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Everything posted by Cabdow

  1. ^ lol...Nope, but am planing to retire in a small tuulo, where i can build the biggest cariish they have ever Have you ever met a famous/celebirty person?
  2. A hundred and forty billion dollars* a year? Daaaaamn girl, can be your geeljire Weirdest thing i ate (by mistake) was calooley, would i eat it again, hell nooooooooo What is your favorate somali dish?
  3. Adam, how come you glorified her beuty in every language in the book but Somali sxb, huh? Yarta, inaba caadhi mo'oho
  4. Me name calling? naaaaah not my thing wallaalo. Ps: I prefer raaliyo over dahab-qodo that's all. Besides, can't a brotha state his opinion without being labeled? War ileen tan oo kale...
  5. Six childeren? mashallah..lix kalana allaha kuugu daro for the the next six years. Amin dheh yeb, i donate. Only if i get a When was the last time you went back home?
  6. ^ Or maybe he is allergic to the uunsi/catar she is wearing Probably igaarka sanboor aa hayo ee ga'kasiiso nooh. Besides, if it doesn't bother him why should it bother you?
  7. ^ Your absolutely right barwaaqo, that's the way it should be (or should have been) But unfortunately, reality tells otherwise!! P.s. It says in the old (Faara-xite) testimony that " An out of the ordinary lavish aroos yearning Xalimo (hala'i arko hala'i maqlo type) is nothing but a dahab-qodo, she doesn't know and will never know what jaceel is. Meeshaad ku aragtaana cagaha wax ka daya, while shartooda ka cuudu-bileesaneesaan the lugooyo creatures " (14:11) Forwarned is forarmed, sax?
  8. Cabdow

    Today I....

    ^ It's about time ma'istiri (jks) Good luck though!! Today, i did the house-chores (scapulo sucks ) and it wasn't funn i tell ya. I don't know how you ladies enjoy doing that Where are the RAALIYOOS when you need them horta, help a brotha out nooh!!!
  9. Alla maxaa meeshan Qob-moosa la isku dhigay. When y'all get off the high donkeys, beynu dhulka isku meet gareen. Till then, baabuurta iska ilaaliya. is not my cuppa tea
  10. I saw this other girl her mother named her RIDA (as pleasant in Arabic) but when returned home ppl call her RIDA (as the goat) ^ What about them girls called 'sh**n' I wonder how they react to it, or is that just normal name up-north?
  11. Mashallah, great news! Thanks for sharing that with us bro.
  12. The games are not evil, but the men who play these games and become violent are evil, labada gacmood in laga jaro aa ku fiicnaan leheed kuwaas, soomaaha? But anyways, i dont understand why ya'all hating the game, hate the man nooh...see camal
  13. Cabdow

    So weird!

    Cimrigaaga oos dheeraado, islaan tuunji fadhisay for 2yrs-na waas ku tusaa...Yaaab
  14. Originally posted by Pomegranate: ^ That picture was completey unneccessary. I am aware of the fact that Somalia has a lot of problems. However, what I have an issue with is when people, namely Somali models, who are given media attention and instead of using that time to let people know about the Somali culture in a different light than what the media gives, they portray themselves as these helpless victims so that white people can feel sorry for the poor Africans. Despite popular opinion, Somalia is just one of many countries that does partake in female circumcison. Sudan, a majority muslim country, also does this yet they're not demonized to the same extent we are and I am bloody sick of it. I am tired of Somali women telling the whole world about their private parts. I am tired of people making jokes about Somalis that we cut women's clits off. I am tired of co-workers asking me if I had it done. I don't want to be associated with it anymore. Igaarta, Well said. good luck!
  15. Cabdow

    1-94 Crush

    May allah grant her speed recovery I'A... amin
  16. Yep....She comes here and she goes by the name off ***** (hakugu taagnaato sxb;) **Cadaan-kiibaa khaata bila uga taagneen hablaheena, hadana ma indha-yar-tii baa noogu'iwaa cabdiyow ** P.S. Somaali iyo baasto maxaa kala heysta horta? Even cheff hadey noqdaan xitaa, baasto umbay karin wali. War ileen tan oo kale!
  17. Cabdow

    Today I....

    It's around 2:30 am, and i cant seem to get sleep. Oh well, better start counting my geel's. I guess!!
  18. ^ War nothing is working sxb, dont let the pictures fool you, they were probably taken at the time of UIC Ps. What we truely need to see is pictures of Ethiopians leaving the city, then we can difinitly say there is a peace in xamar. Not couple of bilcaano playing basketball, dissgrace i tell ya :mad:
  19. Kooleeey-cali-banjar, allaha caafiyo walaalkaa iyo asxaabtiisa. Kuwii dhibkan u'geystayna allaha ka abaal mariyo, khair idiin rajeyna I'A. Btw, let me know haduu u'baahanyahay in loosoo aar gudo, remember bunduq iyo canjeex go together. Bloodh-in
  20. Ciid wanaagsan oo wacan yaa jamaaca! Ciidan ciidiisa ilaahey khair, barwaaqo, camal suuban iyo caafimaad hanagu gaarsiiyo, Aamiin.
  21. Bada Cas, i feel you sxb...I believe, We the (diaspora)Somali men are on a stage where we have to make a choice between the two...We either go back and die defending our country from the Ethiopians and their so called dabadhilifs like men or live in these western countries like landless qaxooti-for-life cowards (indhaheena oo shanana saas wadankeena halagu qaato)...Labadaa-mid wax kadhaxeeyo at this moment majirto, sadly.
  22. Ok bas, ga iga siiso marka. Whether caga yarahay or cagawenahay waa hool the lucky qalanjo utaal soomaaha. Btw, if my nick uu kaa naxsho. Imagine, what would happen if i told you my real name. waad suuxi laheed malaha
  23. lool@KK...Never thought of that, but i don't think in la ii qarinaayo. because, i heard some qalanjo's iney hurdada kasoo sasaan by the thought of cagaheega ....Just a thought kulahaa, thought beel
  24. looool@the poster/topic....Belo idin juus greesay...Wallee kii yiri been ma sheegin "Nin noolow maxaa arakti kuu laaban" Ps: They call me caga-weyne, gacmo-yar is out of the equation, in other words she might suuxid on me
  25. Cabdow

    The Show..

    Tuujiska show-gaaga khatar waaye, keep it coming sxb. Looking forward to the next quest. Ps. Caruurtan baradhada iyo kaluunka lagu soo koriyey ha ubixin...Suuro bila humor genaration ba la dhahaa. Pss. As LLpp said if you don't like it, don't read it. Simple