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Everything posted by Muriidi

  1. Muriidi


    maxaa akhbaar ah ? wouldn't you have loved to turn on the news everyday and it starts with thanks to God and that everything is ok .. and that whatever really has happened .. ,is God's "sunna" and can not be changed in anyway .. or that's how i understood it .. bismillah : praised be Allah Father of the heavens and the earth , making of angels winged messengers ... فاطر
  2. have you seen the new "somali-hijab" with inbuilt scanners and shirk-busters ? mounted on the sides ,rocket-launchers with chemical and biological weapons .. fully equipped to make anybody who ever thought about islam feel silly and go back to his/her poker game .. the somali gov. ,says it has no idea how to deal with the phenomenon , has not yet found "hogaamiye-kooxeed" to take the blame for it and is giving out biohazard-suits like these : ok ?
  3. but then people had whole other problems back then ...
  4. to put it bluntly .. they're all hip hop lyrics with (parental-advisory) labels .. things and names that shouldn't cross a descent person's lips .. and this "......"-land is simply wack rap ! it only shows how islamic the people of hargeisa region are .. they can't put together a recognizable,provocative ,resignation of a substitute .. .. yep , we're all being silly .. web page
  5. caroog .. k'naan .. fanaan caroog la dhaho noo raadi oo noo taageer adi markaad ka waynaatid hibhoobka oo qaraami noqotid ....
  6. wixii oon iri af waliinji lee lagu dhihi karaa , adina af waliinji ma kasaysid ..
  7. waa meel saaxi ah , sarbeebta khaladka ahi ka maqantahy .. afrikooy huruddooy dawodaada hargeisa taalla .. law&order .. afkaaga camelmilkthread lagu qabay.. muslim macnaheedu waa baarrinimo iyo kaladambeyn..
  8. Muriidi

    Duca Please

    when you're that ill , in jamaica we say " please no cigarettes .. pass the kushum-pain!" Allaha caafiyo
  9. according to these pictures , i just see that they're in really bad shape after our last strike ! no need to respond this one with military force .. maybe just offer some clean water and saabuun maris ..
  10. you said to delete for example : • Copy & paste articles, link to other websites etc .. i'm not the admin. but but by these criteria ,i would delete thish whole post ! for these reasons : arrogance , disrespect for culture and heritage , reverse colonization theory .. or to get it straight , trying to manipulate migration , by calling up "necessary evil" which has been proven to be unnecessary .. we in somalia , when we want to hear that type of stuff , we don't try to fake it , we go to : show respect for the culture , and stop searching for scapegoats for your lack of people's skills . i'm sure all the parties you mentioned can be dealt with by the WHO. (oops link .. but not hidden) .. now you're thinking "leave me alone ,what do you want ?" .. exactly ! ma waxaad islahayd dadku ha yiraahdaan away cnn iyou aljazeera ,kuwaasaa odayaal ahaayee .. hadii la rabo Sol inay ahaato meel iidheh lagu sameeyo , try this link (also not hidden) .. into writing stuff like this .. give it a natural .. not answer , alternative : web page web page God is "jameel" and loves beauty .. now please try again , somalia .. politics .. what do you think really happened in paese di somalo ..
  11. if space is real .. then Noah(pbuh) doesn't have control over it .. although he made it .. neither would Lot(pbuh) have control over time ,unless time was supposed to be unreal .. And if its way to the outside is blocked, what harm is there? For it gushes continually from the house of the heart. .. it's in the air .. i know you can feel it .. but it's too early to talk .. here's something to help us keep it tight : ganesh or this by paragon : Posting is labourous lately. Why what cloth can you spin out of the term : percentage reciprocity .. here's some help :
  12. news : the usual and we received these messages from outer space ..
  13. adi maaddeey waxaad isoo xasuusisay hospital saudi ah maalin nin la keenay . he was screaming : islaamkaygii aaway .. aaway ? waxay taas dhacday maalintii ay IAEA la wareegtay hawlaha IMF ..
  14. in political understanding , much is based on historic propaganda .. "modern academic history" is historically inaccurate and quite objective therefore variable .. for example(from wiki) this about the role of islamic scholar mohamed ibn abdalwahab in the fall of the ottoman empire : a pact was made between Ibn Saud and Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, by which Ibn Saud pledged to implement Ibn Abd al-Wahhab's teachings and enforce them on neighboring towns. Beginning in the last years of the 18th century Ibn Saud and his heirs (The House of Saud) would spend the next 140 years mounting various military campaigns to seize control of Arabia and its outlying regions, finally taking control of the whole of modern day Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1922. This provided the movement with a state. Vast wealth from oil discovered in the following decades, coupled with Saudi control of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, have since provided a base and funding for Salafi missionary activity.'s all quite wrong and sarcastic to say the least. there is solid proof that the whole founding of modern day arab states was just to strengthen the myth of the ottoman empire which never actually was ! if there were no ottomans .. who did they replace? discreting the salafi movement by claiming that mecca and madina were under the control of some national state .. God forbid .. discrediting sh. mohamed ibn abdalwahab by describing him as someone who would want his teachings to be forced on folks .. or make pacts against empires that never were .. so what did really happen .. if islamic scholars like mohamed ibn abdalwahab and the whole salafi movement were not involved .. what is all this in the media ? and it's just getting worse .. who called ramses of egypt .. ? do we really need people with symbolic names .. which only suggests that there is a massive threat that needs to be fought ..? so vast ,that we can only do some damage control .. it can't be stopped ! .. the people need fubu-tainment ! based on archeological findings ... and new research methods much can be found about history .. this is new : there are no natural vs. human sciences .. physics is a material science , sociology is a virtual science , math is a practical science etc. all natural sciences .. politics,now also a natural science, is about generalization of extraordinary social phenomena . history : what happened in paese di somalo ? don't forget geological and evolutionary aspects .. the new technique is not read between the lines .. it's see beyond them ! what else can one find in the ruins .. of existance ? fw. this : how "hizb islam" made a pact with cumar c/rashid ? against : and
  15. the point is that you let them call you human .. they appoint you a religion .. train you to be a parasite .. (dahab shiil) , confirm your fake i.d. which is necessary since you lost your soul (daalo airlines) , do the same with your loved ones (amal bank) , teach them that gambling is a supported practice in .. ..islam (!) and at the end of the day let you think that is the way the world works (horn afrik media)
  16. i assume with "khusuusi" you mean "exclusive" .. try this : it accepts styles like dis : if it worked .. here come da honeys .. * the hip hop lyrics are just to show you how far one may go .. according to the constitutiion .. but of course you may have more polite vocabulary
  17. here's some free football tickets ..
  18. we're not old .. it's just an optical illusion ...
  19. philosophy means you're not sure what you're talking about .. so let me start .. reality means you don't have the control .. you can have a differential of that reality .. call it yours ..cobtrol it, play with it even .. and if you liked it .. integrate it back into reality .. while it's yours .. that "differential" .. what do we call it .. i say for example "the definitive" ... the rules of "the deffinitive" are well explained by kant ..
  20. web page yes i agree .. but i don't see how china could ever find the time .. taking into account the tremendous developnents in south east asia .. .. i don't think industrialization is a priority in africa .. that's what the northern hemisphere is there for .. becoming a center of trade .. that's what the arabian peninsula is there for .. .. sorry africa no one needs any of that from you .. thus no need for any african national states .. web page
  21. 2 seperate threats : web page web page .. one answer : .. do you think the americans will say "nie wieder .. so and so .." , or will they name airports after them like the french ..?
  22. cibaaduAllah .. maanta dhan iska had hadla .. waliba waa la idinku amaanaa day ! waxaa saan yiri koo meel iska fadhiya ,"ani xitaa wax waa fahmaa day .. lafoole kamasoo bixin ,lakin ..