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Everything posted by Thierry.

  1. Congratulation to brother NinBrown on the arrival of a new baby boy to the family, Alhamdulilah both mother and child are well.
  2. It can be done I remember in the mid 90’s Hakeem Olajuwon played the best month of his career while he was fasting, my man become the MVP that year
  3. Thierry.

    The Wire

    Sorry gents forgot to put that in disclaimer, for those watching the show every time you see Omar (what a name he is trying to ruin) fast forward or switch channels.
  4. Worrying times for the scousers, I have not rated Italians for years so don’t think Aquilani will change much, what you need is a big man up front and let Torres play of him Like Rooney, Santa Cruz would have done the job. Gignac in France looks solid Rafa should go for him. Unless arsenal buys one or two solid defensive players the Title is going to the blue side of London
  5. Thierry.

    The Wire

    Bob no doubt The Goodison Park script was one I couldn’t write even if I absorbed Spielberg and Peter Jackson creative mind. The Wire is by far the best show on tv. My top three characters from the early seasons 1. Lester Freeman: The intelligent below the radar Detective. 2. Stringer Bell: Played by Londoner Idris Elba the master minder behind Barksdales crew 3. D’Angelo Barksdale: the Kid got morals but was stuck between a rock and a hard place
  6. Kashafa Adeer I am still waiting for your group to topple the Federal Government, It’s been months and still no progress in that front. Live up to your first promise before you make another one. Also advise your bosses to stop crying wolf May Allah forgive the men that got killed, a serious investigation needs to take place to find the culprits.
  7. Five Pakistani preachers killed in Somalia Gunmen shot dead five Pakistani preachers Wednesday outside a mosque in the central Somalia, local religious and police officials said. A police official said the preachers were dragged out of the mosque in the town of Galkayo, in the semi-autonomous state of Puntland, and killed a short distance away. "The five were from Pakistan. All the roads in the area have been sealed off and we are looking for the killers," the official told AFP on condition of anonymity. Sheikh Mohamed Abdi Said, a spokesman of the pro-government Ahlu Sunna religious movement that controls the area, condemned the killings, saying they were "contrary to the teaching of Islam and all customary laws". It was unclear why the five were targeted. Puntland is relatively peaceful and has been spared much of the violence which has wracked the Horn of Africa state since 1991. The incident occurred in Galkayo, a town on the border between the breakaway region and Somalia proper, a region where the Ahlu Sunna group dominates. The movement in December declared a holy war against the radical Shebab militia that controls much of southern and central Somalia, accusing them of fostering violence in the war-wracked country. The Al Qaeda-inspired Shebab is currently engaged in a deadly military offensive against the internationally-back ed government of President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed. AFP It is a sad story but Why are Ahlu Sunnah condemning it if they are behind this act, some serious investigation needs to take place to route out the culprits
  8. Loool Duke firstly lets compare like for like, hence next time you speak of the Federal government compare it to Kenya, Uganda Rwanda etc. Puntland and Somaliland are the youth academies of Real Madrid. Now I agree we have two organised youth academies but that’s all they are saxiib and we can promote players from them when we see it fit. Unless Puntland is going to secede that is. Again its pre-season we had to dismantle some of the old players but a formidable team is being built especially with the new investment coming in. The young manager is learning new leadership skills everyday.
  9. Adeer nobody is blaming Calderon to me he is insignificant in the teams current state of affairs and kudos to him as he has not uttered anything, but some Ultras that supported Calderon still think he can be resurrected. Now the team under Perez is still new, some players will be offloaded and it will take sometime for them to gel together, but make no mistake this team will be feared in the coming months and years. What does the pictures of boys training supposed to show, saxiib don’t be ridiculous those skinny boys defeated US ranger in 93 remember so don’t confuse their slim bodies for their strength. It is still pre-season the real deal hasnt even started
  10. Ask him why he couldnt keep the matter behind closed doors with his peers rather than diminish the importance of such a meeting
  11. Adeer Duke you must be confusing this with Ramon Calderon era (aka Yey) that man is exiled in Gibraltar. Now Mr Perez only six months in office is with support from former heroes reconstructing the National Armed Forces then you will see the test of the mettle. The reality is huffing and puffing will never bring Calderon back to Real Madrid’s helm.
  12. ^^ The man wanted the seal of approval to run for office or something but the decorated big boys put him in his place
  13. The TFG and President Sharif are Real Madrid and Mr Perez, it has the brand name, the history and bucket load of cash. In the same way Mr Perez brought back legendry players like Zidane to advice him, President Sharif is as we speak being advised by former War heroes Al Shabaab is Man City hit hard by the recession
  14. The former Military officers are gems I am glad President Sharif and his government are taking their advice, like the article says these men don’t have political ambition, but they have the blue print for Somalia’s armed forces
  15. lool I agree Sophist this is when you need Al Shabaab,
  16. ^^Lol you are a joker I thought the fight was against the Amisom troops, why doesn’t the chap in the video send his troops to the Amisom bases. The reality on the ground is they AS & HT are loosing support, they are broke therefore cant pay their men and this reality has hit home rather too late.
  17. Ina Lilahi wa Ina Illahi rajicun, this man used to live in my area I hope it wasnt suicide
  18. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya iyo Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Mareykanka oo Nairobi ku kulmay Khamiis, August 06, 2009(HOL): Kulanka labada mas’uul dhexmaray ayaa wuxuu ka dhacay xarunta Safaaradda Mareykanka ee Naiorbi, waxaana ka qeybgalay mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan labada Dowladdooda ee Soomaaliya iyo Mareykanka. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed iyo Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Mareykanka Hillary Clinton ayaa waxay shirkooda uga wada hadleen arrimo ku saabsan xiriirka labada dowladood, iyadoo ugu horreyn uu madaxweynaha Soomaaliya u gudbiyay Wasiir Arrimo Dibadeedka Mareykanka warbixin ku saabsan Xaaladda Dalka Soomaaliya. Kulanka labada mas’uul dhexmaray oo ahaa mid ay albaabada ay u xiran yihiin ayaa markii uu soo dhamaaday waxay Madaxweynaha iyo Wasiirka qabteen shir jaraa’id, iyagoo faah-faahin ka bixiyay waxyaabihii ay ka wada hadleen intii ay ku talagaleen in ay shaaciyaan. Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Mareykanka oo hadashay ayaa waxay sheegtay in ay kulanka labada dowladood dhexmaray uu ahaa mid is-faham ku dhamaaday, waxayna caddeysay in ay Dowladdeeda ballanqaadeyso sidii ay u caawin lahayd Dowladda Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan dhinacyada dhaqaalaha, mileteriga iyo bani’aadannimada. Waxay sheegtay Hillary Clinton in Dowladda Mareykanka ay horay hub ugu deeqday Dowladda Soomaaliya, haatanna ay kordhineyso kaalmada ay Soomaaliya siineyso, sidoo kalena waxay caddeysay in ay Dowladda Mareykanka ku taageertay Ciidamada Amisom ee difaaca Dowladda Soomaaliya 150 Milyan oo Doollar, haatanna ay diyaar u tahay in ay intaas oo kale ku taageeri doonto. Dhinaca Bani’aadannimada ayay sidoo kale sheegtay in ay Dowladdeeda ka caawin doonto Dadka Soomaaliyeed ee dhibaatooyinka kala duwan ay heystaan. Hillary Clinton oo sii hadleysay waxaa la weydiiyay sida ay Dowladdeeda u arkeyso eedeymaha loo jeediyo Eritrea ee ah in ay faragelin ku heyso arrimaha Soomaaliya, waxayna sheegtay in ay ugu baaqeyso in ay faragelinta ka deyso arrimaha Soomaaliya, si gaar ahna waxay u xustay in ay taageerada ka joojiso kooxaha ka soo horjeeda Dowladda Soomaaliya, waxayna u sheegtay madaxda dowladdaas haddii ay jirto dhibaato ay deriskooda ka tabanayaan in aysan arrimaha Soomaaliya la soo gelin. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo isna soo dhaweeyay Xiriirka cusub ee labada Dowladood u bilowday ayaa wuxuu sheegay in ay Dowladda Mareykanka ka rajeynayaan taageero wax ku ool ah oo dalka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed lagu samatabixiyo. Mid ka mid ah Wariyayaashii shir jaraa’id joogay ayaa wuxuu weydiiyay madaxweynaha Soomaaliya sida uu u arkayo in Maamulka ka taliyaha Gobollada Jubbooyinka ay qaar ka mid ah madaxdiisa aaminsan yihiin in uu Shiikh Shariif ahaan diinta ka baxay, wuxuuna madaxweynaha sheegay in waxyaabaha diinta looga baxo ay kooban yihiin, isla markaana uusan mid ka mid ah ku sifoobin. Su’aal kale oo la weydiiyay madaxweynaha ayaa waxay ahayd sida ay la tahay in uu salaamay haweeney ajnabi ka ah oo weliba aanan muslim ahayn, wuxuuna ku gaabsaday in su’aashaas ay tahay mid raqiis ah. Ugu dambeyntiina, Kulankaas oo ahaa mid horay loo sii shaaciyay waxaa dhinaca Dowladda Soomaaliya ku weyliyay Madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Maxamed C/llaahi Oomaar, Wasiirka Maaliyadda ahna Ra’iisal Wasaare ku xigeen Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan, Wasiirka Gaadiidka Cirka iyo Dhulka Cali Axmed Jaamac Jengeli, Safiirka Soomaaliya u fadhiya Kenya Maxamed Cali Ameeriko iyo Xildhibaanad Caasho Xaaji Cilmi iyo xubno kale, halka Dowladda Mareykankana ay Hillary Clinton ku wehlinayeen Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda, Xildhibaanno, Safiirro iyo Diblumaasiyiin kale. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
  19. Although the era of appeasement with the armed opposition is long over the President no matter how small this gesture shouldn’t have fuelled Al Shabaab’s propaganda and not to mention his integrity. His advisors could have spoken to Secretary Clintons people and solved the issue. Lets hope the president doesn’t introduce his wife to Sarkozy
  20. Although the era of appeasement with the armed opposition is long over the President no matter how small this gesture shouldn’t have fuelled Al Shabaab’s propaganda and not to mention his integrity. His advisors could have spoken to Secretary Clintons people and solved the issue. Lets hope the president doesn’t introduce his wife to Sarkozy
  21. Although the era of appeasement with the armed opposition is long over the President no matter how small this gesture shouldn’t have fuelled Al Shabaab’s propaganda and not to mention his integrity. His advisors could have spoken to Secretary Clintons people and solved the issue. Lets hope the president doesn’t introduce his wife to Sarkozy
  22. Indeed this is a golden opportunity lets hope something positive comes out of it. Ducaysane he will fist bump her
  23. Indeed this is a golden opportunity lets hope something positive comes out of it. Ducaysane he will fist bump her
  24. Indeed this is a golden opportunity lets hope something positive comes out of it. Ducaysane he will fist bump her