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Everything posted by SomeAlien

  1. how bout mindin yr own buisness. seriously, this isnt an "epidemic" and itl most likely never reach that point amongst somalis for a number of reasons. really, breath in, breath out.
  2. Originally posted by Gentleman: [QB] What is smart women? another term for Liberated women?, the ones that we see on catwalks and fashion displays naked and looks all rapped? ummm no, that would be a bimbo. who said that bein smart or liberated equated displayin yr body in a sexual manner?really do you not see how ridiculous that is?and if yr argument is that that is what westerners think i suggest you read some real feminist literature instead of watching sex and the city for yr point of reference cause the west is just as sexist as anywhere else, just in different manners. also, could someone please explain to me how intellect and faith are supposed to go hand in hand if faith is blind? i can understand if you want to dismiss anythin a non muslim says cause of mistrust but...wtv this is becomin a debate.
  3. Yeah but we treat it like their birthday, cause they used to plan elaborate partys 4 us when we were little so...
  4. Originally posted by Quite -Storm: In October, a U.S. official in East Africa said the United States was likely to exclude families in which the women have recently undergone genital mutilation, a common practice among some ethnic groups in the region. A State Department official said the U.S. government strongly condemned the practice of female genital mutilation, but she did not take a position on whether the families who have practiced it would be excluded. thats not fair is it? i mean the women werent exactly askin for one...wtv
  5. i think thats more like post modernism, or the result of.n/m except this part :And this is sent to you by a Canadian, using Bill Gates' technology and you are reading this on one of the IBM clones that use Taiwanese-made chips, and Korean-made monitors, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant, transported by lorries driven by Indians, unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen, trucked by Mexican illegal aliens, and finally sold to you. thats globalisation.
  6. kinda looks like somethin from a cheap sci-fi film dont it? can you hear the freaky suspensful music?
  7. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: OG Girl. If you ever goto Somalia, you would have a tuff time. Unlike you, people in Somalia haven't lost their culture, and know that MEN are the dominant. So please, young one, get back to your heritage and accept your role in Somali society. thnk you that has nothing to do with culture,culture GROWS, any set of societal rules or conventions that remains stagnant throughout many generation because of methods of coersion, or the denial of CHOICE,and basic rights, is called a REGIME, you glorified ape. thank you.
  8. ummm yeah... we are black!?
  9. hahahahahahahhahah!!!! classic! nice. n/m
  10. its not just a somali problem.
  11. Originally posted by WiNgEr: Salaams.. Where are the WMD?? have they found anything?? Why didnt they get backing from the UN?? Why do they wanted rebuild Iraq not the UN?? Where is Saddam and he's Son's?? if they were so dangerous they should sorted them out a long time ago.. i think you have bin watching FOX NEWS too much brother (i dont know if i should call u that) and how about all the iraqi ppl died and the many who scared for there life from criminals and looters?? . yeah what he said
  12. so what? its not individual people theyre villifiying, its the institution, and the fact that you dont see the holes in yr last little speech is a lil troubling, but hey do you. eat yr freedom fries and big mac and ignore the problems o the world until yr fascist president convinces you done.
  13. Originally posted by opinionated: You think 20 is depressin'? try 22! its not the number its the fact that im at the prime of my life and im 'not taking advantage o it, i sometimes feel like a child compared to my siblings when they were 20...and i am 20, i got my 'birth certificate to prove it, besides what would be my goal in lying?
  14. communism is dead;islam is the new enemy. america wants to be an emperical power like 'england used to be(see India and the 'continent of Africa) and theyre succeeding by blinding people like you. theres a reason why they dont teach critical thinking in american schools, think about it.
  15. yup so yesterday i got my workout on and than hung out with friends, i have a bunch of books i have to return but it can wait til later.right now im eating a bowl of cereal, wild stuff huh? 'i think 'id make a great senior.
  16. america helped saddam into power and did the same for many other dictators and generally ONLY have their own interersts in mind and... damn i dont know what to say other than practice some critical thinking when watching the news and read up on 'some 'history ...also CONGO is suffering a genocidal war right now, you think theyre gonna "rescue" the people like they did the iraqis(funny how all their history disapeared) or you think theyll stand back like they did the rawandanese?