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The Arabs have destroyed Somalis

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Taleexi;737731 wrote:
None else but Somalis are to be blamed for our miseries.

I agree....Dad kale ayaan ku rafannaa intaan innagu is laynay dhulkeenniina baabi'inay. Haddii aan eedaynayao waxaan dhihi lahaa Carabta iyo adduunkuba way na dayaceen naguna fiirsadeen dhibaatada na soo wejahdey!

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We are indeed funny species we can not get alone as a race and yet we've the guts of blaming others. Quite contrary for the most part Arabs have helped us.

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Taleexi;789251 wrote:
We are indeed funny species we can not get alone as a race and yet we've the guts of blaming others. Quite contrary for the most part Arabs have helped us.

How? By Saudis and their endless deportation, torture and mistreatment of Somalis? By Yemens and shooting at people on boats or sending them back. By the Libyans on keeping them in the desert? Should I continue my friend:)? I think the only country I think that has treated Somalis RIGHT is the UAE. Sheikh Zaid Ilaah naxariistii Janno ha siiyo, what a true brother and leader....Carabta kale haba igu deyin!!!

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walaalaha muslimiinta waad salaamantihiin .

runtii lama yaabo dadka qaar ,kuwaa oo ka hadlaya soomaaliya dhaqankeeda ama diinta islaamka ayagoon waxba ka aqoon .

luqada hadaan ku hormaro : luqad in labarto waa sunno , luqad la bartana waxaa ugu wanaagsan luqada carabiga .hadii aadan saa u ogeyn dib isugu laabo .


mayal adkaan : runtii reer galbeedku waxey ku guuleysteen in soomaali badan eey ku shubaan waxey ayaga aamin sanyihiin qaar aan somali ahayn iyo soomali lamaskax badalay oo rabo in eey fikir reer galbeed ku shubaan dadkana waa badan yihiin .

war diintaada inad ku dhagnaato ma mayal adkaan baa , in jihaadka iyo wixii ku saabsan lagu baro iyo dhibka gaaladu u maleegto islaamka inaad ogaato ma mayal adeeg baa , inuu gaal kaa raali noqoneynin ilaa aad fikirkiisa raacdo inaad ogaato ma neceeb baa . laga yaabo dadka qaar in eey diintu saa o aqoonin . balse waa inaad ogaataa xaqiiqada ma ahan wax laguugu shubay inaad la imaato .


somaliya hubka ugu badan waxaa soo galin jiray wadamada dariska , yaa arinkaas ku taageerayay ma carab baa , qabyaaladu soomaalida wey ku weyn tahay marka qabiil laga adkaado halkuu hubka udoonan jiray ma wadan carabaa . (somali ma carabaa , ma afkikaan baa ,mise waa dad carab iyo afrika iska dhal ahbaa , culimada badan kooda waxey isku raaceen in somali carab iyo africaan is guursaday eey ka imaadeen marka dhaqamadooda qar ka tirsan yeelano maxaa diidaya ee diinta waafaqsaneyn ) . war hadeysan carab ahaan lahayn somali ma diin baa soo gaari lahayd , ganacsigii kala dhaxeeyay somalida dhulka daganeyd ayaa sababay inaan muslim ahaano iyo alle mahadiis .

yaase ku yiri dhaqanka xun qaado so adiga ma dooran kooda fiican maad qaadatid .


runtii dadka qaar waxey jecel yihiin in eey carabta caayaan ujeedadase ma ahan in carab la caayo ee waa iney arimaha diinta soo fara gishtaan oo islaamka caayaan , qof walboo carab caay ku bilaabo dhamaadkii wuxuu ku soo gaba gabeynayaa wax yaalo uu diinta wax kaga sheegayo , madama dad badani eey aamin san yihiin in islaamnimada iyo carab nimada eey isku xiran yihiin .


dad xun wey ka buuxaan carabta , madaxdooda badan koodna waa qashin reer galbeed ayey wax ka dhageystaan taasi waa caddahay oo lama diidayo , balse dhibka soomaliya heysat kama imaanin carab kow soomaalida ayuu ka yimid labo dowladaha dariska oo uu reer galbeed isticmaalayo .


Manhajka iskuulada soomaaliya wuxuu u batay mid carabi ah ka dib markii la waayay dowladii dhaxe , taasne waxey soomaalida in badan ka caawisay iney fahmaan dadka eey yihiin . galbeedka waxbarasho tayo leh wey taalaa balse waxey la'dahay qiimaha iyo dhaqanka suuban ,


sanad walbo waxaa africa la geeyaa dhalinyaro fara badan oo dhaqan toosin u baahan , wadamada carabta maa laga keeno kuwa sidaas oo kale ah ,isna weydii somalida halkeey dhaqan xumada kusoo bartaan? ,


waala tarxiilaa somalida yaa waxaas ka dambeeya ma shacabka carabtaa mise dowladahan qashin ka ah ee carabaha ka jiro ,yaase dowladahaas iney meesha saarnaadaan kaa ku caawiya waa reer galbeed , tusaale ahaana waxaa kuugu filin xusni mubaarak , mise dowladaha carabta waxaad loo yaqaanaa ku gacanka .

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these fanatics and fundamental teachings,many Arab countries were forced to revisit the method of Islamic teachings in their schools where hatred towards others and oppression of women is part of their Islamic teaching curriculum,

ma iisheegi kartaa buugaagta carabiga ee iskuulada lagu dhigo ee naceeb dadka kale qore , iyo dumarka oo xaqooda la duudsiyo , soo raadi buugaagta soomaaliya laga dhigi jiray waa sucuudi iyo imaaraat waxa laga bixiyayna waa aayadihii jihaadka ee kitaabka Alle ku yiilay , taasi miyaad farxad u aragtaa in diinta qeyb ka tirsan lagugu qasbo inaad ka saarto buugaagta.


They want to keep Somalia down, our people down, so no oil company dares to enter the country and develop our potential. they will give us everything bad about their culture, such as fundamentalism, while, they allow women in Qatar to play near naked in 'beach volleyball'

cadeyn dhab ah maxaad heysaa in carabta eysan rabin in soomaaliya shidaal yeelato , mise quraafaadkii hore ee shidaalkaa ayaa dhanka soomaaliya u hooraya ayaad wali aaminsantahay , misana waligaa ma maqashay hey'ad shidaal ayey carabta istaajiyeen ?

dumarka in la qaawiyo ayey ogolaadeen ma waxaad ka wadaa somalida xijaabkeey geeyeen ayagana wey is qaawiyeen ? yaab yaabkiisa .

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Brother it is wrong to target arabs for the misery caused by our own people. .Surely, somalis are to blame for the predicament they're in and for loosing out on their culture Also it is not only arabs that are promoting their language across their borders. Even if Arabs do so, as long as they dont make it the official medium of instruction in schools, its fine by me. It'll only benefit our brethrens and strenghten them in their quest to learn the deen.


Since you are worried about the survival of our cultural heritage. Its surprising that you dont mention countries such as the US, Britain, France etc.They are doing it on a larger scale, in the name of loans & educational assistance; imported textbooks, foreign currucilums with no relevance to our childrens language, history, cultural values and norms.

If anything it is those countries that are disrupting the learning processes of our children and violating linguistic human rights that are the real threat.

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lets not blame arabs because most of them could care less about us. Lets not blame somalis because that wont help eaither. We should start instiions that protect the somali culture and make us united within it.

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This is a tiresome argument. Besides there's no 'somali' culture, somali culture varies depending on what region of somalia someone happens to be from. I understand blaming arabs or outsiders in general is a favourite past time of

ours, but I think all blame lies within us. No one is gonna save you except yourselves. Arabs have their own problems to deal with. Let's deal with our own.

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Somalia;796210 wrote:
I'm pretty sure others destroyed Somalia, I'd love to point them out but it'd get me banned.

Didnt know it was so easy to get banned here. Who are the mods?

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Some Arabs think we're Arabs too. That is extremely confusing. Defining what a Somali is has got to be the most difficult thing.


A Somali is at times not even seen as an African by our African brothers. We are in some kind of a limbo. Therefore I agree with that we need to define who we are better.


But an Arab is: " a person whose language is Arabic, who lives in an Arabic-speaking country, and who is in sympathy with the aspirations of the Arabic-speaking peoples."


If Arabic is our 2nd language than this could be correct. Also, I have read in one of the draft constitution that Somalia will be both an Arabic and an African state. Arabic will be the 2nd language of the country.


Also to ad to this conversation, no one cares about Somalia. Not even the rich sheikhs and their corrupt states. It should only be the Somalis that should care for it. And hopefully rise as a secular democratic state that protects the rights of the individuals. When I was in Saudi Arabia I thought I had rights as a Dutch citizen. But I was a fool as I had forgotten it is a police state where even the police harras you.


The Arabs (Saudi Arabia specifically) can only destroy Somalia by introducing a form of islam that is alien to us.

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Why does it always have to be that Arabs influenced us with their culture and ways of living. Can it ever be the other way around. I'm sure if we were to go as far back as we can possibly go, Somalis have influenced Arabs. Mind you, I'm not a big fan of Arabs for personal reasons but I really dislike when our people point their fingers at others for their own demise. Remember, you might be pointing a finger at someone but there's three pointing right back at you.

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