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Everything posted by Geel_jire

  1. I predict that this (men cheats as opposed to women cheats) follows the Gaussian distribution aka normal distribution aka bell curve. There are other factors that need to be taken into account .. as we all know correlation does not imply causation .. it could be pure coincidence that men happen to cheat more and any increase in the rate for men .. surely falls within the standard deviation .. taking into account the difference in birth rates/ death rates. After careful statistical analysis I conclude men cheat just as much as women
  2. actually yes. I participated in one such ocassion that scared me half to death .. and never again. i was told to grab one arm of a flailing your girl .. couldn't have been more than 100 pounds .. but still managed to throw me and another guy halfway across the room. ma anaan cagaha wax ka dayin
  3. Roobleh I don't know about you but ilaahay ka sokow I feed myself and my family Now if you are on welfare the ' the hand that feeds you' comment makes sense otherwise it is meaningless drivel that is conveneintly pulled up when uncle Sam is critisized
  4. you people cannot be serious .. are we talking about the one and only Abdullahi Amxaar ?
  5. Q maxay ka dhigantahay bal hala ii jilciyo is it some troll section inside joke ?
  6. This place is going too fast. il biriqsi gudaheed 3 pages baad gudubteen
  7. This is absolute rubbish. what does pray for the soul of America even mean ?
  8. on what grounds can the police legally allow this ? if a similar anti-zionist protest was held would they provide similar approval ?
  9. ^ that turns the figure in the favor of the men assuming that these cheating men are cheating with women who are cheating themselves ... so if a single man is cheating with multiple women .. that means more women cheat than men do.
  10. Maalin wanaagsan trollers ma barideen ?
  11. Hi Malik & Cara how are you lovely ladies doing ? Malika waad ila shaqaynaysaa ng could be easily hoodwinked baad tidhi @ third degree burns we engineers/blacksmith s are used to working in the heat .. so let them
  12. horta muga hore salaan qaali ah to C&H, Cara , JB iyo wixii salaanta iga qaaday ... I got pre-occupied with something else. Originally posted by sheherazade: Geel Jire, will u marry me? I'm bored. I always thought I could take on #2 without breaking a sweat .. but er..... I kind of have my hands full right now .... yeah .. yeah I know Xaalka waa iga diyaar .. aaway ragii reer burco aan la xaajoodee .. do you prefer i deal with ngoge or north ?
  13. maalin wanaagsan trollers maxaa isku dhacaaya ?
  14. It was meant to be a day of global reconciliation, when the new leader of the free world put all the rancour of the past eight years behind him and heralded an era of unity. And so it might have been were it not for a short man, swathed in saffron robes and a black felt hat waving his arms around and shouting: "Terrorism!" Muammar Gaddafi - for it was he - grabbed his 15 minutes of fame at the UN building in New York today and ran with it. He ran with it so hard he stretched it to an hour and 40 minutes, six times longer than his allotted slot, to the dismay of UN organisers. On his first visit to the US, and in his maiden address to the UN general assembly, Gaddafi fully lived up to his reputation for eccentricity, bloody-mindedness and extreme verbiage. He tore up a copy of the UN charter in front of startled delegates, accused the security council of being an al-Qaida like terrorist body, called for George Bush and Tony Blair to be put on trial for the Iraq war, demanded $7.7tn in compensation for the ravages of colonialism on Africa, and wondered whether swine flu was a biological weapon created in a military laboratory. At one point, he even demanded to know who was behind the killing of JFK. All in all, a pretty ordinary 100 minutes in the life of the colonel. To be fair, this was a man suffering from severe sleep deprivation. The US state department, New York city council and Donald Trump had prevented him from laying his weary head in an air-conditioned tent in New Jersey, Central Park and Bedford respectively, and the resulting strain was evident. "I woke up at 4am, before dawn!" Gaddafi lamented about an hour into his speech, adding for the benefit of the jetlagged diplomats seated stony-faced in front of him: "You should be asleep! You're all tired after a sleepless night!" Gaddafi certainly knows how to woo a crowd, particularly at important junctures such as this. This was after all his big chance to cement Libya's re-entry into the bosom of the international community after 20 years in the wilderness. The technique he chose to do so - cunningly - was to blatantly insult his audience. The representatives of the 192 nations assembled in the assembly hall were no better, he told them, than orators at Hyde Park's Speakers' Corner. "You make your speech and then you disappear. That's all you are right now." He then turned his wrath on to America, Britain, France, Russia and China - the permanent members of the security council, or "terror council" as he renamed it. Their veto was tantamount to terrorism. "This is terrorism, like the terrorism of al-Qaida. Terrorism is not just al-Qaida, it takes many forms." In case the point was lost on anyone, he tore up his copy of the UN rule book. Having thus abused and alienated 99.99% of the world's top diplomats, he suddenly changed tack, heaping praise and devotion on the one man he appears to respect. "Now the black man doesn't have to sit in the back of the bus, the American people made him president and we are proud of that. We would be happy if Obama stayed president of America forever." Poor Barack Obama. Having Gaddafi applaud his stance towards the world must have been as pleasing as being congratulated on his domestic policy by the leader of the birthers, who insist Obama was not born in America. In an example of exquisite stage management in which the UN appears to specialise, Gaddafi was scheduled to speak immediately after Obama's first historic address to the general assembly. If Gaddafi upstaged everybody inside the austere UN assembly hall, outside the building the PR message would have been a little less to his liking. Relatives of the victims of Pan Am 103 gathered in New York's First Avenue bearing posters saying "Murderer" and venting their anger about the hero's welcome given to the Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi last month. That aside, the self-proclaimed king of kings, figurehead of a thousand African kingdoms, must have been chuffed by how his morning had turned out. Now, where to pitch that tent? story
  15. The French parliament has held its first hearing of a proposed law that would require every advertisement to display a disclaimer telling the public that images of people were manipulated. The goal is to help cut down on body issues in adolescents, and violating the law could be costly. If there was a disclaimer on every piece of media that received a bit of digital "help," our images here in the US would be nothing but disclaimers. In France, however, lawmakers are concerned about the effect that Photoshopping has on people's body images. As a result, one such member of parliament, Valerie Boyer, has proposed a law that would require "enhanced" images to sport a warning, making it clear that viewers are not looking at an unretouched image. story
  16. or even better .. the difference between inan and inan (diff pronounciation)
  17. Geel_jire


    ^ you havent heard of qoodho soofays ??? it is a type of macawis .. the cheaper version with polyester. as opposed to the cotton more expensive sabarindi .. I dont know how they got that name the equipment sharpener
  18. ^ Mashalaah he is a talented brother ... but he would have been arrested in the west for broadcasting on FM radio and face stiff fines. he should have built a proof of concept model that transmits in the unlicensed ISM band (wireless routers, cordless phones etc) and he would have had no problem. it is illegal to broadcast on a licensed radio spectrum ... he can interfere with the operations of other radio stations as well as mobile phone operators and a FM transmitter that can cover all of hargeisa is in the 50 KW range which is a dangerous power levels to be working with. the authorities have to ensure that you dont exceed max power spec or you will drown out radio channels in the adjacent bands etc and you dont broadcast beyond the area you are licensed for.
  19. Originally posted by Fabregas: Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, 56, was elected Primate of Nigeria last week and his elevation could exacerbate tensions at a time when Anglicans are working to build bridges with Muslims. LOL I couldnt get past this line
  20. how in the world is Rayaale managing to do this time and again ? is there something that he is holding over the head of the opposition that people do not know about ? What credibility will they have if they let him get away with this yet again ? where are the veterans of SL politics .. su'alahan bal nooga jawaaba ?
  21. for the last 2 days I was working in a remote rural place that has a population of 1000 ... and I think I was the second black guy they have seen in the last 10 years .. the waitress even asked me if i knew samuel (the first black guy ) but reer badiyaha cadaanka know how to eat .. I have to give them that ... the standard breakfast was a large steak , 3 eggs, 4 pieces of toast and a huge 1L cup of coffee.
  22. Geel_jire


    Originally posted by Kool_Kat: ^There something very icky about a man wearing a macawis - in or outside the home...Something very gayish about it, tradition meeshiisa ha iga joogo when it comes to macawis... gayish miyaa tidhi what blasphemy I doubt there exists a greater article of clothing than my trusty qoodho soofays
  23. ^ so that's where my only vote came from
  24. Originally posted by Naden: Ibtisam, I didn't realize the drivel in the 15 page thread were campaign speeches! Buck-toothed geel-jires and elections, a dangerous combination. ina adeer buck-toothed geel-jires maxay kaa biiyeen