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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. This guy is half the man of his late father. Let it be a good lesson for him.
  2. I remember just recently reading an interview ( in which the President of Eritrea Mr. Afwerke said something about Somaliland and her independence. Could there be any link between that interview and this seizure of the shoulder-held missiles?
  3. Any new members appointed through informal picks ups and without the consultation of the administration and its constituencies will not be recognized as legitimate representatives of our people. LOL Now Puntland is crying wolf? Somaliland oo ayadu wexeedu cadaan yahay oo tidhi anagu shirkaa kuma jirno kama qayb nihin, mana aqoonsanin ayaa hadana afar calooshood u shaqayste oo hunguri wato Parliamentka Baydhoba lagu daray... now, if you were supporting that just yesterday, what have changed your mind?
  4. ^^What was your previous screen name? I wasn't aware that there was a CAFIS. Anyways, if it was for 2009, then surely you must have gotten an ealier ticket. ahem ahem...
  5. Twisted_Logic: Joined Somalia Online: Dec 2008 NABAD_NABAD_NABAD: Joined Somalia Online: Dec 2008 IsseRiyole: Joined Somalia Online: Jan 2009 Is it a coincidence that these "neo-Dukes" started appearing here in the dying days of Col. Yey's phantom regime? hmmm No wonder a lot of old timers are missing from the scene.
  6. Suldaanka


    Ina lilaah wa ina ilayhi raajicuun I don't know how anyone could possibly defend this massacre of the innocent.
  7. Suldaanka I told you before, you are making an effort, trying to be clever, never attempt it again son. I know what I said, its in the record for all to see, go and re-read it son for I haven't said both of the numbered statements in your last post. You don't have to make your own interpretation or rephrase what I said, your can't have that right son, but nice to see you are making an effort. Now I give you a clue of what you need to do if you wish to ask someone a question regarding a post they made, simply do a direct qoute, the option is available and you can see the icon at the top of every post. Go ahead do that... You laid a big fat xaar on the pathway - and guess who stepped on it? you. If you can't prove it or back your accusations with facts... you should keep it to yourself. PS This is the sort of thing that is killing this discussions board.
  8. Suldaanka adeer you don't sound clever, I can see you are making an effort to dismiss the allegations, all rhetorical question for any excuse... Marki ay SNM commit gareeyaan crimes ma Siilaanyaa haa Madax kulaa, Lol... Its very simple, the man was the head of that entity during mid 1980's which was the when most of crimes commited agaisnt civilians, one of the most notoriuous gangs that rampaged the North of Somalia... Silaanyo used the support of Ethiopia to attack Somalia similar to what Yey and Aideed did, but its alright to call both Yey and Aideed warlords, laakiin Siilaanyo waa Imaam iyo Mu'adin, haha... I asked you very specific questions. I give you one more chance to come back and answer them specifically - don't go around the bushes. 1. You said that Siilaanyo was leader of the SNM when the SNM went into Borama - I asked you to prove this and give us dates when that took place? You haven't given us any specific date. 2. You said that Siilaanyo was the leader when the SNM did killings in SOOL... again I asked you very specific question - when did that happen and where exactly? If you can back these very specific accusations that you uttered, with specific answers then that is good. But going around the bushes is not gonna help you this time. Go ahead kiddo... and don't disappear.
  9. ^ LOL All his arguments is based on that quote above, now he needs to back it up and answer the questions or else come forward and backtrack from it.
  10. ...was he not the leader of the SNM, and had the SNM not committed crimes and murders against civilians in both Borame and SOOL?. Couple of questions: When was the date that the SNM enter into Borama and was Siilaanyo a leader of the SNM at that time? And if you can clearly describe what place and at what date did the SNM enter SOOL and carried out those attacks? Can you please clarify to the people about these two questions. Thanks.
  11. ID's Addis Abeba office was just opened last week and Mr. Sigurd has already arrived in Hargeisa for breifing. Looks like they want to get started straight away with the Diplo-work. Also Carne Ross published this article today on The New Statesman
  12. ^^ Good points Should there be a minimum word count as well? Say at least an A4 size..
  13. First thing first, the Admins/Mods need to bring back trust to the forum by eliminating the fake users. It is an open secret that a number of users use multiple accounts with different screennames.
  14. ^ I saw this picture on the other day.
  15. TheWayTheWayfarer Somaliland is aiming for the moon but it will also be ok if it misses and lands among the stars.
  16. Somaliland will show you guys how a "democratic", "free", "fair" and trasnparent one-man one-vote elections is done. Just watch, learn and hopefully imitate us. As for if there will be a change in leadership, that is "caalimul qayb" only allah knows about it. But rest assured that, if a change comes, it won't be a "pre-determined" "cosmatic change" like the SSDF-clan enclave one. The party that wins the elections in Somaliland - it will be a hard won victory either way.
  17. ^^LOL... hargeisa middle class waa yeelatay? way duushay ayaa maqli jirnee, imika waa way-tagtay its gone... Oh... so you are talking about the Gas itself. I was asking you about the Gas Stove? you know alaabta kitchenka la dhigo ee wax lagu kariyo... obviously you will need one those at least.
  18. Originally posted by Peace Action: I don't see what SL accomplished so far. On the contrary, it shows the people of Sool are still waiting for rescue and will not be part of dismembering Somalia. Hadii Wadooyinka Gold iyo Diamond lagu taxana adigu kolay you will not see it.
  19. Ina Godane inu reer Salaxley yahay waxa ku garataa gabayga uu tirinaayo. Waarimayside war ha kaa hadho.
  20. Ina Godane inu reer Salaxley yahay waxa ku garataa gabayga uu tirinaayo. Waarimayside war ha kaa hadho.
  21. Ina Godane inu reer Salaxley yahay waxa ku garataa gabayga uu tirinaayo. Waarimayside war ha kaa hadho.
  22. ^^$10? that is dirt cheap. $10 is like mijin jaad ah, baakidh sigaar ah iyo koob qaxwe ah, sow maha?
  23. Gacal nimaad ahaydeen; Hadii laga Gol roonaado Oo Gacantu inay hiiliso; kuu Gar noqonweydo ileen waa Galgalataa; sidii Gaajo nimayso!! We all feel the pain.