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War Ancient Egyptionkan aad la soo shirtagtey waa maxay ninyahow afka dheer? It seems your the only one obsessed about them.


As for the double letters, I read a book on Somali grammar written in the 1960s originally in arabic script and then written in latin script by two Somali linguists. I'll post the title later. That should be proof enough for you.

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Ameena, hadii uu Af.Somaliga khaldan saas dhib kuugu hayo, maad macalin school noqotid oo dadka midka fiican bartid, intaad SoL dadka ka aflagaadeenesid? :)

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Ameena;900870 aka samha socotra wrote:
How many times do I have to tell you? Somalis are NOT cushitic, Somali language is not cushitc and Somalis are NOT related to Afar, Bejas, Oromos, Agaw, Sidamo and Saho, Quit wasting your time and energy spreading false propaganda, Somali are not and never will be cushitic or whatever you want to call it.


I am sure I have told you this a thousand times before, So I repeat it again, If you really want people to believe your crap cushitic language, Show me/us 10 Oromos words, 10 Afar word, 5 Bejas words, 4 Agaw and 6 Saho words that have the same meaning, spelled and pronounced similarly in Somali language.


Show me fact, prove to me that Oromos language is closest to Somali language, prove to me that Beja language is closest to Somali language, prove to me that Afar language is closest to Somali language, prove to me that Saho language is closest to Somali language, prove to me that Agaw language is closest to Somali language, prove to me that Sidamo language is closest to Somali language, I know you can't prove it, you are an *****, you are just wasting your time..please get a life!!!



I believe this individual (brainblaster456 a k a Chicken a k a Horus a k a Intisar) is mentally challenged, he is too obsessed with Ancient Egypt, And he spend all his time collecting Somalis, Oromos, Bejas, Afar, Maasai, Rendille, Agaw and Saho pictures and comparing similarities and accomplishing absolutely nothing, what a moron...I pity him.

Maxaa nagu daba dhigay iminka, chicken kaagana ma garanayno. If there is anyone who needs to get a life it is you. Stop stalking my comment's low life. I don't have to enforce people to believe in many scholar's work and what is taught in school's ect; but you have a agenda which i don't have. Ihave nothing to hide; many people believe that the Somali language is cushitic nimwit.


I never said Somalis were Ancient Egyptian's and i never said Somali people are Cushitic but only their language classification. If there is any question to be answered Ameena aka Samha Socotra; what is your agenda and message???

Attached files 901872=84-118359-004-AD71C13B.jpg

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Ameena;900870 wrote:
How many times do I have to tell you? Somalis are NOT cushitic, Somali language is not cushitc and Somalis are NOT related to Afar, Bejas, Oromos, Agaw, Sidamo and Saho, Quit wasting your time and energy spreading false propaganda, Somali are not and never will be cushitic or whatever you want to call it.


I am sure I have told you this a thousand times before, So I repeat it again, If you really want people to believe your crap cushitic language, Show me/us 10 Oromos words, 10 Afar word, 5 Bejas words, 4 Agaw and 6 Saho words that have the same meaning, spelled and pronounced similarly in Somali language.


Show me fact, prove to me that Oromos language is closest to Somali language, prove to me that Beja language is closest to Somali language, prove to me that Afar language is closest to Somali language, prove to me that Saho language is closest to Somali language, prove to me that Agaw language is closest to Somali language, prove to me that Sidamo language is closest to Somali language, I know you can't prove it, you are an *****, you are just wasting your time..please get a life!!!



I believe this individual (brainblaster456 a k a Chicken a k a Horus a k a Intisar) is mentally challenged, he is too obsessed with Ancient Egypt, And he spend all his time collecting Somalis, Oromos, Bejas, Afar, Maasai, Rendille, Agaw and Saho pictures and comparing similarities and accomplishing absolutely nothing, what a moron...I pity him.

Maxaa nagu daba dhigay iminka, chicken kaagana ma garanayno. If there is anyone who needs to get a life it is you. Stop stalking my comment's low life. I don't have to enforce people to believe in many scholar's work and what is taught in school's ect; but you have a agenda which i don't have. Ihave nothing to hide; many people believe that the Somali language is cushitic nimwit.


I never said Somalis were Ancient Egyptian's and i never said Somali people are Cushitic but only their language classification. If there is any question to be answered Ameena aka Samha Socotra; what is your agenda and message???

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Shaydaamadaan Ameena maxaa nagu daba dhigay iminka, chicken kaagana ma garanayno. If there is anyone who needs to get a life it is you. Stop stalking my comment's low life. I don't have to enforce people to believe in many scholar's work and what is taught in school's ect; but you have a agenda which i don't have. Ihave nothing to hide; many people believe that the Somali language is cushitic nimwit.


I never said Somalis were Ancient Egyptian's and i never said Somali people are Cushitic but only their language classification. If there is any question to be answered Ameena aka Samha Socotra; what is your agenda and message???

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Nin-Yaaban;901267 wrote:
Ameena, hadii uu Af.Somaliga khaldan saas dhib kuugu hayo, maad macalin school noqotid oo dadka midka fiican bartid, intaad SoL dadka ka aflagaadeenesid?



Macalimada Af Somaliga ayaaban ahay, Caruurta ilaa 15 jir ka ayaan af Somaliga baraa.

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