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UK Somali Team Arrives in Toronto.

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They have parked themselves at Banaadir restaurant. Meeshaas ayee wada dhoowanyihiin all teams ka yimid dibadda, qaas ahaa the four teams from Landhan. Free baaraxi bariis food ayee ka helaan, I guess.


After dropping a relative off at the airport and a quick visit to Xamdi restaurant at around 11:pm on a thursday night last week, I decided to make a short stop @ Banadir restaurtant to grap my favourite tea in town before making the long trip back to my city, and thats when I saw a group of young men with a blue Cardiff jerseys, and most had a northern dialects. First I thought, they were a religious group visiting TO or pro Somaliland folks spreading the message"weey duushay" smile.gif . Few minutes later after leaving the scene without knowing much about them, I happen to see few smokers among them outside and thats when I learned, they are here to play soccer. but I have to admit sxb, they looked like ametour soccer players, not the well disciplined, well trained, Som United.No wonder they got trashed.

Bariis qalalan oo aroortii la kariye ayee nasoo hordhigeen iyo hilib u eg wax adiga ku cuni karo.


ii badal majirto miyaa meesha..they got good sandwichs specially beef.


Very interesting article about the Somalis and their long history in Cardiff, Wales.,,1692747,00.html

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^^There are only a few teams in the UK who are what I would consider disciplined and well trained.


Farax iyo Rocko. I was a flanker/winger but a good sportsman overall. Rugby was one of 4 school teams i was involved with.


Didnt quite make the Cricket squad though,,,,

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^^brilliant? Very modest :D


But I think the Aussies are better than the Americans when it comes to sports. Apart from the NBA they have nothing else,,,,

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Inamadani ma xuma, Good to see young somali athletes. but i aslways wonder why non of them make into the big leagues..


I miss Rugby,you will fell in love with Rugby if see All Blacks in action.


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^^^Dabshid,erm could it be,their not genetically modelled to play rugby?Hence the slender structures our somali men possess[dont want to call them skinnies]

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Was anyone there on Sunday? Oh, my, my. What a filled stadium. Korontonians came out like ...


And what a game! Soomaali United found an equal club in their league by the name of London Stars.


The stadium was filled to the maximum. A very entertaining game, boisterous fans equally divided.


It was nice and pleasure to see Soomaalida -- yar and weyn, coon iyo barbaar, duqooshinka iyo dhalaanta -- coming together like that.


Shalay - 08/07/2007- oo aheyd cayaartii kama danbeysta ayaa waxaa wada cayaaray labada kooxood ee kala ah London Stars oo ka soctay wadanka UK gaar ahaan magalada London iyo kooxda Somali Unated oo ka socto dalka Canada magalada Toronto.


Cayaartas oo aheyd mid aad u xiiso badan ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay oo garoonkii Centennial Park buuxiyay boqolaal Soomaali ah oo ka kal yimid wadamada Waqooyiga Amerika iyo Yurub iyo dadkii martida loo ahaa ee reer Canada, maarkaad eegto garoonka dadka u soo dawasha tagay ayaa waxaa soo xasuusaneysaa garoonskii Stadio Koonis iyo garonkii caalamiga ee Stadio Muqdiso, waxaa garoonka soo buux dhaafiyaya dhalinyaro, qoysas Soomaliyeed oo sida uu reerka u dhamaa u soo dawasha tagay cayaarta oo aad arkeyso abahii, hooyadii iyo caruurtii oo wada socdo, dadweynaha kasoo qayb galay yaa waxaa ka mid ahaa fanaaniin oo uu ka mid ahaa Xasan Aadan Samatar, waxaa kaloo goobta ka muuqday qoraga Soomaaliyeed isla markaasna ahaa cayartooydii cuslaatay ee kubada laliska Jani Dheere, waxaa kaloo joogay cayartooydii cuslaatay ee kubada cagta Muqtaar Cuti, Ganajab, Yuusuf Shaqaaq, Cali Guray, Turumbo, Maxamed Xaaji Uureey, Cabdi Aadan Xasan Tuke, iyo cayaartooy kale dhanka kubada laliska waxaa goob jooga ahaa Axmed Dahir, Abukar Shine, Madaxey, C/qadir Shiikha, Cabdi Dheere, Maxamed Faarax Qambi, Cabdi Dibutaati, Deeqa Cawil, Gani Xasan Nuur, Anyeela, Faarax Odey, Axmadey Baana, Daa'uud Axmed, Maxamed Sheekh, C/qadir Dhame, Mustaf Ashkir , Axmaed Tuke iyo cayaartooy, waxaa kaloo goobjoog ahaa wariyeha Ibraahim Xasan Daandurey oo si toos ah ugu tabinaayay idaacada VOA.


London Stars ayaa ku guuleysatay koobkii Somali Champions League Toronto 2007, kadib markii ay rigoreyaal (Penalty) kaga badisay Somali United iyagoo 1-1 isla dhaafi waayey ciyaarta labdii qayboodba, cayarta qabteedii hore markii ay socto qadir 20 daqiiqo ayaa waxaa gool ku hor maray kooxda Somali United oo uu u dhaliyaya nambarka 15 Simba, taas oo xiiso u yeeshay cayaarata, qaybtii labaada ee cayarata ayaa kooxda London Stars dhalisay gool waxaana u dhaliyaya nambarka 7aad Axmed Danish taas oo kentay in lag dhaligo rigoreyaal (Penalty).




The legend himself was there, enjoying the game









These pictures only show a quarter of filled stadium, though.

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