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Which country has the most racist or prejudices people.

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^^There is always a whistle blower in every community. As a fellow northern Somali, I have to agree with NG. Its a different level of racism. Its refreshing LOL!




Its not that I have suffered any racism from Hindus. But I find their caste system and racist customs to be appalling run ahaan. Whats more, I cant believe some people accept these customs and commit themselves to living a terrible life because of some cultural custom. I pity the dalits.

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The Zack   

Marax, you said this:

Originally posted by -MARX-:

Northern Somalis are hospitable, gentle and well- mannered people with no racist streak in them

After few minutes you came up with this:

As a fellow northern Somali, I have to agree with NG. Its a different level of racism. Its refreshing lool

So we will let you decide one last time.

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Originally posted by Adam-Zayla:

quote:Originally posted by Sayid*Somal:

however we all agreed that the black man (bantu) were the least racist or prejudiced despite their savagery and acts of cruelty to one another in times of combat/civil wars/crisis.



Nonsense! Blacks are as racist as any other group of people on this planet and Somalis are no less savage or cruel than the Bantu in times of civil strife. I like you SayidSomal you are a good brother, but this is a stup!d topic that will alienate the non Somalis of the SOL community.
LOL - i have to respectfully disagree with you bro on this; with regards to the bantu - they actually believe that there are other races/nationalities that are better than them - that they look upto. it must be said that the people who believe this are ignorant and are generally uneducated poor people who make up the masses. you look at history, songs & tribal stories and you'll see some evidence of what talking about here. i remember reading in one of Chinua Achebe's stories while ago - and he was talking about true story that happened amongst the igbo (sic) people - where by they fought the british soldiers and they clubbed one of the soldiers on the head with stone thrown from waraf (sling) whilst he was on a tree - he fall down and went into coma and they tought he was dead. they watched as his colleagues came to his rescue - they resuscitated him by giving him cpr. as the natives watched this man being giving mouth to mouth resuscitation - they gave up the fight and accepted the white man as being superior then them as they can give back life. lool



SOmalis are amongs the one of the most racist people on earth if you look at our language - they we refer to others - however fortunately for our religion we don't seem to practise the words we call others when we are having contact with them. it is only among us that we talked about that way.

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Originally posted by The Zack:

Marax, you said this:
quote:Originally posted by -MARX-:

As a fellow northern Somali, I have to agree with NG. Its a different level of racism. Its refreshing lool

After few minutes you came up with this:

Northern Somalis are hospitable, gentle and well- mannered people with no racist streak in them

So we will let you decide one last time.
Thats reer burco brov. Not all Northern Somalis. ;);)

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ Exactly. Barees cun, canjeex, timo jilic, qaylo ween, dhabagab, ilma dhagax, etc, etc, etc..

:D harmless titles said as sign of affection :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ Exactly. Barees cun, canjeex, timo jilic, qaylo ween, dhabagab, ilma dhagax, etc, etc, etc..

So these somali slangs refer to:

Barees cun - Bangladeshi

Canjeex - Africans with birth marks so maha like Darfurians and janubis

timo jilic - Indians Sub-continent people

qaylo ween - Loud Africans?

dhabagab - Chinese right?

ilma dhagax - Blacks.

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Originally posted by Sayid*Somal:

LOL - i have to respectfully disagree with you bro on this; with regards to the bantu - they actually believe that there are other races/nationalities that are better than them - that they look upto. it must be said that the people who believe this are ignorant and are generally uneducated poor people who make up the masses. you look at history, songs & tribal stories and you'll see some evidence of what talking about here. i remember reading in one of Chinua Achebe's stories while ago - and he was talking about true story that happened amongst the igbo (sic) people - where by they fought the british soldiers and they clubbed one of the soldiers on the head with stone thrown from waraf (sling) whilst he was on a tree - he fall down and went into coma and they tought he was dead. they watched as his colleagues came to his rescue - they resuscitated him by giving him cpr. as the natives watched this man being giving mouth to mouth resuscitation - they gave up the fight and accepted the white man as being superior then them as they can give back life. lool

^Wouldn't you have done the same,if you lacked the knowledge you have now?


And was Chinua Achebe addressing the Africans or the Europeans with his literature? Remember what you have as evidence of history was not written by 'Africans' themselves but by Europeans or African authors whom were trying to rehabilitate themselves from the mental slavery with very little success as how would a western educated African truly understand the Real African Philosophy of life?


Africans are pure spirits,they don't need to be superior to another human being,as they are ease being themselves.. smile.gif

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When you compare Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness with Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart. I can visualise what Malika is mapping out! Though, I believe that Achebe was right to write in English as this novel was targeted at the white man and to show him the humanity of Africans. I disgree that Achebe was one of those ''African authors whom were trying to rehabilitate themselves from the mental slavery''.

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I did a lil digging into this and here is what i found out. Personally, i believe mid-westerners are the most racist. Heres a study about this subject: I will try to import the graph if i can, otherwise just click on the link below to access there.


http://www.portfolio .com/views/blogs/odd -numbers/2007/07/26/ the-most-racist-coun try-in-the-western-w orld


-Number 1 country that hates diff/race--Italy.

-Number 1 country that hates Muslims--Greece.

-Number 1 country that hates immigrants N.Ireland

-Number 1 country that hates homos--N.Ireland.

-Number 1 country that hates Jews --Spain.



The Most Racist Country in the Western World:


It's been said that industrialized nations are becoming more intolerant of foreigners, and a provocative new paper in the August issue of Kyklos tries to quantify just how bigoted Western nations are. (Free version of the paper is here.)


The paper's authors used responses from a question in the Human Beliefs and Values Survey -- a twice-a-decade survey of social and political attitudes around the world -- which asked respondents how they would feel about living next to: People of different ethnicities, Muslims, Jews, immigrants or foreign workers, and homosexuals.


The researchers used these answers as a proxy for bigotry in each country. (The survey took place in 1999-2000).


And the most prejudiced country? Drumroll please...


Northern Ireland with an estimated 44 percent of its population saying they wouldn't want to live next to one of the above five groups took the top "prize." Breathing down it's neck was Greece with 43.2 percent and at 37.6 percent Italy rounded out the top three.


The least bigoted nations were dominated by Scandinavian countries: Sweden (13.4%), the Netherlands (17.2%), Iceland (18.4%), Canada (21.5%), Denmark (21.9%).


(Germany joins the ranks of the most bigoted nations using an alternative measure based on how strong bigoted feelings were among those who had them, the researchers found.)


The United States was estimated to have a 30.4 percent level of bigotry.


On average, about one out of every three people in the 19 countries used in the study were bigoted.


By far the most hated group were homosexuals with an overall average of 19.6 percent of people saying they wouldn't want them as neighbors. Next up were Muslims with 14.5 percent, but since the survey was taken before September 11th, those results might be much different today.

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