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Everything posted by Sky

  1. Allaahu naxariisto marxuumka. Ilahey dembigiisa ha dhaafo, eheladiisa iyo qaraabadiisa samiir iyo iimaan haa ka siiyo. Aamiin.
  2. Wafdi Uu Hogaaminayo Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Somalia Oo Maanta Ka Degay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Magaalada Gaalkacyo Wafdi uu hogaaminayo Ra'iisul wasaaraha Somalia Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa manta ka dagay garoonka diyaaradaha magalaada Gaalkacyo. Prof. Geedi iyo wafdigiisa ayaa waxaa halkaasi kuso dhaweeyey kusimaha Madaxweynaha dowlad goboleedka Puntland ahna kuxigeenka Xasan Daahir Afqurac. Wafidiga ra'iiusul wasaraha ayaa waxa loo galbiyey hotel Taar oo ku yaala duleedka dhanka waqooyi halkaasi oo uu ku sugnaa Madaxweynaha Somalia Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo qaar ka tirsan labada gole ee federaalka iyo madax ka tirsan dowlad goboleedka Puntland. Qadadii ka dib ayaa waxaa halkaasi ka hadlay Xasan daahir Afquruc oo ah kusimaha Madaxweynaha Puntland oo sheegay in magaalada [Gaalkacyo] ay tahay magaalo soomaaliyeed isla markaana ay meel walba ka mari karaan. Prof. Geedi ayaa isna halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa ugu cudur daartay baaqashadii uu ka baaqday 4tii bishan oo shacabka reer Mudug gaar reer gaalkacyo ay ku lug go'een garoonka diyaaradaha, waxaana uu umahad celiyey sidii diiranayd ee loogu soo dhaweeyey magaalada Gaalkacyo. Madaxweynaha oo isna halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in magaalada Gaalkacyo ay u dhaxayso Muqdisho, Hargaysa, Boosaaso, iyo Jig jiga oo dhamaantood ay ujirto 750km waxaana uu tibaaxay in Somalia ay u baahan tahay nabad sida lagu heli karona ay tahay in la wada hadlo waxkastaana lagu dhameeyo wada hadal magaalada Gaalkacyona ay tahay magaalo nabadeed. Madaxweynaha ayaa ka codsaday dhamaan umada soomaaliyeed inay u guntadaan in dalka oo idil nabad laga wada shaqeeyo waxaana uu sheegay in 04-Juun-1993dii ay heshiis kala saxiixdeen isaga iyo Maxamed Faarax Caydiid alaha u naxariistee si buu yiri reer gaalkacyo ay ugu wada noolaadan si nabad ah markaas ka horna ay ahayd halkaasi meel aan cidi daganayn. Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in Gaalkacyo tahay magaaladii laga bilaabay colaada dhibka badan geysatay hadana ay noqotay magaaladii nabada ugu horeeysay maadaama buu yiri isaga iyo alaha u naxariistee Jeneral Caydiid ay heshiis ku wada gaaren in si nabad ah ay shacabka reer Mudug ugu noolaadaan. Madaxweynaha ayaa tiriyey in madaxdii soo martay dalka Somalia ay inta badan kasoo jeedaan gobolka Mudug kuwaasoo uu ka xusay Maxamed Siyyaad Barre, Cabdi Qaasim Salaad Xasan, Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmaarke, Cabdulaahi Ciise, Daa'uud C/lle Xersi, Xuseen Kulmiye Afrax iyo isaga laftiisa. Maalinta Jimcaha ayaa lagu wadaa inuu magaalada gaalkacyo soo gaaro Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aden iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo waxaana ay ka shiri doonaan sidii ay horey ugu anaba qaadi lahaayeen qilaafka u dhaxaeyey dowlada Federaalka oo inta badan la xaliyey laguna wado in shirka baarlamaanka uu ka dhaco magaalada Baydhabo.
  3. A gunfight of approximately an hour or so had taken place in Bosasso at Xiif Cali Taar's house between his private militia and the Puntland security forces under Gen Yusuf Axmed Kheyr after the latter were busy with their daily rounds through Bosasso. The security forces were chasing street thugs [adolescent gangs organized by subsubclan affilliation] and passed the house of Xiif. Xiif's security guards thought that they were being attacked by the police and started shooting on the police, whereby two policemen wounded. The allready grave situation escalated, when the security forces replied with a massive attack on Xiif's guards. Even the military Daraawiish forces entered the scene. Both sides had to be cooled down by traditional elders. Xiif Cali Taar is a former Somali navy officer with his roots in North Mudug. His father Cali Taar was a telegram operator in Mogadishu, hence the nickname Taar. Capt Xiif entered into a contract with the then-president of Puntland Cabdulahi Yusuf Yeey in 2001 to protect Puntland waters from illegal fishing for a 5 year period in exchange for a percentage of the licenses allocated to foreign fishing companies. The company SOMCAN had build a heavily armored fleet and was allowed to use Cabdulahi Yusuf's tribal militias from Mudug to man this fleet. Cabdulahi Yusuf had a lot of interest in lending out a portion of his numerous tribal militias to be paid by Somcan. Cabdulahi Yusuf and Somcan made millions with issuing licenses to mainly Asian foreign vessels. Somcan/Ilmo Cali Taar spent their newfound wealth on lavish mansions (in Bosasso and Toronto), hotels and the latest landcruisers. Cabdulahi Yusuf spent his dough on his pursuit to rule Somalia as the president-elect in Mbagathi and a beautiful Italian style villa in the Yamayska (agricultural area of Gaalkacyo developed by the Somali government), a greener, uphill neigbourhood where most of North Mudug's rich and famous own a house. This is a controversial topic in Puntland where most Puntlanders regard Ilmo Cali Taar as thieves, while Cabdulahi Yusuf got off the hook because he spent the money on politics. Something more acceptable to the restless Somali souls as they believe they will all gain from it. After last week's ordeal that had taken place in Bosasso. Subsubclan sentiments are rising to an all time high again between politicians of Yeey and Cadde's subsubclans. A certain tension was always present between the two groups after Col Jamac Cali Jamac was ousted and Yeey's subsubclan disproportianetely started to dominate Puntland [80% of the military Daraawiish consists of Yeey's subsubclan whereas the rest consists of another related subsubclan that inhabits the Wardheer province in the Ethiopian Hawd and a smaller group of Reer Sool]. Gen Yusuf Axmed Kheyr is accused by evil tongues of attempting to assasinate Xiif to show a signal to his brethren from Mugdi Mudug that their happy time in Puntland is over and the rightful Boqors are in charge now. On the other side people are asking themselves how its possible that Xiif can get away with maintaining such a large personal force numbering in the hundreds in no other place than Bosasso whose sole function is to guard Xiif's house, his pasta factory and his fleet. His little babybrother Cabdiweli parades through the streets as a president, taking at least 2 bodyguards and a driver with him to go from A to B. Wealthier Puntlanders are seen modestly sitting at a cafe downtown alone wearing a macwiis drinking Caana Boore from a tin cup, but these private guards are ordered to shoot everyone that comes to close with a gun. Its sad to see that, the nepotism of Cabdulahi Yusuf's rule look like they are being repeated under Cadde. Somcan has been replaced by Al Khayr, a company headed by Cadde's close kinsman. The police commander Gen Yusuf Kheyr ditto. Bosasso's municipality and port are his relatives' strongholds now even though the city has become a new home to Somalis from all over. Cadde's closest advisors and aides also not to forget. Is Cadde really heading down the same road or is he as he proclaimed: An old man who needs nothing more than Allah's mercy and the wellbeing of his people. An old man who cares nothing for personal interest nor clannism. An old man who aspires to confirm the age old rumour that the dirtpoor Somalis are sitting on gold, black gold and lots of it.
  4. Madaweynaha oo Gudoonsiinaya Shahaado Arday kamida Ardaydii ka Qalinjabisay Kuliyada Sharciyada. Guud ahaan Xafladii ayaa Waxa ay ku dhamaatay Jawi aad u wanaagsan. Dhanka kale waxaa aad loogu diyaar garoobayaa soo dhaweyntii Madaweynaha DFKG Soomaaliyeed iyo Raysalwasaaraha DFKG Soomaaliyeed oo lagu wado in ay yimaadaan Puntland u diyaar garowgaa ayaa waxaa waday Dowlada Hoose Boosaaso. Madaxweynaha DGPL oo Xariga kajaraya Dhismaha Kuliyada Cusub ee Jaamacada Bariga Afrika Boosaaso Gudaha dhismaha cusub ee Kuliyada Waxbarashada Jamacada Bariga Afrika
  5. Ardaydii ugu Horaysay oo ka qalin jabisa Jaamacada Bariga Afrika oo la gudoonsiiyay Shahaadadii, Dhisme Cusub oo ay leedahay Jamacada Bariga Afrika oo la Furay iyo u diyaar garaw loogu jiro Soo dhaweynta Madaweynaha DFKG Soomaaliya iyo Raysal Wasaraha DFKG Soomaaliya. | Boosaaso | Dec 19, 2005 Kulliyada Cusub ee laga dhisay Jaamacada Bariga Afrika ee Boosaaso Waxaa Caawa lagu gudoonsiiyay Shahaadooyin Jaamacada Bariga Afrika Ardaydii ka Qalin jabisay Jaamacad Bariga Afrika ee ugu horaysay Shahaadooyinkaa ayaa waxaa Gudoonsiiyay Madaxweynaha DGPL Gen: Maxamud Muuse Xirsi (Cade). Xaflada Qalin jabinta oo ahayd mid aad u qurxoonayd ayaa waxaa ka soo Qayb galay Safiirka Jaamacada Carabta ee Soomaaliay Cabdala Mubaarak, Safiirka Dalka kenya ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdi Afay, WAkiilka UNDP Soomaaliya Maxwell Gaylard , Qaar ka mida Wasiirada DGPl iyo Wafuud ka kala socota Jaaliyada Dibada Madaxweynaha ayaa waxa uu xariga ka jaray Dhisme Cusub oo ay dhistay hay,ad Kuwait ah kaasoo loogu tala Galay in ay wax ku dhigtaan Kuliyada Dhaqaalaha iyo Kuliyada Computarka. Xafladaa ayaa waxaa ka hadlay Hormuudka Kuliyada Waxbarshada Muxidiin Cali oo ka warbixiyay dhibka ay jaamacada ku bilaabatay iyo hada heerka ay marayso, Waxaa kaloo ka hadlay Arday ku hadlaayay Magaca Ardayda qalin jabinaysa , waxaa kaloo ka hadlay Safiirada Jaamcada Carabta, Dalka kenya iyo Wakiilka UNDP oo intaba balan qaaday in ay Caawin doonaan Jaamacada Bariga Afrika Boosaaso, Waxaa kale oo ka hadlay Beeldaaje Faarax oo ku hadlaayay Magaca Hogaamiye Dhaqameedyada Beeldaaje Faarax oo ka hadlaya xaflada Gudoomiyaha Jaamacada Bariga Afrika Dr. Cabduqaadir oo kahadlaya Xafladii Ingineerada Dhisay Kuliyada Cusub
  6. Taleex, a historic city at the heart of Puntland in Sool region has raised the eyebrows of the Puntland media with its successful cash for work programs. A new road has been build that leads directly to the Garowe-Bosasso road, rockdams have been build to fight erosion and many more projects. The Taleex district made up of Taleex, Sarmaanyo, Godaalo, Xalin, Qawlo, Carooley and Laabas will benefit from the employment that these Cash for Work projects bring as well as the new opportunities that come with the new completed projects. The website of one of the NGOs involved in Taleex, Steadfast Voluntary Organization.
  7. HornAfrique, ninyahow riwaayada naga daa. Barre Huuraale is one of the slimiest warlords out there and you refer to him as a God-like man. I can honestly say that I have never heard something this disgusting from a Somali before. You have brought clannism to another level.
  8. Latest pictures of Bosasso 1 project plus commentary. Bosasso 2 and Gaalkacyo 1 have allready begun and are expected to be an improvement quality wise compared to Bosasso 1 (and more expensive). Sawirka waa Qayb ka mid ah Block A waaxdeeda Koonfureed. Sawirkani waxaa ka muuqada meesha ay ka bilaabato Guryaha Block A qaybtooda Koonfureed,waxa ayna sii taxan yihiin ilaa iyo meesha fog ee uu muuqaalka guryaha madaxa cas ay ka muuqadaan. Sawirkan waa Halka ay isaga yimaadaan Block A & Block C Qaybahooda Galbeedka xaafada.wadada hada idiin muuqata waa wadadii loogu talo galay laamiga in la mariyo, sandaqadaha bulukeetiga ka samaysan ee idiin muuqdaana waa la dumin doonaa oo halka ay shaqaaalha shirkada ay alaabta haraaga ah ay ku guraan. Waxaa halkaan nasiib u yeeshay inuu ku dabaasho qofkii Hillaac Guri ku leh, maxaa yeelay Soomaaliya inta badan lagama isticmaalo waaskadan lagu qubaysto. Muuqaalkaan sida aadka u quruxda badan leh waa qayb ka mid ah guryaha Block C qaybteeda Barigs xaafada Hillaac. Bal hada Boosaaso Daawo Dacalada Kani waa muuqaalka guryaha Vilooyinka Hillaac Boosaaso,marka laga sawiro gudaha barandada horteeda.
  9. Its like in jail. Sex between men occur as we all know. Here the masculine male forces a weaker (therefore feminem) male to succumb to him and accept sexual intercourse. Motives might be: humiliation of your perceived enemy (often the case), climbing up in the hiërarchy of the gang or simply relieving itself from sexual frustrations caused by the harsh absence of the opposite sex. The strange thing is that the victim is branded for life as a homosexual (punk), whereas the aggresor is seen as even more manly than the manliest man for he is so manly that he can even force other men to oral sex, let alone women. This Bestiality shows you what men are capable of to secure a safe position in an unsecure often dangerous environment. The same thing is the case here in this article. Sometimes I wonder wether some people are repulsed by homosexuality because of the reasons it should be repulsed for according to the Diin, or wether they only see feminem men. If it was the former, many people (muslims and non-muslims alike) would not hate homos, but disapprove their sexual orientation and move on.
  10. Femme I know what you mean. What Dirie did was cruel and thoughtless. He did not only expose a plagiarist. He also devastatingly humiliated a man for all to see. I wonder if the latter was really worth the former. I'm not saying plagiarism isn't such a serious offense, but I can see qof iswaalwaalaya when I see one. Much worse things happen online and especially in the Somali cyberworld [misusing copyrighted pictures for example], so the plagiarist's articles should be deleted by all the websites and he should be banned from writing from the Somali websites that publish these kind of articles. That plus the humiliation are enough punishment. To be honest I knew that this guy was as fake as Carmen Electra's breasts when I stumbled across this article: I had to laugh out loud throughout the read.
  11. Well the TFG minister of fisheries and marine resources Xasan Faarax Abshir is the man behind this agreement and Topcat somehow is limiting itself to the Puntland coast and not far beyond. But let's wait and see. Their sheer presence might bring impressive results to the overall stabilisation of Somalia. Toxic waste on the Somali coast is an issue needed to be addressed, but many have forgotten that the problem was not as serious as some people would like others to believe after some agencies inspected the post-Tsunami Puntland coast. Somalia, US firm seal $55 million anti-piracy deal Nairobi, Kenya, 11/27 - The Somali Transition Government and a United States-based marine security firm, Topcat Security Incorporated, Friday signed the anti-piracy accord here to curb growing poaching and piracy in its international waters. Speaking at the signing ceremony, Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohammed Ghedi said the deal was a result of months of negotiations. "This is the first crucial step taken by the Government of Somalia in protecting its bountiful marine resources and coastline. Our rich marine resources will no longer become the ill-gotten gains of poachers," Ghedi said. Topcat president Peter Casini said the company would concentrate on training of coast guards to safeguard the Somali coastal waters from the risk of pirates. The Somali government is investing US$55 million in the training of marine guards and acquisition of the equipment needed to police the coasts, government officials said. Somali coastlines have become a hotbed of illegal activities with a number of foreign-registered ships operating in the region involved in illegal fishing and dumping of hazardous waste, while pirates have of late hijacked a number of vessels. The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) has classified Somali territorial waters as the world`s "most dangerous" waters because of heightened piracy, recording at least 36 attacks on foreign and local ships since March this year.
  12. Garowe Online has a point. When Col Yeey's close business associates were given the green light to enter into a deal with Hart Group to establish SOMCAN. SOMCAN would protect the Somali coast between Bosasso and Garacad from illegal fishing vessels. Later on it would turn out that it wasn't about protecting Puntland's coast till Somalia pulls itself out of the status quo. Instead, Col Yeey's business partners made millions of dollars from the contracts with foreign fishing companies from Thailand, Malaysia, Yemen etc. Col Yeey of course was the boss and was therefore entitled to the bulk of the money, and he used his new fortune to strengthen his political position. SOMCAN's actual mission was to provide militia protection to foreign fishing vessels that paid for their license and attack those that are fishing in Puntland seas without permission. I doubt that this will be anything similar to what happened and what is still happening in Puntland. But as Xoogsade mentioned it might be an attempt to control the sea traffic of Somalia, instead of protecting the Somali seas of pirate infestation. One thing I do know is that Col Yeey and Geedi are playing the game hard.
  13. The TFG probably believes that this action will cause the International Community to bring more financial support on the table after witnessing this action of the TFG, which might impress the IC. Risky move though, the results might be null and void. I have a better suggestion though. As seen in Iraq, there are a lot of benefits to using PMCs Private Military Companies or to be blunt; Mercenaries. The Geneva Convention doesn't apply to these guys for starters. L3, CSC or Northrup Grumman should be contracted to take down Yalaxow and Qanyare and there key supporters.
  14. I suggest that Trevor Sykes (the man behind the character Pierpont) talks about things that he didn't read and see on television. Talking about anarchy and diseases, what a fool. This is not Congo and more importantly Puntland is not a Central European country, its a Somali state. Taking a punt on Puntland Financial Review, 18 Nov. 2005= Take heart! The market is still in great shape. Break out a bottle of Bolly and buy more penny dreadfuls. We must still be in a roaring boom because Range Resources has doubled in price in the past month from 2.2¢ to 5¢. This should give all of us enormous optimism, because if Range is looking beautiful to the punters, then almost any dog stock should be able to get a run. Range shares jumped at the start of October on news that it had acquired a 50.1 per cent right to all the minerals and hydrocarbons in Puntland. When Pierpont first saw that announcement it took him fully five minutes to stop laughing. After all, can there be a more appropriate location for a speculative explorer than Puntland? In fact, this was not a jest because Puntland is a province of Somalia, which Range said is "one of the last underexplored countries in the world that has high potential for vast reserves of hydrocarbons". Maybe it has, but Somalia also tops the world tables in terms of sovereign risk. Heaven knows, Pierpont has invested in mining companies in some pretty dodgy spots around the world, but Somalia is something special, as any reader who saw Black Hawk Down will realise. A little history. The dictatorial regime of Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted in January 1991. Turmoil, factional fighting and anarchy have followed in the years since. In May of 1991, northern clans declared an independent Republic of Somaliland that now includes the administrative regions with the unlikely names of Awdal, Woqooyi Galbeed, Togdheer, Sanaag, and Sool. Although not recognised by any government, Somaliland has maintained a stable existence, aided by the overwhelming dominance of a ruling clan and economic infrastructure left behind by British, Russian, and American military assistance programs. The regions of Bari, Nugaal and northern Mudug comprise a neighbouring self-declared autonomous state of Puntland, which has been self-governing since 1998, but does not aim at independence. Puntland has also made strides towards reconstructing a legitimate, representative government, but has suffered some civil strife. Puntland disputes its border with Somaliland as it also claims portions of eastern Sool and Sanaag. The Puntland and Somaliland governments seek support from neighbouring states in their secessionist aspirations and in conflicts with each other. The Range statement to the Australian Stock Exchange on October 5 contained a map of Puntland, showing Sool and Sanaag as part of the territory it would explore. In fact, those parts of Puntland are in dispute, which means the ownership of any resources discovered there is also likely to be in dispute. Call Pierpont old-fashioned, but if he were running a mining company, he would prefer to negotiate with a dictatorship rather than deal with anarchy. With a dictatorship, he would at least know who's in charge today. With anarchy, you don't even know that - and Somalia must be the most anarchic country on the planet. Beginning in 1993, a two-year United Nations humanitarian effort (primarily in the south) was able to alleviate famine conditions, but when the UN withdrew in 1995, having suffered significant casualties, order still had not been restored. The mandate of the transitional national government (TNG), created in August 2000 in Djibouti, expired in August 2003. The new Somali President, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, has formed a transitional federal government (TFG) consisting of a 275-member parliament. It was established in October 2004 to replace the TNG but has not yet moved to Mogadishu. If it comes to that, the government may never move there because the location of the capital city is one of the hottest political issues in Somalia. Numerous warlords and factions are fighting for control of Mogadishu as well as for other southern regions. Also, Somalia is widely suspected of links with global terrorism. If Range finds anything of value in Puntland, there would be sovereign risk, especially with warring tribes. The area is asset rich in terms of minerals and natural resources but is inhospitable in terms of weather (hot desert and subject to long monsoon seasons) and major infectious diseases such as hepatitis A and E, typhoid, malaria and dengue fever, not to mention rabies. The average life expectancy for locals is 48 years. The central judicial system has broken down. Law is now administered by feuding clans, according to their views of justice, and Islamic sharia law prevails in some parts. Numerous factions and clans maintain independent militias and the Somaliland and Puntland regional governments maintain their own security and police forces. Somalia's small industrial sector, based on the processing of agricultural products, has largely been looted and sold as scrap metal. The public telecommunications system was almost completely destroyed or dismantled by the civil-war factions. Private wireless companies offer service in most major cities, although Pierpont cannot imagine how they collect the phone bills. The official currency is the Somali shilling, which is quite valueless. Businesses have resorted to printing their own money (which has the side benefit that there is no way of measuring the inflation rate). Since Range made its great announcement, Somalia has become even more unstable. Early this month, the cruise ship Seabourn Spirit was attacked by pirates while it was cruising down the Somali coast. The pirates fired machine-guns and rocket-propelled grenades at the liner. Which raises a small point. If Somalis are prepared to attack a 100,000-tonne cruise ship out at sea, Pierpont cannot imagine what they might do to a drilling crew on the mainland. Especially if it found something valuable. The TFG is the 14th attempt since 1991 to reinstate central government in Somalia, which leaves Pierpont wondering who's counting. A few days after the pirate attack on the Seabourn Spirit, terrorists tried to assassinate the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister, a chap named Mohamed Ali Gedi, had flown into Somalia to try to hold talks with a dissident faction of ministers based in Mogadishu to end a rift in the government that has stirred fears of renewed civil war. After arriving, Mohamed and his retinue drove off in a motorcade and were promptly ambushed. Mohamed survived, but six of his bodyguards were killed. Mohamed wants to make the northern city of Jowhar the capital of Somalia on the grounds that Mogadishu is too dangerous: a point his would-be assassins have amply confirmed. Indeed, Mogadishu must rank as the world's most dangerous capital city, ahead of Baghdad and Port Moresby. Meanwhile, government ministers from both main factions have been reported to be buying large quantities of weapons in recent months, leading observers to speculate that a civil war is looming. This is truly a top place to go mining. Pierpont prefers to do his exploring in countries where he has at least a rough chance of getting in and out alive. But to return to Pierpont's original point, if the punters are prepared to enthuse over oil drilling in Somalia, there must still be plenty of heat left in this market. Pierpont's attention has been alerted to advertisements on the internet in which a company called Blue Sky Mining LLC is guaranteeing to double your profits in six months by attending a 2 day "Business Master" course. The course was held in Canada early this month, so Pierpont doubts any of his faithful readers would have attended. But if another course is held, Pierpont should point out, as the proprietor of that fine old Australian company Blue Sky Mines No Liability, that anyone who attends will not be getting defrauded by Pierpont but by an imposter. Pierpont has no association whatsoever with Blue Sky Mining LLC. It's the creation of a Gabe Pennycott (depending on how he spells his name these days), who left Melbourne in a hurry last December after allegedly defrauding the locals of some $20million. The moral is to beware of plagiarists. If you want to be swindled by a company called Blue Sky, then stick to the original! Contact Pierpont on
  15. I don't think Dayniile airport has been shut down. At best it has lost some traffic, but Dayniile airport is still in business. If you look for the word opportunist in the dictionary, you'll see Maxamed Qanyare Afrax's image next to the word as an example (and his stooge the speaker in his shadow). He understandably feels like he's in a sinking ship. That's why he has made a step towards Jowhar. If he and/or the Sharif enter into dialogue with the TFG in Jowhar, there is no more turning back for them. This will be a huge blow for the anti-TFG camp. The TFG will be rewarded with more funds and recognition for Jowhar as interim capital and its members. Financially and politically, the TFG in Jowhar are superior to the TFG in Mogadishu. Even militarily, the TFG in Jowhar is building up a large, cohesive security force that can defend the TFG and the areas it controls from anti-TFG elements. So with this knowledge for the Mogadishu-based warlords. They can either choose to isolate themselves, hang on till its no longer possible and looking back with disappointment at how they slowed down the inevitable process of Somalia's resurrection under TFG's tutelage. Or simply just join the winners and be forgiven in the same way as president Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed has been forgiven when he asked for forgiveness for ordering the first shot that triggered the endless Somali civil war. Somalis are very forgiving people, especially us Southerners, hadaan in yar faani karo. We fight today and eat Baasto Saldaato with a big glass of Bortuqaal together tomorrow like nothing happened.
  16. Badda Cas Nice homes. I like the tile work around the house example. I haven't seen that from post-civil war construction companies in Somalia before. Not so clever to publish pictures of the houses before completion. The photo gallery is a bit chaotic. They might want to order the building projects in year and size. Each its own section. Only publish pictures of completed buildings and possibly enhance quality of the pictures and play with the background and colors (not so much till the whole gallery becomes a scam of course). Adding information about the size, amount of rooms etc. would be a plus. Overall its a good construction company with a professional name and it ends with that. The problem with Somali companies is that its owned by a large group of men. The larger the group you share the company with, the less motivation to commit yourself to changes in the management. Ideal would be to share a company with a group of 3/5 trusted people, like brothers, best friends or close cousins.
  17. Muhammad, I should have left this thread when you said its for bored folks. I just wasted 5 minutes just to hear that I enoy riding on a bicycle.
  18. ^^^ WARYAA ROKKO HOW MUCH DOES THAT BOAT COST MAN? DAMN THAT BOAT IS WORKING IT. Fuel capacity 600 gals/ 721 US gals 2,727 lts Water capacity (including calorifier) 222 gals/ 266 US gals 1,008 lts GALS? TRUE THAT, THE GIRLS AND ESPECIALLY AMERICAN GIRLS WILL BE ALL ON YOU IF YOU HAVE THIS BOAT. 1. Post ONE picture (preferably small, think about those with slower connections) of the object that you most desire right now. 2. Explain what it is and why it's so great. This MP3 Sunglasses is called Thump. Its a cool Okiyaalo. One less gizmo in the fanny pack. 3. Give us any reason why you deserve to have it Because its time for ME-time! I must embrace my own grace. Thank you Dr.Phil. 4. Explain how you will use it to repay humanity if by some miracle you happened to get it the next day. If I get that Thump tomorrow? Shit, than no more hunger in Africa, believe that.
  19. Originally posted by Wordette: Inaccurate, atleast for me. I can't group myself to any of these "Personalities." However,I see certain personality traits that I have in one group but I know I'm not part of them. This is my take on this personality groups: You're the Dominant type if: Markaa room/qol soogashidba hadii dadka hadlaayey dhan hadey aamusaan. Not out of respect but because adhi baa lagaa hadlaayey You're the Influencer type if: Hadaa markaa afka furtidh ba, hadii lagu haruufo, oo lagu gu yidhaaho "Maandhey/maandhow Af yaridhaa ma aar baa tahay" If you even heard such a similar phrase more than once in your life then you're this type. You're the Steady Type if: Hadaa allergic ku tahey badal, ma'ama hadii madaxaada ku qarxo hadaa wax ama shey aad meel ku ogeed hadii aad ka weysid. You're the Melancholy type if: Hadaa dadka sidii lax kaniini cabtey wax kasto ey dhahaanba aadh iska yeeshidh. B.T.W See, I forgave you. after all I'm a forgiving person. Looool I could not help, but be amused of this display of the Somali language. War hee dhedh, saan waaba ka rooneyd.
  20. Sky

    This I believe

    What's next. Video Clips? You'll have morons sending their Jackass stunts to SOL. Worse, Somali morons, so expect gruesome footage.
  21. I still can't believe that they killed a man, solely because his father alligned himself with the TFG in Jowhar. Qanyare and Yalaxow balaayaa sugaysa.
  22. You have got to be kidding me! :confused: 18 & HE'S MAYOR HIGH-SCHOOLER BEATS 51-YEAR-OLD INCUMBENT TO BECOME MAYOR OF US CITY OF 9,000. HIS REACTION? 'COOL!' November 14, 2005 HE's too young to drink a toast to his victory. And he'll have to clean up his bedroom to make space for a work desk. Eighteen-year-old Michael Sessions became the youngest elected official in the US on Thursday when he was voted Mayor of Hillsdale, a town of 9,000 people in central Michigan, reported the Los Angeles Times newspaper. The pre-university student plans to continue schooling - which in the US runs from 8am to 3pm - while in office and set aside time after 6pm for his homework. But between 3pm and 6pm, he plans to take his civic duties seriously. Mr Session's victory is even more remarkable given that he was too young to register when nominations for the position closed in August - he turned 18 only in September. So, his supporters had to add his name to their ballot paper in pen if they wanted to vote for him. But Mr Sessions had won over many voters by tirelessly knocking on doors every day after school and using the US$700 ($1,100) he earned from his holiday job selling candy at summer fun fairs to fund his campaign. He beat the sitting mayor, local businessman Doug Ingles, 51, who had ridiculed him during the campaign, by two votes. 'It's amazing. It's cool. Obviously the people of Hillsdale took me seriously,' the teenager told The Times of London on Friday. 'I'm so excited, I think I'm going to be ill. 'A lot of older people really enjoyed talking to me. I looked them in the eye. Young people could relate to me.' WENT DOOR-TO-DOOR In the three weeks before the poll, Mr Session roped in classmates to help him organise public meetings and canvass neighbourhoods. 'Each day after school, he would pick an area and go door to door, telling people who he was and that he was running for mayor,' classmate Lauren Beck, 17, told the LA Times. 'He'd talk about why he should be mayor, and had a sample of the ballot so he could show people where they had to write in his name.' At first, residents thought Mr Session's was campaigning as a joke, or to bolster his college application. But soon, the mood shifted. 'A lot of people seemed impressed that he was working so hard,' classmate Brandon Thomas told the LA Times. Ironically, when Mr Sessions ran for vice-president of his secondary school's student council last year, he lost. Despite his determination not to let his grades slip in the run-up to his secondary school graduation in June, Mr Sessions skipped morning assembly on Thursday to conduct phone interviews with local radio stations. He missed his afternoon classes because he was flown to New York to appear on the Late Show With David Letterman. On the show, he read out Letterman's Top 10 Reasons Why It's Good To Be An 18-year-old Mayor. They included: 'If my parents try to tell me what to do, I'll raise their taxes' and 'School bullies now have to deal with the feds (federal police).' MEDIA FRENZY Both his school and his parents are being swamped by phone calls from journalists around the world wanting to interview him, and from Hollywood producers keep to develop his story into a film. But the world's media can't call him directly - he doesn't have a handphone. Nor is he up to talking too much - his mother kept him home from school on Friday because he was sick. 'He's been coughing and getting over bronchitis,' said his mother, Mrs Lorri Sessions, 42. 'It's been overwhelming.' Mrs Sessions said their son long had been interested in politics. 'He would watch the town meetings on TV every week,' she said. ''He'd try to get us (his family, including medical technician father Mr Scott Sessions, and his 13-year-old sister) to join him. He found the whole process fascinating.' Mrs Sessions said her son began thinking of running for office when several local manufacturing plants closed down while he was in primary school, plunging the area into recession. His ideas for turning the local economy around impressed local residents. 'Here's this kid talking about how there are grants to help towns like ours attract biotech companies,' said shop owner John Spiteri, 49. 'People here are hungry for anyone who can pump life back into this town.' The post is mayor a largely ceremonial four-year position with a monthly stipend of US$250. City Manager Tim Vagle handles the town's day-to-day administration, while the mayor and the other eight council members make policy decisions and approve the budget. Mr Sessions will be required to attend two council meetings a month. Hillsdale High Principal Peter Beck said with a grin: 'I told him that if he wins, he'll still need to finish his homework - I'd hate to have to suspend a city official.'
  23. After the Bin Ladin Group, the CCECC arrives in Puntland. I've been hearing about CCECC delegations checking things out in Puntland for years. They frequently visited Gaalkacyo. Now there is finally some action, or so it seems. The Gaalkacyo-Garoowe road is in bad shape and that's an understatement. Its in stark constrast to the Garoowe-Boosaaso road which looks brandnew. Shirkadda China Civil Engineering Construction Corp. oo ka hawl geleysa Puntland Boosaaso - 14.November.2005 Shirkad dhisme oo laga leeyahay waddanka Shiinaha laguna magacaabo China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation ayaa lagu wadda in ay hawlo dayactirro ah ka fuliso deegaannada Puntland. Saraakiil ka socota shirkaddan oo maalmihii la soo dhaafay ku sugnaa gobollada Puntland, ayaa sheegay in shirkadda China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation ay hawlo dayactir ah ka samayn doonto waddooyinka laamiga ah gaar ahaan jidka isku xira magaalooyinka Garoowe iyo Gaalkacyo iyadoo sidoo kale la filayo in ay shirkaddu dayactirka iyo fidinta dekedda magaalada Boosaaso ay gacan ka geysato. Saraakiil ka socota shirkaddan ayaa maanta booqday dekedda magaalada Boosaaso, iyo dhismaha terminalka ah ee ka socta garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Boosaaso. Saraakiishan ayaa waxaa warbixino ku siiyey garoonka iyo dekedda magaalada Boosaaso, wasiir kuxigeenka hawlaha guud iyo gaadiidka, Yaasiin Cartan Maxamed iyo agaasimaha waaxda dekedaha, Salaad Faarax. Mas’uuliyiinta ka socota shirkadda dhismaha ee Shiinaha ayaa maanta ka dhoogay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Boosaaso waxana garoonka ku sii sagootiyey wasiir kuxigeenka hawlaha guud iyo gaadiidka, Yaasiin Cartan Maxamed, iyadoo la filayo in ay shirkaddu dhowaan ka hawl gasho deegaannada Puntland. Maxamuud Faarax Bile Companu Site:
  24. Sky


    Horn this should be a good lesson for you. Never annoy the SKYMAN. Next time, you won't be so lucky.