Wiil Cusub

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Everything posted by Wiil Cusub

  1. Abu-Salman;984414 wrote: There are many caveats, eg rural production (at their market value) such as milk are overlooked, but the GDP per capita will probably be very similar to that of Kenya, Eritrea (roughly $700) etc. Of course, given that much of the production is discounted, those figures are somewhat arbitrary but they are a rough guide to what can be more easily taxed, or potential state revenue. In final analysis, one guess is an interval of $750-1500 (without rural incomes); which means that a very moderate taxation rate of 15% could potentially yield annual state spendings of around $100-225 per capita (some countries in the region have much higher taxation rates: eg at 30%). And Djibouti has an annual state spending of roughly $700 per capita, again with all the caveats and minor tax collection; there is thus absolutely no reason to attain a level similar to that of eritrea at roughly $200-250 or a third of the Djib level within a ten years period (the least ambitious scenario). Also, Eritrea generates steady state revenue through diaspora taxation, which helps in the face of minimal foreign aid but impressive records for an African recent country. As anyone well acquainted with the region know, there is no very high disparity between the economic activity levels of djibouti and that in the Western Somaliland region in particular, as Djibouti advantages of higher port and foreign rents revenues is compensated by its less free entreprise system of monopolies or higher costs. Thus, an upgrade of irrigation & beekeeping or construction (low-cost, appropriate technology), the major foreign currencies earner of cattle export resumed, linked meat and hides processing etc as well as better tax collection with increasing rates will easily match the current high growth on the other side in both the GDP and state budget. The importance of all that is not just the figures or even growth, already very high in Ethiopia and East Africa in general, but the potential to lower transport, water and power costs through public-private partnership, multiply rural incomes through irrigation etc, but above all, to deliver basic nutrition and public services in primary care or essential skills to those that can not afford the booming private sector. PS there is this interesting Somalilandinvest.net under the direction of the other forward looking minister of trade, Dr. Mohamed A Omar. No politics please, it's all about budgets and how best to ensure basic services to the masses or equality. Thnk Abu-Salman good analyses. I belief that Somaliland GDP isn't lower than that in Ethiopia and Eritrea, but text collection is very low and liberal state forming with small governmental organisation. Djibouti and Eritrea annual state spending is killer for economical development and Somaliland shouldn't fellow them. To create investment they should do more about banking laws and energy cost. This new portal is interesting looking provisional good case studies. I like green house that is exactly my dream.
  2. AfricaOwn;984093 wrote: "culture is destroying men" "men are treated very poorly in society...." Yes she hit the nail on the head. It is future prediction in the western counties and in Japan it is already total strike. Read this article in the Guardian and you will realize "it is five to twelve" for marriage Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex? Japan's under-40s appear to be losing interest in conventional relationships. Millions aren't even dating, and increasing numbers can't be bothered with sex. For their government, "celibacy syndrome" is part of a looming national catastrophe. Japan already has one of the world's lowest birth rates. Its population of 126 million, which has been shrinking for the past decade, is projected to plunge a further one-third by 2060. Aoyama believes the country is experiencing "a flight from human intimacy" – and it's partly the government's fault.
  3. This video is private.:confused::confused:
  4. He just reflecting the will of his people and that made him popular leader 4 decades long
  5. All I see is happy Halimos. What is wrong with that
  6. Classified;982328 wrote: Yes my Russian friend. Somalilanders are a roll modal for the rest of Somalia. Not as people but as political system and one of strong pillar in our political system is ka dhagayso one minut Cigaal
  7. YoniZ;982310 wrote: In short, Siyad inherited functioning African state with impressive international deplomatic ties dealing with both sides of the cold war blocs. He turned it to *** licker for one bloc and after few years inguinuanly turned against his only left allies.... The rest as they say is history. 1+
  8. Classified;982323 wrote: Somalia needs you, reer Soomaalilaanow. If that is true they have to fellow our footsteps and used as roll modal other wise they will disappear in darkness
  9. Really great one Waa erayaddii abwaan Weedhsame oo wali macalinkiisii Gaariye waanaddiisii ku socda Geyigeena oo xor ah walee aayar kama guuro guud ahaan dadkiisana waligay ma kala guro
  10. Muuqdisho: Aabe agoontii wali way kuu ooyaysaa oo waxay leeyahiin: "Duqii doona ducona ugu dara way na dubatay maantee!" afka: oo wuxu mayna qaan gaadhin wax xun Alle saarku ilay ka badan 20 sanaan ka maqanahee ;)
  11. Donations will be publish on their website. Already 114 000$ is donated by members of 3 government chambers http://somalilandroads.com/Donations/Index
  12. Alpha Blondy;981683 wrote: Hassan Dhuxuloow - a great name but fake. some little white doofar in one of those policy institutes thought this name up. it's so obvious. Inaar Dhuxulow sowdigaa arka siduu dhuxul ugu eegyahay maxaad saancadalaha ugu eedayn haddii uu saanmadoobuhu naagaha carbeed daba dhaqaaqay.
  13. Xamda Queen (Xus Jaceyl) Official Video HD
  14. So far for me Hamda Queen is best new star in 2013. She is not only singer but she write and compose her own songs and she best video clips. Enjoy her latest clips. 10 000 yt hit in 3 days is not normal Xamda Cabdi (xamda Queen) Mil-dhahaabo
  15. Somali music become single man with keyboard but this is real group performing real performing
  16. Its normal we just replace Vietnamese and Calibaystens. Somalay markiina adkaysta.
  17. Telegraph Sport's first exclusive extract from his autobiography
  18. Waad ku soo sacsac day ee iskaga kaalay meesha ilayn cudurkii lagu qaadsiiye
  19. Khadafi;979589 wrote: Where do you see Somalia 2021----40 years since the civil war We will rank between this 10 countries even to rank in the HDI list is achievement for us. 10 lowest HDIs Rank Country HDI New 2013 estimates for 2012 Low human development 1 Democratic Republic of the Congo 0.304 2 Niger 0.304 3 Mozambique 0.327 4 Chad 0.340 5 Burkina Faso 0.343 6 Mali 0.344 7 Eritrea 0.351 8 Central African Republic 0.352 9 Guinea 0.355 10 Burundi 0.355 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index
  20. Do they have tribes? If yes they do same as politician or we will deal according their tribes even if they don't tribal loyalty. Wali manad maqal sheekh wax wacdiya/ tukinaya oo la leeyahay sheekhu waa qoloma