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Everything posted by Thierry.

  1. ^^Food always tastes better when its free Marx uses the "I lost my invitation but Abdi invited me" line
  2. ^^Lool he is the biggest wedding crasher in London, but who can blame him free food and beautiful women
  3. ^^Nothing sad about it mate, Viera might not get alot of playing time at the emirates but he will be a leader on and off the pitch. I know wenger mentality he will wait until 2 days before the transfer market closes before he makes serious bids (which will still be lower than what the selling club asked for )
  4. Innaa lillaah wa innaa illayhi raajicuun. samir iyo Imaan brother
  5. I hope he sells Toure it’s the right decision to make we need height LZ I agree saxiib loosing out on Felipe Melo was a big mistake. Players that should come in for the Gunners Hangeland S Bassong Huntelar Inler to battle with Song
  6. We have heard of child soldiers but this takes the biscuit http://www.theonion. com/content/video/hu man_rights_group_cam paigns_to
  7. ^^ Ibti im sure the current economic situation has played a role Torres, Saxiib make sure you get some practise, last thing we want is another abysmal performance and let’s hope you don’t get checkmate in less than 10 Mins lol.
  8. Ibti I hope your theory of the remittance drying up wont come true. come even if they mix and math im sure they will send few back home. I wrote this topic along these lines a couple of years back http://www.somaliaon /ultimatebb.cgi?/top ic/8/769
  9. Mashallah may Puntland live and grow for another 11 years.
  10. Interesting article, I think with regards to international relations and trade having other cultural experiences helps tremendously in bridging gaps, Henry Kissinger was successful because of his international heritage. But when it comes to defence and other domestic matters it would be no use having a footloose person who would cave in. Its fair to say that majority of young Somalis in Diaspora are officially TCK
  11. Madaxweyne Shariif oo guulo ka sheegtay Dagaalada Muqdisho iyo isagoo beeniyay in AMISOM ay ka qeyb galayaan dagaalada. Posted: 7/12/2009 11:07:00 PM Shabelle: MUQDISHO Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa maanta guulo ka sheegtay Dagaaladii ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho isagoo beeniyay in ciidamada AMISOM ay ka qeyb galayaan dagaalada. Kadib shir jaraa’id oo uu maanta ku qabtay aqalka Madaxtooyada ee Villa Soomaaliya madaxweynaha dowladda KMG Soomaaliya sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in guulo ay ka gaareen dagaaladii maanta ka dhacay gudah Caasimadda ee Muqdisho,isagoona sheegay in dagaaladaasi ciidamada dowladda KMG ay ku wiiqeen awoodii xoogaga hubaysan ee ka soo horjeeda dowladda. Waxaa uu tilmaamay madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif sheikh Axmed in ciidamada dowladda ay la wareegeen goobo ay ku sugnaayeen xoogaga hubaysan ee ka soo horjeeda dowladda. Madaxweyne Sheekh shariif Sheekh Axmed waxaa uu beeniyay in dagaaladaasi ay qeyb ka ahaayeen taangiyada Ciidamada AMISOM iyo Ciidamadooda,isagoo xusuy in dagaaladaasi ay galeen oo kali ah ciidamada dowladda KMG Soomaaliya. “Guulaha la gaaray waad aragtiin oo ciidamada dowlada in ay Global ganacta ku dhigeen waad aragtaan,arinta ku saabsan AMISOM-na Ilaa iyo hadda kama warheyno in ay tageen goobaha dagaalka ama ay suuqa Bakaaraha duqeeyeen,Marka Masuuliyadda waxaa qaatay ciidamada dowladda”ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed. Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed waxaa uu sidoo kale ku celiyay in dalka Soomaaliya ay ku suganyihiin dad Ajaanib ah iyo waliba dhalinyaro Soomaali ah oo uu sheegay in ay heystaan Baasaboor dhanka dibadda ah. Sheekh Shariif Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG Soomaaliya waxaa uu carabka ku dhiftay in nin ay soo bandhigtay dowladda KMG Soomaaliya Maalintii shalay oo ay ku sheegtay in uu yahay Ajanabi aanay aheeyn qof ajanabi ah hase ahaatee uu ahaa wiil Soomaaliyeed oo ka yimid dalka Maraykanka Sida uu hadalka u dhigay. “In dad la gowraco iyo in dad lagubo diin qabtaa malahan,diinteenan berri ayay ka tahay arinkaasi,marka waxaan leenahay dhalinyarada la soo maran habaabiyay waalidiintooda iyo iyagaba waan ku waaninaynaa in ay ka laabtaan,waxaad la socotiin shalay dowladdu in ay mayd soo bandhigtay lagu ogaadey in uu ahaa nin Maraykanka ka yimid oo Soomaali ah oo waqti dheer deganaa”ayuu hadalkiisa intaasi sii raaciyay. Madaxweyaha dowladda KMG Sheikh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo sii watta shirkiisa jaraa’id ayaa waxaa uu faah faahin ka bixiyay safaradii uu ku soo maray dalka dibadiisa gaar ahaan Liibiya,waxaa uu sheegay in uu ahaa shirkaasi mid lagu garab istaagay dowladda KMG Soomaaliya. Shirkaan jaraa’id ee madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif uu ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho islamarkaana uu ku beeniyay in AMISOM ay ka qeyb qaadanayaan dagaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa uu kusoo beegmayaa xili dhinaca Waqooyi ee Magaalada Muqdisho wali ay ka socdaan dagaalo culus oo u dhaxeeya dowladda KMG iyo xoogaga Hubaysan ee ka soo horjeeda. Degmooyinka lagu dagaalamay ayaa maanta waxaa lagu arkayay Gaadiid dagaal oo ay leeyihiin Ciidamada AMISOM kuwaasi oo gacan siinayay Ciidamada dowladda KMG Soomaaliya wallow saraakiisha AMISOM iyo kuwa dowladda ay beeniyeen arinkaasi. Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya. Dhageyso wararka 7:00-Fiidnimo Habeen walba adigoo raacaya tilmaamaha Wabseydka. Fadlan wixii Qalad ah Nala Soo xariir radioshabelle@ymail. com
  12. Che Adeer, there is no Ethiopia in Somalia, who are you fighting and who are you killing, tell me one Ethiopian that died in Beledweyne. You are an extremely strange fella who ironically supports a group that pride itself with having foreign forces who kill Somali Muslims.
  13. Me, Thierry never hides and has answered all your questions, but since you have a problem reading I will have to repeat what I said. Q1. Somali people will benefit enormously from having an empire (collective bargaining, global policy making, wealth creation, favourable trading conditions etc.). It is like running a small business one doesn’t aspire to pay the bills he aspires to become a Multinational corporation. Q2. This question is irrelevant, if you mean Once Somalis are united we should be contempt I am an ambitious man and if there is room for expansion I would favour such policy. Q3. Saxiib you are the one talking about the Somali empire and dragged me into this discussion, forget even dealing with Puntland and Somaliland I only discuss the real danger on the ground Al Shabaab who are hell bent on destroying the government. Now tell me how you a man who champions secularism believe Al Shabaab are in your best interest, do you think Somali will become France once Al Shabaab take over
  14. Paragon will heed A&T and come back to the negotiation table with this kashafa My only condition is secession of violence Norf, now you tell me saxiib what’s a playa like me got to do
  15. ^^ Not only did refuse they sent a rocket propelled grenade as a no thank you response.
  16. Adeer although this debate at the moment remind me of the two comedians who argued about how they would share if they ever one the lottery I will continue to debate with you. First Ask the US, China and soon India what being a large state has done for them, with regards to passing international policies ranging from free trade to Nuclear proliferation collective bargaining is a powerful tool adeer. Empires are good for their people, the Mongols benefited tremendously from Khans victories, they through influence managed to build from the cold desert a bustling trade capital. The Abbasids, Umayyads, Persians and Romans benefited tremendously from having large empires that traded in silk and spices. No kibir just ambition but being a pragmatist I feel this isn’t the right time to discuss this topic. Paragon add your one saxiib
  17. As an amateur historian the original author was aware of the implications of using the word for he knows how modest nomads (Arabs, Turks & Mongols) incrementally built a dominion inhabited by people who are ethnically different to them. Inshallah when the lands and people of greater Somalia are united under one banner who is to say our ambitions won’t change. Who is to say in 100 years time Thierry’s Great-grandson wont be a student in the regional capital of Khartoum. With regards to how this empire will be built and its structure, lets discuss that when we have peace in the south first.
  18. I forgot about this topic Me It’s a difficult task saxiib for one the enemy within who has a twisted cocktail of liberal secularism and fanatic version of the holy faith must be defeated. First rule of life and business strengthen from within before you embark on growth. In the perfect world Al Shabaab would put the guns down and negotiate with the government, the Amisom troops would be told to leave, joint Armed forces would be built and the warlords would be discarded replaced by Islamist and civil society. In the real world Al Shabaab rejected negotiation, started a war against the government and as a result forced the institution to seek help from warlords and International community or perish. Not the best start to the Empire building but this is life.
  19. Che no smart remarks here, this is real talk on one hand you say they shouldn’t seek help to protect themselves and on the other hand you support the attacks against them (even if the Amisom leave). Adeer if that’s not wanting death and destruction what is. You are a strange fella saxiib who thinks the inhabitants of Xamar are Playstation toys.
  20. Lol Che ok I won’t call him a mad man, will he put the guns down now Jihadi Jayz, the king of Ahlul Bida’a Adeer me and you have settled our score and one thing we have found is that both of us cannot live in Somalia together so one must go, use all the resources at your disposal and like wise for me, don’t come crying at every corner foreign troops are here
  21. A&T I am a pragmatic person trust me idealism doesn’t do it for me, I know that Somalia can only in the long run sustain itself by having a strong independent Military, I however also know that a strong Military needs time to build, now the government has not got the time to build these troops as they are in the middle of a war, for them its seek help or perish, the decision is simple really. Lool Che advice me on how to reason with you mad man, who is doing the killing, we are willing to stop the guns tmr, so spare me the nonsense saxiib.
  22. So wait a minute you are telling me we will fight you even after our sole reason of waging war is over? If that’s your and the Restless boys view, it is non of your business who the government gets help from.