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Raamsade;904578 wrote:
Lakin, Afafkan oo dhan waa Afaf aad uga dhow Af Somali sida Afafka Europeanka aad suga wada dhow yihiin. Orod oo isla barbardhig tirooyinka Af Somali, Af Afar, Af Rendille, Af Saho, iwm.


Waligaa ma is weydiisey sababta Somalida u dhahaan Kontan? Sow ma eheen in ee dhahaan Shantan waayo Af Somaliga tiradiisa waa: Kow, Labbo, Saddex, Afar, Shan, Lix... xagee Konton ka timid?


Markaad dib u qeexdid Afafka Cushitic la yiraahdo, waxaad ogaan in waagii horey oo dadka Cushitic ku hadla ka la qeybsamin in Shan loo yaqaaney Kon sida ilaa iyo hadda Af Afar ee u isticmaalaan Kon. Marka, Afafka Cushitic waa Qolo Afaf (Language Group) oo jira kuna saleysan qeex iyo cilmibaaris dad aqoonyahano ah sameeyeen.



Waryaa Raamsade, waxaad u eeg tahay nin wareersan oo uu hayo cudur la yidhaah African jacayl, please sifiican dhagahaga u fur, wax la yidhaa Af cushitic ma jiro, Gaaladu yanay ku waalin, Maskaxdaada isticmaal.


Waligaa Djibouti ma tagtay amba Ethiopia? Canfarta Djibouti ku nool iyo Somalidu isma dhex dagaan, waayo dad isku mida maaha isku dhaqana maaha, midab kaa madoow uun baa ka dhexeeya, Af Somaliga iyo Af Canfartuna shaqo iskumalaha, qiiradan xuune doqoniimada ah joojiya iyo beentan aad faafinaysaan.


Oromoda iyo Somaliduna waa sidaas oo kale, shaqo iskuma laha, Af Somaliga iyo Af Oromodu iskuma dhowa shaqana iskuma laha, midab kaa madoow uun baa ka dhexeeya Somalida iyo Oromoda.


Imisa kalmadood oo Af Afar ama Af Oromo ah ayaad garanaysaa?? ha iskala soo boodin uun Afafkan oo dhan waa Afaf aad uga dhow Af Somaliga, waxaad waxaas oo dhan u samaynasyo waan garanayaa anuu, Somalida ayaad rabtaan inaad taarikh u samaysaan.


Somalida waxaa ku dhacay cudur la yidhaa (Obsession with Ancient Egypt) waa cudur cusub oo ragii Somalida ku wada dhacay.


Hala idiin ku dhaarto Somalida ama Oromos inaanay waligood wax la yidhaa (Civilization) inaanay samayn, wakhtigan lagu jiro 2013 Oromodu waa dad qaawan oo la gumaysto, Somaliduna waa dad Oromoda ka sii liita, Africa oo dhanba Somalida ugu liidata uguna jaahilsan.



In conclusion, there is no such thing as cushitic people and cushtic language, Somalis & Oromos have nothing in common with each other except the black skin tones, quit spreading your false propaganda.


Raamsade;904578 wrote:
Labbo, Saddex.Hadda

Af Somaliga saxda ahi waa Labo, Sadex. Hada.

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she is fockin retarted walle iyo billee na heedhe ameenay somali civilisation waligeeda ma aysan lahaan maad leedahay?


Ancient pyramidical structures, tombs, ruined cities and stone walls such as the Wargaade Wall found in Somalia are evidence of an ancient sophisticated civilization that once thrived in the Somali peninsula. The findings of archaeological excavations and research in Somalia show that this ancient civilization had had an ancient writing system that remains undeciphered and enjoyed a lucrative trading relationship with Ancient Egypt and Mycenaean Greece since at least the second millennium BC, which supports the view of Somalia

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^^ There is no actual evidence of that , perhaps it exist but we don't have the needed scripture to proof it that they were Somalis. We haven't identified those civilization as ours. Our history really starts around the 11 12 century, Somalis are a young nation perhaps they existed before to but not as Somalis or as modern Somalis. So ameena is pretty correct.

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^Fiiri wuxuu ku hadlaayo? How do you know we only came about in the 11th or 12th century when Xamar itself is older than that forget about the other ancient towns?


Ameena, then what was the A.juuraan Empire? Wasn't that an ancient Somali civilisation?

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Haatu the first ever written history we have was around the 11 12 history ofcourse towns and cities existed but those cities were not identified as somali civilization. We are very young people compared to others. Yemen Ethiopia Sudan. The first Muslim Empires were on the rise around the 12 century walashma and adal in Somaliland and parts of today's Ethiopia harar and shewa A. Juraan Empire emerged later around the 16 century in Somalia. We are very young people Haatu. We have no ancient history like the greeks Egyptians romans the Yemenites the Aksumites etc when the a.juraan Sultanate was in Somalia in the 17 century Louis XIV of france had colonies in today's canada wa shalay niyo.

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Lady, what qualifications do you have to make these sweeping statements ? Somalis did not fall from the sky you know. they had to have come from somewhere and branched from some people in the past. linguistics and genetic identifiers point to fellow horners afar, oromos, borana etal as being our closest relatives.

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Xaaji, maybe because we're/were reer Guuraa that weren't interested in state building, nothing is left of our earlier existence? This is probably what it is. I can't believe that Somalis are only a 1000 years old.

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The main argument was that the Somali language goes under the Cushitic classification in the Afro-Asiatic languages. There enough academic sources proving this:


Cambridge University:


Oxford University sources:


Ohio Uuniversity:

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Ameena;905125 wrote:
Waryaa Raamsade, waxaad u eeg tahay nin wareersan oo uu hayo cudur la yidhaah African jacayl, please sifiican dhagahaga u fur, wax la yidhaa Af cushitic ma jiro, Gaaladu yanay ku waalin, Maskaxdaada isticmaal.


Waligaa Djibouti ma tagtay amba Ethiopia? Canfarta Djibouti ku nool iyo Somalidu isma dhex dagaan, waayo dad isku mida maaha isku dhaqana maaha, midab kaa madoow uun baa ka dhexeeya, Af Somaliga iyo Af Canfartuna shaqo iskumalaha, qiiradan xuune doqoniimada ah joojiya iyo beentan aad faafinaysaan.

Eeyaheey i dhageyso, meeshan cidna ka ma hadlin Africa iyo Djibouti iyo Ethiopia iyo wax yaale noocaa ah. Su'aasha meesha taala waxa weeye: dadyowgan loo yaqaan Somali, Afar, Oromo, Rendille, iwm, ma is la wadaagaan taariikh, Af, iyo dhaqan iyo hiddo oo tusta in asal ahaan hal meel ka wada yimaadeen? Jawaabta qayaxan-na waa HAA.


Waxaa jawaabtaa caddeyn u ah Afafka ee ku wada hadlaan. Af wuxuu la mid yahay ab (ancestry). Sida dadka isku abka ah u wadaagaan dhiig (genetics), dadka isku abka ah waxee kaloo wadaagaan Afaf. Tusaale ahaan, dadka Europe dega waxee ku hadlaan Af loo yaqaan Indo-European lakin markii hoos loo daadego waxee ku kala hadlaan Afaf tira badan sida Romanc Languages (Italian, Spanish, French, Romanian, etc.), Slavic, Germanaic, Celtic, etc. Afkeen Somaaliga waa sidaa oo kale. Kow, Af Somaaliga wuxuu ka mid yahay Afro-Asiatic ama Afrosan language group oo la wadaagno Hebrew, Arabic, Amharic, Ancient Egyptian, Berber, Oromo, Afar, iwm. Ka dib waxaa midnahay Cushitic.


Ra'yigan waa mid aqoonyahano aad uga xeeldheer arrintan soo jeediyeen. Waa mid ku saleysan qeex iyo qiil (reason and evidence) ma aha mid dad aa waxba garaneyn iska soo alifteen. Marka waa ognahay in aadan aaminsaneyn wax la yiraahdo Cushitic balse wax caddeyn ah ma inoo haaysaa? Mise waxaad rabtaa in aa adi ku aamino caddeyn la'aan?




Oromoda iyo Somaliduna waa sidaas oo kale, shaqo iskuma laha, Af Somaliga iyo Af Oromodu iskuma dhowa shaqana iskuma laha, midab kaa madoow uun baa ka dhexeeya Somalida iyo Oromoda.


Imisa kalmadood oo Af Afar ama Af Oromo ah ayaad garanaysaa?? ha iskala soo boodin uun Afafkan oo dhan waa Afaf aad uga dhow Af Somaliga, waxaad waxaas oo dhan u samaynasyo waan garanayaa anuu, Somalida ayaad rabtaan inaad taarikh u samaysaan.


Marka inoo sheeg waxa keeney dhowaanta afankan:














Oromo (Galla)





























































Ameena;905125 wrote:
Af Somaliga saxda ahi waa Labo, Sadex. Hada.

Xaggee lagu bartaa Af Soomaligaa? Must be some in some village in Kilinka Shanaad courtesy of Injirley pedagogy. Aa ku baro afkaada hooyo waa haddaa Somali tahay... waa la tuhunsanyahy in aa Somali tahay.


Af Somali wuxuu leeyahay 7 shibbane (consonants) oo labalaabma, kuwaas waa: N, M, B, R, D, G iyo L. Haddaadan labalaabin shibbanayaashaas ma qori kartid erayo badan sida bannaan, qoomammo, abbaan, berri, haddii, ragga iyo ballan. Erayo kale-na ma la kala garan kartid sida Carab (ethnicity) and Carrab (tongue); haddaadan labalaabin R sidee u kala garan labadaa eray?

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Oromo language is not close to Somali the arsi oromo perhaps have close same grammatic but the language its self is not close to each other and northern oromos in the highlands have even a whole different dialect than the shewa oromos.





My daughter has 2 cats




intalli ko adurree lama qabdi




gabadhaydu laba bisadood bay haysata



Bintii cindi ithnayn qida


Counting is hardly used as a way to describe the closeness of languages Germanic roman and slavish people have the same counting styles but they are not the same languages not even grouped as the same languages. Also saho language is much and much closer to tigrinya languages than its to afar now and days. See languages evolve and are shaped through interaction between various people.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;905869 wrote:
Oromo language is not close to Somali the arsi oromo perhaps have close same grammatic but the language its self is not close to each other and northern oromos in the highlands have even a whole different dialect than the shewa oromos.

How close they are is beside the point. Afterall, one can quibble how close two languages are to eternity. The serious questions is: do Eastern Cushitic languages like Somali, Afar, Oromo, Rendille share similarities attesting to the common ancestry of their respective speakers? The answer is categorical yes. Recent genetic studies affirm and substantiate what linguists have been saying for ages.




Counting is hardly used as a way to describe the closeness of languages Germanic roman and slavish people have the same counting styles but they are not the same languages not even grouped as the same languages.

What are you talking about? Both Germanic and Slavic languages are grouped as Indo-European.



Also saho language is much and much closer to tigrinya languages than its to afar now and days. See languages evolve and are shaped through interaction between various people.

You're missing the point. Languages evolve yes but not to the extent that their origin is hard to figure out. Some words will always remain with the language. For example, word that describe objects, ideas, emotions that people always had use for like words for domestic economy (farming, lifestock rearing, craftmanship, fishing, etc), basic emotions, family members, household objects, counting, etc will remain. It stands to reason that since people always had use for counting, words for numbers remain nearly unchanged through the ages. Thus, comparing words for numbers are good place to start for any systemic study of languistic similarities.

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