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SOL Challenge - 3 day diet

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you can lose muscle by not working out


ps. i dont really understand why anyone would wish to lose muscle becuase to gain lean muscle takes lots of hard work ;)


ps.The only way to stay in shape is to train for the rest of your life :D

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Lol I need to build muscle so that's not what I was getting at. I can't afford to lose muscle. There's not much to lose- except for my heart muscle lol. I'm referring to a strict diet- do you lose muscle before fat? Is there an order like:






Aside from muscle loss due to inactivity, I thought fast muscle loss was a result of extended starvation.


Anyway, will you start a thread on gaining muscle mass, please? I bought a set of weights a few weeks ago and killed myself carrying the box home and they're still sitting there gathering dust. I used to work on biceps, triceps, shoulders for upper body and do lunges and squats while carrying hand weights. I used to get results fast, with some cardio and baddd eating habits. Now that I have sorted out my eating habits, I want to do weights again and gain muscle. The cardio can wait lol, I find it easy to do and neglect other things as a result.

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Aside from muscle loss due to inactivity, I thought fast muscle loss was a result of extended starvation.

Starving yourself will only mess you up, and you will be fatter and with a more sluggish metabolism once you`re done with your starving.


PS. Are you looking to lose the fat and gain muscle? Set A goal For Yourself And get real About Aachieving It.Get real and tell yourself that you are going to do this, no matter what. Before any other step, this is the most important one.If you are not real and serious about losing fat,AND gaining muscle all the other steps will not help you. YOU MUST SET A GOAL FOR YOURSELF. You need a reason to keep going, what you want to achieve and then go after it!

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You keep misunderstanding me. I don't want to starve myself. I just thought people scare-monger when they say you lose muscle even if you diet strictly for a few days. Just wanted to know if it happens to you, say in Ramadan?


I'm under no illusions. Taking it a step at a time. My diet first. All sugar now gone- did this over a few weeks. Now eating low carbs, more greens than ever before, meat(something new to me), chicken and drinking buckets of water. Result: sugar cravings gone, skin shiny and feel light and energetic. Weight loss too. Sugar cravings were the worst- I was an addict. The food industry makes us addicts.


I just want to crack the muscle gain next so hence my asking you. What to do? Do I have to eat a lot of protein in order to gain muscle?

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You keep misunderstanding me. I don't want to starve myself. I just thought people scare-monger when they say you lose muscle even if you diet strictly for a few days. Just wanted to know if it happens to you, say in Ramadan?

Ok. Let me put my two cents. Step by step, this is how it goes: There is a difference between Starvation and Strict. You could be eating enough calories and be strict about what sort of food you're eating. Lets say you're taking way less calories, like the 3day diet. Ok? So this is what happens, first your body burns off the immediate energy availabe for a week, then your body panicks "as in shit, this isnt enough" so it begins to restore calories for future famine. Fat is the body's last resource. So first you lose water in turn dehydrating yourself. This is where people see Big drop! Then, your body begins to break down muscles because takes less energy to convert for energy than Fat. After all the lean muscles are gone, then your body goes to it last resource: Fat.
But what happens when you get off the diet? You start eating normal calories, introduce some starch back into your diet and your metabolism is now so sluggish it does two things: Still stash away calories and burn less. Then you bloom back to whatever size you were and bigger. The Oprah fiasco!


I'm under no illusions. Taking it a step at a time. My diet first. All sugar now gone- did this over a few weeks. Now eating low carbs, more greens than ever before, meat(something new to me), chicken and drinking buckets of water. Result: sugar cravings gone, skin shiny and feel light and energetic. Weight loss too. Sugar cravings were the worst- I was an addict. The food industry makes us addicts.

You're actually on the right track. As long as you're eating enough of low carbs, protein and fat you're set for success. Just know that this has to be a lifestyle meaning when you meet your goal, dont think "Oh now I can party"!


I just want to crack the muscle gain next so hence my asking you. What to do? Do I have to eat a lot of protein in order to gain muscle?


It will be very hard for you to gain lean muscle as you're a woman. So no need to drink humongous protein shakes. What you need is eat enough lean meat and train VERY hard. You would want to lift weights 3 times a week, do compounding excercise and just keep at it.

I just can't cut sugar out :( I dont know what to do. I'm stuck in the last 5-10bls for the past year.

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I'm under no illusions. Taking it a step at a time. My diet first. All sugar now gone- did this over a few weeks. Now eating low carbs, more greens than ever before, meat(something new to me), chicken and drinking buckets of water. Result: sugar cravings gone, skin shiny and feel light and energetic. Weight loss too. Sugar cravings were the worst- I was an addict. The food industry makes us addicts.

Stay within these guidelines and you will get results. The patterns will become ingrained and much easier to maintain as your body adapts icon_razz.gif

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FUFU You should start the suggested thread saxib. There was a similar one a while back with great info from all the couch potato nutritionists/fitness instructors here, like me.


As far as I know muscle loss occurs when you exercise hard and get careless with your food. For example hitting the weights hard without eating enough to supply you with energy, or doing cardio on an empty stomach (the opinions are split on this one). Once your glycogen is depleted your muscle is the next source of energy. I think 3 days is not long enough to cause noticeable changes. Correct me if I'm wrong here.


Fat loss = calories spent by the body is greater than calories consumed.


Muscle gain = Calories consumed is greater than calorie expenditure (including enough protein).


Water loss = haven't got a clue.


Yes you do need to eat protein to gain muscle, that's the only nutrient that's used for muscle building. But the muscles need to be worked hard enough to be able to benefit from the protein. They become stronger/bigger over time. The body doesn't get bulky that easily, you need to eat like a horse for that. Your current diet is fine.


Working your biceps/tris/shoulders alone aren't effective for a beginner. The body responds better to compound exercises. Squats and lunges are perfect. For upper body I'd say Push ups, pull ups and dumbbell presses. Each one works several muscles at the same time. Perfect.


I know you've asked FUFU, but I thought I'd get off the couch and chip in, innit. We both have the same goal.


What kind of equipment did you buy?

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Actually, it shouldn't be just a simple thread, we demand a whole section for this. The Jokes section needs to go.

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c& H fur hee


doing cardio on an empty stomach (the opinions are split on this one).

sxb i know there's split opinions on this one but i have tried doing cardio with empty stomach it works perfect for me.

To be honest if u wanna get shredded fasting cardio is the best option sometimes i do 1hr after training but i dont do HIT cardio i normaly do low intensity cardio on a treadmill ;)

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We soo neeed a thread on this. Thanks, Urban.


I want to gain muscle not bulk up. Sorry, ooucc at moi trying to become the Hulk or guzzling protein shakes. I just want my toned, defined self back.


What the hell is compound exercise?! I HATE push-ups cause I have little strength, I can do it with it knees on floor.


What?! I have to eat more calories to gain muscle? Say walaahi. LoL.



Added sugar. This one is easier to beat:


I used sweeteners to ease me out of sugar for tea/coffee. I don't have any sugar now. I add a little sweetner(some of this stuff is bad for you BTW, use Splenda, safest one from my research) if need be. I did this straight after Ramadan and have not gone back.


Invisible sugar and carbs

Most things you buy are full of sugar and other carbs, look at the ingredients. Even the elast obvious things. This was a harder task as I was relying on buying food for lunch and dinner out of sheer laziness. I don't really eat rice but live on bread.


I dropped bread 12-13 days ago. It turned my world upside down. I ate it twice in that time and it made me bloated and gave me a headache. Ick. I will reintriduce at some point when I feel like I have a more balanced system. Eating carbs gives you cravings. So you eat more carbs. And get stuck in a hellish cycle. Just remove sugar from your diet and I'm sure the rest of the weight will drop off. BTW, your target weight may not be the weight your body wants to be at! Also, I never weigh myself; I just know from my clothes.


Equipment! Huh. I just bought hand-held weights. No space for a bench, pulleys and all that palava. LoL.

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*If u wanna get shredded fasting cardio*


Does that mean do low-intensity cardio on an empty stomach? Like first thing in the morning? I've done this accidently(never thought it was a good idea) and managed fine. So shredded means what? Ripped? LoL.

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