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Everything posted by Geel_jire

  1. Qabil names are not allowed ducaysane must edit your title. lol i guess the filters only catch Qabilada waaweyn .. next people will start using lafaha hoose
  2. The only time I think university is a waste of time and money,is when you get those meaningless degrees you know the B.A arts history, B.A interior decorations and other fluf pieces like that. any degree after which you graduate you are qualified to do absolutely nothing .. except just to say 'I have a degree' should not be embarked on in the first place. Another thing that puzzles me is the ones who waffle around and take subjects from every single department .. and say "I still haven't figured out what I want to do " ... well then stay out of school until you have an idea.
  3. Why such a fancy title for a well known occupation the young lady is a wh0re albeit an expensive one ... in Germany they tax hookers (at least those smart enough to publicize their earnings) so why is she surprised ? I wonder since it can be taxed can the guy claim it as a business expense LOL @ Fu-Fu .. that is the worst euphism i have heard.
  4. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: Oo kuwa gadaal taagtaagani ma tukadaan miyaa iyagu??? waa salaat-ul-khowf
  5. Soo dhawoow Eng Cade I represent SOL engineering society.. are you the typical somali Eng. or the real deal ? In any case you need a permit to practice on SOL .. so make sure you apply first.
  6. It is "dabka danbas baa ka dhasha" at least I think that is how it went
  7. only 1 measly vote for me. I'm surprised i made it onto this list .. lakin I'll have to work harder next year ... what is the online eqv of politicians kissing babies tolow ? when is the second round beginning horta ?
  8. Headline is a bit misleading he was more than just a convert ... ilaahay ha soo hanuuniyo
  9. MARTINSBURG - The popular online social networking site Facebook helped lead to an alleged burglar's arrest after he stopped check his account on the victim's computer, but forgot to log out before leaving the home with two diamond rings. Jonathan G. Parker, 19, of Fort Loudoun, Pa., was arraigned Tuesday one count of felony daytime burglary. According to court records, Deputy P.D. Ware of the Berkeley County Sheriff's Department responded on Aug. 28 to the victim's home after she reported the burglary. She told police that someone had broken into her home through a bedroom window. There were open cabinets in her garage, and other signs of a burglar. The victim later noticed that the intruder also used her computer to check his Facebook status, and his account was still open when she checked the computer. The victim later noticed that she was missing two diamond rings from her dresser in the same room as her computer. The two rings were worth more than $3,500, reports indicate. During the investigation, a friend of the victim told her that he knew where Parker was staying, in the same area as the victim's house. Police then went to the home and spoke with a friend of Parker's. The man said Parker had stopped by his home occasionally, but he said the man didn't live there. He also said that the night before the burglary, Parker asked him if he wanted to help break into the victim's home but he refused. As of Tuesday evening, Parker remained in custody at the Eastern Regional Jail on $10,000 bail. If convicted he faces one to 10 years in prison. where in the world do they grow them this dumb ? this kid has got to be as dumb as a pile of rocks .. and he left is account signed on too. story
  10. I dont think she is lying or exagerating at all. I have seen people do similar things .. especially when the guy is from those tribes. I know one guy who was beaten so badly naagta xoog baa looga furay eventhough she was pregnant. never understimate prejuduce of somali
  11. Originally posted by Juje: have you ever wondered why an attack is waged from and within the civilian populated areas knowing in full its circumstances. There is a gaping flaw in this argument The attack did NOT take place from within 'civilians' it took place in the heart of the AU camp .. 0 colletaral damage only the intended targers were killed. That sounds like a resounding sucess that the young boys should be congratulated on. of course you would like to have it both ways where you condem them for attcacking the mercanaires from within civilains and inside their camp ... and you also blame any retaliation that the mercanaries carry out on Al-shabab .. because eventhough the ugandands shell civilians indiscriminately and are the ones actually pulling the trigger .. to you they just couldnt help themselves Al-shabab made them do it. it is always and will always be Al-shabaab fault in you and your likes eyez.
  12. Rag rag dhalay iga dheh Mashalaah this is great news .... 10 baa bakhtiday dheh inshalaah more will follow soon.
  13. Salaam Ms DD waxaan af mahan ee waa fal-fal xumee, gashan ma karo walaahi. I always used to think .. that people never actually spoke like this .. that it was just in the movies or rap songs. doonta markaan ka soo degay .. baa afkaan la igu salaamay ... hada aniga textbook english ayaan ku soo bartay arlaadii .. ilaa hada tarjubaan baan u baahdaa. walee ilmo aan dhalay sidan u hadlin .. afka hadaan ka gubin
  14. Originally posted by blood_thug: YO...I'M FEELIN' DIS TOPIC...OOOOFFFF DA HIIZIIIIIY FA SHIZIIY MA NIZIIY..HOLLA HEY SHANI....I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR FRIEND TOO GIRL...IZ ALL GOOD...DONT WATCH NUTHIN. T.O IS THE PLACE TO BE...HOLLA I WANNA HOLLA AT ALL DA PEEPS DAT RECOGNISE DIS BLOOD THUG...FA SHO. NABAD GALIYO going through this thread will give you a headache. I hate it when kids speak this way ... I can understand only about 50% of what they say .. my nephew is picking up this garbage now .. sidii loogala dagaalami lahaa baa su'aal ka taagan
  15. Originally posted by Ms DD: A muslim would never turn in another to muslim to gaallo. if he does, his aqeedah waxbaa si ka ah. When wll you people understand that? What is extremist bal? Instead of reiterating the same rubbish some neocon would say, remember these people are your muslim borthers and handing then in would be a grave mistake. Meiji Who has ever supported suicide bombing in the west? horta in la ila arko waan rabay. this raving lunatic baa politics section qabsaday .. completely unencumbered by truth or basic reasoning he is like a broken record wax kale ma garto Extremist this .. extremist that .. and lets not forget his beloved mugadhisho society.
  16. ^ the thread begininger is also a tin-foil hat wearing nut job.
  17. ^ I've started noticing that trend myself. lakin Ms DD is still hanging around so it cant be that bad.
  18. Salaam to you ms DD and Che nabad baa la sheegay. this place has become busy again
  19. Maalin wanaagsan trollers !
  20. qof weilba shan buu sheeganayaa miyaa. let me add my list bal .. also in no particular order 1- Ibtisam 2- Malika 3- Cara 4- Haneefah 5- Aaliyah
  21. ^ very true it may sound dumb to some people but they take advantage of the economies of scale. imagine the following scenario: A scammer sends out 50,000 letters. 25000 of which predict the market will go up the following week and the other 25000 predict that the market will go down. The following week he takes the 25,000 that came out with a correct prediction and he divides them again .. he sends out 12500 letters saying this week the market will go up and the other 12500 the opposite. he continues this for 1 month .. now he has a group of 3125 people that have received the correct predictions for 4 weeks in a row. The next month he sends out a letter to all 3125 people asking for $100 to continue to receive market predictions which will help them make their investment ... based on his prevous track record all if not most of them decide to pay and the scammer pockets 312,500 not bad for 1 months work. these guys work with population sizes in the 100,000s .. of which there are bound to be quite a few greedy, gullible people .. so it is sound business
  22. Nifaaq baa meeshaas gaadhsiisay sxb in gaalo loo mashxaradeeyo dulinimo ku tahay lakin nin weliba maalin baa la soo xaadirin isaga iyo kuwa uu wali ka dhigtay is wato ... Maalintaas gaal loo mashxsrado waxba u Tari mayso