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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Fiqikhayre

    Ooh Dear

    ^ I don't want a woman carrying a camera on her shoulders, trying to film powerful, influential and heavily guarded people in Somalia, whilst being not properly dressed on top of that. Where's the hijaab and is this a really good place for a woman to be, or you want "your" sister to work in, surely not. My views are very clear about women moving into media, I truelly am against women voicing their voices as news presenters and broadcasters.
  2. Fiqikhayre

    Ooh Dear

    What is this girl doing? Is she really a camera women, if so how&why? Really strange this isn't what we need right now, girls moving into Media and technology! Picture taken International Village Hotel in Boosaaso at the welcoming ceremony of the Speaker of Parliament Shariif Hassan Sheikh Aden! [ June 02, 2006, 23:12: Message edited by: Admin ]
  3. IF you're really serious about the plight of our fellow Somali people and you feel sympathatic to their struggle and cause, then we've to seriously engage in stopping the on-going hostilities in our beloved capital city of Moqadisho, walaal Farah Bluewow! This people flee their homes because of missiles anti-aircraft artilliary and grenades landing literally on top of their houses, so the first priority is to stop the warfare in the south of the country! In Puntland, this people our people together with the Ethiopians enormously contribute to the economical welfare being of the country as they are committed and hard working labourers, which without we could not survive! This problem has been going on for years, as I can remember once H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad (the current President of Somalia) being questioned about this same issue by the BBC Somali Service, whilst being one of the senior leaders of the SSDF, who controlled the entire North-Eastern region of Somalia back then! He absolutely pointed out, that the SSDF (Puntland) has nothing to do with this tradegy, as they're not aware of a person(s) making business (money) in the dark smuggling people into Yemen or as reported throwing them into the cold Red sea! No one can control the many beaches this people board the boats as their are often remote and inaccessable areas! The people, who are certainly doing such kind of atrocities deserve to be brought before the law, which has happened to a certain extent but more has to be done to save this people going into such kind of dangers trying to cross the sea into Yemen. It's really unfortunate to see Somalis fleeying to Yemen as in the past Yemenis used to come into Somalia in their flocks, as their country was divided and indeed very poor but nowadays it's the other way around! Hundredthousand of Somalis try to go to Yemen in order to go there to one of the gulf states such as UAE or just across the tribal and disputed border between Yemen and Saudi. However I must point out, that the people, who trade in human misery are indeed very well linked up with other local criminals and mafia people, who have their offices in cities like Moqadisho, Hargaisa and Burao! It is very well known fact, that the majority of the Ethiopians come indeed through Somaliland, whereas the other people come from Moqadisho and surrounding areas. This people, although they're not the ones, who profiteer enormously from such kind illegal operations, however they get their shares into bringing this people from Ethiopia across to all the way to Bosaso. We need more cooperations between the security agencies in order to prevent large numbers of Ethiopiasn coming into the country. That has already happened as they used to come through Laascaanood but now they're send back and not allowed to go through to Bosaso, however this people together with their local agents have found new ways such as going through Sanaag, without food and proper water in order to reach Bosaso find work and board one of the many boats, which leave illegally for Yemen! Earlier this Year Al-Jazeera telivision brought this subject up and a new law is currently being prepared by the elected upper house of parliament, in order to make it illegal in the constitution and punishable for anyone, who deals and trades in the smuggling of people! Inshallaah everything will be done to prevent further innocent life from ceasing in the cold water of the Red sea. However one must be said, which is that we've to stop the warfare and hostilities in Moqadisho in order to prevent this people in migrating in the first place! Wabillahi Towfiiq,
  4. ^Nothing ofcourse, except giving them another 7 days to reconsider their decision! And if those days run out again, without the warlords coming to Baidoa, they'll be granted another 7 days, that's how Gheedis world works! In reality he can not and does not want to kick them out of his government because he can ill afford it, without the powerbrokers of the south on his board! Eventually Qanyare and Yalahow will come to their senses and come home to daddy, ofcourse after massacring a couple thousands in the process to/on it!
  5. L.A. is part and parcel of the Puntland State of Somalia, and for anyone, who says it is not lives in a dream world! The majority of the people of SSC see themselves as Puntlanders because, they know, that it is their administration formed by them together with their brethren for the common good! There is no such thing as North-Central Somalia, as there isn't such an administration. All the people, who are politically appointed to the city are appointed by the PSS administration and government. So lets not fool ourselves! L.A is part and parcel of Puntland State and Federal republic of Somalia!
  6. ^Seychelles iyo Maldivies dad baa iska leh oo dhistay! Ma qaxooti baad tahiin, dal la'aan maa idin heyso? Alla illaahiyo na astur! From all the worldly beauty and beautiful landscape and people, that Allaah has given the Somali people, all they seek about is foreign countries, people and tongues! Is that it? We've got a better country than the Seychelles or other scarslly inhabitated Islands for that matter, let's concentrate on our owncountry! Inshallaah I will never ever be a "foreigner" again in a foreign land! Seychelles majority of them are not even muslim, From one kaafir country to another! We seek refuge in Allaah the glorified. Atleast people should concentrate moving to Islamic countries, if they don't want to go home but London, New York, Toronto, Frankfurt and Seychelles You gotta kidding me? I guarantee you, that if you're a true muslim "you will not feel at home in a kaafir land let alone in this world"! We need to emigrate back to our own lands (muslim) or ascribe to the lifestyle of our "friends" in the kaafir lands or they'll kick us out anyway, I hope they will chase us out out of their countries because all their supposed humanity is false, they're never happy to see muslims holding on to their way of life. The only time they will respect us is when we do the same stuff they doing otherwords belief in what they belief and no muslim can belief in what they belief! We ask forgiveness and to be guided into the right path and direction as it seems there are alot of us, who don't see nor recognise the right path!
  7. Amelia good sister, Whether home is hell or heaven home is home sweet home! The only place, where I have pride, selfesteem, a sense of belonging and love is a place called home i.e. beautiful Somalia! Sharaf waxaad ku leedahay dalkaaga hooyo! Haybad waxaad ku leedahay dhulkaaga hooyo! Jimcaale brother it's all good damashaq, dimishq or damascus one and the same!
  8. It's really funny, how people come to conclusions about issues, they don't know about! But first things first, why did the brother ask such a question of this nature in a public forum in the first place, sure we congratulate him for his desire to seek knowledge but this is not the way how to do it! Asking unnecessary and often dumb questions leads us nowhere and to top it up with unnecessary replies and arguments, the whole thing becomes utterly out of control. Even if the brother in question could not find out the answers he was looking for on his own (I persume he's got internet) or from reliable sources, such from his local Imaam or religious scholor, then he should have placed his answer to the Ulama the knowledgable men, who have inherited the prophets, they did not inherit worldly goods but the Cilm (Knowledge)! This is also the wrong section to post the question in, doesn't the brother know, that there is a islamic section? I guess not! Back to the question. Condoms are halaal as long as it is used by two legally married persons, who both consent to use condoms for which ever reason they want, whether it is due to illness or they want their existing children to become a little bit alouder before the wife concedes again! It's nothing to be worried about. But if the wife does not consent and she wants to have children, but the husband says "Darling we got enough children and if we get another one, it will certainly make us bankrupt", then the wife has a right for a divorce! On the other hand if the Husband wants children but the wife does not want children whatever reason it might be, then the husband has a right to marry a second wife, if he can afford it or even file for divorce! Either case children are beautiful and neither of the married couple should hinder each other of having the chance of having us much children as they want! So it's about mutual consent and agreement! But note that no-one can refuse children because of financial reasons nor are they allowed to kill it (abort) unless of course the mother is in danger of dying herself in the process as existing born life comes before unborn life in the womb! May Allaah the great guide us to the right path and please abstain from answering such questions, if you do not have the facts! My evidences is as the same evidence provided by the great scholor Shaikh Al-Munnajid!
  9. Where would you most like to live in the World ? Before I answer, that question I'd like to point out the lack of realities and people not thinking, that they're mere mortals only, who can die any minute. We speak of this places we wish to live in or retire like it is a "faint accompli", that we will end up in those places without saying "Inshallaah" or godwillingly. Only few of you said inshallaah and the rest is like "Yeah we will surelly get there, but how? Have you forgotten about "death" and other reality issues? I say this, there is no place like home especially in this worlds calamaties except the holy places of Makkah, Madinah, Dimishq and Quddus! Inshallaah I'd like to end up living in Madinah godwillingly and I would hate travelling out of that city because I'd like to die there aswell inshallaah but it's all gods decision!
  10. ^We couldn't care less! They have prooven to us, that they're not up for the job. Better hire another one from Hussain Aydiid's clan, they atleast got some powers in Mog.
  11. ^Speaking from oneself I see. There isn't any other "diehard fan of men" other than you! Orodo ag fadhiiso, raadsana ina Faroole, your supposed hero, who feeds you with wrong news every now and then. What did he tell you this time around, a failed demonstration you said, "What a joke", fabricated news by ina Faroole and Garoweonline and propogated by Mr. talker himself personally, I wonder? I said it earlier and I am saying it now, "Exploration and Exploitation of our natural resources including Oil will go on regardless of what you or anyone else for that matter says or thinks. If I were you, I'll shut up and watch the whole episode from a safe far off position, otherwise you could seriously hurt yourself!
  12. Is this a Jihad? People calling dead persons 'bakhti' and shouting out 'God is great', whilst fighting their 'fellow' brethren. Wallaahi it's cajiib man, that's the reality on the ground. War ain't fun for sure. Alla illaahiyo u caqliyeey kuwaaneeto. Ameen.
  13. Listen here to the ceremony taking place (caana shubkha garaadka), indeed very powerful and noble what took place today! All the Somalis from the five corners were present and congregated under one banner, the banner of Soomaalinimo, dhaqan iyo isjacayl. Great stuff, listen from the 33rd minute 50th second!
  14. Great Day!!!!!!!!1 Hambalyo to the new Garaad, Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali and I wish him all the best and may Allaah make his task easy. May he become the one, who reigns in peace, justice and righteousness! Some images: Bulugley in the background! How beautiful you're.
  15. Do you Fancy Twins? What you selling any Suldaanka. I didn't knew you were into such kind of Business.
  16. Good step, although Parliament will have the last say, nevertheless this time, I hope they'll approve it, as there is little chance Shariif sabotaging this vote this time around! Ciidammo nabad ilaalineed oo ka socda Sudan iyo Uganda oo la go'aamiyay in Somalia la keeno Posted to the Web May 21, 19:27 Baydhabo (PP) - Wasiirrada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa ogolaaday maanta in dalka la keeno ciidammo ka socda Dalalka Uganda iyo Sudan si ay uga qaybqaataan nabad ku soo dabaalidda Soomaaliya, kaddib 15-sano oo dagaallo sokeeye iyo rabshado ah. Kulankii wasiirrada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo maanta ka dhacay Magaalada Baydhabo ee Gobolka Bay oo uu shir guddoominayay Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Prof. Cali Maxamed g Geeddi ayaa waxay go'aan ku gaareen in amaanka dalka uu noqdo qodob laga gaaro ansixin, waxaana qodobkaan ka mid ah ajandayaashiisa in dalka la keeno ciidammo nabad ilaalineed oo ka qaybgala ammaan ku soo dabbaalidda Soomaaliya, waxaana ciidammadaan ay ka imaanayaan dalalka IGAD iyo caalanka intiisa kale, mana jirto wax kala soocaya dalalka safka hore iyo kuwo kale intaba. Kulankaan ayaan lagu qeexin haba yaraatee goorta ay ciidammada la sheegay imaanayaan Somalia iyo cadadkooda, balse warar ku dhowdhow madaxda dowaldda ayaa sheegaya inay ciidammadaas noqon doonaan kuwo ka badan 2-kun oo askari oo ka socda labadaas dal oo ugu horreyn doona cidiammo nabad ilaalineed oo dalka Soomaaliya la keeno. Golaha baarlamaanka ayaa mar kale looga dalbayaa arrintaan ogolaasho kale, waxaana shaki weyn uu ka jiraa sida xubnaha baarlamaanka oo uu u horreeyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ay ku aqbali lahaayeen qodobka ah in dalka la keeno ciidammo nabad ilaalineed, iyadoo la og-yahay in horay ay dowladdu ugu kala qaybsan tahay arrintaan. Labadan dowladood ee Uganda iyo Sudan ayaa iyagu ahaa dalalkii ugu horreeyay ee ka tirsan IGAD oo go'aansada inay dalka Soomaaliya oo ay ka jiraan dhibaatooyin ammaan-darro oo aad u fara badan, waxayna ku deeqeen labadooda marka la isku daro ciidammo gaaraya in ka badan 2-kun oo askari oo ay sheegeen inay yihiin kuwo aad u tababaran. Waxa laag warsugayo waa hadba sida uu u ogolaado baarlamaanka federaalka Soomaaliya oo leh go'aanka ugu dambeeyay ee sharciyada dowladda iyo howlaha la go'aansado in dalka laga qabto ogolaashahooda.
  17. ^Stop crying so hard Paragon, I'll suggest you concern yourself more with your clans failed attempt in bringing the clan together to establish a regional authority. The conference in Baran is close to failure! Back to the topic, under the Puntland constitution no-one can stand in the way between Puntland and its legitimate right to explore and exploit the natural resources including OIL! According to the constitution it says: Xubinta 2aad QODOBKA 10AAD WADAHADAL IYO WAX-WADAAG FEDERAALNIMO 1. Puntland waxa ay ka mid noqonaysaa Dawlad Soomaaliyeed oo habka Federaaliga ah ku dhisan, waxayna wadahadal la geli kartaa qayb kasta oo Soomaaliya ka mid ah oo aaminsan raadinta iyo ka-mid-noqoshada dawlad soomaaliyeed oo ku dhisan habka federaaliga ah. 2. Waxyaalaha dawlad-goboleedku Puntland ay ku wareejin doonto dawladda Federaalka ah waxaa ka mid ah: Arrimaha socdaalka, difaaca, arrimaha siyaasada dibedda, istaambada boostada, lacagta, habka cabbiraadda. 3. Wixii intaas dheeri ka ah waxay ku imaanayaan wadahadal dhexmara dawladda federaalka ah iyo dawlad-goboleedka. Federalism is based on consultation and as I've lived in a country, which has perfected that system, even states within the government and their respective bodys and institutions can 'pass' an decree of no-confidence to the government of national unity. We have to differentiate between Gheedi and the President H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf, as the former is a appointee of the latter, who can be sacked anytime, even after one state passes a decree of no-confidence. I applaud the President Mahamoud Muse Hirsi and his Vice President Hassan Dahir Afquruc for their undying and determined work to improve the social and economic livlihoods of their citiziens. I salute you!
  18. Stop the sarcacism old man. You know deep down, that what he's telling you is true! Music concerts encourage the act of zina and gender mixing. People get transfixed and ladies start jumping up and down, with their make up on and expensive perfume they wearing and afterwards its down to the bar! A place and people, who gather in their thousands not to worship Allaah but to indulge in sin is indeed something to be scared off. What if Allaah takes the ground off their feet and the ground swallows them like it happened in the Zionist country in a wedding gathering, where a whole concert hall collapsed, due to the bouncing, jumping, shaking and screaming of the godless people. Would you or anyone for that matter send their children to such gatherings? I've heard lots of things, whereby women have been grapped inappriopately by fellow jungle muisc fans. What can you do as a female, when this happens to you? Afterall you stand in a big crowd and you wouldn't/couldn't possible tell, who the perpertraitor was, so I guess you have to endure with it, until the end of the concert. Would you or anyone for that matter feel remorse or a sense of guilt? God help us all! Ameen.
  19. Nice move! I applaud the actions taken by the leadership of the Puntland State of Somalia! Mr. Gheedi did not return the favours he received from Puntland and its people, who stood on his side from day one! We supported the return of the Somali republic and its institutions the day, they were inaugurated on a foreign soil, with little support. All the revenues of the state were directed to support the TFG and its institutions, even when Gheedi himself was a broke PM without money, who saved him and his supposed government? He's nothing but a puppett! Deg Deg!!Garoowe: Puntland oo sheegtay inay la noqotay Kalsoonidii ay u haysay raysulwasaarenimada Cali Maxamed Geeddi. Sunday, May 21, 2006 Garoowe(AllPuntalnd)- Warqad qoraal ah oo jawaab celin u ah hadal kasoo yeeray Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo ahaa in Puntalnd ay faraha kala baxdo inay soo saarto ama baarto shidaalka ayaa lagu sheegay in Puntland ay xiriirka ujartay Cali Maxamed Geeddi. Warqadda qoraalka ee kasoo baxday Madaxwaynaha Puntland ayaa lagu sheegay in Cali Maxamed Geeddi uu jabiyay heshiis ay si rasmi ah u wada galeen dawlad goboleedka Puntland iyo dawladda Soomaaliya kaasoo ka dhacay Boosaaso. Madaxwaynaha Puntland wuxuu kaloo tilmaamay inaan loo dulqaadan doonin khaladaadka soo noq noqday ee ka imaanay raysulwasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geeddi Cadde Muuse wuxuu kaloo tilmaamay in wax warqad ah oo uusan Cali Maxamed Geeddi u soo dirin dawlad goboleedka Puntland , marka laga reebo in Internedyada lagu arkay qoraalkaasi, wuxuuna Md: Cadde tilmaamay inay arintaasi tahay gef. Madaxwaynaha waxaa kaloo warqaddiisa kuxusnaa in Cali Maxamed Geeddi qoraalka uu soo diray uu yahay mid asaga ku eg , hase ahaatee aysan dawladdu la qabin. Waxaa lagu sheegay qoraalka madaxwaynaha Puntland in raysulwasaare Geeddi uu hadallo xasaasi ah oo jiritaanka Puntland kahor imaanaya uu isticmaalay , taasoo Puntland ku tilmaantay arin gaf ah, waxaa kaloo lagu sheegay in Geeddi uu ka hor yimid horumarka kusaabsan khayraadka ee Puntland. Waxaa madaxwaynaha oo ku hadlaya afka dawladda uu sheegay in Puntand ay dib ugala noqotay raysulwasaare Geedi dhammaan kalsoonidii raysulwasaare nimo ee ay u qabtay!
  20. The only fault, parents got is: Bringing/giving birth to their kids in this country in the first place! We don't get out nothing from bringing our children up in "luxuary"! Even the arabs during our prophets time (peace be upon him), knew that if children are allowed to grow up in cities, they're more likely to become useless and weak citizies of the community comparing to their peers, who grew up in the countryside/desert! That's why our prophet was sent to the desert, in order to perfect classical arabic and to become strong, as children, who grew in cities were more likely to become "not so bright people", who couldn't speak properly in other words they were/are handicap and that's what our children will end up becoming! Only the people Allaah willed and ordained to become guided will be guided and the tied/current is too strong for the kids to resist, as they live in a society, that is not theirs! The best thing to do is to return back to our country and make our children shephards until they five and six, in order to master our beautiful language and become strong and useful citiziens of our society!
  21. ^They already live in Moqadisho, despite the war and hardship. Every tribe and clan in Somalia is represented in that city, former capital city of ours! On another issue may I add, that being from Gaalkacyo does not symbolise of being from one clan as there are many clans residing in Gaalkacyo unless specifically stated so, trust me I know that city just too well to be honest. You'll find all tribes possible and imaginable in that city.
  22. What's so funny about it, may I ask? This is just delibarately making fun of our religion, which can lead to one actually renouncing his/her belief! No one can be ascribed to angels or the xuuralcayn cause there is nothing like it on earth. Only gaalo think that way. Have they seen how the angels look like? Have you guys? Mocking the religion of Allaah and by equaling Jannah to the creatures is a major sin. Please can the moderators of this section delete this jokes and the replies it got as I am not very amused by them. Alla illaahayo noo dambi dhaaf. Ameen!