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Bad grammar and bad spelling

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Serenity...My Dear Girl...


not everybody in here is a university graduate like you...I know that the rest of us here mix and match when it comes to English language but remember we are not doing it to wind up those superior beings among us but we are doing it because we don't know any better. :(


Forgive me your royal highness...your majesty Serenity but what is face-book?




However, a Somali guy will often go through the trouble of writing a long and often could-b-great-otherwise message (like trying to introduce himself), yet pay no attention to his spelling or grammar? I mean, spell check is everywhere if one cant spell, and if one cant write a language very well, why write in it at all?


I would much rather receive/read a well written Somali message than a badly written English one any day.

Are you asking me to write you a letter in (af Carabi?) smile.gif ok here it goes.



Hi, my name is Jeelle Geelle Dheere, I'm 4'10 and weigh 425 Kg depending where you look...I'm 40ish going on 60, I would like to believe that I have a fair complexion but everybody tells me that I'm navy blue with goofy teeth that is said to be visible from two miles away...


My hobby is eating a mass meal 6 times a day and sleeping 18 hours a day...I exercise a lot...a lot more than I should actually because I play Play-station a lot and my favourite game is Ominusha Warlords...I'm friendly (let's face it...some one like me BETTER be friendly otherwise who's going to be friends with ugly, overweight rude fellow like me?) I'm romantic (depending how you define the word itself).


I am a 21st century African male with the 10th century ideologies, I believe the best place for women is at home where they're protected from the ills of this sickening world we find ourselves in today...I believe women should cover themselves and SHOULD be married as early as they hit puberty...I believe women should never wear pants and NEVER EVER reveal her body to every monkey on the street by wearing skimpy clothes...



If I speak about my personal preference...if she's smoker or chews jaad, don't even bother never mind drinking and women who wear too much make up and end up looking like a ghost disgust me...I'm never attracted to the girls who wear lipstick...yuck wipe that thing off look like a shimbir...don't wear pants and don't ever wear dirac in public and please cover your look much better when you me on that. ;)


Other than're beautiful and I would like to make you my lucky Wifey number 4 so if you want to contact me please do so by calling me on this number...089-000-1981 or send me an email at once you contact me, I promise you, your life will never be the same (I'll ruin everything including your shapely figure by turning you into a baby machine) :D .



I feel your despair but do you fel mine?



PS. now how's that for a letter and what do you think of my grammar and spelling?



Peace, Love & Unity.

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ibi and nephy are the only 2 ppl in my red list!!

:( well at least, they aint in my white list.


ps: i just added homie above to my white list!! gone list. smile.gif

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since this thread is about grammar I have a question .. something that has been bothering me for a while.


today a coworker came into my office and she asks me "Do you mind ?" *pointing to the chair*


I say "NO" and she gets this weird look on her face .. anyway long story short she believes I refused her permission to have a seat.


I have faced this kind of problem before ... which makes me think perhaps I am the one who is getting it wrong.


when someone says 'Do you mind ?' and you reply "NO" doesn't/shouldn't that mean no, I do not mind as in giving permission instead of the opposite :confused:

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Geeljire, you're right, you're supposed to say no. Maybe it's the way you're saying "no" that makes her think you're saying "no, you can't have the chair".

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