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Everything posted by SomeAlien

  1. Originally posted by Section6er: Nin Yaaban has got to be an alias of another nomad. ive been saying that for the longest. i think its og-moti. but the fellas seem to enjoy him, he says what theyre too scared to say.
  2. king 450 are you saying that a woman is wrong to want to be in a completely monogomous relationship?
  3. fine ill play. my name means expensive in somali, but priceless in arabic. (i like the arabic meaning better). it could also mean, dear (as in i hold you dear, or my dear), cheri, cher... my dad wrote that on my 16th birthday card, its about the only time i appreciated what they named me. my grand pa is the one who picked it and he makes ****** jokes about it whenever he visits.
  4. Thsi is a cool post for the avatars alone. we got dancin naked baby, bugs bunny gone mad,mc hammer and sailor moon... it just puts a smile on my face. *sniff* *wipes lone tear from eye*
  5. Originally posted by Modesty: I can't believe that those people are Somalis. For one, this could be a cut 'N' PASTE thing. Secondly, they wouldn't be sitting comfortably around white slave owners like that. I think possibily they could've been Muslim Senegalese,who were brought to the U.S.A as slaves.But No, those people can't be Somalis...Plus why would anyone want to flee our beautiful country with all our goats,and camels in 1915 to come to a cold place like Chicago! I'm not buying this! :cool: 1)what woulbe the goal in cut n pasting the pics, what kind of satisfaction would one get in doing so? and 2) theyre not slave owners, slavery ended sometime in the 1890s, AND, although somalis and east aficans didnt generally fall victim to the slave trade, there ARE a few that fell in those traps. in 1915, the jim crow laws is what id be worried about though. but than again, they could just be travelling through.
  6. omg! look at all the dancin avators, its like a lil private party where nobdys listening to the same music. *stares like in a trance* *giggles maniacally*
  7. i hate my name, it gives people the wrong impression about me... well somali people that is.
  8. accually the american authorities leave em alone in general. its just that there was this one guy who married his 14yr old cousin and than the police in utah decided they should do somethn about it.
  9. why do black guys always date these busted lookin fat white chicks?seriously, whenever i see a inter-racial couple its alwaysa fat whte woman an a black dude. is this some kind of fethish that the brothers are cultivating to match up with these white girls fetish for black dudes? i cant answer you cause i really dont know how crackers think.
  10. SomeAlien


    Opening your legs then saying "I need to be educated about sex" Yeah right. How ****** is that Some people cant resist temptation. That's there only problem. If I was either one of these kids parents (Thank god I aint) I would knock some since into them. :mad: I am sick and tired of hearing, "It just happened" Or "He forced me" Excuses, excuses, excuses, they never seem to run out of excuses. :mad: I reckon that these girls need to be sent back to Somalia so that they can get their things stitched up. Some of you might think that ama sick or whatever but if that's the only way that can help them then so be it. [/QB] "he forced me" is an excuse? id say its an excuse to call the cops on his ass. butchering their genitals is the solution you have for a kid having sex? im sorry, but its comments like that, and thinking like that, that these kids are having "secret" abortions for. underdog had a point,(it was somewhere in between him calling me a heathen and a pimp) pre-marital sex is at the root of this problem and we need to be able to adress it properly (at least better than you did) if/ when it happens. i really hope you wrote that out of anger or something cause i think you got more sense than that. it takes two.
  11. SomeAlien


    any guys having sex ilhan?
  12. SomeAlien


    you can blame the times, the country yr living in, wtv. but yr just fooling yrself. fyi, im not glorifying anything, people are having sex, kids are having sex and it isnt a NEW phenomenon so youll just have to deal with it. of course abstinence should be taught, the fact that theyre too young to be having sex is obvious by their reaction to the consequences, but thse girls wouldnt be so quick to run to a clinic if they had someone to guide them instead of turn them away (which is what theyre afraid of) shaking yr head isnt helping resolve this problem is it? and as far as islamic rule being valid for 1400 yrs, that may be true, but there was NEVER a point in time where the majority of any pop. lived by it, especially concerning pre-marital sex. do a poll asking the single guys at sol if any of them are virgins, i bet you the results ll be HELLA different for the girls. why? cause society is more forgiving to male screw ups. i admire yr ideologic views on people, but i think when discussing a topic like this you should be a lil pragmatic. pre-marital sex is wrong and dangerous, but it tends to happen when two horny people are alone together. they did it, they wanted it, now what? well judging by the responses here, we should all goad the female, but that doesnt seem right does it? how about teaching them the sacredness of their bodies (this goes for the fellas too), the sacredness of a relationship between a man and a woman, and the beauty of the waiting process. but that likely wont happen cause were too busy congratulating the guy on his easy lay, and calling the girl a slut and reminding her that her self-worth as a person is really worthless. i never said that getting an abortion was their only solution, i just understand how a teenager (essentially a child) would find an abortion an attractive solution, ESPECIALLY somali teens. i said im pro-choice cause im really sympathetic to a woman whod be in a situation where she had to choose between those horrendous 2 options. abortion's a serious issue and i resent you accusing me of peddling it like some candy.
  13. SomeAlien


    im retracting over and over, why cause my arguments last year were "pro-choice" why? im not sure, i guess being one who doesnt indulge in such a practice and isnt directly affected by it (and not likely to be too) you sometimes give yourself the right to give your opinion on the subject anyway. at least i did. however in doing so, my pity and sorrow was displaced. i felt bad for the women who were in situations where theyd have to opt for an abortion. subhanallah, ya allah forgive me. its the children who are dying for no reason.
  14. SomeAlien


    i definitely retract. what was i on?
  15. SomeAlien


    i really doubt its a new phenomenon, but thats just me. at least now nobody can ignore it.
  16. i dont think this guy is real, hes just a random a-ole who wants some attention... specifically from females. my advice is ignore him and he'll soon disappear.
  17. i got the BAAADEST one in this bi***.
  18. RACIST!!! honestly dark chocoate is kinda bitter (as they should be), milk chocolate is where its at. white chocolate is good too but only the expensive kinds, the cheap ones taste, well, cheap.
  19. that article is also from 1998, thats a while ago.
  20. none of those lines would work other than the "do you have the time?" one
  21. whats with the caps? and was the censored word a degrading comment?
  22. did they give any reasons why he was murdered? wasnt thee a body of a young somali girl found around those parts recently?? maybe someones targeting somalis, huh?