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GAME: Test your Somali

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Che, I did, up until Scheherazade caught onto my jimicsi ambitions. I don't know, che, if you too, on the contrary, may be culpable like I am--Or are you? :D


Scheherazade, I think it's time we got back to playing the game.


New word: Guilty :D

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^Not in the sense you are thinking.


Mr.Somalia...I'm gentleman though bit unpolished I might admit.I would have just suggested a walk in the park but not jimicsi but then again, Sheh did say it's gloomy out and presumably rainy too smile.gif:D

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^ :D ..hehe,nah! let me help you understand what the sly fox was trying to do - mark his territory..hehe,general section is Che's domain magaratee,marka you cant just come in and try to be clever.


*waves@ Che*

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Malika, oo hada ma waxaad i leedahay, Che, kaleeti buu General section-ka oo dhan kala daalay oo dhulkaan oo dhan asaguu u oodanyahay? Laakin ma anaa ciyaar ciyaar ku haraya! Che, miciyahaaga soofeeyso ayaan ku leeyahay saaxiib. :D



Malika, waa su'aale: Which "territory" ayaa adiga lagaa dhex heleyaa? :D

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^Walked right into that,didnt I? - 'The Golden City' - bala iga hela..go figure :D ,a place where age restriction is mandatory. :D


I better retire.


ps.This is Che's territory,he fought hard for it - adigu if you want to be acknowledge here you got to kill the lion[Ngonge],to be on the equal status of Che.. :D


God am tired - I seem to write for the sake of it.. :D:D

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LoooooooooooooL....Hello Habo, I might have to have your advice.



LooooooooL@miciyahaaga soofeeyso.Before we get into that.It will be advisable to follow Malika's suggestion and take down NGONGE's first unless hadee tahey aboo kayar iga celi ka weyn baa iska calinayaa.



How did we did get into this?

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Bas bas bas! Hadaaba tiri carrigaan Ngonge ayaa libaax ka ah, General section-ku ha isku diyaariyo inaan iska biyo biyeesto...waayo Ngonge wuxuu noqonayaa Libaax gabalkiisi u dhacay, and I'm obviously an African Lion still in his prime. :D


And as for Che: I don't think inuu iga diidiyo inaan meesha wax kula cunno, maadaama aanu nahay ilma Adeero-- aint that so, Che? :D


...Laakin, Malika, waxaas oo dhan waa la iiga bal ii sheeg mowjada laga heli karo The Golden City, 'cuz I'm eagerly willing to fulfill all the subscription requirements, even if it means I have to falsify some official documents. :D

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Originally posted by Prometheus:

Miskiin, qaamuuska aad ka akhriday tacriifkaas miyaad xusuusan karaysaa, walaal? Carab (2004) iyo Keenadiid (1976) ayaan goor dhawayd isha mariyay oo kumaan arag macnayntaad soo xigatay. Qaamuusyada kale miisaan weyn iyo milgo badan ilama laha; qof af-soomaaligiisu bushuq-bushuq iska yahay inay wax ku biiriyaan mooyee qof kale aqoon kordhsi ka heli maayo. Inanta Nina su'aasheeda haddaan dib u jaleeco, eray yara adag, "theorist", bay turjumaad naga weydiisay. Erayada "qaacido" iyo "theory" macno isu dhaw ma laha, waase kaaf iyo kala dheeri. Laakiin intaynaan eray u dhigmo raadin, waxa habboon inaan macno kooban erayga "theorist" u helno.


The word "theory" has a rather technical, narrow meaning when used by scientists (and philosophers). That's to say, when most people use the word "theory", they use it to draw a distinction between a "theory" (a hunch or guess) and a "fact" (something indisputable), as in "it's just a theory" or "I don't know, but my theory is he's insane". However, in scientific parlance a "theory" isn't just some dubious proposition that can be gratuitously dismissed. Instead, it is the most coherent, parsimonious, and consistent explanation of the facts - the "theory" of evolution is just as buttressed by the evidence as the "theory" of gravity or the germ "theory" of disease. To the consternation of scientists, a great many people who have no grasp of biology often dismiss the "theory" of descent with modification as a mere hunch. Such ideologues trade in remarkable anti-science asininity. But I digress.


Waxa ugu dhow erayga "theory" waxa weeyaan "qiyaas" ama "oddoras"; erayaga "mala'awaal" macno kaluu leeyahay. Waxaad odhan kartaa, "waxaan oddoraasayaa isbeddelka weyn ee ku dhacay bulshada Soomaaliyeed" - theorizing about the major transformation of Somali society. There's no word for "theorist", but a little eray-bixin can go a long way.

Awoowe P, aad iyo aad ayaad ugu mahadsantahay waqtiga aad siisey inaad sharaxdo ereyga aan doonayey in la turjumo. Ereyo cusub ayaan bartey xitaa. Great stuff awoowe.


MMA Af-Soomaligiisa waa bushuq-bushuq ayaan u maleynaayaa. icon_razz.gif

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And as for Che: I don't think inuu iga diidiyo inaan meesha wax kula cunno, maadaama aanu nahay ilma Adeero-- aint that so, Che?

Touche' my freind-you could teach your ina adeer Duke a thing or two :D


N back to Sheh situation ;)

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