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Which country has the most racist or prejudices people.

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Last night during family discussion - the subject of racism and prejudicism were discussed. the topic turned into heated discussion over which countries/nations/et hnicities have the most racist or prejudicial people on earth. there were eleven of us - which split into 4 groups - each group accusing one country/region or ethnic groups on being the most racist or prejudicial than any other. however we all agreed that the black man (bantu) were the least racist or prejudiced despite their savagery and acts of cruelty to one another in times of combat/civil wars/crisis.



anyways wanted to know what the SOLers taught about this subject? have you any of personally experienced racism/prejudice? which country or people do you think have the most racism in the world?

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1. Hindus

2. Jamaicans

3. White - Southern European .. spanish, Italian, Portuguese Serbs etc. excluding albanians.

4. White Latin American - esp. Brazilian and Argentines.

5 Arabs - gulf region area + Egyptians.

6. White - South African

7. White - Australian

8. Nigerians

9. Puntlanders

10. Southern Somalis

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^^ :D Marx, oo maxaad Northern Somalis uga saarteyna listiga, put them number 11 and you won't see people ganging up on u :D

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LOL@functioning family relationship - if you say so oh great marx maxumiluis icon_razz.gif


on seriouse note - i am not asking for least of countries - i am asking for country or ethnic group or just one general people who have something in common (generalition at its best), which you can state certain reasons as why you think or know that they are racist.


As you have Hindus there as being your first choice - i take it you think they are the number one racist??? you are in agreement with some of my family there - they mention the caste system as being one of the most vicious racism/prejudicial systems known to man. However i disagree - we could say the same thing about somalis, althought perhaps to lesser extent. btw - some of us were prepared to accept that somalis are up there with rest of the most racist or prejudiced people on earth - considering the way we look down on every other culture be it 'gaalo', 'adoonta', 'dhegcasta', 'timma jilic', 'indha yar' etc etc.

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2.Northern Somalis

3.Somalis in General :D


5.Asians all of them


7.Ceyrta Europe(Hungarian)




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Nuune, Northern Somalis are hospitable, gentle and well- mannered people with no racist streak in them. We even let our daughters marry other Somalis.


edit: I guess I was too kind on southerners and Puntlanders. But the friends i have from these regions changed my opinions about people beyond las anod. :D:D Nice people indeed.

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PEOPLE!! stop this at once - please do not try to allude to somali clans. all somali clans are the same. refer to them as Somalis - please. thank you

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Originally posted by Sayid*Somal:

however we all agreed that the black man (bantu) were the least racist or prejudiced despite their savagery and acts of cruelty to one another in times of combat/civil wars/crisis.



Nonsense! Blacks are as racist as any other group of people on this planet and Somalis are no less savage or cruel than the Bantu in times of civil strife. I like you SayidSomal you are a good brother, but this is a stup!d topic that will alienate the non Somalis of the SOL community.

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Originally posted by *Buuxo*:


Thats a shocker!


Why? Chinese are not racist. They keep themselve to themselve. I suppose Chineses down under must be different so maha Buuxo?

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^The reason they keep to themselves baaba wax ku jiraan.tan kale,it's my experience upon meeting a few,it's a gross generalisation .I know.

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Racism and prejudice are everywhere. They just manifest themselves different from culture to culture and country to country.But In my experience Chinese are the most racist ppl.

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