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Everything posted by Iffah

  1. MMA: C'mon...the TTC isn't all that! I could've easily believed that happened in Toronto. Have you seen how crowded it gets during the rush hours? & Do you know how many 8am lectures I almost missed because of the over-crowded trains (of course it've helped if I left the house sooner!) :rolleyes:
  2. Tam: Yeah, you beat me to it! I just received the info today. Anyways, looking forward to the whole event Salaams!
  3. Sheekada saas uma gaabno!...mar labaad inaan ku celiya waaye..si fiican uma fahmine. Moralka leen ka fahmay. meeshaan waxaa joogo gabdho oo laga qeyliey oo qurux qurux badan oo guur doon ah oo hadii ey kuu bogaan wey kuu foorinaayaan oo biis ee ku dhahaayaan hadii aad u biisi weeso wee kula dagaalamaayaan. Lool. War wiilka been haku cabin! Gabdhaha meeshaan jooga, wa kuwa edab leh, oo waxaas kuma saqarjaamaan.
  4. MS- :confused: Nefertiti...good story. It reminds me of that riwaayad, Aay Kutubeey or was it Abooto Kutubeey?
  5. Ooh Barwaaqo waa ka dartay!...and I thought Xafsa and Northerner had it bad
  6. ^ Everyone else seems to get it... :rolleyes: It is an illusion, and nothing leads you on like an illusion, I'd rather be free from it yes...that's how I see it too.
  7. Iffah

    Google search

    My lil cousin showed it to me just last week...and when the error msg came up...I was like..this is what you called me up for? :mad: Then she says read it!! Funny..
  8. Originally posted by underdog: I feel like the only one from Baadiye.... Hey, you're not alone. Altho I was born in Xamar, I was raised mostly in Baadiye(with grandparents)...then came back to Xamar...spent some time in Nairobi (~3mths), and now in Canada... :eek:
  9. lol..Ameenah, dhagta iigu sheeg. Barq....ok does ur arabic one start with C? Blink once for yes C_L right?
  10. My fav sayings always change. Now I see myself using the following words often: Xoog badanaa Kibir kibir Is jeclaa...or is jeclidaa (use it on my sis all the time) Isla roona Are you mad? Right..sure (when the person seems to be exeggerating or lying) Eh! (just noticed, I say this alot too)
  11. Lol...I know eh. They grow too fast..well I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts Ilhaam is just another name I love...but Mayam is goes well with me btw, will we ever learn yours Barwaaqo?
  12. Alla Gabadha isla roona! Well Missy, even tho I was only clarifying in that above statement, I happen to agree with that member too!..So whaT? Define a follower for me, will ya? Because as I see it, it takes alot more than concuring with a person's reply to be labelled a follower. And it should be noted, I only agree with level headed individuals, who speak the truth. Hmmm, I guess that's why you never see me 'following' you. :rolleyes:
  13. Kir waryaa! Waa xoog badantahay ma is tiri.
  14. Lol...let me try..Naah, I dont see it I like how my lil'sis pronounces it: Mayam ... cute! She's always saying... "Mayam, baliiiiis ma ku raaci karaa?, I won't bother you, I pawamise
  15. 6er, Can get what badly? :confused: Nuune, I'm not against it. As a matter of fact, I'm up for anything that'll keep you guys away from our section
  16. Thanks Girl...It was indeed a good eye opener. Much appreciated
  17. SOL is this site :cool: SOL= Somalia On Line
  18. Iffah

    best movie?

    Lool. Now I understand their stance...The Ring was scary....well not too much.
  19. Originally posted by Opinionated: quote:Originally posted by MiZz_LeXuS: Thank god that they wasnt any black crims. :eek: What? :eek: Nothing disgusts me more than racists..honestly :rolleyes: I bet these white criminals were a whole lot "Safer" than black criminals, huh? Ooh! Is that what she meant? Cajaa'ib. :rolleyes:
  20. Iffah

    best movie?

    ^lol...clever.. Jawahiir: I can't blv you wanna see that movie alone :eek: ...I'd rather be with 2 or 3 ppl if I'm gonna scream my head off .. If your friends are still refusing...try bribery...always works