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Everything posted by Guhaad

  1. Originally posted by Castro: Iran had no choice but to blink. The Russians and Chinese are no friends of Muslims and they will not defy the US to appease us. Iran saw the writing on the wall and had to wise up fast. If not, the outcome is quite clear . war Aniga duceyba iga maraysey, oo rajo baa jirta ma is laheyn. bal in la rusheeyo iyo in ey letter-ku shaqeyso mid un bey noqon
  2. Guhaad


    bullshit, KG and Kobe, is gonna be off the Angelizzle. but that sounds more fake than factual. Kobe is a selfish motherfrazy. Bell did him bad y'all. 20-24 pts per game! and out!!
  3. Go Alexus, its your birthday. Alexus, i am as confused with love as anyone can be. I think it has more to do with our nationality and religion. what does love mean, where does it start and end, does it have limit/boundaries? can seeing alone get you into love, are the touches and the kisses between two lovers a sufficient indicator of love or a prove of. that is why i went with the quranic definition of love. i still laugh when i hear some people died of and for it hrazy-mrazy
  4. Man, you can't give anymore than you have already done, don't miss the train
  5. Originally posted by WaTerLily: We shouldnt waste our precious brain cells on issues such as this. well taken! :cool:
  6. sxbayaal waa anigii oo ku jira break-culus. laakinse with the news these couple of days of Iran that and this, i thought that the least we could do is drop a one time duco. so, there is nothing to be analyzed, hal duco aan u tabino. allow: -B-52 hubka ka soo dhici doono ku celi -inta dhimin doonto u naxariiso amiin: intaas baan kolay anigu ka gaarsiiyey.
  7. wallahi, it is astonishing how life brings forth different things to light. the sun shines everday to make it easy for us to roam around and find our locations and time while at the same time replacing the dark that preceded it (haha, i like when parents speak like that, start from the top). and everytime it comes out, it is always presenting new things, that at times are not all good. i found out something i really hate, and they are people, i will so choose to call, because of freedom of speech, the Wind People. well these individuals are hrazy mrazy, they are the kinda people who are; 1. one time with you, the other, without you 2. on you when you are well-off, and off you when searching 3. talk to you when with them, but talk about you when not in sight; kinda share with you now and shame you later well i could have said more about them, but it would be waste-on-waste. i can tolerate many things in life but them rats are just frazy. if you know em, seen em, just smack em for me :cool:
  8. ^LOL@waterlily and JLee, i think i am going to prescribe a 'reread' medicine on y'all. it is bit harder than the two of you think, even combined. i am looking for reasons, not suggestions.
  9. sxb my day was good, it all went well, just did one thing i didn't want to do, but did anyways, and didn't even do well tell you what it is, first i left home early this morning to only find that there was no parking, but being pissed off, i just parked on the wrong side, and just left man, i came back with a ticket stamped to my car, well, that and the amount i have to pay it ain't that bad, it coulda been worse the last thing i want to know is bit unrelated, but yo like the criteria you set forth, hope everyone takes it, so we can go down straight and hear some more, i can even raise the second question if you like, and it would be something like... but Xu being the first to post here, just be careful, and have your binoculars out, cuz if you are not ahead of your game, you will be amazed how much hate is circulating, and if you think i am kidding, just wait a while :cool:
  10. Originally posted by MC Xamar: I've had a variety of names since I joined this site..... waryaa_liibaanow liibaan Liibaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan........(but the admin told me to change it) Mr. Jibis Liban the Man and MC Xamar thanks for the clarification MC Xamar, and here, i thought you were Legend of Zu
  11. Originally posted by Pucca: there i was writting this long post(more than three lines) explaining my reasons for turning down your offer...and just as i click add reply i look at the bottom..and what do i find? Pucca, huuno I can't wait to hear your reasons for refusing such an offer? JLee, your reasons for accepting, that is, assuming you didn't change your mind
  12. ^buhahahaha war Jimcaale walle ninkaan kabahiisa baad rogtay, mana cadda! kulmiye, i tried taking the poll but didn't know what it was asking, so, silence was my answer.
  13. ^Fair enough Pucca, huuno~ lets do it; i will send you the title and proposal to your PM and replace it with what is on my first post (to make it look bit better). you will be surprised how much the previous one and the present are similar.
  14. Originally posted by Pucca: no i think you should get back on your cyber knees and ask twists no new topic. looooooool, Pucca, huuno take it easy on me. i rarely submit to authority, but i will only heed your call when i know the outcome will reach both sides of the table, than be stacked on one side. this is what i meant by twist; one, i was gonna take the "I" out and make it more general, and second, the things i wrote for the first seemed so random and predictable, that i wanted to make bit harder so that the answer didn't lie between yes and no.
  15. why is everyone responding to a deleted thread. ok, to be nice, here is the deal, i will re-propose only if the mods delete this thread, and i will start a new one, with the same offer, but only with a little twist. btw, i didn't give up, i just didn't want to start something i couldn't finish deal? mods :mad:
  16. ^war bal sug, waxa aan hormarka ku gaaray waa intaase. walle lacag kiishka iigu jirta in aan dhigin kani waaba i soo celiyey, bal aan salaanta ku celiyo; ps: i will see ya next week, until then "Peace,Love & Unity." BOB
  17. ^lol@Didi, or maybe you should have seen the one she went with, buhahahaha. @ Zafir, you almost got me with that last one. I still haven't changed the topic, because here is the thing, if the sisters are not with us, then they are somewhere else, don't blame me if they told y'all something/somewhere else; and my favorite one is 'dukaanka baan ka soo jiireyneyney' ps: i will see ya next week, until then "Peace,Love & Unity." BOB
  18. Originally posted by Didi Kong: The title of this topic should be why do the Somali sista like the Ajnabi guys and not Kafaaxiye. that is the Title, well, only in place of Kafaaxiye, you would have Somali male/boyz read between the lines, sxb, i know i am still in the topic with the above example. I leave it to you to find how and where. What did the afro dude have that you were missing hmmm nothing. and that is the point~
  19. In one of my previous Xamaali stations, we rode a bus to get to another location. the bus would take about an hour to get to the post. In that rare Xamaali position, there were four Somalis, two older ones, and me and another sister. The sista was a typical somali, only that she dressed like an American; she had her jeans on, and her t!ts on, and her back on! other than that she had all the blessed features of a fine sister, with a brown skin, small eyes, and that special submissive, nacam and waayahay, Somali voice. After days in and out, i never bothered talking to her, i thought she was more tuned to herself, and didn't need my whispering. the other Somalis, well, you know they were bit older and were from X and Y, they had more in their hands than them to think about us. couple days after we started to work and still riding that bus to and from that station, an Afro-Am dude was hired. to make it shorter, the guy was no different than I, he was quiet, minded his business, and sat alone (everyone did that). the sista started moving, talking, and sitting with this Afro dude, though i felt his uneasiness with the situation, cuz he was always trying to move to the opposite direction, or would say nothing for sometime. i don't know what transpired that connection, but i felt that dude had something we were missing, even if he wasn't a perfect example of it.
  20. Title of thread: The Doob Single Anthem Post: Would you marry Me, If all i had was, 1. vision, but no screen 2. light, but no iftiin 3. plan, but no decision 4. salaat, but no sadaqah 5. enough income, but no saving 6. Toyota, but no Expedition 7. T-mobile, but no Time 8. apartment, but no home 9. floor, but no carpet 10. closets, but not enough hangers 11. cable, but basic 12. daah, but no decorations 13. food, but no vitamin 14. water, but not distilled 15. shaah, but no pop 16. News, but no movie 17. Saado, but no Siyaado 18. Shopping? yes, but yearly 19. family back home? nacam, but fifty a month 20. children? hmm, give me a week Would You? [ April 11, 2006, 20:38: Message edited by: Rahima ]
  21. ^i see you have shopped from the local Negative Mac-Macaan Store a relationship of any kind can take many turns and angles, or simply mean different things to to many characters and individuals. the one i have in mind is one that allows both genders to see one another as friends without melicious intent or lust (many are still at this stage of thinking i guess). this relationship can be so beneficial and benign that neither member wants to be the cause that ends it. in our somali socity one has to either be married to a woman or must be a close relative to even think about engaging a sista. in the West, we face new challenges, we are no longer behind close doors, lived in our lovely balakuuti houses or in an exclusively sister and brotherly cubicals. Today we confront sisters in our workplace, schools, and outdoors. why is so much hype, negativity, or hear stereotypical comments when it comes to having a friend of the opposite gender; whatever that might mean. for some, this could mean a pizza day, a movie night, or an even an occional drive-thru. for someone else, it could mean a simple phone call, to get the 'hello' across and get the 'hey' in return. i guess it all have to be, like some have said, within the parameters of the reletionship. the question still stands, to why we have been seperated even as other communities are more united (remember this could leak into our social inactivity and patterns towards one another, etc.), or try to shun those individuals who have tried to do otherwise. I am afraid, if we don't make that transition, or have the mind to discuss it beforehand that it might cause some of our sisters to conclude, like Ibtisam has wittingly done; to avoid being friends with Somali (opposite sex) if your friendly with them they think you fancy their pants off and if your ignore them they think your stuck up or you think your too good for them
  22. ^thanks Ahura :mad: i can't name everyone, thanks y'all. for the religious folks; Pucca, huuno and Passion, my iman is neither full nor empty; that is why I raised the question. Lol@Lazyie, you hit Levie's ball so hard, i think it is still in the air, i don't even know when it will land i hate those people who buy things like 'everything has been said', or we finished that topic. Life is evolving, every news is new. thanks for your long input as well, and sorry to the two mates you lost. JLee, if you just put the bar down a bit, maybe...
  23. lol@zafir, my fifth sense agrees with you~ Scarlet, nothing wrong with your Somali, i actually like it I would have stayed with the boyz, but i am also worried about the safety of our beloved sisters, if they should chill with someone, it should be no one but a Faarax.
  24. 1.sheeko 2.qado 3. and shaah The hardest three things you Did so far
  25. In my short but blessed life, i have seen enough stuff to know alot of things. the most amazing of these are how the young generation are so much separated by gender lines. why can't a Somali brotha be friends with like-minded sisters out there, why do we shame those that cross the line, or do things the right way? why do their have to be interior motives behind a pure friendship? i found out most of the things we subscribe to are either an old Dhaqan or built on Jahli. or is it as one of my favorite standup comadians once said that a male friend of a female is nothing but a "!=> in a glass case", they use it when they are broken, but leave it when happy! All in all, how many of you buy that or are selling it?