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Cunto Xumi-Bad Food

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Balo war dhibaatado anigu uun maaho gartay hadadan. Bal aan idiin sheego waxa na dhex marey aniga iyo Ninka iska leh Maqaayadan.


Kadib markii aan sugay ugu yaraan 40 daqiiqo oo cunto qalad la ii keenay,baan u sheegay in aan iska cunaya ,xataa 50% discount lama i siin, cajiib. here is where it gets funnier

I told him i came here and spend atleast $45 hard earned dollars to your facility, His Sarcastic reply was. You are eating all my food dude.


Kook Kaat, alla reer Canada, This Etob restaurant must be that good if you are recommending unless you are a part owner ina Hooyo.

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You are eating all my food dude

Waa runtiis ninka mulkiilaha, cuntada khaladka maxaad u cuntey adiga, hadaadse cuntey ood ka dharagtey maxaad u codsaneysaa 50% discount :D



PS: Easy solution, cook yourself, hadaadan aqoonin gabadh kuu kariso keenso oo weesada ku dhowro isla fashuuqda cuntada iyo canabka, kaligaa hadaad tahayna baro sida loo kariyo cunnada oo falfalliir iyo baasta fadariiji isku dar maansa iyo moodana ku walaaqo bariiska, adaa jeclaani makhaayad danbe lagaa maqli maayo.

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Originally posted by IsseRiyole:

xataa 50% discount lama i siin,

:D:D:D basically whoever gives you 50% dicsount will earn your praises miyaa waxaada adiga? lol Maxaa lagaa faaidaa hadii ay 50% discount kusiiyaan? Brother runta hadaa rabto maqaayad Soomaali will forever be different from the rest and like Faarax said caqligaaga aa lugala macaamiloodaa ee not neccessarily with your money...there is no maqaayad in the world oo lagaa yeelaayo intaa raashin isku daldasho ayaa waxaa leedahay hala igu one will even bother telling you why didn't you say so beforehand marka I don't think there is a maqaayad Somali on earth I go to for their service...


we will be here for days If I were to disclose the number of times that I've been brought for the wrong orders or how long I have been waiting for my lunch/dinner to arrive but do I complain...never...n ot even one single moment because I chat with the waiters and tease them to an extent that they would want to get rid of me...that is the trick :D .



P.S Ar magacaan goormaad inaga badali doontaa maandhow? good to see you around my brother and Salam.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Don't get me wrong koolkat, Etob offers wonderful food, and their chicken is definitely delicious. I simply love Hamdi's rice.


wait...I should add hamdi's rice and Etob's chicken and you get the perfect dinner...


so that tells you every restaurant has its qualities...



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Originally posted by The Zack:

Nuune LOOOL@kushiinka agteeda, I agree that they have good food but the place is just very small. It can barely fit 20 some people. I am referring to the on Rexdale Boulevard.

Space ahaan, Xamdi ma yaro, ee dadka ku badan. Maqaayad Soomaaliyeed oo weyn wey jirtaa, a few blocks west of Xamdi -- it is called Karuur. Still somehow sida Xamdi looma aado, ma'ogi waxa ugu wacan. I guess brand and recognition does that.


Xamdi shisheeye ku nacayba, non-Soomaalis. War yaa naga qabto. Once in the blue moon tagaa, still wey tuban yihiin. I've realized, though, to avoid that place on the weekends. Then again it is the weekend when you go out.


Iitoobna (Etob) saas ma ugu heli, not because of cuntada ee kariyaan, for raashinkooda waa iska heersare. That place just iga hor imaatay. Meeshaa deganahay u dhow, oo waa u luggeeyaa even, oo waa iga bad badatay. In fact beri the final soccer game kasoo fiirsanaa probably and another bariis/suqaar soo cunaa, probably. Last time I at least tried sabaayad iyo chicken suqaar. I will ask inay soor kariyaan beri. Will love to see Mr. Iitoob's reaction. :D


No more lame bariis iyo suqaarkiisa nooh (be it chicken suqaaar or suqaar caadi).

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The Zack   

^Hamdi qeybo kale oo qarsoon mey qabtaa? Aniga hal leen arkay taasna wey ila yareed. Maybe I am used to seeing huge Somali restaurants here in the US. Lakin meeshaas cuntadeed caadi ma aheyn last time I was there.


Etob-taan la sheegayo maba arkin wali, I am going to check it out next time I am there insha'allah.


P.s. How are you going to watch a game in a restaurant?

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a whole summer baan xamdi chicken drums kunoolaa, honestly i did not like to eat-in there.


first you have to find a parking, then u have to walk thro the 102 farax meesha waardiyaha ka heysa (standing in front of the maqaayad) adigo xiiqday baad galaysaa


then it is the waiter and the waiting for the qaando/fargeeto grrrrrrrrr.


but that chicken waa macaan. speaking of koronto food, i miss the aruba shake!

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Cunto Xumi :confused:


The koronto cafes/restaurants I visited were not that great. Bariis labo malimood yaaley ayaaba lagaa iibin (or at least that what it taste like). Just have plenty of water to wash it all down.

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I am salivating,by just the memory of Xamdi's bariis iyo hiliib..I love the eating out culture the Torontians have..

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malika torotorians waa dhuuniyaal. they stop every half an hour to eat or drink.


the fact they drive everywhere does not help their expanding waistline either.


ps: that is dadkaan soo arkay! waa isku dhex yaaceen.

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imti, sowie.


i loved t-dot runti. it is just hard for us reer europe, the portions are big over there and it seems there is food everywhere

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Originally posted by The Zack:

^Hamdi qeybo kale oo qarsoon mey qabtaa? Aniga hal leen arkay taasna wey ila yareed. Maybe I am used to seeing huge Somali restaurants here in the US. Lakin meeshaas cuntadeed caadi ma aheyn last time I was there.


Etob-taan la sheegayo maba arkin wali, I am going to check it out next time I am there insha'allah.


P.s. How are you going to watch a game in a restaurant?

Haa, Xamdi qeybta dumarka jirto oo iska yar. Not many sisters, especially non-Soomaali ones, use it. Laba irid leedahay Xamdi. Probably tan badanaa dadka isticmaalaan ka gishay. Haddaa taas ka gishay, meesha tarmuuska weyn shaaha saaranyahay horeyo usii dhaaf, irida kale kaa hor imaaneyso fur and qeybta dumarka waaye meeshas. But as I said, dadka ma jeclo somehow meeshaas. Don't know.


Haddaa sawirka fiirisid, ma yaro runtii, oo waliba usii dheertahay laba meel dadka fariistaan ka muuqan sawirka:




I sometimes watch games on Iitob restaurant because waa iska xaafadeyda, kuwa ka shaqeyana, including the owner Mr. Iitob kor iska isnaqaanaa. Plus, it is better to watch with others than alone and bored at home.


I don't know saa ku arki weysay if you had seen Alcuruba. Weyba isa saaranyihiin, only the convenience store u dhaxeeyo. Waa ku soo sawiri doonaa, probably waa aragtay laakiin ma aadan u maleynin.


Juxa, dhuuniiyaal ma nihinee dhaqankeeda Reer Koronto iska noqday saas. Late night aroos iyo ruwaayado too dhaqan Reer Koronto waaye. Come to think of it, runtaada waayeba, every few steps drive-thru of Tim Hortons ku jiraan Soomaalida ama fadhiyaan, and if it isn't on drive-thru maqaayadahaas iyo biibitooyinkaas wax kasoo gadanayaan. And we play banooni a place that is a few yards away from Alcuruba, and some of us usually markaa dhameysano ciyaarteena mango shakekeena horey kasii aadnaa ee Alcuruba lagu gado.


Xiligaan camal weyba shidantahay Alcuruba banaankeeda. Abkey marax Reer Mareykan dhan wada taagan with their out of the country car plates iyo see kuu fiirinayaan. What do they think it is? Minnesota or Ohio? Fiiris xumaa. So are the Reer Yurub wada kuus kuusan iyagana. Ar bar yaraa Reer Yurub wiilashooda.

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