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Somalis in Somalia are the best!!

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Originally posted by Castro:

quote:Originally posted by ThePoint:

And the reference by Modesty to that strength is something I can fully understand.
That said - I will not be relocating to Somalia anytime soon.

I see that you got your nice little disclaimer at the end. But only after huffing and puffing for a bit. That's cool. We're all on the same page but not the same paragraphs. Blessed got it right. Naden is just angry and I didn't think anyone could be angrier than I am. That's cool too. But sister Modesty is glossing over stuff. It ain't all caano geel iyo shaax. It's death, destruction and devestation with some caano geel and shaax. That point about the passports is
racist. If you continually call the people who took you in kaafirs and lowlives, the very least you can do is
parade their passports all over the world.

I did not say it was racist - I said it is the inverse of an argument used by bigots! DIFFERENCE. What it is a moronic argument: You bigging up that other place and you dissing us, so get out and leave. Intellectual Age equivalent: 2 year old.


I did not call them kaafirs or lowlives - I don't think the poster called them lowlives either. Kaafir=unbeliever - I doubt the average Canadian is gonna get all het up because we called him/her an unbeliever!! That said - it is ungrateful and petty to disregard the open arms and opporutunities that have been offered to Somali immigrants in the West. I certainly have not. And don't take kindly to any implication of any such attitude.


At the end of the day, the post of Modesty was not about pro/con, Somalia vs. the West. It was a simple statement of the fact that one Pro - Somalia still retains much of Islam's spiritual and moral order and resilience. You can either agree or disagree with that specific thesis statement but you shouldn't veer off into the unrelated question of pro/con, Somalia vs. the West.

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Originally posted by Castro:

Naden is just angry and I didn't think anyone could be angrier than I am. That's cool too. But sister Modesty is glossing over stuff. It ain't all caano geel iyo shaax. It's death, destruction and devestation with some caano geel and shaax.

What are you so angry about? Conditions in a country that you have no control over? Do what you can, pray for them, and channel your energies to a more useful end. There is death, destruction and devastation but there is also hope, progress and renewal. I don't like those who harp on the Triple D at the expense of everything else. Because in varying amounts some form of Triple D exists in all parts of the world. Downtown Eastside ring any bells?

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^ Sure. You got a very good point there. At least you and I create a sort of balance. I emphasize the bad side and you remind us of the good side. I can live with that.


Downtown eastside you say? Well, let me tell you, I drove a cab there and no one has seen the horror of life in good old Canada like I did. It's true that agony is everywhere but few are self-inflicted like ours. The natives of Canada are under siege. Who's killing us but us, saaxib?

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Proselytizing? Exaggeration much! She was giving her opinion on how people deal with their (sad) lot in life on the basis of their faith.


You and I both know it was not an opinion piece on dealing with a 'sad lot'. Where is the evidence of any type of coping other than a non-depressed hungry face? Any time you admonish people to leave a 'kafir' land and to shed a 'western individualistic culture', you are preaching, maybe even proselytizing.


Because thousands ran away from Somalia - it is a hell-hole with no redeeming points about it? Hardly.


Hundreds of thousands ran away, hundreds of thousands more died, tens of thousands are dying now of hunger and disease, not to mention the hundreds who will venture out to the sea every few weeks and die there. That pretty much defines a hell-hole in my world. Yours?


Thousands flee Mexico risking their lives to enter the US - I would hardly call Mexico a hellhole.


Mexico and Somalia, the comparison is laughable. I'm not touching it.


when faced with that how do you deal with it? Do you persevere, remain stoic and put your faith in God and do your very best?


Don't even try to shove faith in my face and scare me away. They don't need anyone to point out their stoicism; resignation to one's poverty and hunger maybe an academic exercise for the likes of you but it is an inescapable reality for others.


The point here is the basis of the faith in Islam and God gives Somalis sustenance that the average Westerner is unable to tap into in troubled times


No, the point you're espousing, others are clapping for and the sister initiated is one of delusion and hiding your head in the sand. This is actually akin to catholic fervor of silent suffering. A lot like mother Teresa encouraging poor, TB-ridden Indians to accept salvation instead of medicine and running to a Santa Monica clinic for a stomach ache. Get a grip, the lot of you!


I don't know what you mean by the 'average Westerner' not being able to cope with troubled times. I will give you this illustration, though. When any Somali sister is giving birth in any Western hospital, as Western doctors and nurses hover over her and her infant so they are healthy, I doubt she will trade places with a sister back home whose child has a 22.5% chance of dying. Look it up if you want.


So she mentions positive aspects of somalia - she automatically has to give up her western passport and live there?


Yes, she does. She is the one who finds the Western world objectionable and describes a Utopic Somalia. My call for anyone who does that to return to Somalia is a simple extension of their arguments. Arguments that are shallow and self-deceiving. When you find a place intolerable and a threat to your faith, don't waste your breath trying to get others to see things your way, simply leave. If you are truly nostalgic (as we all get), do share with the rest of us the smells, taste, pcitures of Somalia. Otherwise, pull the rest of that crap with young Somalis who have either never seen Somalia or are too young to imagine a place with no infrastructure. :rolleyes:


That no matter the physical poverty and lack of order - spirtual and moral order rooted in Islam


Say the men and women who have passports and money to fly back and forth. Again, put the Quran on the table and back away slowly where I can see your hands. You don't scare me. Keep repeating that to yourself, sooner or later you will be delusional enough to never explore any issues of poverty and lawlessness.


This kind of moral armour is something few in the West have.


Again, I don't know what this means.


At the end of the day, the post of Modesty was not about pro/con, Somalia vs. the West.


Yes, it was. Reread the post.


you shouldn't veer off into the unrelated question of pro/con, Somalia vs. the West.


Again, I wasn't the one who brought up the contrast between the two. The sister's post repeatedly paralleled Somalia vs. the West. And honestly, I used the Cheney pellets equivalent to disagree with the original post's thesis statement. The next time I run across a trite argument that paints a romantic, glib view of today's Somalia, I will point my kalashnikov up their asses and pull the trigger ;) .

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Ahmed is an extraordinary young man. He is hardly more than four feet tall, but he always carries himself with a great dignity. The neatness of his attire has always gathered some curious people around him. He lives in a city called Eastleigh, a predominately Somali neighborhood in the East side of Nairobi, Kenya. Ahmad always conversed on the pleasant memories of his country. This memory will always fade away quickly like a subdued chirp of the birds and then Brutal memories of war will quickly flush to his pale face. Times like this one will drive him into a solitary moment and unfrequented spots. The only fly on his peaceful day will be to append a plan after plan on how to escape this refugee life in land where Police officers are harassing the Somalis day in day out. He is like a man in terrible pain from a heart seizure. He feels like a person locked down in a bolted door. Every once in a while it occurred to him what if he was in Europe or America the land of the cheese and honey? Will things have been hard, as they seem now? He thinks of his friends who might have walked the same line as he is on now. And how they must be living in the life of the riches .A boyish smile will flash on his face very often. This life of refugee must have brought out all that is sweat, true, pride, dishonesty, ingrate and jealousy in his people. Ahmad is still taking aim on coming to the land of the cheese and honey like a hunter taking aim at the birds before they had flown off!



PS Just for the love of writting nonesense.....

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Wow Naden - where to begin with a post such as yours and how much time to allot to it? Given I don't have much time, let me repost the original post. Maybe that is the best beginning for overheating heads. Here it is in its entirety (with bold highlights on relevant stuff I thought with regard to your post":


Salaamu Alaykum from Somalia,


I just wanted to say everyone should live in Somalia!! It's so beautiful here. The Somalis here are so welcoming and not stuck up like "western" somalis. They have their true culture, the guys here are so respectful, masha'Allah.Contrary to what many people people say about somali girls being oppressed, I haven't seen that at all, girls here are respected as muslim sisters, they have many organizations run by women.

Sure it gets hot sometimes, and there are lax and orgi running around the place like maxaa kaa galey, but nothing beats drinking caano ari oo hadaa la lisay.NOT TO mention caano geela!! Everyone who lives in the darkness of kafir lands should visit a muslim country, I hear the athan everyday, Quran is read out loud!!I don't even need an alarm clock to wake up because the fajr athan wakes me up! Masha'Allah, life here is so stress free, you see people who might not even have anything to eat but they never frown or get depressed, people here have strong faith and trust in Allah, their culture and faith is so untainted by kafirism. Somalis in the west are so different, I just noticed the major difference in their cultures, it seems the ones in the west take the western individualistic culture, but the ones here masha'Allah it makes me so proud of my country. I love Somalia!

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Naden, hun, you're words are falling on delusionally deaf, self-righteous ears. Save your words for ears that are not hard of hearing. It's really ridiculous how people always use the morality/spirituality argument when it comes to pulling the wool over our eyes as to the real situation of Somalia. In one word: HORSE SHIT. Even they dont believe their own words, cuz they run outta that purgatory as soon their vacation is over. No government, no law and order, no sustainable infrastructure, wide-spread starvation, and a whole train of environmental and health problems. Screw that spirtuality!


Certain parts of Somalia have made some progess, so its not fair to take away from their philanthrophy and diligent efforts at reconstruction. But, as it stands, it is insufficient. The bigger picture is as blurry as ever. If the lawnessness and the droughts are relentless for a few more years, the Gates of Somalia will properly read: Abandon all hope, you who enters here!~~ Dante :(

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^^^Yes, all Somalis in Somalia should just end it all and just drown themselves in the Indian Ocean. Matter of fact, since global warming is coming and ice sheets/shelves will melt and flood the heavily populated coasts of the world -all those residing there should all just kill themselves. What a can-do attitude that just ensures progress and prosperity for human-kind :D:D:D:D:D


Naden - a reply will be forthcoming later on tonight - tata

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God must have personally taken out time wiring your brain.... you delivered first-class expostulation. What a powerful punch! I sure don't wanna be in the ring with you. Kudos!

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Originally posted by Pi:

Certain parts of Somalia have made some progess, so its not fair to take away from their philanthrophy and diligent efforts at reconstruction.

Pi, I agree and I am certainly not one to take away from the serious work that people in so many parts of Somalia are doing. Since I am largely poor, I have only a few dollars and my prayers to give.


Naden - a reply will be forthcoming later on tonight - tata


That's fine. I, personally, have said all I had to say in response to the sister's post and any subsequent ideas that have arisen.

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A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own.



Main Entry: big·ot

Pronunciation: 'bi-g&t

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle French, hypocrite, bigot

: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices



Some comments made by Naden on this thread


She was proselytizing about the purity and wonders of Somalia when everyone knows the hundreds of thousands
who ran with their tail between their legs know how desolate it is.

Naden, how did you and your family manage to run ohhh, so well 'between your legs' into the wonderful land that you currently reside in?


I said it earlier in the thread and I will say it again. Anyone who gets all excited about this return to the earth crap, give your kafir/western passport to someone your age in Somalia and stay there enjoying the caano geel and no one would be the wiser.

She is the one who finds the Western world objectionable and describes a Utopic Somalia. My call for anyone who does that to return to Somalia is a simple extension of their arguments. Arguments that are shallow and self-deceiving. When you find a place intolerable and a threat to your faith, don't waste your breath trying to get others to see things your way, simply leave.

Again, put the Quran on the table and back away slowly where I can see your hands. You don't scare me. Keep repeating that to yourself, sooner or later you will be delusional enough to never explore any issues of poverty and lawlessness.

Again, I wasn't the one who brought up the contrast between the two. The sister's post repeatedly paralleled Somalia vs. the West. And honestly, I used the Cheney pellets equivalent to disagree with the original post's thesis statement.
The next time I run across a trite argument that paints a romantic, glib view of today's Somalia, I will point my kalashnikov up their asses and pull the trigger

The next time I run across a trite argument that paints a romantic, glib view of today's Somalia, I will point my kalashnikov up their asses and pull the trigger

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^ I'd say your spotlight makes Naden appear prone to violence ( :D ) not bigotry. Or were you thinking of yourself? :D


Ok. So naden has some steam to blow but her arguments are fairly solid. If you're able to point out any cracks in them, I assure you it will be something all of us could benefit from (including naden). What really bothers you about her? Is it the message, the medium or the messenger? And contrary to what's been happening lately on SOL, only the first one (the message) are you really allowed to engage, by the way.

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:rolleyes: You wrong, I right. You bad, I good. You ****** , I smart. There’s no in between with Somalis. No give and take. Why call it a discussion markaa?

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