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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: For the sake of our democracy I will like to see a change of government - even though I know Kulimey wont do much better. The elections will be close. UDUB the party of Egal wont fold easily that's for sure. Indeed. Not only for the sake of our democracy, but also for the sake of our own development both socially, economically and politically. The idea that we can change the government at will is a very powerful one. It sows fear in every politician's heart that if they don't perform well, they know very well that they be thrown out of office.
  2. Somali leaders who impede the stabilization of their country creating conditions to breed and escalate piracy will be individually and collectively placed under sanctions by the African Union and IGAD and also in accordance to UN Security Council resolution 1844 (2008). Communique: International Conference on Piracy around Somalia This clause from the conference declaration is specifically targeting Puntland leaders who are not only complacent but work hand-in-hand with the criminals be it Human-traffickers, Pirates, Kidnappers or arms smuglers. Cadde Muse and Co need to shake things up in Puntland or else....
  3. ^ gartay, xaaji diktoore So, how did it go? Did you go straight from Hargeisa to Mecca? Photo Gallery:Hajj 2008
  4. ^haha Ma la hubaa ina anad u xajin Xidhinta? (Halkuu xaajigii xamaanta dhigtay iyo xashkeenu xidhinta weeyan.
  5. Waa ciido waa cali baqbaq... have you guys been to the hajj yet or have any plans? Ciid mubarak.
  6. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Idinkoo waxsan sheegaba idinma arag! If Ethiopia withdraws from Southern Somalia without succeeding in installing the TFG, that is a failure and defeat on her part. So, unless you are a Col. Yey supporter - I think that is classified as "waxsan".
  7. Al shabaab waa caruur caqligii laga xaday oo la yidhi idinka mooye dadka intiisa kale waa gaalo iyo gaalo raac.
  8. Originally posted by Juje: quote:Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: Very interesting indeed. It seems the Ethiopians are giving up hope on the Djibouti process. Not only them but most of the International Community who were endorsing and supporting the process initially seem to be having doubts now - that can be attributed not to anything else but the wise designers of the Djibouti Peace process who have in its last conference orchestrated an agreement which called for the 100% expanssion in TFG Parliament members . This and only this clearly displayed the lack of genuity and sincerity amid both negotiating parties in Djibouti. And it is with this turn that has revived the fortunes of Ina Yeey who is making all the wise shots while his opposers who had the upper hand untill the faithful day in Djibouti cowering in the hotel lobbies of Nairobi. Just watch how my dear friend Duke is over zealous and exicited since Yeey has re-merged from his bunker in Garoowe. Yeey will not be foolish enough to make the same mistake as opponents did - and will be savouring his time in trying to rid of Nuur Cadde as a PM. I think arinku Somalidii faraheedii waa ka baxay. Dadkii waxan TFG'da iyo Djibouti process watay ayaa ka talshanaya waxay ku talshadaana ayaa hir galayaa since the TFG can't survive a day without the support of these outside forces be it either military or financing. Col. Yey is discredited man, wuxu imika wadaa waa "cadow ku cunay ama ku ciideeyey".
  9. Originally posted by Xidigo*: quote:Originally posted by Suldaanka: ^^Af dab-oolan waa dahab Af dab-olan waa dahab indeed, adigu hadaba, gujufkaa aad soo daysay naga dab-ool. Ps Are you also Somali-land Mujaahid? Xidigo, If that makes you happy.
  10. I think the death toll is much higher than that. Will the criminals who committed these acts be ever brought to justice? I hope so.
  11. ....It had been obvious that not everybody within the TFG, even at the highest level, was enthusiastic about the Djibouti process. It was no secret, in fact, that some had been trying to scuttle the process. What the President is quoted to have said now confirms this. Given the TFG’s continuing problems, it is difficult to be optimistic of any real progress now or in the indefinite future.... press release
  12. ^^Af dab-oolan waa dahab Originally posted by STOIC: You gotta love the cresting of such a powerful speech from a Somali woman. I was expecting to listen to aloof elite giving a speech, but I was wrong. Supremely self confident, I loved how she was effective in delivering all the themes of Somaliland in such a short speech. The domestic political climate of Somaliland must be promising. These kind of talks reflects the differing agendas and perspective people can have in a peaceful way without resorting to war. I think she will be a great first lady.I will be looking forward to the freshness and sponteneitty she will bring the presidential palace. Hope she will exhibit a penchant for equality and merit based society in Somalialnd. The only risk which I am affraid could potentially destablise and put the country into an uncertain situation is if the current administration attempts to once again postpone the date of elections. Other than that, this upcoming elections will hopefully turn out to become a very competitive more transparent, free and peaceful one. PS Lurking beneath all of Somalialnders words is a suspicion for the southerners only that Feisal does his protest alittle different How would you explain, the fact that Somaliland is the only thing that unites the Sheekh, the Shereef, and the Shydaan of the Southern players?
  13. ^^ Waa sidaa Ayoubow... Laakin waxa runta u dhaw, Faysal Cali Waraabe dadka Somaliland neceb use him as a hate figure aimed at Somaliland itself. These same people go around with very comments that are usually taken out of context. If you take a small portion of a comment out of the broader context that is being delivered under, it obviously becomes distorted. That being said, Faysal Cali nin Somaliland u baahantay weeyan. We need him, simple as that.
  14. *Blessed Faysal waa nin aanay salaadu ka tegin, jaad cunin, sigaar cabin. Waa nin siyaasadda xun ee yooyootanka media la iska caayo ka xanaaqa. The only problem he has, waxba ma qariyo - he is a straight-talker - which is a minus for a politician. But in every other way, Faysal waa rageedii. Cadawga Somaliland waxay u necebyiin maha because of him personally, but its because of his uncompromising position when it comes to Somaliland. ^lOL@ THE NEXT... durba waad siisay jagada, khalaas! Of course, people will decide that in March 2009...But my preference is to see Kulmiye win. Somaliland needs a change more than ever. The only other capable Party which can deliver that change at this point in time is the Kulmiye Party.
  15. JB, Imika si fiican u duushay... Congrats Duqa Untill 6:30 and no sign of the workers showing upp talk about being Punctual and on time... I am sure they came about 2 hours late... way ku sawireen ninyow.
  16. Originally posted by DALI: Do people vote for that position as well in somaliland? Really I do not know waayo waaqoyiga doorasho uun baa laga maqla. No, the position is not elected. But it is just a ceremonial position and it is good idea for the people to know who their future first lady would be. Many young girls will look up to the first lady and there is no good example of a role-model like Marwo Amina-Waris - an educated accomplished woman and not to mention her role in the long strugle to free the country.
  17. ^^ Mujahid is a privilege and only certain numbered indivituals earned it due to their selfless service at a time when it was needed most. These men/women fought against injustice, in-equality, dictatorship, jailing, killing and all those other namesake of a bad governance. They stand-for freedom, just and democratic rule. Minister Cawil, Minister Ciro, Chairman Faysal Cali Waraabe and others are no mujaahids. These are the men who never answered the call for duty when the ladies chanted the famous "Hala-galo dagaalada, ama hooya diracyada"... giving credit where it is due, at least, Ina Cali Waraabe has made himself a name as a staunchest Somalilander on the planet - ninkaa taa waa loo qiray.
  18. Somaliland's next first lady: Part 1 - Part 2
  19. There is new video posted by the Kenyan NTV here Somaliland hard survival: Unrecognized and with no Donor Aid
  20. ^^ LOL Hadii Daahu go'o guriga daakhilka xiga e D****dka jabay waa I***Q dedab ku xeernayde Maxaan kaga digan ruux la dilay so ma dab'o joogo By Abwaan Salaan Carabay, on the eve of the defeat of Darvishes I think Odweyne understands that, Somaliland and Puntland might fight a conventional war over border, but the more frightening and more scary reality is the Al-Shabaab terror group. The Hargeisa bombing show clearly that this group has no regards for human life. In one single attack they killed over 30 people and seriously wounded another 50. The SL and PL fightings didn't even kill or wound that many in the 5 year stand off. So you can put things in prespective which one is more frightening and serious. Now, I think, Somaliland's interests might be with a stronger Puntland which can fend off the Al-Shabaabs and the Al-Shaydaans that might be on her way and ultimately will be on Somaliland's way. If Puntland falls, Somaliland will have a serious and potentially a disaster on her way. I am sure these forces will never defeat Somaliland but the price to defend Somaliland from these menaces will be greater than the 1988 wars. I have to agree with JB on taking the fight against these terrorists to their own camps. Hadii hal mar laga dhex toosi lahaa ayagoo another terrorist attack plan garaynaya, they would have tasted of their own medicine. Ayaga ayaa iska dhex shakiyi lahaa oo kuwa Somaliland u dhashay would have a tougher time to enlist and enroll in terrorism.
  21. " Waxay ila tahay in aad og tihiin nimanka Jabuuti waraaqaha ku kala saxiixday iney dhamaantood isku beel yihiin, **Reer Mogadishu**[inserted] qaarna mucaacad iska dhigay qaarna muxaafad iska dhigay, waxay iyagu isa siiyeen 275 kuri baarlamaan, kii horena qeyb bey ku leeyihiin, arrintaasi maaha mid la qaadan karo, waa in la helaa qaab kale oo looga hor tago soo laba-kacleynta iyo isbalaarinta **Rer Mogadishu**". " Dowlada Itoobiya waxaanu la lahayn xiriir wanaagsan, hadaanu nahay reer Putland, waxaan aaminsanahay xiriirkaasi weli waa jiraa, Itoobiya nama dayicin, waxaase jira culeys kaga yimid dhinaca reer galbaadka, runta markaan idiin sheego waa leynooga dheereeyey reer galbeedkii, waxaana guul-darradaas keenay ninkii **Rer Laascaanood**[inserted] ee ina Jingeli eed idinku ii keenteen in aan ka dhigo wasiir dibedeed, weligey ma shalaayin laakiin arrintaa waan ka shallaayey". " Maanta Putland waa ka go,doon Soomaaliya iyo reer galbeedkaba, waxaadna ka garan kadhaan waxa ka socda Jabuuti, Hade anigu xiniinyahayga waan dadaaley, adinkana waxaan idinku dhaliilayaa inaad wax badan ka gaabiseen, talaa loo baahan yahay, talaa loo baahan yahay, talaa loo baahan yahay" `Maanta anigu da` baan joogaa anigii ayaaba teyda la ciir ciiraya oo halkaan gaari doono aan la ogeyn, laakiin mid ogaada **Rer Mogadishu** eed baynu ka galnay oo Itoobiyaan baan maatidoodii ku leynay , maanta iyagii oo aanan Xabbad inooga guuleysan ayeey siyaasad inagaga guuleysteen, halka iminka loo socdana waa in baarlamaanku isugu tago Baydhabo deetana la ansixiyo heshiiskii Jabuuti, kadibna baarlamaanka laga dhigo 550 xubnood, beesha caalamka ay taageerto Sheekh Shariif sidaana looga dhigo madaxweyne, iyagu dan kasta ha ka lahaadaane, laakiin innagu markaa waa in aan is abaabulnaa oo aan ka shaqeynayaa sidii aynu siyaasaddaas u kala furfuri laheyn, waxaadna ogaataan in ****** aanu maanta ******* kale u ciil qabin balse uu u ciil qabo *****, marka waxaan idin oran lahaa midooba, oo isku tashada anigu bil sii dhaceysaan ahaye`` Source
  22. ^^ So you are against the agreement, right Dukey? Give me one reason as to why you think Sh. Sherif's faction would not welcome this agreement? You said the agreement can not be implemented, I thought "the powers that be" are behind it. So what could prevent it from being implemented?
  23. ^^Dukey... how is that so? How was he misled? I thought you supported the Sh. Sherif and his efforts in Djibouti all along the way since its inception... but it seems you felt out with it after an agreement has been reached. Besides, wasn't the Djibouti Conference about "Awood Qaybsi"? Are you saying that the Sh. has been short changed and what he signed is not enough for him and that he should have gotten more? What is your point.
  24. Originally posted by General Duke: Suldanka when did he join the TFG? Or do you mistake signing an agreeement to implementing it? Also how am I against him, its his base thats against him, I feel sorry for him because he was misled. ^^ You are not very excited by the fact that the TFG has won new friends, or is it not Dukey? I sense your support for the TFG is waning these days, what happened?
  25. Sheekh Sherif is now part of the TFG, so why are you against him now?