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Four gifted siblings between ages 10 and 16 enrolled at the UI

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Originally posted by Ismalura:

quote:Originally posted by Aaliyyah:

^so true hun they took parenting to a whole new different level. Mashallah.


BTW dont envy them just raise ur siblings/kids in the same way...or at least ensure they do well academically. As they say if there is a will there is a way. There is nothing that we cant do if we put our heart to it..



Alliyah abaayo I can try my best in raising my kids but I need those superb genes. I am just an above average student but may be if I marry a smarty pants I could have gifted kids....The probability of that happening is not really high so I am envious of them (in a good way though).
Guurso Che waa xariif, guurdoon ahe. Illaahay Amarki smile.gif

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Originally posted by Aaliyyah:

quote: Alliyah abaayo I can try my best in raising my kids but I need those superb genes. I am just an above average student but may be if I marry a smarty pants I could have gifted kids....The probability of that happening is not really high so I am envious of them (in a good way though).

Ismalura walaal, I believe that environment plays more important role than genes. People think hey if you are a professor or an educated individual then hey your kids were successful because of your genes? I think it is just the fact that those who are educated ie professors doctors (as in this story I posted) teachers etc are providing the perfect environment. They offer for their kids libraries even within the house, always buying htem books from a young age, perhaps even hiring tutors etc..So it is not about genes but the environment. Of course your genes might play some role I am not discounting the biological perspective. I am simply saying it plays a minimum role.


If you come with the efforts and you really put your heart to it and teach your kids and encourage them to learn. And, one doesnt even have to wait till that child turns 5, you would be surprised how much you teach a child prior to that age. Which is why other nations such as chinese people have smarter kids..ilma hal jir ah bay maanto dhan wax ku akhrinayaan..keenana maxa la dhaha ilmaha yar cunteesiya..cartoona u shida..thats it...we have to have high hopes for our kids even that young.


tan kale stop being so pessimistic inshaAllah you can produce the next Obama if you spend some quality time with your kids and teach them. Never lose hope tan kale indha yar baad ka war dooni karta ka waran


Aaliyah the nature verus nurture debate is an age-old one and both sides have brought forward significant evidence. I personally think that the environment has more influence on a person lakiin traits like giftedness ama the other extreme waa mostly hereditary. I have no doubt that I can raise a 25 year old PHD candidate but 16 year one is midaan pessimistic ka ahay. I don't think these kids parents are avarge people because they are so extra ordinary that environment alone can't explain their gift.


Anyways your sugesstion on indhayarta is not bad ee let me look around the school bal :D

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Originally posted by Taleexi:

quote:Originally posted by Ismalura:


Originally posted by Aaliyyah:

^so true hun they took parenting to a whole new different level. Mashallah.


BTW dont envy them just raise ur siblings/kids in the same way...or at least ensure they do well academically. As they say if there is a will there is a way. There is nothing that we cant do if we put our heart to it..



Alliyah abaayo I can try my best in raising my kids but I need those superb genes. I am just an above average student but may be if I marry a smarty pants I could have gifted kids....The probability of that happening is not really high so I am envious of them (in a good way though).
Guurso Che waa xariif, guurdoon ahe. Illaahay Amarki
Waryaa ha igu dirin islaamka ee banaanka iga mar Ilaahey amrkiis !

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lol Ismalura walaalo as long as you are not pessimistic about being capable of having a 25 years phd candidate I am happy...after all hadaan somali nahay intaas baa naga badan. And, perhaps who knows maybe we could produce gifted 16 years never know. I mean if you home school that child from a young age and you teach them all there is to learn. After all I honestly do think elementary school is a waste kids dont learn much the first five years...But, truly that is over the top hadaan somali nahay bal caruurteena crimeka iyo waxaas ana ka alaalino hubsanano in ay iskool iyo jamacadba ka baxaaan intaas ba nugu filan...Wixi inta ka badan qofkii u dadaali kara ma xuma laakin.


indha yartana hadaad aragtid mid wacan maxaad sugi kolay indha yarta inta badan yaga isku soocan lol...Actually, I remember one that converted a while back he was a friend of a friend..hadaan warkiisa so heli karo wayba wacnaan laheed..I would have hooked u up right away LOL..



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Alliyah I am no genius but I am hoping to be a 25 (6) year old PHD candidate my self;that is Immediately after I finish this degree and the next one LOL. Alla waxa ka soo sokeeya badanaa bootada !


I am sure that our our generation will produce many Obama's(and better ones) who will rebuild our country inshaAlah.


PS: Iiga soo waran bal the indhayar revert ;)

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^^mashallah Ismalura inshallah you will reach your dreams. waaan kusoo duceen.


And that chinese convert ill look into it..iga war sug inkasto gabadh sidaada u dadalasa indha yar siineen..inadeeraday kugu daraya haye dheh LOL..



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^I agree one should have high expectations and challenging children and expose them to different and meaningful learning experiences. However, unrealistic expectations can lead to dire consequences, so make sure there's a balance and you truly understand your child's limits and strengths and build on those. Learning should be child centered rather than mums crazy dreams centered, LOL.


I know everyone loves to have a gifted child but there’s really nothing wrong when a child has some learning difficulties. My heart breaks when I see parents visible frustrations at their special needs child, perhaps it’s they who need to reassess their narrow views. Only then can they help their children overcome their difficulties, academic abilities are only a small part of the whole person..


p.s Waxay chinesekan aad inanta ladaba socotaa, I'm sure wiil Somali ah oo intelligent ah wey heli kartaa, see camal yaray.. LOL

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Taleexi....Duqa see camal yaakhe meesha qolof la,isku tuurooyaa miyaa?


People ENJOY life.Ilaahey kuwa haboon iyo caafimaad qaba haduu kusii Alxamdulilah.


Blessed...Meel sheedaan maxaad iigu direysaa?


N people be careful correlating any race with intelligence!

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Originally posted by Aaliyyah:

^^mashallah Ismalura inshallah you will reach your dreams. waaan kusoo duceen.


And that chinese convert ill look into it..iga war sug inkasto gabadh sidaada u dadalasa indha yar siineen..inadeeraday kugu daraya haye dheh LOL..



Aawey KK? aniga miyaa mise Aaliyyah business idea-deenii ayey isticmaaloysaa? gabaryahay heedhe, Che ayaa kuu soo diyaariney ee goormaa diyaar tahay? Ismalurana MMA ayaa diyaar u ah. lol

Indha yar iyo sheekooyinkaas iska dhaafa, isa soo diyaariya, waa la idin sugooyaa. Oh, n please sign that cheque, tomorrow is monday. smile.gif

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Eebow waxaan idin weydiiyey NinaNC daadiska maxaas ka heshaa?... muddaan ku lahaa reerkaaga dhaqo balse dheg jalaq umay siin. Che & MMA, maa qoftaan na dhex gashaan oo qofka rabshada wada qabataan? smile.gif Sidii Awkoombe sheekadu ha u dhacdee Labo qaawan waa toostay

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Originally posted by NinaNC:

quote:Originally posted by Aaliyyah:

^^mashallah Ismalura inshallah you will reach your dreams. waaan kusoo duceen.


And that chinese convert ill look into it..iga war sug inkasto gabadh sidaada u dadalasa indha yar siineen..inadeeraday kugu daraya haye dheh LOL..



Aawey KK? aniga miyaa mise Aaliyyah business idea-deenii ayey isticmaaloysaa? gabaryahay heedhe, Che ayaa kuu soo diyaariney ee goormaa diyaar tahay? Ismalurana MMA ayaa diyaar u ah. lol

Indha yar iyo sheekooyinkaas iska dhaafa, isa soo diyaariya, waa la idin sugooyaa. Oh, n please sign that cheque, tomorrow is monday.
@ Aaliyah inadeerkaa haduu A++ student yahay indhayar maxaaba lagu fali :D . Thanks for ducada waan iska riyoonayaa I have a long rough way to go before PHD.


@ Ninanc adiga ma Taleexi baad igu noqtay nagadaa dee inaadeerey ha na maagin ee. Ani iyo Alliyah gifted kids unbaan radineynee ee ma anagaa wax kale shegnayba waa idinka SOL noo dhax qadayee. We could even go to a certain kind of bank and ask for genius farciisa ;) Istaaqfrulaah !

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Laakiin too much pressure, pressuring one's children to excel in their academies ma fiicno, too. Just look at Jabaan, that country and its suicide rates as a result of too much parental pressures of their children's success at schools.

Good point MMA, one should not pressure their children too much rather allow their kids to be happy. Alhamdulilah I grew up in a happy house where my parents never forced me to choose career that I did not like. My parents' priority was that we feared Allah and learned the deen and after that everything else was good. I just want my children to grow up in happy life and their ultimate goal to be Jannah inshaAllah.


Ismalura, giftedness is something that Allah blesses with some one and the parents dont have to be educated. I remember when I was in high school we visited this Somali who was illetrate (both english & Somali) but her son who was four was able to read my physics text without anyone ever teaching him how to read, masha'Allah. So it is not always about the environment but rather blessing from Allah.

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Ismalura, giftedness is something that Allah blesses with some one and the parents dont have to be educated. I remember when I was in high school we visited this Somali who was illetrate (both english & Somali) but her son who was four was able to read my physics text without anyone ever teaching him how to read, masha'Allah. So it is not always about the environment but rather blessing from Allah.


Abaay heeleey giftedness is said to be mostly heredity and I didn't say that your parents have to be educated but they have to have those genes and pass on to you. The mother of the gifted kid may have been uneducated but she (or the dad) probably had the giftedness genes. See both the environment and the God given talents are important; if you are gifted and you never have the opportunity to get an education than you will remain uneducated. By the way you are right; the most important thing is that your kids grow up happy and God fearing.

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