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Everything posted by bilan

  1. loool, XX maadan fahmin, qofku markuu cimrigiisu koro waa inuu caqliguna la koro, laakiin hadaad iska wayaanto laakiin caqligaagu uu wali 15 jir yahay hade waa khasaaro, marka xaajigu seems inuu wali caqliyan u korin.
  2. lool Mudanaga ugu da'da weyn, well it is very sad siduu cimrigiisu u duqoobay inuusan caqligiisu u korin....
  3. XX do not you understand it is the interest of PL if Galmudug becomes strong, that means murderers will have nowhere to hide in both North or South, it means no more assassinations, but in your sick mind all you want to see is Ximan and xeeb + Galmuduf VS PL, but that will not happen, people in these regional governments do not war, plus did you not hear that Galmudug condemned SL aggression against Kalshaale, do you know why, after 20 years people realized they have to live and deal with each other. to understand objectives of these local regions, I suggest that you watch Tiiceey( leader of Ximan & Xeeb) on youtube, laakiin adigu intaad la raadinayso Somali inay gubato baad cuqdad u dhiman doontaa. quraan isku akhri.
  4. maxaa he said she said ah Jacphar, who else put the pictures in the Mall, i am sure not her. he can deny inuu daroogeeyey, but i do not see who else can have access to these pictures??
  5. I hope she will reveal his name so his wife and relatives can find out as well. She did nothing wrong, it can happen to anyone.
  6. I cannot believe Siilaanyo will be so clueless, if this is true SL supporters AKA his clan need to evaluate Siilaanyo’s mental health, it just does not make sense 80+ years old man who has masters and was once a government official will fall for this. war odaga hala baaro sidan caadi ma ahane waa haduu warkanu run yahay.
  7. Gheele why would not they get involved when SL keeps telling the UK that enslaving them was the best thing that UK did for SL, I mean if stray cat keeps following you, you will have no option but to like it. plus have you seen what some SL supporters write, it is really sad when you hear them keep saying over and over that SSC are descendants of the people who killed Richard Corfield(koofil) in Jidbaale, like seriously is that suppose to be something bad. Plus Somalis would have solved their issues long time ago if they were left alone.
  8. Qaylo iyo kiyaakaro badanaa reer Somalidiid, habeen iyo maalin waxay la soo taagan yihiin LA waa magaalo dhiba badan, hadaba uga taga dadkii lahaa, yaa markii hore idiin yeertay khasab baad ku joogteene, but sooner or later SL will leave Sool and they will have to inay imaansadaan their three towns, ama maalin walba sidaa mid ha looga dila ilaa ay ka gaarto Hargaisa.
  9. XX, it just means they do not want to have anything to do with you, xitaa jihadii way idinkaga guureen . anyway people who write Somali website need training, but i have yet to see anyone worse than than iyo Haatuf. But what is the point of this post.
  10. what is the big deal as long as they are part of Somalia all is good, anyway no in Somalia will accept central Gov any more where everything was concentrated in Mogadisho, so let everyone build their own tuulo.
  11. Presidential debate in MN, isn’t that waste of time, I mean come on you have to convince Sakiin & CO not some people in Minnesota, 550 warlords, thieves etc are the ones they need to be talking to.
  12. ^^^^ lol habar fadhida lagdin u fudud, Family is not disposable. come on ladies I was not scaring him at all, laakiin I just wanted to give him hints so he can check if the girl is still in town, yaa og inu qarfo jafayo
  13. macbuudka, markaas ay dhahaayaan west aan ku halownay, dadkaan(somalida) iyagoo halowsan ayba Kenya ka yimaadaan, but someone needs to tell me how you guys are able to take such long vacations.
  14. I just do not understand why people want to marry someone whose family do not want them, there are plenty of girls whose family will accept you, I do not see why they have to care so much about your family if they see you as a nice person, in my opinion this is just an excuse, they do not want to say on your face that they do not want you. PS I know a girl who was going to marry a revert her family said no, they gave her their reasons and she accepted them, she did not want to marry someone her mother was not happy with, she went on vacation few months ago to somewhere in Africa and decided not to come back, as far as I know the guy does not know that she is not coming back, for your own sake I hope you are not that man.
  15. I sure hope for the sake of all Somalis that AS is defeated, but that is the deal let’s wait and see.
  16. And who are the people that TFG is trying to impose their rule on in the South??? Do you mean Al shabaab? because honestly they are the only group who are against TFG? And I do not understand why you fail to see that the current TFG leaders(with the exception of Shariif) are young, educated and were never involved in the civil war. So while SL is fighting with, killing and displacing innocent citizens whose only crime is that they do not want to secede, TFG is fighting a group whose aim is not to rule Somalia or defeat TFG but to take the war outside of Somali borders, so even if the current TFG is replaced whoever comes after them will have to face AS, so yes, defeating AS will save lives. There are only 2 choices realistically right now AS or TFG.
  17. Ibti seriously do you not see the difference between SSC war with SL and TFG one, but let me try if the war between SSC clan and SL was about 2 clans fighting it would not be a big deal after all these people have been fighting since Allah created them in these areas, so it would not be a surprise to anyone or big deal odayo would sit together, exchange geel end of story.. but the what is going on in SSC is about principle, it is about SL forcing its ideology on people who do not want it, and finally it is forcing SSC people to become second class citizen or minority in their own country, so there is no way we can compare what is going on in Mogadisho to what is taking place is SSC. I support SSC,becauseI agree with SSC that Somalia cannot be divided, and I support TFG because TFG is fighting to get Somalia as a country back to its feet, so honestly I do not see how the two are contradicting each other. BTW it is SL who is forcing people out of their homes so if you are supporting SL I do not really see why you cannot support TFG.
  18. Vans Let me know when this revolution starts(it did not happen the last 20 years so what makes you think it will happen now) but for now we have TFG, we can either support it or continue the last 20 years of madness. That is why asked what is the alternative, it is easy to talk about moral and values when you are not starving or can sleep at night peacefully and you do not always have to worry where you are going to flee next time. So I will take corruption any day over violence and death. I will take corrupt government over anarchy, so in my opinion is not hard choice to make. Also the reason SL thread generate so many responses is because when someone praises their clan you will get strong reactions, it not different if I start a thread that talks about how great USC clans are or how brave SSDF or D clan is, believe me people will feel compelled to say something if anyone is fool enough to start such topics.
  19. " Waxa kale oo ay guddidu aad uga xun yihiin aadna uga xun yihiin caalamkana la socodsiinayaan budhcad badeeda iyo argagaxisada isku uruursaday gobolada bariga ee somalia oo ku gabanaya isirnimo si ay u wax yeeleeyaan nabadgalayada Geeska Afrika sida somaliland iyo Ethiopia.” Ayaa ku yidhi warsaxaafadeedkaas Guddoomiye Ku xigeenka Guddida joogta ah ee golaha Wakiiladu. " loool, now you are asking UK to help you in your fight against SSC, first it was Ethiopia and now UK, i wonder what happened to your mighty army that was going to close the border few months ago. I doubt UK will get involved in clan war between SSC clan and SL clanWhat a shame!!! i hope wakiiladau inay marqaansanaayeen markay qorayeen warqadan, otherwise waa loo baqaa your mental health.
  20. Vans;701966 wrote: Reer Somaliland wan fahmay (sorta) but reerka uu doodaya TFG boggle me :confused:. Let me cook up an analogous relationship and hope it makes sense. A fairy is to a leprechaun as Somaliland is to TFG . Lool Vans there is no specific reer oo u dooda TFG, believe me, some of us believe that while TFG is not perfect and it is far from being perfect, we(Somalis) need to support it after 20 years we need to compromise(after all wax walba lama mucaarado) and their enemy is a group that will do anything to keep Somalia as it is, marka at least to me the choice is obvious. Question is those who are against TFG(other than SL, because they pray Somalia to remain as it is until they’re recognized) what is the alternative????
  21. Reer somalidiid, do not worry about your clan members who are in Libya, TFG already asked Egypt and UN to help all Somalis regardless of their qabiil, marka chill out.
  22. Saado waa wadaniyad!!
  23. It does not really matter who carried, birth of a child is life changing event, especially for the first time parents, when you get used to sleep 8+ hours uninterrupted then all of a sudden you have to wake up every 2 hours it will have huge affect on both parents especially in the west where there is no support and you have to figure out everything on your own.