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Everything posted by bilan

  1. 'Liibaan';707479 wrote: The truth is SSC people are more United today than ever before , the vast majority of SSC people are are anti-Siilaanyo and anti-Faroole. Because of Warlord Faroole' foolish policies, today Warlord Faroole is not much different than Warlord Siilaanyo Dhiigyacab. Where was Warlord Faroole and his subclan Suldaan Garaase during Kalshaale, Hagoogane, Meygaagle, Widhwidh, Balihadhac wars ?????????? The only option left is self-rule, and an independent SSC Regional State. Loool, are you serious, I am not even sure if this deserves a reply, but let me try, so now Faroole’s sub clan not the PL administration is responsible for defending these regions against SL clans, I can understand if you ask where was PL administration, but where was the sub clan, let me see I think they were drinking tea under the tree with the sub clans from Taleex, Yagoori, Widhwidh and Boocame.
  2. GD Come on adiguna, these people are in their own country no one can kick them out, and why should they?? Does Graada Jama have more weight than Graad Saleebaan, I agree SSC need to be more united, I know a lot of people who are from SSC and support PL more than anyone, do not let few confused individuals get your blood pressure.
  3. Taleexi;707461 wrote: GD & Bilan: Who the hel-l are you when you are telling me that I'm not a Puntlander!...... Umushu waa ilowshiiyo dhowdahay baa hore loo yidhi balse ma xasuusataan that I'm both a co-founder and stakeholder of the state of Puntland........ Oh mise I'm reading between the lines oo bahashii waa la Maxamuud Saleebaaneeyey...... When did I say you are not Puntlander, war heedhe read what I wrote, I said SSC were the founders of Puntland I always said that, and anyone who knows how Puntland was created knows it was not only Bari, Nugaal and Mudug who come up with the idea, but I said if they decide not to be part of it any longer then no one can force them, hell if North Mudug decides to join Galmudug there is nothing anyone in Garoowe can do about it, people from 5 regions come together and decided to have a regional government si look kala badbaado laguna sugo dowlad soomaliyeed, it was voluntary. If any one them decides to leavethen no one has a right to force them… but why do not you talk to SSC supporters who conveniently forget dibandaabyada Xaabsade and Maxamed baashe or Ali khaliif and instead pick on suldaan Garaase??? Mise waxaad ka xanaaqday my comments on Gen Abdisamad:) And I am last person who wants in bahasha la saleebaaneyo, haduu inaba caqli nagu jiro, not every sub-sub-sub clan can have their own maamul goboleed, either we forget federal government or learn to share and la iska qabto kuwa jahawareerka wada. it is not the best interest of reerkaas aad sheegtay or the ones in SSC regions or Sanaag in lakala tago, laakiin come on you cannot blame Faroole, and and ignore laba jeeblayaasha. PS I wonder if Libaan is one of the writers in Jidbaale???
  4. GD Some people do not see the big picture, to them is all about challenging certain people, it is amazing how BBC does not have a reporter in Buuhoodle and have to rely the one in Burco, and the people who were trying to make this story bigger than it is, the only i see them as waa sheekada doqonta 10 indhood leh oo sagaal walaalkeed isaga ilaalisa halna cadowgeeda, well they could be secessionist in closet such as Ali Khaliif, who knows, but people in SSC need serious talk, and I am sure if they talk to each other they can come up with a solution, but as long people such as Dalbac are welcomed open arms I doubt anything will change.
  5. lol NN bro, get your facts straight, while the war was supposedly between two adm. certain people in LA supported SL Militia, no need to deny the facts, and people who supported SL are regretting right now, people are not outsiders, if you do not know what happened in 2007, then do me a favor and talk to the people who were in town in 2007. SL has no power to capture any town, they are clan administration. and yes there is a big divison in SSC, and best solution is that those with SL, PL o r SSC jabhad to sit down togther and come up with a solution to save the people, but as long as we are looking someone to blame, nothing will change.
  6. well AK, i do not have time to argue all day, so if you think demonstrating against Suldaan Garaase will liberate SSC regions, then by all means do so walaal, but as far as i can see he was also welcomed into the city, and that means there is divison in SSC and that was the reason LA fell into the hands of SL militia, because we all know SL did not capture LA by force but because certain district in LA welcomed them. so before we blame certain clans in PL or jini kale, SSC needs to unite and talk to each other, that is the only way out.
  7. like i said Jidbaysane warkiisa hala hubiyo, here is what another SSC website is reporting. Waxaanu u nimi Buuhoodle inaan wax ka ogaano xaaladda abaareed ee dhulka ka jirta si aanu wax ula qaybsano umana socon arimo siyaasadeed) sidaasi waxaa yidhi Suldaan Siciid Maxamed Garaase oo isaga iyoo wefti cuqaala oo isugu jira madax dhaqameedyadda gobolada Mudug iyo Nugaal oo soo gaadhey magaaladda Buuhoodle. Weftigan oo si aad ah loogu soo dhoweeyey intaanay soo gaadhin magaalada Buuhoodle ayaa waxa ay madax dhaqameedyadda reer Buuhoodle kaga hor tageen magaaladda marqaan oo dhinaca ismaamulka Somalida ee Itoobiya ku taala waxana ay saxaafadda la hadleen dejintoodii ka dib iyagoo u sheegay xaaladda ay u socdeen. Suldaan Siciid maxamed Garaase ayaa waxa uu xusay hadal laysla dhex marayey oo sheegayey in maamulka Puntland soo diray taasi oo uu sheegay inaanay xitaa madaxda Puntland ogayn ayna ahaayeen odayaal iskood isugu xilsaaray inay dadkooda ka wardoonaan waxa ay waqti abaareedka ku sugan yihiin. Suldaanka oo ah raga safka hore kaga jira madaxdhaqameedyadda Puntland ayaa waqti danbe oo manta ah wax laga naxo ku tilmaamay hadal laga sii daayey idaacadda BBCda oo sheegayey in gaadhigiisii lagu dhacay Buuhoodle, waxana uu yidhi ?taasi waa been cad oo aan geedna loogu soo gaban? Suldaanka oo arintaasi hadalkeeda sii wata ayaa waxa uu sheegay in saxaafadda looga baahan yahay inay wixii amniga wax u dhimaya iska ilaaliyaan oo hubiyaan si aanay dhib iyagu horsed ugu noqon. Safarka suldaanka ayaa si weyn looga hadalhayaa magaaladda Buuhoodle iyo nawaaxigeeda, taasi oo ay sababtay iyadoo ay kow tahay talaabo noocan oo kale ah madaxdhaqameedyo ku talaabsada taasi oo soo jiidi karta gargaar degdeg ah oo dadka tabaalaysan uu maamulka Puntland uga dalbi kara marka la eego miisaanka uu ku leeyahay Xaaladda nabadgelyo ee Buuhoodle ayaa ah mid si aad ah u soo wanaagsanaanaysa kadib colaado hadheeyey bilihii la soo dhaafay kuwaasi oo u muuqda inay soo afbeelayaan Source
  8. Aaliyyah;707073 wrote: anyhow where can I get novels abt cilmi bodhari or any other somali romantic story? is there an online website where u can order? or do somali stores have it? AAliyyah yiuv can read the book online here:
  9. AKh, i m neither clueless nor i did not follow the news, insulting Garaase will not get you anywhere that is for sure, he was Suldaan way before Faroole come to the picture and will be there after him, but i always look the big picture, but what is your objectives, to get SL out of the region or score points against PL adm. are you saying Garaase and Garaad Ciid are SL agents!!! what is holding SSC regions back is not Faroole or anyone else, but the lack of vision from leaders of SSC(the group, not the people), and i see that you are not really answering the question, instead of blaming Faroole or Garaase etc, where is Xaabsade, Maxamed Baashe, Cismaan Garaad Soofe, where are the Garaad Jama(both of them) did they say anyting, no, how about the people who change sides in a heart beat etc. i am not sure why PL needs to bribe people in SSC, after all SSC were part of PL back in 1998, they were the founders and if they decide not to be part of it, so be it, but there are better ways to do than this.
  10. A/KH you are really underestimating these men, after all they are isimo, and they deserve to be respected, you can say whatever you want to say against Faroole and Abdisamad( i wonder why you do not mention him, is he not VP!!!!), IMO he is worst than Faroole. Also the article you posted, you are insulting Buuhoodle elders, what do they mean “inay u kaxeeyaan tuko raq” odaydau ma sheep baa sidee loo kaxaynayaa. You need to pick your fight, Garaase is very respected man, and I do not believe Faroole or anyone else can use him. Also we all know people in PL indirectly helped the fight in Kalshaale. A/K this is not about PL adm, it is about demonstrating against elders who are very much respected in their community, the same community you want to support you, when these men visit buuhoodle, they are not representing PL adm, they are representing their clan, did you see from that angle!!, so tell me what is SSC going to gain from alienating these communities. Also if this is about PL adm. Was not some ministers from PL were in Buuhoodle months, did you see anyone demonstrating against them, I sure did not hear anything. all I’m saying is pick your fights. This has nothing to do with principle, and the dust did not settle. you just gave SL an opening and sure they will use it to their advantage.
  11. GD, I would say let’s see if this is even true, if it is, I bet Cameey and people who represent Buuhoodle will say something, also few confused people who do not know what they want cannot decide for entire SSC.
  12. Indeed Gen Duke, I think the best solution is to let SSC sort their arguments/confusion on their own. If they want to have their own administration then no one can force them to be part of any entity but I do not know how their(people who organized this demo) brain is working, they need to pick their fights, what are they going to gain from demonstrating against these elders when SL militia is few miles away from Buuhodle. But is there any other website who is reporting this demo other than jidbaysane, I do not really believe this website, they are full of aflgaado.
  13. Xudun is now part of SL , XX let me know when you wake up, heedhe saan dad kale dhulkii ku lahaan mayside, let us know what is going on in the triangle.
  14. Showqi Do you have her last peom, waxaan ka xasuustaa naftu waa Macaan tahay intay Mala awaalayso Cali way macaanaa markuu midigta ii laadshay waa mahadshay aragiisii hore mayey la moodkiiye marse hadaan muuqii gabay magacii ay hooge. I wish someone will reprint the book in Somali.
  15. Lool XX keep your fake sympathy to yourself, Adeer Yusuf will be safe IA. War heedhe odayga haduu siyaasada ka tagayna ma saas baa wali looga baqaa, walee inuu Libaax ahaa 
  16. here is another warbixin oo xiiso badan.
  17. XX adigu bal aamus, DS waxaa u fiican inaadan difaacin adiga iyo your sidekick.
  18. KK it is not always black and white like that, it could be her mother decided to take her anger on his family, it could be the family tried to contact the kids and the mother just refused to allow this to take place. I know countless cases where kids are poisoned against their paternal relatives for things they had no control over. there are a lot of women who cannot differentiate between their husband and his family. honestly speaking if my husband leaves me today I have no expectation from his family to help me raise my kids, if they do, it is because they are doing me a favor and I’ll be grateful for their support, but I have no right over them, they did not ask me to marry their son, I chose him and if I made a mistake on my choice I’ll have no one to blame but me. Plus it is the best interest of the kids to have relations with both sides of their family, otherwise cuqdad bay la korayaan.
  19. easy go and talk to your grandfather, uncles & aunts if you want to know what kind of a person he is/was. your reer abti should not poison you against your family.
  20. people are saying a lot of things on this, Ilaahay baa runta og, laakiin sida KK tiri runtu waa in between. which one is easier to go to the police or go public on national TV, she did not even hid her face si fiican so qofkii yaqaanay iyo kaan aqoonba waa ogaaday, what heck she meant he was selling pictures infront of her store, Somalidu ma perverts baa, walee waa horaa islaamahaan ogaa kab la dhici lahaayeen haduu saa samayn lahaa. Marka ilaahay ha la garab galo.
  21. Elegantly I do not want this to be off the topic, but your mother can hate all she wants, but he is your grandfather and he has rights over you, it is your father who left you, so why blame your father’s entire family. Even if your mother does not want you to find him, I would say search for him, you need to know your father and what happened to him.
  22. well if he is you father, then i can understand that you want to find him, but why are you saying his dad, isn't his father your grandfather!!. can you not find his picture from your relatives.
  23. Horta Saado is a good singer and I would say she is wadaniyad, but at the end of the day she is a human being and can err. So before we jump into conclusion where is the evidence. If someone can proof that DS is involved with the clan war that is going in SSC regions, then that would be different laakiin haday tahay lacag buu tolkii siiyey personally I do not see anything wrong if DS donates to so called SL adm. As long as they use the donation for building bridges or hospitals. I do not think the owners of Dahabshiil will be so dump to jeopardize their business. dadka bussinesska ku jira lacagtaa u qabiila
  24. @ Jaaliyada beeshiisa, He is either dead or does not want to be found, so why bother.
  25. He is from South of Hargaisa but in your logic he can speak for people who live from Nugaal to Buuhoodle, pls tell me who gave him that right, ma ninkii cadaa??? Cajiib and what happened to these people, miyeey dhinteen mise waa underage and he was appointed their guardian!!!.