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Everything posted by Nehanda

  1. Monkeys are known for their mischief, for instance our neighbour monkey in burco always managed to steal food from us. Having loxoox on the veranda was a no-no. Love the little beast though.
  2. Nehanda

    Rant on SOL

    A better solution to your dilemma would be to start that lively challenging debate you are ranting about. Anyhow there is nothing wrong with light-hearted topics especially after a long day at work some us have no desire to engage in cumbersome debate which are likely to turn into lenghty tit-for-tat arguments.
  3. LOL! What a dumbfounded albeit funny article. I think the blame lies more so with the gvt then the unfortunate husbands for not taking any action to remedy the situation.
  4. Communication is the key to sussing out whether s/he is worth your time. Speak your mind no playing about the bush. It is best to say upfront what you expect from the relationship and if s/he do not accept your terms or refuse to compromise then say your adios. To answer your q it is near impossible to fully know someone, experience at best gives us an inkling of their character. Mostly follow your instincts if you truly feel that s/he is compatible to you then take the risk. Most importantly pray to Allah for guidance.
  5. Don't hold your breath amigo, in SOL the only time you are likely to get a serious response is when you venture to the politic page. Lakiinse why the q?
  6. Nehanda

    UAE in Pics!

    When built Somalia would look a thousand times much better than UAE. We have one of the best coastline and the weather is much more hospitable than UAE. Viva Somalia!
  7. Nehanda

    I Hate....!

    Ghani, if you despise wedding why go? Even friends can be excused. Anyhow, what's the pupose of a wedding. Isn't more logical to use the money you set aside for your wedding towards something more constructive ie contribute towards the restoration of a mosque, build a malcamad in a village anywhere in Somalia, donate to charity. Definitely more rewarding than feeding a bunch of ungrateful people.
  8. FB you seem to be very knowledgeable of Somali girls financial circumstances based on what?! A few misfortunate girls? Please ninyo stop the fadexad! Living at home does not imply milking your parents. A young person can work and contribute towards the family expenditure and even financially support younger siblings. I suggest that you stop deluding yourself or fishing for argument. We all know that there are professional young Somali women earning a healthy income and times much more than their spouse.
  9. Interesting article. Yes, forcing someone to wed without their consent is morally wrong lakiinse arrange marriage does have its positive side. For instance, I think a bigger problem for Somalis is finding a compatible spouse. Hence arrange marriage would be of help where the individual never had the opportunity to socialise and befriend their people due to their upbringing and environment and they wished to wed their own kind.
  10. It is sad that a child has to attend school whilst s/he is sick lakiin in most cases it is likely that the parents are forced to make that decision. In addition, regardless of who is the chief household income earner both parents have equal responsibility to their child.
  11. For me, the hardest part was rejecting the silly excuses I would normally use for not reading the Quran or praying. Everything has to be niyaa, hence you have to truly want to adhere to the principles and guidance set by Allah. Plus it does help befriending people who love Allah and truly worship him.
  12. Good news for people tired of hearing of size zero.
  13. Nef.Ari.ous in reply to you q, I would say that you simply gone bonkers. How would they know that something died of a broken heart unless of course the heart stop bumping due to blocked arteries.
  14. I don’t see what the fuss is about stating the exact birth place and tribe of Cilmi or Sayid. The aim of the author is not to disassociate Cilmi from the rest of Somalia but simply tell a story. So what if he is from Berbera or Mogadishu, does that make him less of a Somali? To state and be proud of one’s lineage does not equate ugliness it is those individuals that misuse it that are ugly.
  15. Everything is psychological. You can make yourself believe anything. If you start thinking that you are 'in love' with someone or something then you would automatically assume that what you are feeling is 'love'. Cilmi (ilahi haa u naxaristo) could have avoided the unrequited feeling by making himself believe the opposite of what he thought he felt. Did he truly die of his supposed feeling for Hodan or of the idea of been in love or simply because this was something he felt outside his control?
  16. Is number 7 by any chance found in Cancun?
  17. Masha Allah and Congratulation to you walaal.
  18. Well recently I went paragliding at Chamonix. What an incredible experience that was! After the initial trepidation of jumping off the cliff, you feel such amazement. The wind was soothing; the view of the valley and glazier was incredible. Another recent experience although not as daring as paragliding was horse riding in Iceland, beautiful scenery and at times difficult terrains
  19. Roobleh I don't think that there are many snakes in Sheikh, I have came across none on my frequent visits there. If you are looking for one ahead for Dalaco and a village with A name along the lines 'white stones'.
  20. what a despicable thing to do.The culprits should be made to endure similar conditions!
  21. Gosh wasn't aware that Zeilac was that beautiful. I only remember the dusty route between Djibouti and Hargeisa. For me it has to be: 1.Seinag 2.Burco 3.Mogdishu 4.Gashamale
  22. I like to 2nd the above suggestion. A finance / Investment section would be useful.
  23. Nehanda


    A definite WOW! Such amazing features. Is she Ethio or Somali?
  24. Nehanda

    Pictures :D

    Muj Rs, are you for real is Cilmi your late uncle cos Hodan the Somali v of Juliet was also my relative. So I am told by my ayeyos.