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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Originally posted by Caamir: We are now witnessing a complete reversal of firmly held positions as recent as two weeks ago. Even Hiiraan editorial board named him as the person of the year. All Ethiopia wanted as reflected in her publicly stated policy in the region even prior to the invasion of Somalia with the explicit approval of the TFI was to forestall the emergence of a Somali regime that is hostile to her own forced national interest. How will Sherrif and Ade make any difference or convince the Somali people of constructive ways to redeem their rights to self-determination even in the occupied Ogadden region? Imposing a highly unpopular western backed government that's on its way to give up its control over Bai**** and parts of Mogadishu did not work but the so called international community led by Uncle Sam has shown again signs indicative of underwriting the cost of another years of misery, displacement and bloodshed. And whereas the Security Council has passed a resolution that completely violates the Convention on the Law of the Sea which has given nations bordering ocean an exclusive economic zone , we are still busy siding with the political squables of self-serving politicians. This intractable resolution with regard to the number of nations' naval fleets on the Somali Coast is believed to to stop piracy eventhough it's widely known what has led to the rise of piracy as a revolt by fishermen using tiny boats to wring sustenance against large commercial modern vessels and those transporting toxic waste. It's also widely known that the larger subsidy given to commercial offshore fleets to fish thousands of miles away from their home by their governments, particularly U.S, Canadian and Europe. Sometimes they illegally hire sea mercenaries from improverished Asian states to do the work using trawlers that scrape the bottom clean leading to the entire destruction of marine ecosystem. Saxibayal, they crown and jettison one self-styled leader that toes the line after another while the country sinks deeper in retrogade status. Let's learn from harsh lessons of the past, the cordoned off strip of Gasa, the size of Detriot and which use tunnels to buy food, water and medicine. We haven't reached that terrible stage yet but the idea of a Sea blockade has been put on the table. I don't know who deserves our respect and dignity between the one seeking equity redemption in his economic zone and the crowned puppets rubber-stamping the violation of their country's sovereignty and exploitation of their marine resources? How long can we tolerate or endorse in twisted opinions these repeated violation of our inalienabe rights. Let's support what our people in the country yearn for: a government by the people for the people. -Cell So Caamir has long known the facts but somehow because of Adeero Yey wanted to turn a blind eye instead. Awoowe, before we divulge into how Nuur Cadde or Sheikh Sherif will convince the people, can I ask you if you could explain to the Gallery how you have made a u-turn regarding your support for the TFG/TFI?
  2. ^ Red Sea meel ayuu xabada ka ridaa ka daa. Waa nin jirjiroole ah oo siyaasadda kolba dhinac uu doono u dhiga. -- Diiwaangelinta Somaliland oo maanta si rasmi ah uga bilaabmatay magaalada Laascaanood. Maanta oo jimce ah taariikhduna tahay 02/01/2009 waxaa si rasmi ah markii ugu horaysay uga bilaabmay magaalada Laascaanood diiwaangelinta qaranka Somaliland oo aan horay uga dhcin iyadoo ay maanta tahay markii ugu horaysay lana oran karo waa maalin tiaariikhi ah. Waxaaa isugu yimi magaalada Laascaanood dhamaanba team-kii ka shaqayn lahaa 150-ka goobood ee loogu talo galay inay ka dhacdo diiwaan gelinta Somaliland ee Gobolka Sool iyadoo ay tan iyo maalinkii shalay ay barxada hore ee saldhiga dhexe ee magaalada Laascaanood hoganayeen shaqaalihii ka shaqayn lahaa iyo baabuur aad u fara badan oo gaadhaysa 100 baabuur. Saaka abaara 6:00 subaxnimo ayaa waxa si rasmi ah looga bilaabay gudaha magaalada Laascaanood diiwaan gelintii Somaliland ee Gobolka Sool waxaana laga bilaabay dhamaanba goobaha loo qoon deeyay ee xaafadaha magaalada kuwaas oo hadda ay dadku hor tuban yihiin iyadoo sidoo kale tuulooyinka Gobolka look ala diray Teamam kii ka shaqayn lahaa.. Mar aan booqasho ku tagnay goobaha ay ka socdeen diiwaan gelinta ayaa waxaaa hor tubnaa dad aad ufara badan oo si wayn u doonayay inay uga qayb qaataan diiwaan gelinta Somaliland ee ka socota Gobolka Sool kuwaas oo mar aan wax ka waydiinay hawlaha diiwaan gelinta sheegay inay si wayn u udoonayaan inay noqdaan Gobolada uga sareeya xaga tirada. Mar aan wax ka waydiiyay mid kamid ah dadkii hor taagnaa goobta Dawlada hoose ee magaalada Laascaanood oo kamid ahayd goobaha ay ka socoto diiwaan gelintu ayaa waxa ay xusay inuu doonayo inuu qaato labada kaadh ee ka dhalashada Somaliland iyo kan cod bixinta taas oo uu doonayo inuu codkiisa si dimuqraadiya ugu dhiibto. Hadaba waxaa saaka si wayn looga dareemayay magaalada Laascaanood diiwaangelinta Somaliland ee ka bilaabantay iyadoo dhamaanba xaafadaha magaalada laga sameeyay goobo fara badan oo ay diiwaanngelintu ka socoto iyadoo sidoo kale ay dhalinyarada magaaladu si wayn uga qayb qaateen shaqaalaha magaalada iyo socodsiinta hawsha. Afnugaal News Desk
  3. The selection will be done by your 66 member parliament which was hand picked by clan elders. Its these men that will select who ever they want to lead Puntland. But I am just commenting on what I think considering the dynamics of politics in the wider region or within Puntland itself. It really doesn't matter who you select to lead Puntland b/c quite frankly whoever wins will not do much different than that Cade Muse or Col. Yey already done. It would be much more interesting, although in my opinion highly unlikely, if either a man from Sool or someone from Sanaag wins. I say that particularly considering the new reality in the South and the fact that a lot is at stake at this juncture in time for Puntland. Will Puntland gamble or will it choose safe hands (ie someone from the main clan of PL)?
  4. ^^Ilko Jiir and Co have a fat chance It looks like reer Barigii reer Sanaag Bari waa u qayileen. Lacagtii yarayd ee Las Qorey Port loo ururiyay ayaa lagaga dilay Qado iyo Qaad. If not Cadde Muse, most certainly it is going to be another one of his kins from Mudug or Nugaal. I just can't forsee them loose Puntland's leadership as well, specialy as Col. Yey's humiliation is still very much fresh in their minds. But it will be an interesting to watch how it unfolds.
  5. ^^The problem with the South was caused by warlords. If the warlords are excluded from the poliitcal daily life, then there is a bright future for Southern Somalia. I think Col. Yey and Mohamed Dheere are a very good start. Now, it shouldn't stop there, people like Adan Madoobe (who came to power using clan melitia), Abdi Qaybdid, Qanyare and all other clan leaders who were responsible for the unrest and civilwar should have the same faith. Whoever arrested him, I think they are doing a good thing. The demise of another evil man should be welcomed.
  6. Excellent! Muj. Ahmed M. Silaanyo is heading towards Laaska and surrounding districts. Also the first group of NEC Electoral Officers have left Burco for Sool region. This will mark the first time a peaceful and orderly registration takes place in Laaska and other remote areas like the newly created district KalaBaydh which falls South of Laascaanood. The Army has been getting ready for any possible destablisation attempts from Puntland melitia. The fronts has been extended to Tuko-raq village which is about 30 KM east of Garoowe.
  7. ^^ what if the TFG somehow keeps on going? will it still be "dead" from you side? Mohamed Dheere down. Another warlord down. Now, Adan Madoobe waa in laga takhalusa ileen isaguba waa warlord kale.
  8. ^^“Good. Then we will fight in the shade." Emperor, Col. Yey's tantrums will put Puntland in a precarious situation politically and militarily. You see the Ethiopians provided Col. Yey the man-power and support that enabled him to stay in Vila Somalia. They expect him (or Puntland) to toe the line or else... But it looks like Col. Yey and Puntland for that matter is pushing itself into a corner. I am affraid, Puntland is risking to become another Eritrea in the region - cut-off and excluded and potentially destablised. We will see halkay cago dhigato.
  9. ^^ Anigu this looser ayaan ka yaabay. Kolba kii wata ayuu la jaal yahay. Looser foqal looser walle.
  10. ^^Reer Ba'ayow yaa ku leh weeyan. Hadaan Sheekh Sherif Madaxweyne laga dhigin oo nin kale oo civilwar ka qaybgalin Prime Minister laga dhigin, Arinku wuxu noqonaya Kud ka guur oo qanjo u guur
  11. So, officially, Duke is Dawlad-Diid now? LOL
  12. It looks like Daahir Riyaale is making successful inroads in Buuhoodle. Good that the Somaliland presence in Buuhoodle has been strengthened with the coming onboard of Col. Dhulqas and other local officers.
  13. If the people of Sanaag, excluding El-Afweyn, Gar’adag and parts of Erigabo districts, do not wish to partake, why keep knocking on their door, unless of course there is disillusionment of sort at work. LOL You are being very simplistic. A counter to your argument would be, what if there are people in Eastern Sanaag that want to be part of the development and democracy in Somaliland? No body is forcing any indivitual to go to the registration office and register... equally no one should stand the way of those who want to go to the registration office and register themselves.
  14. ^^ Of course, ciidanku ma ahayn ciidan loogu talo galay inay meel ku nagaadan oo joogan. The small force was to give the delegation security which it did. The security force successfully secured Dhahar and fended off two attempts by Puntland melitia to take back the city. At the same time the delegation held talks with local leaders. That part, the original goal of the mission, was successful. But what failed miserably was the change in plans, from both Waqaf and Hargeisa admin. Waqaf had to pull out because he knew the small force can not keep Dhahar for long unless he recieved immediate re-enforcements, which Hargeisa declined. So, in essense, any military mission which falls into that kind of mismanagement and mis communication will ultimately fall short. Saaxiib dhahar waa meel hubka iyo tiknikada la isaga furto ee yaa joog ku yidhaahda… Hadii Somaliland colaad soo abaabusho, wax ka hor joogsanaya ma jirto, sidan anigu qabo. Afarta geeljire ah ee qoriga sita uma babac dhigi karaan Ciidanka Qaranka. Taasi oy tahay hadana, Somaliland mar walba reer Sanaag Barri nabad iyo wada hadal ayay ugu baaqaysa.
  15. Xaflad lagu wanqalay Degmada Kala Baydh ee Koonfurta Laascaanood.
  16. ^^ Koora, the Waqaf fiasco was caused by mis-communications and change of plans in the last minute. We all know about that. The small security force of less than 10 military hardware and about 40 soldiers were enough to overwhelm the Puntland melitia and secure the city of Dhahar for couple of days while the delegation was engaged in its activities of holding talks with local elders and citizens. The aim for the delegation was to meet with locals and then leave. Minister Waqaf was convinced that SL could defend and keep the city just like Laascaanood but only if additional man-power and re-enforcements were sent. Defence Cheif General Nuuh M. Taani declined to approved that request on orders from Daahir Riyaale. Waqaf resigned from his post as a result. So sxb, if you think the minister resigned because of Puntland melitia defeated Somaliland, waxaa tahay nin aan habeen jirin. Anyways, if Somaliland was ever to expand to Eastern Sanaag, then watch out for Laas Qorey Port town. That town is the most strategic. Dhahar and other towns marka kolba loo baahdo ayaa la tagaya, laakin Laas Qorey should come under SL fold.
  17. ^Cajiib Awoowe, halkee ka keentay warkaa? That I "wish for civil war for Somalia"?
  18. Caadaqataha fashilmey ee aad wadataan yuusan idin habaabin. The secret that JacaylBaro was telling us in here was true after-all. President Jibriil Cali Salaad is still the leader of Maakhir, Caamirow, so cayda inaga daa.
  19. ^Ilaahay naxariisti jano ha ka waraabiyo. Col. Yey si sahlan u tagi maayo.
  20. I think this is a good opportunity for SOL admins to create a KIDS area.
  21. ^^ Thesedays there is a hyperinflation when it comes to traditional leaders including Caaqils and it doesn't take much to crown a new Caaqil thats on your payroll and supports one's own political game out of the blue. So, in that regard, I am sure there are tens of other Caaqils who oppose this one and are supportive of Somaliland. Btw, there are news reports saying that the Voter Registration process has already started in Dhahar district.
  22. The AU rebuffs some Puntland media reports about the alledged rigging of the vote. ======= AU refutes Puntland media reports as lie, manipulation for political gain Source Addis Ababa, December 22, 2008 (Addis Ababa) - Describing as a lie what it said was reports by certain media in Puntland which made it seem as though an AU Somalia representative commented on irregularity in the vote passed by that country's parliament on December 15, an AU press statement issued on Monday said, that was a "manipulation for desperate political gain". "This allegation on irregularities in voting was a comment made by President Abdullahi Yusuf when the AU Special Representative visited Baidoa on 16 December, 2008," the press statement sent to ENA said. The office of the African Union (AU) Special Representative for Somalia, it said, has learned with surprise, dismay and shock that the media in Puntland were reporting on the alleged comment. The office reiterated what it said was AU's neutral support in working with all Somalis in finding a sustainable solution to the 10-year-old conflict in Somalia. "It [the office] takes this opportunity to again call on the Somali leadership to show unity of purpose and avoid unnecessary media manipulation which does not serve the cause of their country." R 2:30-2:45PM. E ---END---
  23. ^^ Waa loo yaaba odeyga dhinac ay ahaataba. It was undoubtedly Nuur Cadde's superior political skills to setup Mesfin and Yey into a collision course. Nuur Cadde kubada ayuu si fiican Col. Yey u hor-dhigay Col. Yey'na isagoon ka fiirsan ayuu goal iska dhaliyey. But, Col. Yey dhimaye, waxa wax lagu qoslo ah, he died saving Warlord Mohamed Dheere. I am sure Duke & et al must be scratching their heads in dismay - odeygu haduu wax macno leh u dhimanlahaa... hahaha
  24. IGAD regrets TFG president's move to name new PM, threatens immediate sanctions Source Addis Ababa, December 21, 2008 (Addis Ababa) - Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) said on Sunday it "regrets the attempts by Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf to unconstitutionally appoint a new prime minister". IGAD threatened immediate sanctions against the TFG president and his associates for this unconstitutional attempt. This came in a communiqué IGAD issued at the conclusion of its 31st Extra-Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers on the prevailing political and security situation in Somalia. The Communique said IGAD disaprove of what it described as an attempt by the TFG president to name a new prime minister beyond what the country's constitution warrants. It said it could not recognize any such unconstitutional appointment. It reaffirmed its support for Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein and the approved new members of cabinet by the Transitional Federal Parliament (TFP). It also called up on the these appointees to assume their role with a high level of commitment and dedication. It said its extraordinary session supported the intention by the government of Kenya to take action against Somali leaders, including the president of TFG, calling up on other member states, the AU and UN to take similar measures. In addition the session condemned what it described as a continued escalation of acts of piracy along the coastlines of Somalia. Ethiopian Foreign Affairs Minister Seyoum Mesfin told the session “the problem in Somalia is not mainly security or legal; it is political.” “It is our deeply-felt conviction that indeed there is no reason why the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Somalia should be followed by a deterioration of the situation on the ground,” Seyoum said. According to Seyoum, any deterioration of the situation in Somalia following withdrawal of the Ethiopian army would be a failure on the part of the international community to give the required support to empower AMISOM, which otherwise should be expected to dischage its mission effectively. So far in the face of an ill-empowered AMISOM, Ethiopia has been shouldering single-handedly the brunt of the responsibilities of trying and maintain peace and stability in Somalia and the costs thereof. T 9:20-9:40 PM. E: 9:58 pm.
  25. Isimadii ay casumaada ufidisay Ethiopia oo diiday iyo Puntland oo Isimo kale horay usii kaxaysay. Warkii 21-Dec-2008 iyo Qormadii: Afnugaal New Desk Waxaa maanta ka dhoofay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Garowe wafdi isugu jira Isimo iyo wasiiro ay horkacayaan wasiirka arimaha gudaha ee Puntland C/xamiid Garaad Jamaac iyo wasiirka maaliyada Puntland Maxamed Yuusuf Gaagaab kuwaas oo u socdaalay dhanka Ethiopia. Wafdidan oo ay qaaday diyaarad khaas ah kana soo kicintintay Dalka Ethiopia ayaa waxa ay saaka ka qaaday garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Garowe wafdidan oo isugu jira Isimada Puntland qaarkood kuwaas oo aan ahayn kuwii casumaada ufidisay Ethiopia oo ku gacansaydhay kuna tilmaamay in booqashada Ethiopia aysan waqtigan munaasib ahayn iyo qaar kamid ah Golaha wasiirada iyo waliba xubin ka socota Ethiopia. Dawlada Ethiopia ayaa waxa ay horay casumaad usoo gaadhsiisay maamul Goboleedka Puntland kaas oo ay casumaadeeda ku xustay cidda ay doonayso inay kala kulanto Puntland oo dhanka Isimada iyo waliba Golaha wasiirada ee maamulka Puntland. Isimadii ay hoary usoo casuntay Dawlada Ethiopia ayaa waxa ay diideen casumaadaas waxaana ay ku tilmaameen inaysan munaasib ahayn xilligan in la aado Dalka Ethiopia iyadoo ay soo dhaw yihiin Doorashooyinkii Puntland iyo iyaga oo aan ogayn ujeedada casumaada loogu yeedhay oo ahayd in lasii ogaysiiyo. Isimada Safarka ugu anbabaxay Dalka Ethiopia:- 1- Ugaas Xasan Ugaas Yasiin 2- Suldaan Siciid Cabdi Salaan 3- Boqor Cabdulahi Axmad Dabagooye 4- Ugaas Cumar Geele Maxamad Kaneeco 5- Beeldaaje Faarax Xaaji Cabdulahi 6- Suldaan Cabdulqaadir Cali Kenadiid 7- Suldaan Maxamad Suldaan Maxamud 8- Garaad Cabdulahi Cali Ciid Ma ahan markii ugu hoarysay ee Dawlada Dalka Ethiopia ay casumaad ufidiso qaar ka tirsan masuuliyiinta Puntland waxaana tan iyo intii khilaafka siyaasadeed ee Dawlada KMG ah ee Somalia ay u fidisay dhawr casumaad uuna ku tagay madaxwaynaha maamulka Puntland Cadde Muuse. Hadaba lama oga sababta dhabta ah ee ka danbaysay casumaadan ay Ethiopia u fidisay Isimada iyo maamulka Puntland laakiin mar uu ka hadlay isagoo ku sugan Airport-ka maagalada Garowe wasiirka arimaha Gudaha C/xamiid Garaad Jaamac ayaa waxa ay uu saxaafada u sheegay inay kala soo hadli doonaan arimaha amniga,dhaqaalaha,khilaafka Dawlada KMG ah ee Somalia iyo waliba iskaashiga labada dhinac oo lasii xoojiyo.