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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. yasir carafat, please do not call me a nigger. I am big top 6 ft skinny Somalian from a middle class clan with prove progeny from noble lineages.
  2. The alshabab bandits are nearing what we call the beginning of the end. They are desperate to survive.
  3. contact this company: farmaajo bidaar consultants@yahoo.com. I hear they are good.
  4. ^^Criminals and Bandits like Ahmed Godane should have a fair trial conducted by the Somali people when they are captured, which is very soon. Polanyi.
  5. If you are nin madow on pay as you electric key and the electricity turns off, you can't see you wife or your kids, damn.
  6. RUDY, wagwan sare brother, no long time no see.
  7. nin yaaban is the Sol EXPERT on all things jails and crime. He hit this nail on the head.lol. ha ha. Daily mail reporting is like reading dr osman articles about the puntland. lol. ha ha.
  8. I thought Alpha blondy was a user from the Jesus Moses who went back to Babylon,er Berbera
  9. Aswrb, Akhi, i know you are extremely sincethe family discovered black gold, but I just want to know if I can change my nick. Is that function still possible. This place does sure look strange. ha ha.
  10. dr ozie what you still doing here? I thought you would be tapping up that oil money by now. Mise you just roll deep on the internet?
  11. More money and benefit can be gained from heavily investing in Camels and water irrigation systems. Capitalisation combined with Adam Smithisation and Xawaladisation era is a mirage.
  12. Egalatarian Green Social Reer Badiye economy of Cushites has been damaged by neoliberalism and neodahabshilism. The two phenomenas hae reduced Somalis at home to being dependant on remittances and those abroad stuck on benefits, resulting in the ghettoisation of enough man dem on the crime ridden council estates.
  13. Turkey wants to become a political and cultural power in the Muslim world. Somalia is a good and almost perfect laboratory for testing this strategy. They already have Somalis learning Turkish in Istanbul and many Xalimos got hooked on Caasi, that ****** programme on the Somali channel. Government of Bladland, department of Bidaar and forehead reduction.
  14. The government of bladland will like to once again send sincere condolonces to the people and the masakeen who are being ethnically cleansed by the Kenyan armed forces.
  15. Xaji,what happened to the ethnic Somalilanders in the Ethiopian army?
  16. Samafal, muran badinada, sxb? Sheikh Axmed Abdisamad made an embarrasment of himself. Walahi, I didn't want to go into details of the flaws and errors of his argument, but since you insist on arguing, let us go through this in a logical manner. I am quoting the most hillarious and nonsenscial bits in his speech; 1. "Sh.Axmed Cabdisamad ayaa ka sheekeeyey in kooxa wax laaya ee ka tirsan ururka Al-shabaab ay yihiin kuwa qarsoodi u shaqeeya kuwaas oo u shaqeeyay qaabkii Hay.addaha sirdoonka shisheeyuhu u shaqeeyaan ama u howl galan taas oo buu yiri dad badan oo caamo ah aysan fahmi kari´n" 2. Kooxaha Burcad badeedka , Kooliistayaasha, iyo tuugada oo lacagna la siinayo si ay umada wax ku oolkooda u laayaan iyadoo arrinkas lagu raadgadanayo. 3-Kooxda ambiyaadka ee wax dila falalka ay ku kacaan lama keeno golahooda shuurada iyo mida fulinta ee waxaa ay ka marqaataan Axmed Cabdi Godane kaliya. 4- Qofka ka mid noqonaya kooxa amniyaadka waa in uu yahay qof caqli gaaban oo wax badan aan kala sooci karin. 5.Shiikha Axmed Cabdisamad ayaa waxaa uu ka sheekeeyey in gaaladu ay hadda sameeyeen ururo baan ah oo ku qaraabta magaca Islaamka kuwaas oo taageero ka hella reer galbeedka hadafkooduna waxaa weeyey in ay iyagu meesha ka saaraan dadka sidda xaqaha u doonaya in ay iska celiyaan cadowga Islaamka 6.Shiikh Axmed Cabdisamad ayaa xusay in kuwa baraha internetka wax ku qora uu ku jiro nin ay diinta Kirishtaanka lagu baraya dalka Kenya ka dibna saldhigayada dalka Maraykanku ku leeyahay afrika ka shaqeeyey haddana ka mid ah kuwa culimada ku been abuurta baraha internetkana wax ku qara Shiikha ayaa sheegay in ay yaqaaniin kuwa baraha internetka wax ku qora xog badana ay ka hayaan. So, let me quickly summarise this: According to Sheikh Axmed Cabdisamad, a man who graduated from an Islamic university and is a very knowledgeable about Islam: The Alshabab hitsquad group is a very organised and determined entity. It only allows people with short intellect to join. Spot the contradiction, someone. This group strictly takes orders from Ahmed Godane,yet the people who carry out their acitivties are pirates, drug users and tribalists. Contradiction number 2: no group is that dumb. This group was created by the West and some of their internet writers are people who were trained in Christianity by the WEST. Samafal, who is providing Axmed Cabdisamad with all this top notch info? And I'VE saved the best till last: this group runs on a similar organisational level to western intelligence agencies, and the average man is unable to comperehend how they work, apart from, erm, wait for it:sheikh Axmed Cabdisamad- becayse he knows the people, good old Samafal tells us. ha ha.