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Everything posted by Beer-Gaal

  1. Masha'allah Beautiful ,,,the place ?
  2. Coffee hole news waxba kama jiraan boowe...take my words Farmajo finish off the two Sharif , how?have no clue but we will all pray he does!!
  3. lol@old lady called Butaana!! taasi waa cay though ,,, i think they were both in Kampala recently if that is where he met them...
  4. May Allah Subhanu wata'allah reward accept writer's Umrah ... and many thanks to thanks poster for posting this .
  5. Most of these villages are in lower Juba, Hargeisa Yarrey is between Afmadow and Kismayo i guess.
  6. *ANWAR*;727057 wrote: His main point is .. we were slaves of England and not Italy after 6 minutes he do not know what he is talking about My Allah forgive him Sadly the whole Spat is based on tribalism!. I do Agree with ya After 6th minutes way iskaga yaacday RIP insha'allah.
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;724663 wrote: Wiilow so dhaoow Wiillo !waa Gabadh.
  8. this De-schooling thing applies to only Gaalo laba ama mid ciyaal ah haysta and not to Xalimos and Farax's who mostly raise 12 children or more!.tan kale, even if one wants to de-school his/her kids what on earth a common Somali Xalimo can teach her child? iga aamus aabaha waxaa kusamay,,,,,,,,,,,,huh hadal iyo dhamaan sheeko ina khosaysa maaha.
  9. No matter how old somalis are 20 or 60 years cudur ayaa nawadahaya ,, for those of you who can read somali, this is very interesting! ( Btw i'm 72
  10. Jacaylbaro;722677 wrote: Madaxbanaanidu gorgortan ma gelayso adeer ...... change of policy uun weeyaan on HOW TO Wax Fahan on how to unite with the rest of United Somalia......anaa intaa ku oranaya hadadan karin boowe.
  11. Freedom;721873 wrote: I have two questions for the so called Awdal State supporters, some please help to answer them. 1. Adwal is in the far end of west of somaliland, it next Djubuti and in the west and on its easter side is Somaliland area where the" I" clan are the majority. So how can Adwal connect with the rest of somalia if a huge area of land between them is Pro-Somaliland. In the case of SSC the are closer to somalia distance wise and Puntland but not for Adwal. So will the Adwal group that support a state on their own build a big bridge over somaliland to Somalia proper or will they have to pay few or charges for crossing. 2. Second point is that unlike SSC the clan elder support Somaliland, the bussiness community supports somaliland, political leaders of Adwal support Somaliland, People of Adwal of inter married with people in Hargisa and so forth, 20 years of development of peace as come to this area how is reconnecting with Somalia which currently disfunctional inter fighting with each other good for Adwal. Is it not supporters of Somalia mocked former president from your region as killer and murder. How in a TFG forumla will your people be represented will you allow your people to be the .5 forumula. Dont forget they are througing many other clans under the *** clan who claim they are not ***. In clossing while some people may have issue with how the current government is spreading power among the clans, the current government is aware and will be dealing with the issue, development projects are happening in Adwal and people in the West that are screaming of a state of their own will see in the long runn it would not be wise for their people. I doubt Ethiopia would want to see issue spreading to Somaliland, with the already issue of SSC and people seriously do you think the TFG will support it, lol they are trying their best to keep Somaliland within Somalia anything that can further push somalilanders in wanting out they will. In closing i am a die hard somalilander, if Adwal wants to go then go is my stance our three cities that you lot always claim and population in them is eough for somaliland to survice. We have a port, areas that can grow food, a growing bussiness sector with live stock, oil off berbera, natural gas. So i have the question for you lots areas that fully support Somaliland will you lots say somaliland should be free or will you still say Somaliland is part of Somalia. Answer me this please. "I" clan=majority=which is =Somaliland= Siilanayo =SNM,,, i got the point now tanag you ferro amaajo.
  12. The Zack;722152 wrote: Sscers, if Somaliland drops its secession idea and claims to be part of the big federal somalia, would your region be ok to be part of Somaliland? If not, why not? Hort, if Somaliland drops its secession idea and claims to be part of the big federal somalia. By then there won't be Somaliland as such ,but rather a North West and Togdheer regions of Somalia, which are brotherly neighbors of Sool region. Even though i'm not a big fan of SSC, for one reason their claim of Sanaag as a part of their SSC , but I don't see the reason why they wouldn't welcome back their brothers and sisters in the north.
  13. what a president ,this guy's damb serious ! btw this is fake , but the siilaanyoo's one was real yaa reer Somalidiid. he was simply forced to face the blue flag or else get the hell out of Kuwait.
  14. That is where PL V-president came from ! does this mean the guy has no backup ? he looks like one hell of a loser wallle.
  15. Lol @ f street!! i was in Hargaisa last week and comparing HG to LV is compeletely madness JB ! Gaar ahaan Jig jiga Yar, that place was so terribly dusty, I couldn't walk between Mansoor and our Office.
  16. The Zack, when i read an other Town , I thought you mean to say Afmadow! war naga tag goormay Taabta Town noqotay?
  17. noo sheeg hee ,,wax see ah ?
  18. :D:D He has a point "the person should be complete"!!!. only Maryooley ayaa isgeyda .lol
  19. what's wrong with the camel on the donkey cart? disrespecting GEELA like that justifies in la karbaasho kaas madaxa xuun !!
  20. i'm curious walaahi walaal, do they pay you on this ? mase adaaba Faroole ah waxaani waa yaabe
  21. Danbi badan ayuu qabay Ilaah Ha unaxariisto miskiinka!