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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. I heard the President received a warm welcome from Her Majesty's Government.
  2. A farcry from this. When is the Pirate President going to pose for the Cameras as well?
  3. Sheekooyinka Qosolka Leh ee ka Dhashay Mashruucii Fadhi-ku-macaash Hargeysa (Jam)- Badi shacbiga ku dhaqan magaalooyinka waaweyn ee dalka, gaar ahaan caasimadda Hargeysa, ayaa saddexdii maalmood ee la soo dhaafay la dawakhsanaa ka hadalka mashruuc aan noociisa hore loogu arag geyiga Somaliland oo koox maafiyo ah dadweynaha kaga urursadeen malaayiin dollar oo loogu sheegay in macaash u dhalayaan. Mashruuca dhaca casriyeysan ah loo bixiyey Fadhi-ku-macaash, balse hadda isu beddelay in dad tiro badan oo hantidooda geliyey taagna ku ooyaan, ayaa waxa ka soo ifbaxay waxyaabo qosol iyo maad xambaarsan oo ka dhashay sheekooyinka iyo hadal-haynta qisadaas oo ah mid aan lahayn sal iyo raad loo raaco halkuu maray adduun lagu qiyaasay dhawr milyan dollar oo si khiyaamo ah looga urursaday kumanaan qof oo reer Somaliland. Dhacdooyinka la yaabka leh ee fadeexadda mashruuca Fadhi-ku-macaashka ee fashilmay ka dhex abuureen bulshada ku dhaqan magaalooyinka waaweyn ee Somaliland, gaar ahaan dadka tirada badan ee hantidoodii waayey, kuwaasoo raabo-raabo iyo raxan-raxan u tuban suuqyada iyo saldhigyada booliska hortooda, ayaa waxa ka mid ah in qaarkood ku kala jabeen cidda ay u gudbinayaan dacwadda ku baadi-goobayaan xoolahoodii dhacmay, iyadoo qaarkood ku doodayaan in arrinta loo bandhigo culimada diinta, si xukun shareecadda islaamka waafaqsan uga xalka dhacdadan, halka kuwo kalena wateen firkad taas ka duwan oo ah in kiiska la geeyo hay’adaha garsoorka ee dawladda sida maxkamadaha iyo booliska. Arrinta qosolka iyo xiisaha badan leh ee ka soo dhex baxday doodaha kala duwan ee dadka isku ujeeddada u socda, ayaa ah kadib markii ay dadkaas badhkood maqleen in culimada diintu xaaraan ku sheegeen qorshihii lacag urursiga ee fashilmay, isla markaana xisaabta lagu soo saaro doono macaash saddex-jibbaar ka badan raasamaalkii khammaarka dhigteen oo ay heleen muddadii hawshaas ku jireen, sidaa awgeedna shareecaddu ku xukumi doonto inay iska bixiyaan lacagta ribadaha ee ku maqan, marka laga jaro xoolihii ay ku darsadeen mashruuca Fadhi-ku-macaash, waxaanay dadka noocaas ah ku andacoonayaan in kiiskooda la tagaan hay’adaha garsoorka ee dawladda. Haseyeeshee, waxa jira qolo kale oo iyagu fikraddaas ka soo horjeeda, aaminsanna in dacwadda hantida laga dhacay u geystaan culimada diinta, kuwaasoo u badan dad iyagu dhowaan ku biiray mashruuca sida sharci-darrada ah loogu urursaday xoolaha ummadda, isla markaana wax nacfi leh oo la sheego kaga soo noqon hantidoodii, kuwana aanay koob biyo ah ka cabbin macaashka beenta ah ee lagu furtay. Sidaa awgeed, doodda labada dhinac oo ahayd mid labadii maalmood ee la soo dhaafay ka dhex oognayd dadweynaha tirada badan ee ku caydhoobay mashruucaas aan raadka lahayn, ayaa noqotay mid daaha ka fayday faallo dad badan dareenkooda taabatay oo ah; maadaama aan qof keliya garanayn waxa lagaga shaqaynayey maalka sida dhibta yar looga qaaday ee loogu sheegay inuu u dhalayo macaash joogto ah, in lacagaha malaayiinka dollar ah ee la waayey inteeda badan tahay faa’iidada xad-dhaafka ah ee dadka la dhacay badhkood ku hodmeen hantida ka maqan kuwa caydha iyo qoomamada ka macaashay fadhi-ku-dhereggii ay filayeen iyo weliba fadeexad fool-xumo huwan. Sidoo kale, faallada laga bixiyey aaraahda labada dhinac ee ku wajahan halka ugu habboon ee ay gudbin karaan dacwadda ku raadinayaan xoolahoodii khayaaliga lagaga urursaday, ayaa iyana noqotay mid saamayn weyn ku yeelatay xiisadda doodaha labada geesood, waxana dhexdooda ka abuurmay dareenno tuhun leh xambaarsan oo dadka aan wax macaash ah qaadan ka muujiyeen in faa’iidooyinka culus ee qaar shacbiga la dhacay ka mid ah ku dhufteen yihiin hantidii iyaga laga qaaday ee aanay garanayn meel ay kaga sheekeeyaan iyo siday u khasaareen toona, waxaanay arrintaasi sii xoojisay mowqifka kooxaha doonayey in kiiska loo celiyo dhinaca shareecadda oo aan dadka islaamka ah u bannayn qaadashada maalka ribada ah, bal si markaa wax uun uga helaan hantida xaaraanta ah ee iska celinayaan dadka iimaanka leh ee sida khaldan wax looga dhaadhiciyey.
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: Faroole is following the right channels. He has a right to do so, his name is important and so is the name of the state that he leads. Unlike Mr. unaccountable thug Riyaale who has arrested his political opponents’ [remember the Qaran party lot] and has postponed elections for a year. Now go get that unrecognized money of that unrecognized country “Somaliland” and trade it for something. You are sounding defensive and agitated by the facts. Somaliland Prints its own money - there is no denial about that. In fact, the government of Somaliland has a whole page about it and you can visit it here SL Bank. Contrary to your hyper-inflated worthless papers that your Pirate President prints truck-loads in his garage-factory, Somaliland's Shillings are printed according to market needs and requirements which is why its stable and effective.
  5. Mashruuc cilmiyaysan ayay u dageen. Jiif oo Jaq, Fadhi Ku Dhereg, Fadhi ku Macaash, Faa’iido Fudud The names are wack!!
  6. Faroole's threatening behavior only shows his lack of tolerance with regards to the free media. I can only imagine Faroole's actions if Amin was residing in Puntland. I heard Faroole employs a band of subclan melitia who are only answerable to him. My guess is, Amin Caamir would have been dead by now.
  7. ^^ Funny, how the Pirate boys are trying to deny something which is outrageously well known fact. But I think counterfeiting is a small feat when compared to Kidnapping and Piracy and most definitely the Human Trafficking enterprises in Puntland. At least, counterfeiters are not killing or abusing people. So if they are OK with the more serious criminal activities, they shouldn't worry about the smaller crimes, me thinks.
  8. [ February 09, 2009, 04:43 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  9. UDUB timed the opening of this Maxjar to coicide with the eve of the election. Anywways great development. ---- <img src="" alt="" /> _content&task=view&id=3727&Itemid=62 [ February 09, 2009, 04:41 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  10. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: quote:Originally posted by Suldaanka: I don't think the VP changed the later policy. Somaliland has to reach all its claimed lands with its borders but doesn't have to close borders. I hope I cleared that for you. Mujaahid Suldaanka, walee waa lagu hayaa maanta. Whether this was a classic political faux pass or a Freudian slip indicative of subliminal thoughts on the VP’s part, the political spectators outside of Somaliland are for the first time having a feast on that whole “Somaliland independence is fait accompli” argument. You are in many ways the quintessential Somaliland ambassador and we expect nothing but the best lines of defense from you. Noolaatay yididiladii naxashka saarnayd miyaa hadalku? Awoowe, even if the VP clearly came out and outrightly says that Somaliland must join Sheekh Sherif's government. Constitutionally, he has to organise a Referendum for that take place. Those political spectators need to put on their Okiyaale for once and really see to it that they are beating on a dead donkey. I see this issue as having more of a relevance and effects within Somaliland than the outside world.
  11. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: quote:Originally posted by Suldaanka: I don't think the VP changed the later policy. Somaliland has to reach all its claimed lands with its borders but doesn't have to close borders. I hope I cleared that for you. Mujaahid Suldaanka, walee waa lagu hayaa maanta. Whether this was a classic political faux pass or a Freudian slip indicative of subliminal thoughts on the VP’s part, the political spectators outside of Somaliland are for the first time having a feast on that whole “Somaliland independence is fait accompli” argument. You are in many ways the quintessential Somaliland ambassador and we expect nothing but the best lines of defense from you. Noolaatay yididiladii naxashka saarnayd miyaa hadalku? Awoowe, even if the VP clearly came out and outrightly says that Somaliland must join Sheekh Sherif's government. Constitutionally, he has to organise a Referendum for that take place. Those political spectators need to put on their Okiyaale for once and really see to it that they are beating on a dead donkey. I see this issue as having more of a relevance and effects within Somaliland than the outside world.
  12. Abu_Diaby- Al Zeylaci: Actually, speculations started before he even boarded the airline. Yup, right when he entered the airport the rumour-mill started that he was going to board the FlySomaliweyn - an ex-ecommissioned Soviet air. All he had to do is wave and effortless walk into the Airbus 380 Way-Duushay Airways. Xiin, Good question. Closing borders was not a top priority at any time. What is still top priority and the VP also said it many times is that, the Somaliland authority will reach its borders. There is a difference between closing down borders and taking SL's authority to the areas that it still hasn't reached. I don't think the VP changed the later policy. Somaliland has to reach all its claimed lands with its borders but doesn't have to close borders. I hope I cleared that for you.
  13. Abu_Diaby- Al Zeylaci: Actually, speculations started before he even boarded the airline. Yup, right when he entered the airport the rumour-mill started that he was going to board the FlySomaliweyn - an ex-ecommissioned Soviet air. All he had to do is wave and effortless walk into the Airbus 380 Way-Duushay Airways. Xiin, Good question. Closing borders was not a top priority at any time. What is still top priority and the VP also said it many times is that, the Somaliland authority will reach its borders. There is a difference between closing down borders and taking SL's authority to the areas that it still hasn't reached. I don't think the VP changed the later policy. Somaliland has to reach all its claimed lands with its borders but doesn't have to close borders. I hope I cleared that for you.
  14. I've already translated the two quotes in contention Xiinow. And honestly, if it is translated the way he wanted to say, there is no much difference than what Somaliland has always said. Somaliland has always said that "Somali" [not Somalia] need each other - socially that is. But has always added the, "But politically, Somaliland need to remain seperate". President Mohamed I. Egal (AUN) said that many times and its on the record. And the other thing, I don't see any issue to having open borders with either Djibouti or Somalia (Proper). I would have issues with Ethiopia, though. So comment on my translations if you can. quote: -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ “Berigii hore halkay innaga taagnaayeen arrimaha dibadu maanta inagama taagna ee aad bay uga dhaw yihiin, waxaan weliba rajaynayaa haddaynu nahay Somaliland oo aan filayaa imika maamulka qabsaday Koonfurta Soomaaliya in aynu la jaan-qaadi karno, maxaayeelay waa dhalinyaro cusub oo da’dii 1960-kii talinaysay meesha way ka baxday. Waxa weeyaan da’dii lixdankii talinaysay waa da’ ciil-qabta oo wax badani siyaasad ahan soo dhex mareen. Waxaan filayaa Sheekh Shariif in uu Qaranka Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya si fiican u kala guri doono.” -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Here, the VP makes a remark about UDUB's effort with regards to Foreign Relations and he makes the comment about how close it [the recogntion] is today than ever before. He adds that with the new landmark development regarding the election of Sheikh Sherif as "new blood", Somaliland will be able to build a positive relationship. He described the old-guard (60s generation of Southern Politicians) as "vengeful" and "bitter" - ie they were not flexible with regards to Somaliland's issue. He continued and said that, Sheikh Sherif is break from that old chapter and We [somaliland] could do business with him with regards to formal seperation [si fiican u kala guri doono]. quote: -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ "Dabcan Soomaaliyi kala maarmi mayso oo cid xad xidhaysa iyo cid wax oodaysaa ma jirto, sidaa Yurub baa la noqon doonaa, laakiin qolo waliba horto inay dib isu soo dhisto oo ay dib u muuqato, oo hadhaw wax la saxo. Ninna laga celin maayo Hargeysa, midna Xamar laga celin maayo, dadka khalad baa la fahan siiyay oo waxa la yidhi xad baa la xidhayaa, Ciidan baa la keenayaa oo ninna soo gudbi maayo, waxaasi waa wax dadka lagu fogaynayo ee dadku waa dadkii uun, laakiin Yurub-ba siday wax u kala leedahay ayaynu wax u kala yeelanaynaa (Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland), dadkuna sidaas ayay isu dhex soconayaan.” -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ In this quote, the VP makes the assertion that he wants to see something along the lines of "EU" with regards to open cross-border as far as people movement is concerned. He underscores that Southern Somalia needs to build something of a governance structure before a free-border agreement could be reached. He redicules the people who say that they want to close-down the borders and says that everyone should be able to go to where they want just like in "EU". But he also underscored that Somaliland will be Somaliland and Somalia will be Somalia seperate entities.
  15. I've already translated the two quotes in contention Xiinow. And honestly, if it is translated the way he wanted to say, there is no much difference than what Somaliland has always said. Somaliland has always said that "Somali" [not Somalia] need each other - socially that is. But has always added the, "But politically, Somaliland need to remain seperate". President Mohamed I. Egal (AUN) said that many times and its on the record. And the other thing, I don't see any issue to having open borders with either Djibouti or Somalia (Proper). I would have issues with Ethiopia, though. So comment on my translations if you can. quote: -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ “Berigii hore halkay innaga taagnaayeen arrimaha dibadu maanta inagama taagna ee aad bay uga dhaw yihiin, waxaan weliba rajaynayaa haddaynu nahay Somaliland oo aan filayaa imika maamulka qabsaday Koonfurta Soomaaliya in aynu la jaan-qaadi karno, maxaayeelay waa dhalinyaro cusub oo da’dii 1960-kii talinaysay meesha way ka baxday. Waxa weeyaan da’dii lixdankii talinaysay waa da’ ciil-qabta oo wax badani siyaasad ahan soo dhex mareen. Waxaan filayaa Sheekh Shariif in uu Qaranka Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya si fiican u kala guri doono.” -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Here, the VP makes a remark about UDUB's effort with regards to Foreign Relations and he makes the comment about how close it [the recogntion] is today than ever before. He adds that with the new landmark development regarding the election of Sheikh Sherif as "new blood", Somaliland will be able to build a positive relationship. He described the old-guard (60s generation of Southern Politicians) as "vengeful" and "bitter" - ie they were not flexible with regards to Somaliland's issue. He continued and said that, Sheikh Sherif is break from that old chapter and We [somaliland] could do business with him with regards to formal seperation [si fiican u kala guri doono]. quote: -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ "Dabcan Soomaaliyi kala maarmi mayso oo cid xad xidhaysa iyo cid wax oodaysaa ma jirto, sidaa Yurub baa la noqon doonaa, laakiin qolo waliba horto inay dib isu soo dhisto oo ay dib u muuqato, oo hadhaw wax la saxo. Ninna laga celin maayo Hargeysa, midna Xamar laga celin maayo, dadka khalad baa la fahan siiyay oo waxa la yidhi xad baa la xidhayaa, Ciidan baa la keenayaa oo ninna soo gudbi maayo, waxaasi waa wax dadka lagu fogaynayo ee dadku waa dadkii uun, laakiin Yurub-ba siday wax u kala leedahay ayaynu wax u kala yeelanaynaa (Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland), dadkuna sidaas ayay isu dhex soconayaan.” -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ In this quote, the VP makes the assertion that he wants to see something along the lines of "EU" with regards to open cross-border as far as people movement is concerned. He underscores that Southern Somalia needs to build something of a governance structure before a free-border agreement could be reached. He redicules the people who say that they want to close-down the borders and says that everyone should be able to go to where they want just like in "EU". But he also underscored that Somaliland will be Somaliland and Somalia will be Somalia seperate entities.
  16. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Where is Suldan? Oodweyne? NGONGE? What did he say that warranted to hold a press conference and explain himself? xiin is disappointed initially because this xerow vp attempted to steal Siilaanyo line Apparently the xerow failed to hold the line. Of course, the way he said it and the way it was translated by the opposition newspapers in Somaliland are totally opposite. He never said what Horn wrote in his post and now Horn has disappeared to come and share with where he got those two bullet points. I don't blame the opposition groups because that is their job; to keep the government in check. VP's speech was not the most clear and concise speeches in the world. It was ridden with a lot of potential "nuggets" for the opposition to dispropotionally exploit. I think this would be a change for Ahmed Yusuf Yasin to learn a lesson to be more clear and choose the right words to communicate his position more concisely. But I welcome the VP came out, quickly, and trashed the naysayers. This is an important issue that can not be in the naysayers domain for too long.
  17. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Where is Suldan? Oodweyne? NGONGE? What did he say that warranted to hold a press conference and explain himself? xiin is disappointed initially because this xerow vp attempted to steal Siilaanyo line Apparently the xerow failed to hold the line. Of course, the way he said it and the way it was translated by the opposition newspapers in Somaliland are totally opposite. He never said what Horn wrote in his post and now Horn has disappeared to come and share with where he got those two bullet points. I don't blame the opposition groups because that is their job; to keep the government in check. VP's speech was not the most clear and concise speeches in the world. It was ridden with a lot of potential "nuggets" for the opposition to dispropotionally exploit. I think this would be a change for Ahmed Yusuf Yasin to learn a lesson to be more clear and choose the right words to communicate his position more concisely. But I welcome the VP came out, quickly, and trashed the naysayers. This is an important issue that can not be in the naysayers domain for too long.
  18. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Two interesting things from the Vice-President's speech. He believes that; 1. Somaliland will never "secede" from Somalia. 2. Borders will never be demarcated between Somalia and Somalia and that such a thing will never affect the natural relationship between the two lands. By these two points the Vice President has admitted the sheer inability of the Somaliland idea to progress beyond its stagnant position. Remarkable admission. In all fairness, just because of the sheer weight of the admission, this is not something I could have ever predicted would be voiced by a high Somaliland official (let alone the vice-president) especially in such an early time, that is to say before actual negotiations have begun between the said territory and the government of Somalia. Unbelievable!! I challenge you to provide a quote to back your two bullet points, Horn. Its one thing to comment something but its totally unwarranted to fabricate stuff. ------------- Here are two quotes: “Berigii hore halkay innaga taagnaayeen arrimaha dibadu maanta inagama taagna ee aad bay uga dhaw yihiin, waxaan weliba rajaynayaa haddaynu nahay Somaliland oo aan filayaa imika maamulka qabsaday Koonfurta Soomaaliya in aynu la jaan-qaadi karno, maxaayeelay waa dhalinyaro cusub oo da’dii 1960-kii talinaysay meesha way ka baxday. Waxa weeyaan da’dii lixdankii talinaysay waa da’ ciil-qabta oo wax badani siyaasad ahan soo dhex mareen. Waxaan filayaa Sheekh Shariif in uu Qaranka Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya si fiican u kala guri doono.” Here, the VP makes a remark about UDUB's effort with regards to Foreign Relations and he makes the comment about how close it [the recogntion] is today than ever before. He adds that with the new landmark development regarding the election of Sheikh Sherif as "new blood", Somaliland will be able to build a positive relationship. He described the old-guard (60s generation of Southern Politicians) as "vengeful" and "bitter" - ie they were not flexible with regards to Somaliland's issue. He continued and said that, Sheikh Sherif is break from that old chapter and We [somaliland] could do business with him with regards to formal seperation [si fiican u kala guri doono]. "Dabcan Soomaaliyi kala maarmi mayso oo cid xad xidhaysa iyo cid wax oodaysaa ma jirto, sidaa Yurub baa la noqon doonaa, laakiin qolo waliba horto inay dib isu soo dhisto oo ay dib u muuqato, oo hadhaw wax la saxo. Ninna laga celin maayo Hargeysa, midna Xamar laga celin maayo, dadka khalad baa la fahan siiyay oo waxa la yidhi xad baa la xidhayaa, Ciidan baa la keenayaa oo ninna soo gudbi maayo, waxaasi waa wax dadka lagu fogaynayo ee dadku waa dadkii uun, laakiin Yurub-ba siday wax u kala leedahay ayaynu wax u kala yeelanaynaa (Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland), dadkuna sidaas ayay isu dhex soconayaan.” In this quote, the VP makes the assertion that he wants to see something along the lines of "EU" with regards to open cross-border as far as people movement is concerned. He underscores that Southern Somalia needs to build something of a governance structure before a free-border agreement could be reached. He redicules the people who say that they want to close-down the borders and says that everyone should be able to go to where they want just like in "EU". But he also underscored that Somaliland will be Somaliland and Somalia will be Somalia seperate entities.
  19. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Two interesting things from the Vice-President's speech. He believes that; 1. Somaliland will never "secede" from Somalia. 2. Borders will never be demarcated between Somalia and Somalia and that such a thing will never affect the natural relationship between the two lands. By these two points the Vice President has admitted the sheer inability of the Somaliland idea to progress beyond its stagnant position. Remarkable admission. In all fairness, just because of the sheer weight of the admission, this is not something I could have ever predicted would be voiced by a high Somaliland official (let alone the vice-president) especially in such an early time, that is to say before actual negotiations have begun between the said territory and the government of Somalia. Unbelievable!! I challenge you to provide a quote to back your two bullet points, Horn. Its one thing to comment something but its totally unwarranted to fabricate stuff. ------------- Here are two quotes: “Berigii hore halkay innaga taagnaayeen arrimaha dibadu maanta inagama taagna ee aad bay uga dhaw yihiin, waxaan weliba rajaynayaa haddaynu nahay Somaliland oo aan filayaa imika maamulka qabsaday Koonfurta Soomaaliya in aynu la jaan-qaadi karno, maxaayeelay waa dhalinyaro cusub oo da’dii 1960-kii talinaysay meesha way ka baxday. Waxa weeyaan da’dii lixdankii talinaysay waa da’ ciil-qabta oo wax badani siyaasad ahan soo dhex mareen. Waxaan filayaa Sheekh Shariif in uu Qaranka Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya si fiican u kala guri doono.” Here, the VP makes a remark about UDUB's effort with regards to Foreign Relations and he makes the comment about how close it [the recogntion] is today than ever before. He adds that with the new landmark development regarding the election of Sheikh Sherif as "new blood", Somaliland will be able to build a positive relationship. He described the old-guard (60s generation of Southern Politicians) as "vengeful" and "bitter" - ie they were not flexible with regards to Somaliland's issue. He continued and said that, Sheikh Sherif is break from that old chapter and We [somaliland] could do business with him with regards to formal seperation [si fiican u kala guri doono]. "Dabcan Soomaaliyi kala maarmi mayso oo cid xad xidhaysa iyo cid wax oodaysaa ma jirto, sidaa Yurub baa la noqon doonaa, laakiin qolo waliba horto inay dib isu soo dhisto oo ay dib u muuqato, oo hadhaw wax la saxo. Ninna laga celin maayo Hargeysa, midna Xamar laga celin maayo, dadka khalad baa la fahan siiyay oo waxa la yidhi xad baa la xidhayaa, Ciidan baa la keenayaa oo ninna soo gudbi maayo, waxaasi waa wax dadka lagu fogaynayo ee dadku waa dadkii uun, laakiin Yurub-ba siday wax u kala leedahay ayaynu wax u kala yeelanaynaa (Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland), dadkuna sidaas ayay isu dhex soconayaan.” In this quote, the VP makes the assertion that he wants to see something along the lines of "EU" with regards to open cross-border as far as people movement is concerned. He underscores that Southern Somalia needs to build something of a governance structure before a free-border agreement could be reached. He redicules the people who say that they want to close-down the borders and says that everyone should be able to go to where they want just like in "EU". But he also underscored that Somaliland will be Somaliland and Somalia will be Somalia seperate entities.
  20. Oodweyne, All the pre-campaign sabre-rattling has drawn a lot of interest to Somaliland's politics. And yea, it is good to see that Somaliland has a lot of followers for the good or bad. Lets see how things turn out when the official campaigning kicks off within few weeks. That when xumaan iyo samaan Somaliland will bring all its dirty laundry for everyone to see. It will be another interesting time indeed.
  21. Oodweyne, All the pre-campaign sabre-rattling has drawn a lot of interest to Somaliland's politics. And yea, it is good to see that Somaliland has a lot of followers for the good or bad. Lets see how things turn out when the official campaigning kicks off within few weeks. That when xumaan iyo samaan Somaliland will bring all its dirty laundry for everyone to see. It will be another interesting time indeed.
  22. Originally posted by TheWayfarer: quote:Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: quote: Waxaan filayaa Sheekh Shariif in uu Qaranka Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya si fiican u kala guri doono. And what does this mean you all blind ?? ,, He simply repeated the same statement said by the former President, Igal (AUN) ,,,, Guuri or guri? Now spot that difference, ya Indha-dheere Its "guri" not "guuri". The two words are different.
  23. Originally posted by TheWayfarer: quote:Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: quote: Waxaan filayaa Sheekh Shariif in uu Qaranka Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya si fiican u kala guri doono. And what does this mean you all blind ?? ,, He simply repeated the same statement said by the former President, Igal (AUN) ,,,, Guuri or guri? Now spot that difference, ya Indha-dheere Its "guri" not "guuri". The two words are different.
  24. ^I am sure if there is an audio and you listen to what VP said and you compare to what is written, there will be a huge difference. To use a UK term, the written text is sexed-up.
  25. ^I am sure if there is an audio and you listen to what VP said and you compare to what is written, there will be a huge difference. To use a UK term, the written text is sexed-up.