Deeq A.

Cali Sandulle, the man who captured Lasanod for Somaliland is in terrible situation

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Ilaaha wayn ee waaxidka ahi caafimaad degdeg ah inuu siiyo ninkaa buka ayaan uga baryayaa laakiin Cali wuxuu la mid yahay ummadda qaranka ku dhaqan ee adeeg caafimaad la'aan la silcaysa. Muuse Biixi maanta haddii isna xanuunsado Rabbi kama dhigee maan jeclaadeen in uu hantida qaranka si gaar ah u isticmaalo. 

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10 hours ago, Tallaabo said:

Cali wuxuu la mid yahay ummadda qaranka ku dhaqan ee adeeg caafimaad la'aan la silcaysa. Muuse Biixi maan jeclaadeen in uu hantida qaranka si gaar ah u isticmaalo. 

so you reject Somaliland to give former Somaliland minister Sandule to receive the urgent treatment he needs?

niyoow a more reasonable voice would say that since this government is stealing millions from innocent somalilanders, at-least let them spend on this suffering man. Allah knows all the puplic money is used to buy houses in Dubai and where else, so this is a better cause.

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13 hours ago, Mooge said:

so you reject Somaliland to give former Somaliland minister Sandule to receive the urgent treatment he needs?

niyoow a more reasonable voice would say that since this government is stealing millions from innocent somalilanders, at-least let them spend on this suffering man. Allah knows all the puplic money is used to buy houses in Dubai and where else, so this is a better cause.

Mooge I wish someone could help him but as you and everyone knows, millions of dollars of our meagre resources are already stollen by the devilish politicians of all clans. So today if this politician is given medical treatment with what is left in the public purse, another one will be in a similar situation in the near future. So then where to draw the line? If all the politicians use the public purse as their private health insurance fund, what will be left for the millions of terribly poor people who don't have even a single basic public hospital? I sympathise with Cali Sandulle as my Muslim brother and fellow Somalilander of great stature but giving politicians and leaders even more privileges is not a good idea. If I had my way, I would have made every political office in the land an unpaid volunteer job. My advice to Cali Sandulle would be: ask for qaadhaan from his relatives and from his fellow politicians and with the funds raised go to India or Malaysia. 

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Halyay Mudane Cali Sandule ilaahay ha cafiyo oo xanuunka ha ka dulqaado. Amin.

Cali Sandule nin ku wayn qaranka weeyan. Halyay ka koray qabyaaladda oo Qaranimo ku abtirsada. 


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Cali  sandule is from gambadhe and is a true son of Somaliland and we pray Allah Allah his recovery wanu u duceyneyna inshallah wu bogsan. And the Somaliland  govt should help him. Or else garaad jamac garaad ismaciil needs to collect money from tolka and make It happen.

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Ilaahay caafimaad deg dega ha siiyo, balse waxaa loo baahan yahay kuwa caafimaadka qaba inay ku cimri qaataan oo aysan beel kale hoos gayn ehelkooda ayagoo og inaan cidina dhareer ka tirayn fqash soo ambaday markay liitaan.


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Puntland offers free treatment to Ali Sandule. I think his family should take him there if Puntland is willing to help. 


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We know for fact that a dozen or so people in Somaliland both politicians, Ulema and Artists that was send to Dubai and other places for medical travel financed by the government. Among to notables:

Boobe Yusuf Ducaale

Sheikh Adan Siiro

Cabduraxman Tolwaa

and many others were among them.

itvis really absurd for Xasji to say the Graraad community should pay. By the way this man was the one who handed Laadcaanood to Somaliland and created the current problems in that region, who knows, he could be paying the mess he created in different way.

Allah ha Cafiyo 

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Allaha na caafiyo dhamaanteen mahadsanid

Laas caanood waxaa ku yaala geed wayn oo hoos fiican oo hadana laamo badan waxay ahayd inay hooskiisa barkinta u dhigaan, intii snm kaamara la ag fadhiisan lahayd ama marada ka rogaan wakhti aan munaasib ahayn.

Binii-aadamka unugyada jirkiisa waxaan ka seexan oo mar walba soo jeeda waa dhagaha maqalkooda, mana dhintaan hadday markoodii hore bad qabeen.

Haddii uusan hadli karin waa inay ishaaro lagu waydiiyaa inuu indhaha isku qabto, hadday imanka la fool xuntahay meeshuu laas caanood geeyay.

Markaa ka dib waan hubaa inuu indhaha isku qabanayo wayna ka muuqataa, ka dibna in la cafiyaa waa waajib.

Geeridu waa xaq ma khaldamena waa ALLE.

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