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Everything posted by Guhaad

  1. ^Africa deserved an apology from the federation. Ghana, the last team from the Afrikaay Hurdaay team, will come to a halt in the next game. i was more suprised when they beated Czech than the USA. I feel like all the games that ghana has won was not of skill but of luck because of how the whole team plays together.
  2. Guhaad


    Finally, a trophy for the oldies. Glad they made it, they really needed that Ring. but next year, they will have to get younger to keep the energy moving, circulating, and especially if they want another win. :cool:
  3. Abdi2005, well done invistagation. unless the guy is really a lady, which by all means, he does look like one, then you had your eye in the right place. the UIC have gotten a woman for the killing, and surprisingly, admits it. i hope the sista is not killed for the cameramen. Hell No. another thorny stick in the bush.
  4. Zakina you started asking about the % of somali men that have/will have more than one wife. well, we can't accurately find that since there are no actual census (If we ever did, it should be way-and-beyond 50%, i can put some riyaals on that bet ). I haven't quite literally met anyone whose father is back home who is not only sending money to their father without considering his wives, and their chilren. though Islam might be used to justify in exectuing such a plan (knowing in many cases the men has not the means to care for a second wife), there are cultural issues that are more important when it comes to having multiple partners, which is to have more kids than your neighbor (qabiil). if that competition was absent, life could have been different. In the Western world, where everything must be explained, tested, simplified, classified, etc the reasons why so many children are important is not even for security, but to them, merely a health issue; since many will die of disease, malnutrition, neglect, violence (treasures blessed with our continent), few will be saved at the end to be an actual help. the means justify the end.
  5. II, Shukran LOved It. It felt like reading the quran. I usually pick and quote lines i like when i see poems, but it will be injustice to pick a part with this one since the whole thing is so good. JKA
  6. Guhaad


    Maimi won, but with big luck. If wade didn't catch fire, Dallas would have had it. Wade got in to the game with that 3-pt openner in the 4th quarter and never looked back. I think Maimi will lose the champion this year because of Shaq. The guy has no energy. he is not excited about the game. not doing his part. I like Heat to pick it, but with Shaq, Glove, and Mourning not pushing it, Dallas will no doubt be for the first time in NBA history the champs. Dallas will finish a win at their home court.
  7. oh, i am catching some games and missing some. I have had some time to watch Ghana against Italy. both sides were bit tired when i came to the game, but ghana was dragging. Ghana seemed more like a team that came for the Somali Week Tournments in North America than in Germany. they passed the ball, but it stopped there. there were not that many goal attempts. the game did include alot of tackles and hassles, but no big moments. watched Brazil, damn, i don't think they can make it this time. Afrikaay hurdaay, koob ma soo wado, yaan lagu hungoobin
  8. Cayaartii in ey been abuur ahayd wili ma shaki baa ka jira, ama separate incident. maxkamaduhu wili 'code of conduct' ma samaysan @lotion bari baa waxaa la sheegi jiray kuwa cidiyaha cabira
  9. Maxkamaduhu waxay gaareen hadeer guul la taaban karo, waana rag runtii, ilaa hadeer lagu amaani karo in ey yihiin tabdiil boqolkiiba-shan-iyo-toban dhaamaan warlord-dii dhulka calaamaday, faquuqay, oo kala goosgoostay. Guushii shalay iyo maantay oo Jowhar ilaa Mahadaay waxay ahayd 'attack' well planned ah oo kolay mudda laga shaqeynayey oo miidiyaha iyo dadka laga qarinayey in muda ah (i wonder what esle is already planned?surprise ha la fisho). ayadoo guusha maxkamadaha ey tahay arin lagu farxo bey hadana taxadar iyo talo u baahantahay. waxaana is leeyahay arintu xaga maamulka bey u badantahay. Maxkamaduhu waxaan is leeyahay haba sida ey uga jawaabaan qodobada hoose iyo kuwa la midka ah in ey ku xirnaan doonto guulaha danbe oo ey soo hoyiyaan. haday ku margatana waa ayaga iyo allahood. 1. maamul ma jiraa dhisan oo dhexdooda aha oo shaandheysan, kala dambeyn iyo is daba ool ah 2. ujeeda sare oo ey ka leeyihiin ma jirtaa xarbigaan ama Somalia (shariifku wuxuu yiri dadka baa xukunka iska leh, laakiinse jowharba weerari meyno buu yiri?) 3. ma ka fakareen cawaaqibta iyo masaa'ibaadka uga imaan kara gudaha iyo dabada, iyo wiliba dhexdooda (basically ma taariikheysanyihiin, do they know the past, Puntland iyo Boosaaso, Afqaanistaan iyo ciraaq, etc.) 4. maxay Yuusuf Indha-madoobe ka sameyn; ma mujaahid baa mise mahlako, ma maamul jiraa mise maquuniye-masaakiin. waxaan u maleynayaa Indha-madoobe hadii garwadeen laga dhigto in uu mudanayaasha barlamaanka Baydhabo jooga uu u maleeyo maleeshiyaad beeleed oo gaashaaman. kolay 'challenges' intaa ka badan baa heysta, ayageena u taalaa in ey ka fakaraan sidii xal siman oo saawi ah looga gaari lahaa arimahaan iyo kuwa ka daran oo ku soo wajahan. maxkamaduhu kor iyo hoose Jowhar in ey ku duulaan way ahayd oo M. Dheere kor dagaan, maadaama u ahaa cadow cadaystay in u argagixo bas dagaal kula jira ma ahane in uu islam-ka xataa duulaan ku ahaa. anigu en ey maxkamaduhu Jowhar dhaafaan ma aaminsani 'unless' loo yeerto. Aniga oo ka shakisan quwadooda ma ahane lakiinse bal inta la hayo ha la meel mariyo, naftiis daryeelaa tu kalana ku dara. consolidation than expansion! should be the next phase. soomaali siyaasadeed, saacadan waa ka dhaqsa badantahay~
  10. Originally posted by Pucca: oh well ...i've said a duah in my earlier post but now that theres a family member involved...dear lord hear my prayers, keep them both safe, i'd like to meet this one before he's dead. AAMIIN Pucca, huuno dadku hadii ey fara bataan meel walba waa lagu arkin. my prayers are with you, sorry this one hit home so close.
  11. Originally posted by ALexus-: Talk is cheap, action speaks louder. Instead of remaining in denial we as individuals should encourage one another to progress. Black people have mastered the dancing. "1,2 step" they sho have, they also mastered 1. elevators, ironing board (physical than mental) 2. sports 3. music 4. welfare system we must also realize, some of the circumstances that most Blacks find themselves are socially constructed. we must not only track the 'animal' that bypasses the system but also the one that created it in the first place.
  12. damn, before i read the news, i knew Somalis would somehow be involved in that case one way or another. Somalis are becoming more active or as active as some Arab members/groups nowadays, in London, Canada, and in the USA. no wonder, very soon Somalis will pose the same thread,and be subjected to the same treatments as some Arab communities. whatever the cause, we are calling for unwanted attention at critical moments. raggu hubka mey basaaseeyaan, wax un baa qaldan!! laakiinse allaah yaciin!
  13. aaah memories, I remember living in this gigantic house in Madinah with my extended family, from grandparents to aunties, uncles, siblings, and so on. The only people missing were my actual parents who never wanted to travel from there place. I remember (or felt like) being old enough but never being enrolled in school. My mean self would get up early in the morning, as was costumary, make the prayrer and eat canjeelo. while everyone went back to sleep, i would climb up this big jardiin in our deyd, and watch my brother and sisters dress up eloquently, with white shirts, and blue jeans/skirts. I would sit in place and look up and watch from distant their preparation and observed their walk, calmness, and orderniness all while waiting/hoping for my turn to come one day. I would also sit in the same place after school, to hear all the gossip from Macallin Xassan, or the kabiir in the class. My brother always talked about this one class that was dirty, mushy, and totally mess, but always said the teacher was good but the system wasn't.well, before i had chance to actually attend, is when everything "fall apart". it was no longer stand up for your rights as it was damn, save your life.
  14. Laaco, Lacago, Ladan, Leexo, Lisan, Luul buhahah Lisan LOL, to Me un baa ka maqan magacyadaan show waa kuwii Utanga ku baxay
  15. On several occasions, the Islamic side carried out night commando raids, attacked before dawn or fought through the night - all rare tactics in Somalia, residents and observers said. i guess this is only possible when drugs aren't used! :cool:
  16. Guhaad

    Somali Voices

    somehow i never get tired of that dude, he is just too funny. he gives a quick overview of some of the problems in the West. my best part is when he tells of the father that is kicked out of the house by one of the kids and they call the police on him. i just couldn't imagine having kids inside the house while the father is ouside waiting to be handcuffed.
  17. what is with the young girls with old men, and young men with old ladies. who knows, maybe it is the new flick. we all know it takes sometime to institute and change things, but if it keeps at its current rate, we shall see a gradual shift of thought.
  18. It would be interesting to know a third party would be listening to my phone/communication conversations. Sometimes substitution is the best and last option.
  19. Wise Words. You dropped it Kulmiye. Shukran Take careful thought in all you do, and run an honest race... for down the road, the time will come to see Him, face to face
  20. ^Almost! both names are a reference to Minneapolis- one from my pocket, the other historical about the work, it is not me but Nafta, who said So, I'm taking part in this program which enables students to travel and work in America during the summer holidays. Exiting, I know. even if she didn't pick here to work, she could still come and visit. Karmal Suuq (Embassy-ga lagu daraaba iigu daran ), big aint, i kinda like Mall 24 now. bit hrazy, but meets my needs. anyways, nice to know your from the City :cool:
  21. ^Stoic thanks for bringing this up. when i saw these lines; The children he has adopted so far come from Paraguay, Romania, Hungary, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine and India. I noticed that its Africans who are not coming to dinner again, although, I do consider India part of Africa at times.
  22. Nafta, You can't miss Mindiyoboolis, MN if you come to the US. You don't have to work here, but you sho can stop by and check out how Maryooley have changed a whole city from murdereapolis to one of a kind.
  23. This is one of the longest diplomatic papers i have seen sometime. I wonder if it could have been written any better. like GD, this seemed nothing more than a powerpoint presentation in a paper format.
  24. ^Indeed Atheer, i must agree with you on that. the letter did nothing but to expose Iran's ambivalency. why would it contradict itself with this letter. it must abide by all the rules by Western nations or face the consequences. Like you, I see no line between the two stages. but with this letter, we are given a little 'blink' into a volatile situation.
  25. Originally posted by Bishitta: 'She look at me and she say...'What your name?' I say Sam Ting." Buhahahahaha, Bish, this reminded me of this one Indha-yar teacher, though sophisticated, would always start "you knows that..." with most of his sentences and this one store called "Do Me Nail", i don't know if this name celebrates racism or multiculturalism.