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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. The naive anti-Somaliland brigade do not really understand much. This is nothing more than Kulmiye vs UDUB politics. Each wants to dirty the other as being more close or "working towards" unity - the best and most effective way to change people's mind and get quick votes from the swing voters. This is an election year my dear SOLers and whatever that comes out of Somaliland in the next 10 or so weeks will be as such. Remember, just recently, UDUB websites were carrying headlines that Muj. Siilaanyo was going to be named "President of TFG" and others were saying that he was going to become "Prime Minister". Those headlines were enough to de-rail Xiin and his boys to the point that he became bigger supporter of Siilaanyo than Norf. Now the Kulmiye websites are at it as well. Good ole politics.
  2. The naive anti-Somaliland brigade do not really understand much. This is nothing more than Kulmiye vs UDUB politics. Each wants to dirty the other as being more close or "working towards" unity - the best and most effective way to change people's mind and get quick votes from the swing voters. This is an election year my dear SOLers and whatever that comes out of Somaliland in the next 10 or so weeks will be as such. Remember, just recently, UDUB websites were carrying headlines that Muj. Siilaanyo was going to be named "President of TFG" and others were saying that he was going to become "Prime Minister". Those headlines were enough to de-rail Xiin and his boys to the point that he became bigger supporter of Siilaanyo than Norf. Now the Kulmiye websites are at it as well. Good ole politics.
  3. Originally posted by NABAD_NABAD_NABAD: quote: NABAD_NABAD_NABAD Awoowe ma noloshaadi hore ayaa lagugu ciilay? Be man enough and tell us what your previous screen-name was? Suldaanka SXB my previous name was not Shankaroon, lol. Noloshii hore nimanka lagu ciilay ee cuqdad darteed faras magaalahooda uga dhigay taalo diyaarad dagaal waa la yaqaan,lol. Anyway, Congragulations for your new name, I hope it works this time for this feminist State, I mean Shankaroonland. So you are too scared to tell us about your previous SOL name? Nin liita ayaa tahay
  4. Xamar Gale, Indeed, clanism is very sophesticated and to a large extent alive but hidden and does not, in the grand scheme of things, affect the way politics is done in Somaliland today. Once in a while you will see in the news beel hebla oo shir meel ku qabsatay, iyo beel hebla oo xisbi ku biirtay ama ka baxday. But the reality on the ground is that, the power to elect a president or member parliament is no longer held/wielded by clan leaders or few spokesmen of "beel hebla" . That power of electing and voting now resides with the indivitual and it is very hard to get every single member of "beel hebla" to vote in the same manner that the clan-elders used to do before. More over, the apparent shift of power from the traditional clan elders to the average indivitual is having a significant change in the day to day politics of Somaliland. Neither the Political Parties nor the indivituals have yet grasped fully on this change. Particularly, the political parties who still somehow think that the clan elders still matter in today's playing field and on occation do in fact buy into "Beel hebla oo baaq soo saartay" old business. And to the indivituals, they still haven't grasped on the fact that their own votes is what is putting people in positions of power and hence they still haven't made a lot of use of that power that they command. It will take sometimes before this land shift is felt by those concerned and responded accordingly. But I can absolutely tell you that there is no particular beel-hebla's politics is going to work. It is indivituals that are driving the process.
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: “Ku-dhaca intaa le,eg … haddii aan halkaa lagu qaban, waxaad ogaataan berrina inuu Boqor idinku noqonayo,” Cabdillaahi Darawal February 7th, 2009 Hargaysa ( - Garabka Dimuquraadiyad doonka ah ee xisbiga talada haya ee UDUB, ayaa shir jaraa’id oo ay maanta ku qabteen Hoteelka Xaraf ee magaalada Hargeysa, waxa ay ku sheegeen in aanay ka tanaasulayn Mawqifkoodii ahaa inay u sharraxan yihiin jagooyika Madaxweynaha iyo Madaxweyne-ku-xigeenka ee Xisbiga UDUB. Cabdillaahi Xuseen Iimaan (Darawal) oo hadal ka jeediyay shirkaasi jaraa’id ayaa sheegay inay dhawaan furanayaan xarun cusub oo ay ku qabsadaan hawl maalmeedkooda oo aanay marnaba ka tanaasulayn xaqa ay u leeyihiin inay xisbiga UDUB dhexdiisa ka tartamaan. Cabdillaahi Darawal waxa uu shacbiga reer Somaliland iyo ciddii caqli leh ee danaynaysa dalka, ugu baaqay inay eegaan cawaaqib-xumida ka iman karta tallaabooyinka foosha xun ee ay ku dhiiranayaan Madaxwayne Riyaale iyo kooxdiisu, kuwaasi oo uu ku tilmaamay niman wakhtigoodii dhamaaday oo sharci darro ku jooga. “Ku-dhaca iyo dhiirrannaanta intaa le’eg ee uu ku beddelay Xeerkii Xisbiga, Reer Somaliland-now haddii aad ka dhiidhiyi-waydaan oo arrinkaa halkiisa lagu qabanwaayo, waxaad ogaataan in uu berri boqor idinku noqonayo, dastuurkana la badalayo,” ayuu yidhi Cabdillaahi Xuseen Iimaan (Darawal), waxaanu intaa raaciyay oo uu yidhi “Xaaladda maanta dalku marayo waa heerkii ay maraysay sannadkii 1980-kii, haddii aan la badbaadina khatar buu galayaa.” Mujaahid Cabdillaahi Xuseen Iimaan (Darawal) waxa uu tilmaamay in tallaabada Madaxweyne Rayaalle ku maroorsaday talada Xisbiga UDUB, kuna bedellay xeerka xisbiga in ay tahay mid uu ku doonayo sidii uu weligii kursiga uga fadhiyi lahaa. “Tallaabadan ta xigtaa waa distoorka oo uu bedelo oo uu yidhaahdoi waligay kursiga ka degi maayo” ayuu yidhi Cabdillaahi Darawal. Mudane Cabdillaahi Xuseen Iimaan (Darawal) ugu danbayntii waxa uu ugu baaqay beesha caalamka, deeq bixiyayaasha iyo wadamada daneeya Somaliland inay soo faro geliyaan arrintan iyo khilaafka Xisbiga UDUB ee ka dhashay shirweynihi 2aad ee Xisbiga UDUB. Axmed Maxamed Saleebaan (Ilka-case), Hargeysa. Free-lancer General Duke, Copy and Paste is easy, but we want to know what your opinion on this is? So, care to jot it down. Particularly, what do you exactly think is going on in Somaliland today? ileen qof walba wax ayaa laga qoraa...
  6. It is 10:30 in the morning and already can't go outside. I can't imagine how it will be by noon when the Sun is at its hottest... Hottest Day
  7. NABAD_NABAD_NABAD Awoowe ma noloshaadi hore ayaa lagugu ciilay? Be man enough and tell us what your previous screen-name was? Btw, what happened to the Golden rules? Is insulting free for all now? mise dadka qaar have a green light?
  8. ^It is all about the election my dear. After the elections, things will return back to old boring ways.
  9. This is an election year and as the election nears daggers will be drawn, dirt will hit the fan and it will get very ugly. The William Ayrs and the Keating 5s of Somaliland will be openly thrown at each other. The equivalent of "Balling with Terrorists" and "Joe the plumber" will come out. In other words, it is going to be a cut-throat election. But as they say about fools: Doqontu halkii lagu xifaaltamo in lagu kala tago ayay mooda. At the end of the elections, hands will be shaked and the winner gets on with work.
  10. ^to you maybe But the reality on the ground says otherwise. And as such, the caravan marches on. Originally posted by Somali Pirate: free fair democratic society? rofl! no economy, no jobs, no law and order, no insititutions, no infrastructure, no facilities, no investments, no credible functional police or state apparatus. absolutely nothing. what a sham elections. truly a one for the political fools and the gullible. 11 years and the state is still a hell hole. While ordinary somalis struggle to survive these politicians send their children to europe and even have the time for parties for their wives. totally pathetic You can keep looking into you father's pictures sxb... I think that is a worthwhile thing for you do.
  11. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Somalis have big shares in this one .... they've just started to build a 8-floor building in the center of the city ......... Very soon,,, i'll be buying things online ,,, IA ,, Good development. The most important thing is the LC letters which is an essential part of doing business in today's globalised world. If they are able to provide LCs that is good enough. The ATM and others is just icing on the cake. Dahabshiil needs to step up his game.
  12. ^Rome was not built in a day Slowly but surely, the SNM's founding visions of: a free, fair and democratic society, will be realised.
  13. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: read it... Riyaale wuu tagiyyee, what will JB do? On the surface it would seem that UDUB is divided and is at a disadvantage, but for anyone who is familiar with the intricate SL politics would understand that this is just superficial and UDUB is as strong as ever. The disgruntled politicians who opened the rival UDUB convention are from constituencies which normally do not vote for UDUB, or at least didn't vote for UDUB in the last 6 rounds of voting. So don't count UDUB out. They are still the largest party in Somaliland are will be able to pull another upset come March elections.
  14. ^This guy is joke! Get out of town, sheegato foqal sheegato. Originally posted by Xidigo*: quote:Originally posted by Allamagan: WARNING Do not try to remove Riyaale I can assure you Riyaale is going to win, they have no other lifeline. Haha haha [/b]Guess what? He is going to win. Prepare for another 5 years. He has shown that he is able to learn new tricks although the old ex-NSS dog that he is. We will teach him about democracy and how to have a healthy open competition with opposition or within party. All these are new things for and we understand he will occationally fall and we will support him to get back on his feet and continuee... all while you calaacal on here. How is that for a deal in the next 5 years?
  15. I remember a famous Banadir saying "Xaa nin dooran loo doorahaa oo dadka loo danbaajihaa" I am sure the wordsmiths of Hargeisa will find a word to descbribe this mockery.
  16. ^ LOL @ man from Burco Bes sheekada halkaa yayna inala dhaafin.
  17. No Suldaanka, It would be better for you to say. For the secessionist agenda Cali Khaliif could mean trouble. That your opinion is built on that and not the man's capabilities to serve Somalia's interest in general. Also my advice to the secessionist camp is next time round take part in the process. That way you may shape the outcome. Your world revolves around who is able to "destroy" Somaliland more than it revolves around who is able to bring about peace to the instable areas. I can understand that. Your current upbeat hopefullness with regards to the destruction of Somaliland is similar to the same wishfull upbeat you displayed on here when Col. Yey was selected to lead the TFG in Kenya few years ago. So, my old friend, we will see how things go again and whether or not this will become your final lesson in relation to coming to terms with Somaliland's unshakable foundation. As for Cali Khaliif Galaydh and Sheikh Sherif's choice of a new PM. I think, Southern Somalia doesn't need "an experimental" Prime Minister. By that I mean, someone who will "try" and bring Somaliland onboard or keep "territorial integrety" or of such background. What Southern Somalia requires today is someone who can bring about peace and rule of law. I don't see Cali Khaliif as that sort of a person, specialy with regards to addressing the Mogadishu clan issues. Think about it, Mogadishu's golden age, the 6 months when the ICU was in power, the leader was Sheikh Sherif (acting the role of PM) and the Sheikh Dahir Aways (Acting the role of President). If Sheikh Sherif can replicate that sort of power sharing for the duration of at least the first 2 years or until a working and strong authority takes shape in Banadir, he will be onto a good start. But if Sheikh Sherif spends his time trying to court Puntland in the short-term and Somaliland in the longer term... he is putting his immediate tasks at risk.
  18. Originally posted by Oodweyne: Dear Mr. Suldaanka , Point well Put, bro. But, I fear he will fall for that old time "suductive slogans" about showing his commitment to the "territorial integrity" of the then and now defunct Somali Republic. Hence, it's more than likely he will appoint Prof. Ali Galeydh into the "PM" post. Least of all, Mr. Ismail Omar Ghelle of that Djibouti fiefdom, who is also a friend of Prof. Ali galeydh ( for both of them are members of Al-Islax Movement as well as Mr. Abdiqasim Salad Boy ) will see to it, that Shiekh Sharif to appoint his PM someone from Somaliland . And if that person has a way of also claiming a "clannish affiliation" with Puntland , as well, then, so much the better, indeed. For he shall have a chance of shooting "two birds with one single stone" , according to his warped estimation. All in all; I hope that he will settled for bringing peace to Somalia - i.e., south - but, I think, once he is back in Mogadisho and he realised the likes of Col. Dahir Aweys as well as Al-Shabaab of this world are difficult to deal with or to reasoned with; then, he will, out of alternative, try to polished his "patriotic credentials" at Somaliland's expense. And, hence, he will be talking all manner of glib talk about Somaliland and Puntland without never doing anything to put out the real fires of Mogadisho, indeed. In other words, it will not be long before we start hearing on the BBC (like Mr. A/Qasim Salad Boy before him during the Arta's TNG ) the senorous talk of Sheikh Sharif along the lines of saying that: "Midnimadda Somalia Waa Muqadas" . As if that kind of cheap talk will bring peace to his neck-of-the-wood; nor indeed, will it stop Somaliland's ever gaining momentum march for her destiny on it's track. Finally, we shall see; but, I fear he will fall for the cheap arguments that others before him have, without fail, always followed, to a tee. Which is that of making obtuse pronouncement about Somaliland's right to her destiny in the airwaves (like the BBC of this world); as if the mere repitition of that old-time line about "Midnimo" could persuade Somalilanders to take him and his pronouncement that tad of a serious kind, any more than they did with the various "presidents" that Somalia have had ever since that year of 1991 . Since most of them, seemed to have "coppy-righted" that "cheap slogan" ever since that year; particularly, given that it did not do them, any fat chance in that score of persuading Somalilanders against their will, at all, indeed. Regards, Oodweyne. Indeed. If the Sheekh Sherif wants to play politics and gamble, he can really do that but he be rest assured that the outcome of any gambling is not always predictable. But if, as its widely speculated now, the Good Sheekh wants to address the unresolved issue in Southern SOmalia, then surely he needs to limit his scope to a manageable bits and parts instead of trying to byte off something that he is not able to swallow in. By that I mean, he needs to put aside the old routine talking points of failed yesterday's TNG and TFG presidents. This is perhaps one of the last Peace conferences that will be held for the Southerners as a whole and specialy for the H-clan. He needs to really deliver for the H-clan and bring peace and unity to that clan and not let himself loose focus with yesteryear's innuendos such as keeping "territorial integrity", "Midnimo waa Muqadas" and other scripted talking points. Indeed, so much of what will define Sheikh Sherif's presidency will ultimately depend on his choice of Prime Minister. In my opinion, Cali Khaliif is a very poor choice.
  19. For now forget about Puntland and Somaliland, get the south in order. To do that you need a strong man. Cabdiqasim is that man. He can bring real weight. The guy from nugaal can't do anything for the Sharif in Muqdisho other then occupy a seat that can be used to get things in order in the south. Later when there are negotiations with PL then the formula can be changed. Now The south needs to be got in order. Well said. If Sheekh Sherif wants to at least succeed in putting an end to Mogadishu and Banadir region's unending instability, he needs someone that can help him with that regards. And there no other better choice than to choose either Ahmed Cabdisalaan or other intellectuals from Cabdiqasim's clan. If he tries to bring onboard an already failed politician like Cali Khaliif Galayd or someone from Puntland like Jamac Cali Jamac or someone from Gedo like Maslax, he will only be wasting his time. Cali Khaliif can not bring onboard his home region of Sool let alone anyone else. A man like Jamac Cali Jamac can not bring Puntland onboard. And lastly, someone from Gedo like Maslax will bring not much onboard - maybe Maslax will be able to pull the carpet from Hiiraale's feet. So in essence, if the Good Sheekh wants to be remembered as someone that has altered the dynamics of Southern Somalia, he needs to invest all his energy and his time to bring Mogadishu to peace and focus on bulding a just authority in which all the Banadir clans and minorities are able to be proud of. That should be his task and that will be his determinant-factor after 12 months.
  20. Well. Congratulations to Sheekh Sherif. A real change from the warlord and failed politicians. The good Sheekh has talked the talk so far. We need to see how he walks the walk. As they say, with Power comes responsibilities. My two cent advice, choose your new Prime Minster carefully as it is your first test. When choosing, have "Banadir issue" in your mind - and choose someone that will help you in bringing about peace to that warravaged region of yours. But if you think about bringing peace to Somalia as a whole, you are only fooling yourself. Ha lagugu xasuusto as the man that brought peace to Mogadishu instead of as the man who tried to bring peace to Somalia and failed. Good luck Good Sheekh.
  21. The secesionists have this Formula: More problems for Somalia is directly proportional to most likely recognition of Somaliland That formula is not true. In fact, the ongoing instability in Southern Somalia and lack of governance prolongs the successful resolution of Somaliland's quest to independence. Somalia's problems comes down to the Banadir clan's unresolved issues. If the Djibouti Conference or any other future conference does not address that issue head on, nothing will change. That is how it is and that is what you need to understand. The famous members of the clan including one the worst arch enemy warlords Jees and Morgan who fought each other for almost a decade in the South of Somalia and who have never agreed on anything before are now making a joint press release.. The same way Ina Caydid, Qaybdiid, Yalahaw etc etc Cumar Jees and Morgan are lameducks inasfaras the current situation in Southern Somalia is concerned.
  22. So, do we expect an equal coverage of "press releases" and other headlines? I used to hear the southern phrase "Rag la'aan waa abaar"... imika for Duke "Col. Yey la'aan, waa abaar"
  23. ^ Too much flipflopping in the Somali politics. All I see is that the tables have been turned and the D-clan finds itself on the verge of being political-irrelevance with regards to the goings on in Djibouti Conference. Is there anything else that you would like to share, please do.
  24. The new members of the parliament are to be sworn today, January 28, 2009. We the D-clan members of the TFP, elders and political leaders are not fully aware of who have been selected on our behalf. We are concerned by the lack of consultation and are dismayed by arrogance of those who are responsible for the selection. We are bothered by the complete disregard of the calibration of clan, sub-clan and sub-sub-clan representation. We are troubled by the lack of concern for quality and experience. If I am not mistaken, those that will be running for the "President" Office need to first secure a seat in the TFP, right? I think Warlord Gen. Morgan, Ina Afwayne, and Ina Galaydh were thinking that they will be included into the 200 new MPs by the ARS but found out that they weren't.