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What About Somalia!!!

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War ileen balaayo!!! you know I wonder sometimes somalidhan hadii ee u jeclaan lahaayeen Somalinimadooda iyo dhulkooda iyo dadkooda, Sida ee u jecel yihiin falastiinta iyo dhulkooda, Somalia nabad ee ahaan leheed maanta!!!


I know we all hate what is happening to Falastiin iyo masaakiinta la iska leynayo. I know waa muslim and calaashaan diintooda ayaa loo dilaya iyo dhulkooda..Yes Yes we are Muslim first...BUT


Somalia waxa ka dhacaaya maanta waa Sad case too.. Yes is between us laakiin we are also muslims.. Some of you will argue and say "anaga dhexdeena ayaa is dileynaya" did you kill your own people? so we can't say anaga!


Somalis are muslim and today they need us (qurbaha jooga) more than ever?


Ilaahey wuxuu na dhahaybefore aad diinteeda caawisaan, caawiya naftiina iyo reerkiina kadibna dadkiina (Somali Muslims).. Then and Only then you will be able to help diinteyda!!! Which one of you help the poor somali Families who have no homes and anything to eat today? Do we fight and think of them? Do we go to our new Governments and bang doors on them?


You are Muslim Somalis.. Palestine Ilaah baa u maqan maanta laakiin Adigoo daba qaawan oo uftaada banaanka taalo, qofkale dhar uma xiri kartaan...


Who agrees lol....


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Some do, in fact nomads on this very forum have demonstrated, signed petitions, organised events - search the archives. Giving to Somaalia is the done thing, half the people live on remmitance from the qurbe joog. There have been on going fundraising drives - at least in the UK.


We can do a lot more, so much more but to say that Soomalis care more about Falistiin and do more for Falistiin is untrue and unfair. A few threads on a cyber forum don't even scartch the surface, love.

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When you've been touched by tragedy, that should enable the sphere of your self-realization to grow, and be empathetic enough to feel the pain of others. So for those Somalis who feel pained by the Gaza tragedy, we equally feel the same about our troubled motherland. The over-arching factor that motivates our reactions to either domestic or external tragedies is: humanitarianism coupled with muslimness .


Got it? smile.gif


Anyway, Londoners - who's going to the demo tomorrow, Insha-Allah?

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The over-arching factor that motivates our reactions to either domestic or external tragedies is: humanitarianism coupled with muslimness .

Humanitarism has no faith or race. Waa bini aadan nimo only! but before you say Muslimness, waxaa meesha soo galeysa Su'aasha (what have you done for your family and your Somali people) before you run to (I'm here for all muslims) and if you say you are here to help as Humans, then So are the Somalis...


My point is not that we shoudn't help our brothers and sisters in Gaza, but I'm just saying we shoudn't over look our own situations and the strugle we are in. We are in a bad situations as and if we keep it up, we will loos our country.


Many of us in here write as we are well aware of the situations back home and use good logics of what the problems are and cycle thats killing us. Why can't we put that in to action?

maan tabeelo iyo ulal qaadano oo istaagno the governments of the countries aan joogno? maan lacag iyo wax kale u aruurino masaakiinta back home ku dhibaateysan. Yes many place in north America we do this and in UK, but it is simply not enough....


I personly know how it feels to run away from your home and be a qaxooti I do feel the pain of my brothers and sisters in Gaza, but I'm sorry with me solving the problems of my mother country I can't never help no matter what I do.. I could only prey for them....


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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LOL@Adigoo daba qaawan oo uftaada banaanka taalo, qofkale dhar uma xiri kartaan


You sound like my hooyo there. Prayer in itself is powerful, so you are doing a lot.

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And that shows your short-spanned or constricted sense of family. It suffers from a poverty of compassion.

Big words maasha allah!! ilaahey hakuu saa id sho aamino dheh! uma baahnid in aad dictionari iisooqaadatid to proof your point which doesn't make sence.. you are just jumping on a ban waggen that you don't understand the couse of it.. WAA MUSLAMIIN!!! HALOO KACO!! LOL


The situation in Palestine wiligeed bee jirtay saaxiib ever since WW2.. It is not new ! and it is serious! But today as a somalian your words mean sh$t any government you go to and say "help palestine!" because us as Somalian nation we are sitting on sh$t and can't even speak for our selves and we dare to speek for other whom we don't have the same situation!


Back in the days with saxaaba, no man was alowed to go to Jihaad if he didn't have controll of his family,life and people. Point being is as a person who is responsible and strong you are able to help others.. and in this case us Somalis could only speak out as a nation if we are holding on our own AND RIGHT NOW, WE AINT...


Ashkiro lol... waxaa la dhahay "labo qaawan isma qaadaan" lol


PS. Wayfarer, you write like someone I knew...


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Lol. Wiilyahow cajiib baa tahay. Hadda ma waxaad leedahay there should be a cap or monopoly on whom to towards which we feel compassion. smile.gif


War ninyow, it's been 20 years of stating the obvious in the Somali conflict, cid aan Soomaaliyi ahayna yaanan loo turin ayaad maanta la goob timi? Oo adigu ma naxariistiiba sida hal-cadka lagaaga siibay, misna jiirka unugyadiisa kuwa damqada ayaa korontada ka kala maqan tahay . :D


Sxb, kolaad arrinkaa hore ku meereeysato iyo kolaad ingriiskayga aad ka sheegto haddii ay taladaadu ka badin weydey, dee waa inoo kala-guur. Sheekadu waa wiil intuu geed ka boodo ayuu tala ka boodaa ee bal wiilyahow dib isugu noqo, illeen warka aan la eedaameeyso cidi kaa dhageysan mayso'e. smile.gif


PS: Don't mind me sxb, I am just pulling your leg - I know what's important. And BTW, ofcourse you know me smile.gif .

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Ms DD   

With regards to our country, when trouble flares in one area, we have the choice to leave the troubled area, the freedom to move to another town etc. Imagine being bombed to smithereens and being refused inaad ka qaxdo meeshaas. Not allowed to receive aid etc.


Allah blessed us with land we can roam around freely unlike the Gazans.

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I don't understand people who always say WHAT ABOUT SOMALIA??? What about it? :confused: WHat have you done for Somalia, or what are you DOING for Somalia at the moment that you have to stop doing in order to support GAZA. IF you was actively doing something for SOMALIA, or you was in Somalia working or a run an agency or development program for Somalia, then yes it makes no sense for you to stop it, in order to contribute to Palestine. What makes sense is that you continue with your contribution to Somalia and give or do what else you can do for Gaza. Helping people is mutual conclusive and doing one thing does not suddenly make you blind to other injustices elsewhere.


What I don't understand is people WHO do nothing for Somalia (Remittance maybe), yet use it as an excuse. You ask them to sign a petition for ceasefire, or send a text or send a prewritten e-mail, or make dua, none of it costs you money and takes about 5mins of your time, so WHY WOULD you turn around and say WHAT About SOMALIA?? Well you can add another 5mins and do the same for Somalia, in fact if you donate 1hour of your time day to helping others or creating awareness, you can afford to use 50mins on Somalia and 10mins on other world crisis. If you want priorities Somalia, it is not a problem, the problem is when you use “Somalia is a mess and if I am going to do something, it will be for Somalia” and then do NOTHING.


No one is asking people on the front line in Somalia to suddenly drop what they are doing and queue up at the Egyptian border to help with the emergency relief there, so please save us the drama, you don’t have to choose, you can do both and so much more if you put your mind to it. It is your Islamic duty and responsibilities in Islam are aligned as; you, your immediate family, your near relatives, your far relatives and then the general Muslims.

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