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Everything posted by bilan

  1. Taleexi, I am sure PL will greatly miss you , but IMO what people of SSC need is not a new state or another gathering, but unity. I am sure if the people were united reer Somalidiid ma joogeen LA one night let alone 4 years, ee sheekadu waa godinyahay hadaan daabkeey kugu jirin imaad gooyseen.
  2. i guess reer Somalidiid waxay wali a xanaaqsan yihiin waaguu yiri sii jeedkaad ku qurux badan tihiin ilayn duulku waa dad aan wax ilaawine.
  3. Guys it not only Somali ladies who like this series, it was also translated into Arabic, I read once a man in Algeria divorced his wife because she fell in love with the lead actor.
  4. XX, do they also have different genes than the rest of the Somalis??
  5. war XX i do not want Burco divided, and i do not want Somalia divided either, even though i have no problem if you take your three towns and leave, i just could not understand why you are obsessed with Gaalkacyo, when you have your ownGaalkacyo in your backyard, i was just trying to show you takarta ku saaran
  6. Lool XX, I cannot argue with dhagax dixeed. PS ma waadan maqal Awdal state, marka drop Boorame from SL cities
  7. XX, do you even know cida masaajidka soo weerartay, do you know dadka ku dhintay, so let me tell you, they were not from the same clan dadkii dhintay, so how can this be about qabiil, and I do not really think inaad taqaano who lives in North Gaalkacyo, I do not know why it makes you happy haday people in PL ay is dagaalaan, maybe Ictirfaafkii baa imaanaya. I just do not like munaafaqnimada khuraafaad aan jirin waxaad rabtaa inaad meesha ku qorto real facts waad inkiraysaa, about the masjis attacks, this is a disease, I am sure people in Gaalkacyo never thought there will be a day when the Masques will be attacked, but it happened, so do not be surprised if it happens in your village.
  8. loooooool at north gaalkacyo clans, and who are they XX, You deny the obvious issues such as SL being based on qabiil, or Burco being divided, and then your imagination shows you there is something called north Gaalkacyo clan…….
  9. XX, you cannot compare gaalkacyo to Burco, Gaalkacayo has been divided into north and South since 1940’s, be honest, I am sure at one point Burco had a Police chief and two advisors one from the east and the other was from the west, so A-Khadar is right Burco is divided into sub clan lines. Also SL is the only place in Somalia where certain clan is forced to live one district only. marka you also have a long way to go, so no need to inaad raadiso waxa Somalida kale ka qaldan, just fix your own issues, start with uniting Burco and then we might take you serious about Gaalkacyo.
  10. lool XX waa la qabtay, Xaaji is it true that Burco has two police chiefs one west and the other one is east. just yes or no will be enough.
  11. Somalidu muran badanaa, why do not you guys leave him alone haduu rabo inuu mowliid ka xuso, maxaa ku dhacay qof walba suu u arko inay sax haduu ilaahay u caabudo ma idinkaa dadka qabriga la galaya.
  12. Suldaanka;712918 wrote: This is what happens when you base your politics on clan borders... it will never end... imika jufo jufo ayay taagantee waxa dhicidoonta mar ay Laf-laf iyo jilib jilib calano loo samaysandoono. Puntland's chickens is coming home to roost. ^^^ loooool @ clan state, ala yaa ii qosla, and SL is what, please tell us, every single regional government and that includes yes your beloved SL is a clan state, actually is SL is the first clan state in Somalia. it is really funny how reer Somalidiid are falling for this raascasayr state, do they even know meesha ay raas casyar ku taalo iyo dadka dega waxa ay yihiin. Awdal state is not an issue but for somehow Raascasyar state is a big deal and means PL is breaking up. what a joke, war nacayba aad Somali u qabtaan yeydaan u dhiman.
  13. Oba ma waxaad leedahay sh Shariif wuxuu leeyahay 3 caruura kaliya?? i do not think inay Villa Somalia joogaan, waxa siyaasada ku jira hadii caruurtooda xamar lagu daadin lahaa waa horuu wadanka dagi lahaa.
  14. H-arti waa nin, waxaan maqlay early 1970s markuu kacaanku cusbaa baa my cousin who was from Diinsoor baa waxay aragtay nin uu qalin ka dhacay, way ka daba orday markaasay tiri aw h-arti meaning ninow it was just coincidence inuu ninku ahaa H and dhar cad at the same time, so wuu xiray because qabiilkii la duugay bay soo faagtay, couple of nights bay xabsi ku jirtay. In the new constitution every Somali will be required to learn af may, I do not how reer mudug iyo reer waqooyi will learn it though.
  15. Do not they have to vote and see how many so called xildhibaans are for or against before he says yes or no, wuxu ma caruur baa.
  16. Axmed diiriye, what a joke, horta gurigii xaaraanta ahaa ee uu ku jiray ma ka baxay??? hal booli ah nirig xalaala ma dhasho, nabad uu odaygaas ku baaqo wax soo saari mayso.
  17. Why does he need red carpet, you will think after a year he will get tired of the red carpet. Ilayn waa oday aan waligii madax noqon.
  18. i agree with AY on Faroole.Faroole went to Nairobi for his own benefit and he is using PL for his own selfish reasons, if he wants to run then he needs to resign and let someone else lead PL. AY used PL for his own interest back in 2004 and I guess he can now see that it was wrong. I think AY is more patriotic than a lot of people.
  19. adiga gacmo goyn uun maxaad uga soo qaadanaysaa diinta, how many people baa wakhtigii nabiga ilaa iyo taabiciyiintii gacamaha laga gooyey. Al miskinoow adiga Maadeey maxaa isku kiin gakay si isku saan saan eg tihiin??. mida kale before aan laga hadlin diin iyo maxaa la isku xukumaa, so inay xabadu joogsato kama horayso.
  20. Al-miskiin i guess wuxuu ka waday ama talyaani ama ingriis mid uun ku hadala, kan muslimkuna waa carabi iyo Somali, odaygu mar mar wuu isku dhex yaaci jiray, over all his vision was good laakiin jihada ka yara dhumi jirtay.
  21. i heard he said ama af muslim ku hadla ama af gaal, Like most of the Somalis he was intolerant, and believed his dialect was the only Somali. AAliyah reer Baraawe af Somali kuma hadlaan, waa Swahili, laakiin reer banaadirigu afkoodu waa Somali.
  22. You guys are really funny, PL is not central government, it is a regional gov. so obviously it will be CLAN based administration, every single local admin. in Somalia will be clan based, I thought everyone knew that. But definitely PL needs to be reformed/improved, even though aan maqlay something along the lines inta madaxa madow iyo reer hebel inay is le’eg yihiin, lool, just kidding:).
  23. Aaliyyah;711560 wrote: ...I have met many somali guys who grew up back home who want their wives sitting home theres no way around that lol...theres like no room for discussion guriga fadhi cashada dabka isaar...arghhhh.. salaam Aaliyah, maybe a day will come when you will only wish someone will tell you to sit home, home is not that bad especially when you have kids. but i cannot help but feel any man who goes back to Africa or ME that they are hidding something.